
Desprez Sylvain

Université de Mons - UMONS > Unités externes > Materia Nova ASBL

Main Referenced Co-authors
ABEBE, Muluneh Geremew  (6)
DAMMAN, Pascal  (6)
Khousakoun, Eric  (6)
MAES, Bjorn  (6)
GABRIELE, Sylvain  (4)
Main Referenced Keywords
Hydrogels (1); mechanotransduction (1); microengineering (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
CRPM - Physique des matériaux (6)
CIRMAP - Centre d'Innovation et de Recherche en Matériaux Polymères (4)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Physics (13)
Chemistry (5)
Materials science & engineering (1)
Biochemistry, biophysics & molecular biology (1)

Publications (total 14)

The most downloaded
Abebe, M. G., Rosolen, G., Khousakoun, E., Odent, J., Raquez, J. M., Desprez, S., & Maes, B. (19 October 2020). Dynamic Thermal-Regulating Textiles with Metallic Fibers Based on a Switchable Transmittance. Physical Review Applied, 14 (4).

The most cited

111 citations (OpenAlex)

Damman, P., Gabriele, S., Coppee, S., Desprez, S., Villers, D., Vilmin, T., Raphael, E., Hamieh, M., Al Akhrass, S., & Reiter, G. (20 July 2007). Relaxation of Residual Stress and Reentanglement of Polymers in Spin-Coated Films. Physical Review Letters, 99 (3), 036101-036104. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.036101

ABEBE, M. G., Khousakoun, E., Gidik, H., Mohsenzadeh, E., Desprez, S., & Maes, B. (2023). A Textured Surface Platform for Dual-Mode Temperature Regulation in Photonic Textiles. ACS Applied Optical Materials. doi:10.1021/acsaom.3c00178
Peer reviewed

Abebe, M. G., Khousakoun, E., Desprez, S., & Maes, B. (2021). Dynamic thermal regulating textiles using wrinkles for emission control. In Autex 2021 - Unfolding the Future. Guimaraes, Unknown/unspecified: Local Organizing Committee.
Peer reviewed

Abebe, M. G., Khousakoun, E., Odent, J., Raquez, J. M., Desprez, S., & Maes, B. (2021). Heat transfer regulation for textiles using tailorable metallic wires [Paper presentation]. The 11th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Warsaw, Poland.

Abebe, M. G., Rosolen, G., Khousakoun, E., Odent, J., Raquez, J. M., Desprez, S., & Maes, B. (19 October 2020). Dynamic Thermal-Regulating Textiles with Metallic Fibers Based on a Switchable Transmittance. Physical Review Applied, 14 (4).
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Abebe, M. G., Rosolen, G., Khousakoun, E., Odent, J., Raquez, J. M., Desprez, S., & Maes, B. (10 September 2020). Dynamic photonic thermoregulating textile [Poster presentation]. Belgian Photonics Online Meetup, virtual, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Abebe, M. G., Khousakoun, E., Desprez, S., Raquez, J. M., & Maes, B. (11 June 2019). Temperature-regulating textiles using switchable infrared reflectivity [Paper presentation]. AUTEX2019 - 19th World Textile Conference on Textiles at the Crossroads, Ghent, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Guyot, C., Desprez, S., Paint, Y., Maseri, F., & Voué, M. (22 August 2016). Thickness dependence of refractive index of Ag-PVA plasmonic nanocomposites [Paper presentation]. JMC15 - Journées de la Matière Condensée, Bordeaux, France.

Grevesse, T., Versaevel, M., Circelli, G., Desprez, S., & Gabriele, S. (29 January 2013). A simple route to functionalize polyacrylamide hydrogels for the independent tuning of mechanotransduction cues. Lab on a Chip, 13, 777-780.
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Kolaric, B., Desprez, S., Brau, F., & Damman, P. (10 July 2012). Design of curved photonic crystal using swelling induced instabilities. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 22 (32), 16205-16208.
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Kolaric, B., Vandeparre, H., Desprez, S., Vallée, R., & Damman, P. (21 December 2009). In situ tuning the optical properties of a cavity by wrinkling. Applied Physics Letters, 96, 043119. doi:10.1063/1.3298740
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Vandeparre, H., Léopoldès, J., Poulard, C., Desprez, S., Derue, G., Gay, C., & Damman, P. (02 November 2007). Slippery or Sticky Boundary Conditions: Control of Wrinkling in Metal-Capped Thin Polymer Films by Selective Adhesion to Substrates. Physical Review Letters, 99, 188302-1/4. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.188302
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Damman, P., Gabriele, S., Coppee, S., Desprez, S., Villers, D., Vilmin, T., Raphael, E., Hamieh, M., Al Akhrass, S., & Reiter, G. (20 July 2007). Relaxation of Residual Stress and Reentanglement of Polymers in Spin-Coated Films. Physical Review Letters, 99 (3), 036101-036104. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.036101
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Gabriele, S., Damman, P., Sclavons, S., Desprez, S., Coppée, S., Reiter, G., Hamieh, M., Al Akhrass, S., Vilmin, T., & Raphael, E. (01 June 2006). Viscoelastic Dewetting of Constrained Polymer Thin Films. Journal of Polymer Science. Part B, Polymer Letters, 44, 3022-3030. doi:10.1002/polb.20919
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Damman, P., Coppée, G., Derue, S., Desprez, S., Gabriele, S., Léopoldès, S., Sclavons, S., & Villers, D. (01 January 2006). Instabilité des films minces de polymère, Relations avec la dynamique des chaînes. Actualité Chimique, 300, 40-46.
Peer reviewed

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