Dandu, J. S. K., Gusarov, A., & Wuilpart, M. (2024). Optimizing ITER-Fibre Optic Current Sensor performance. In Proceedings of the IEEEPhotonics Society Benelux Chapter 2024. Enschede, Netherlands: IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter. ![]() |
![]() ![]() | Gusarov, A., DANDU, P., & WUILPART, M. (01 September 2024). Effect of gamma-radiation on the transmission and return losses of FC/APC connectors. Journal of Instrumentation, 19 (09), 09022. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/19/09/p09022 ![]() |
Gusarov, A., Beaumont, P., Dandu, J. S. K., JET, C., & Wuilpart, M. (2024). Experience on Fibre Optics Current Sensor operation in the JET harsh environment for the synthetic diagnostic validation. In Proceedings of ICTON 2024 (pp. 10647583). IEEE. doi:10.1109/ICTON62926.2024.10647583 |
Wuilpart, M., Kim, S., Danisi, A., Dandu, J. S. K., & Gusarov, A. (2024). Plasma diagnosis for the ITER fusion reactor using a polarimetric fibre sensor. In Proceedings of ICTON 2024 (pp. 10647718). IEEE. doi:10.1109/ICTON62926.2024.10647718 |
![]() ![]() | Sandah, B., Dossou, M., & Wuilpart, M. (05 June 2024). Mitigation of spectral shadowing effect in direct detection double-pulse FBG-assisted phase-OTDR. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 36 (14), 885-888. doi:10.1109/lpt.2024.3407244 ![]() |
Dandu, J. S. K., Gusarov, A., Van esbeen, B., & Wuilpart, M. (2023). Spatially resolved magnetic field measurement using polarization-sensitive reflectometry-based spun optical fibre sensor. In Proceedings of OFS 2023 (pp. 3.31). OFS. doi:10.1364/OFS.2023.Tu3.31 ![]() |
![]() ![]() | Dandu, J. S. K., Gusarov, A., Leysen, W., Beaumont, P., & Wuilpart, M. (26 June 2023). Distributed Poloidal Magnetic Field Measurement in Tokamaks Using Polarization-Sensitive Reflectometric Fiber Optic Sensor. Sensors, 23 (13), 5923. doi:10.3390/s23135923 ![]() |
Sandah, B., Dossou, M., & Wuilpart, M. (2023). Measurement of polarization fading sensitivity in FBGs-assisted Phase-OTDR. In SPIE Vol. 12643. Bellingham, United States: SPIE. doi:10.1117/12.2677355 ![]() |
Dandu, P., Gusarov, A., & Wuilpart, M. (2023). Polarization-sensitive reflectometry-based plasma current measurement in ITER: influence of operating temperature. In SPIE Vol. 12643. Bellingham, United States: SPIE. doi:10.1117/12.2677343 ![]() |
Wuilpart, M., & Caucheteur, C. (Eds.). (2023). Proceedings of the European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors (EWOFS 2023). United States: SPIE. ![]() |
![]() ![]() | Bannour, A., Moeyaert, V., Mégret, P., Wuilpart, M., Guedria, L., Decelle, L., & Florence, G. (2023). On the Synchronous Ethernet for a Massive Networking Deployment: Insight Into a Tailored Cosimulated Testbed. IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, 2-12. doi:10.1109/mie.2023.3241447 ![]() |
![]() ![]() | Gusarov, A., Leysen, W., Kim, S. M., Dandu, J. S. K., Wuilpart, M., Danisi, A., Barbero soto, J. L., & Vayakis, G. (March 2023). Recent achievements in R&D on fibre optics current sensor for ITER (2023). Fusion Engineering and Design, 192, 113626. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2023.113626 ![]() |
![]() ![]() | Kim, S., Dandu, J. S. K., Gusarov, A., Danisi, A., Vayakis, G., & WUILPART, M. (28 January 2023). Assessment of the Structural Vibration Effect on Plasma Current Measurement Using a Fiber Optic Current Sensor in ITER. Sensors, 23 (3), 1460. doi:10.3390/s23031460 ![]() |
![]() ![]() | Dandu, J. S. K., Kim, S., Gusarov, A., Sandah, B., & Wuilpart, M. (03 January 2023). Precursor beat length and spun period measurement of a spun fiber using polarization optical frequency domain reflectometry. Optics Letters, 48 (2), 319. doi:10.1364/ol.476341 ![]() |
![]() ![]() | Kocal, E. B., Wuilpart, M., & Yuksel, K. (01 January 2023). Analysis of crosstalk effects in phase-OTDR system using fiber Bragg Grating Array. Optical Fiber Technology, 75 (2023), 103176. doi:10.1016/j.yofte.2022.103176 ![]() |
Dandu, J. S. K., Gusarov, A., Kim, S., & Wuilpart, M. (24 November 2022). Polarization-sensitive reflectometer for distributed magnetic field measurement in tokamaks: impact of reflectometer’s dynamic range [Paper presentation]. Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter 2022, Eindhoven, Netherlands. ![]() |
Sandah, B., Dossou, M., & Wuilpart, M. (24 November 2022). Study of polarization effects on distributed vibration sensing based on FBGs array [Paper presentation]. Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter 2022, Eindhoven, Netherlands. ![]() |
![]() ![]() | Sirin, S., Yuksel Aldogan, K., & Wuilpart, M. (12 November 2022). Current sensing using a phase-sensitive optical time domain reflectometer: feasibility study. Optical Fiber Technology, 74, 103084. doi:10.1016/j.yofte.2022.103084 ![]() |
Sandah, F., Dossou, M., & Wuilpart, M. (29 September 2022). Study of polarization effects on distributed vibration sensing based on FBGs array [Poster presentation]. BePOM 2022, Bruxellels, Belgium. |
Gusarov, A., Leysen, W., Kim, S., Dandu, J. S. K., Wuilpart, M., Danisi, A., Barbero Soto, J. L., & Vayakis, G. (18 September 2022). Recent achievements in R&D on fibre optics current sensor for ITER [Paper presentation]. Internation Symposium of Fusion Nuclear Technology (SOFT) 2022, Dubrovnik, Croatia. ![]() |
Kim, S. M., Dandu, P., Gusarov, A., Danisi, A., Vayakis, G., Barbero Soto, J. L., & Wuilpart, M. (2022). Analysis of Structural Vibration Effect on Plasma Current Measurement Using FOCS. In Proceeding SPIE 12139 (pp. 121391). SPIE. doi:10.1117/12.2621389 ![]() |
Sandah, F., Dossou, M., & Wuilpart, M. (2022). Spectral Shadowing Compensation in Double Pulse FBG-assisted Phase-OTDR. In Proceedings PIERS 2022 (pp. 530-535). PIERS. ![]() |
Gusarov, A., Leysen, W., Beaumont, P., Boboc, A., Wuilpart, M., Dandu, P., Croft, D., Bekris, N., Batistoni, P., & JET, C. (2022). Long-term stability of the toroidal current measurement at JET using fibre optics current sensor. Journal of Instrumentation. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/17/04/C04021 ![]() |
Dandu, P., Gusarov, A., Moreau, P., Leysen, W., Kim, S. M., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (18 March 2022). Plasma current measurement in ITER with a polarization-OTDR: impact of fiber bending and twisting on the measurement accuracy. Applied Optics, 61 (9), 2406-2416. ![]() |
Wuilpart, M. (04 March 2022). Phase-sensitive optical-domain reflectometry for sensing purposes [Paper presentation]. Workshop on ‘Fiber-optic sensors for thermal hydraulic measurements’ (NURETH 2022), Mons, Belgium. |
![]() ![]() | Gorshkov, B. G., Yuksel, K., Fotiadi, A., Wuilpart, M., Korobko, D. A., Zhirnov, A. A., Stepanov, K. V., Turov, A. T., Konstantinov, Y. A., & Lobach, I. A. (28 January 2022). Scientific applications of distributed acoustic sensing: state-of-the-art review an perspective. Sensors, 22. ![]() |
Sandah, F., Dossou, M., & Wuilpart, M. (15 January 2022). Étude comparative des méthodes d'interrogation à simple et double impulsion pour un capteur de vibrations basé sur un réflectomètre sensible à la phase interrogeant une cascade de FBGs [Paper presentation]. JS-ISRADD 2021, Cotonou, Benin. ![]() |
Sandah, F., Dossou, M., & Wuilpart, M. (2021). Spectral shadowing compensation for distributed vibration sensing based on weak FBGs array using double-pulse and direct detection [Paper presentation]. 25th Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, Mons, Belgium. |
Kim, S. M., Dandu, P., Gusarov, A., Danisi, A., Vayakis, G., & Wuilpart, M. (2021). Assessment of the effect of vibration applied to the ITER FOCS in the cryostat bridge [Paper presentation]. 25th Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, Mons, Belgium. |
Dandu, P., Kim, S. M., Gusarov, A., Leysen, W., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2021). Measurement of precursor linear birefringence beat length of Hi-Bi spun fibre using polarization reflectometry [Paper presentation]. 25th Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, Mons, Belgium. |
Dandu, P., Gusarov, A., Moreau, P., Leysen, W., Kim, S. M., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2021). Polarization-OTDR-based optical fibre sensor for plasma current measurement in ITER: effect of fibre bending, twisting and temperature dependence of Verdet constant on the measurement accuracy [Paper presentation]. SPIE Optical Sensors 2021, Digital forum, Unknown/unspecified. |
Dandu, P., Gusarov, A., Moreau, P., Leysen, W., Bostyn, C., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (25 January 2021). Effect of optical fibre bending on plasma current measurement in ITER using a polarisation-OTDR setup. Fusion Engineering and Design, 166. ![]() |
Gusarov, A., Leysen, W., Beaumont, P., Wuilpart, M., Dandu, P., Boboc, A., Croft, D., Bekris, N., Batistoni, P., & JET, C. (07 January 2021). Performance assessment of plasma current measurement at JET using optics current sensor. Fusion Engineering and Design, 162. ![]() |
Kocal, E. B., Yuksel, K., & Wuilpart, M. (2020). Combined effect of multi-reflection and spectral shadowing crosstalk in phase-OTDR system using fiber Bragg grating array [Paper presentation]. Optical FIber Sensors 2020, Alexandria, United States. doi:10.1364/ofs.2020.t3.40 |
Spirin, V. V., Lopez-Mercado, C. A., Wuilpart, M., Korobko, D. A., Zolotovskii, I. O., & Fotiadi, A. (01 October 2020). Using a semiconductor laser with frequency capture as an operating optical generator of a coherent reflectometer for distributed vibration frequency measurements. Instruments and Experimental Techniques, 63 (4), 476-480. ![]() |
Yuksel, K., Jason, J., Kocal, E. B., Lopez-Amo, M., & Wuilpart, M. (2020). [Invited] An overview of the recent advances in FBG-assisted phase-sensitive OTDR technique and its applications [Paper presentation]. ICTON 2020, Bari, Italy. |
![]() ![]() | Wuilpart, M., Gusarov, A., Leysen, W., Batistoni, P., Moreau, P., Dandu, P., & Mégret, P. (2020). [Invited] Polarimetric optical fibre sensing for plasma current measurement in thermonuclear fusion reactors. In Proceedings of ICTON 2020. ICTON. ![]() |
Leysen, W., Gusarov, A., Wuilpart, M., Beaumont, P., Boboc, A., Croft, D., Bekris, N., Batistoni, P., & JET, C. (2020). Plasma current measurement at JET using polarimetry-based fibre optic current sensor. Fusion Engineering and Design. ![]() |
Dandu, P., Gusarov, A., Moreau, P., Leysen, W., Bostyn, C., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (20 January 2020). Effect of optical fibre bending on plasma current measurement in ITER using a polarisation-OTDR setup [Paper presentation]. 31st Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2020), Croatia. |
Karabulut, D., Miazin, A., Gusarov, A., Moreau, P., Leysen, W., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (01 December 2019). Effect of Faraday mirror imperfections in a fiber optic current sensor dedicated to ITER. Fusion Engineering and Design, 138, 48-52. ![]() |
Leysen, W., Gusarov, A., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (20 August 2019). Assessment of the environmental effects on the ITER FOCS operating in reflective scheme with Faraday mirror. Fusion Engineering and Design, 146, 805-808. ![]() |
Motuz, R., Gescheidtova, E., Leysen, W., Moreau, P., Gusarov, A., Drexler, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2019). Theoretical assessment of plasma current measurement in tokamaks in relation with the OTDR detector noise [Paper presentation]. Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2019, Rome, Italy. |
Motuz, R., Gescheidtova, E., Leysen, W., Moreau, P., Gusarov, A., Drexler, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2019). Theoretical Assessment of Plasma Current Measurement in Tokamaks in Relation with the OTDR Detector Noise [Paper presentation]. PIERS 2019, Rome, Italy. |
Motuz, R., Leysen, W., Moreau, P., Gusarov, A., Drexler, P., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (15 April 2019). Theoretical assessment of the OTDR detector noise on plasma current measurement in tokamaks. Applied Optics, 58 (11), 2795. ![]() |
Bueno Escobedo, J. L., Jason, J., Lopez-Mercado, C. A., Spirin, V. V., Wuilpart, M., Mégret, P., Korobko, D. A., Zolotovskii, I., & Fotiadi, A. (14 February 2019). Distributed measurements of vibration frequency using phase-OTDR with a DFB laser self-stabilized through PM fiber ring cavity. Results in Physics, 12, 1840-1842. ![]() |
Spirin, V. V., Lopez-Mercado, C. A., Jason, J., Bueno-Escobedo, J. L., Mégret, P., Wuilpart, M., Korokbo, D. A., Zolotovskii, I. O., & Fotiadi, A. (2019). Cost-effective solution for phase-OTDR acoustic sensing [Paper presentation]. SPIE Photonics WEST 2019, San Francisco, United States. |
De Miguel Soto, V., Jason, P.-J., Kurtoglu, D., Lopez-Amo, M., & Wuilpart, M. (01 February 2019). Spectral shadowing suppression technique in phase-OTDR sensing based on weak fiber Bragg grating array. Optics Letters, 44 (3), 526-529. ![]() |
![]() ![]() | Yuksel, K., Jason, J., & Wuilpart, M. (15 December 2018). Distributed measurements of vibration frequency using phase-OTDR with a DFB laser self-stabilized through PM fiber ring cavity. Uludağ University Journal of The Faculty of Engineering, 23 (3), 355. ![]() |
Yuksel, K., Jason, P.-J., De Miguel Soto, V., Lopez-Amo, M., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2018). Performance evaluation of phase-OTDR sensing system based on weak fiber Bragg grating array. In Proceeding of the IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter 2018. IEEE Photononics Society Benelex Chapter. ![]() |
Jason, P.-J., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2018). Noise reduction in phase-OTDR distributed acoustic sensing for railway monitoring applications [Paper presentation]. IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter 2018, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Gusarov, A., Leysen, W., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (16 September 2018). Assessment of environmental effects on the ITER FOCS operating in reflective scheme with Faraday mirror [Paper presentation]. 14th International Symposium of Fusion Nuclear Technology, Giardini Naxos, Italy. |
Nguyen, T. T., Le, S. T., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (01 August 2018). Experimental Demonstration of a Low-Complexity Phase Noise Compensation for CO-OFDM Systems. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 30 (16), 1467-1470. ![]() |
Nguyen, T. T., Le, S. T., Nissel, R., Wuilpart, M., Van Compernolle, L., & Mégret, P. (15 July 2018). Pseudo-Pilot Coding Based Phase Noise Estimation for Coherent Optical FBMC-OQAM Transmissions. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 36 (14), 2859-2867. ![]() |
Jason, P.-J., Popov, S. M., Butov, O., Chamarovski, Y. K., Golant, K., Fotiadi, A., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2018). Sensitivity of high Rayleigh scattering fiber in acoustic/vibration sensing using phase-OTDR [Paper presentation]. SPIE Photonics Europe 2018, Strasbourg, France. |
Lopez-Mercado, C. A., Jason, P.-J., Spirin, V. V., Bueno Escobedo, J. L., Wuilpart, M., Mégret, P., Korobko, D. A., Zolotovskii, I., & Fotiadi, A. (2018). Cost-effective laser source for phase-OTDR vibration sensing [Paper presentation]. SPIE Photonics Europe 2018, Strasbourg, France. |
Kinet, D., Wuilpart, M., Reginster, M., Caucheteur, C., & Musin, F. (2018). Cost-effective optical fiber gas leakage detector around buried pipelines [Paper presentation]. SPIE Photonics Europe, Strasbourg, France. |
Gusarov, A., Leysen, W., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (12 March 2018). Status and future developments of R&D on fiber optics current sensor for ITER. Fusion Engineering and Design, 136, 477-480. ![]() |
Wuilpart, M., Gusarov, A., Moreau, P., Leysen, W., & Mégret, P. (11 December 2017). Polarization-sensitive reflectometry for the measurement of plasma current in Tore Supra [Paper presentation]. FMR2017: 9eme journée sur les fibres optiques en milieu radiatif, Mons, Belgium. |
Miazin, A., Gusarov, A., Leysen, W., & Wuilpart, M. (2017). Experimental analysis of polarization rotation sensitivity to temperature in commercial Faraday mirrors [Paper presentation]. IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter 2017, Delft, Netherlands. |
Hontinfindé, R., Coulibaly, S., Mégret, P., Taki, M., & Wuilpart, M. (2017). Spatially-resolved measurement of supercontinuum generation along highly nonlinear optical fibers with a 14-cm spatial resolution [Paper presentation]. IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter 2017, Delft, Netherlands. |
Jason, P.-J., Yuksel, K., & Wuilpart, M. (2017). Laboratory evaluation of a phase-OTDR setup for railway monitoring applications [Paper presentation]. IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter 2017, Delft, Netherlands. |
Nguyen, T. T., Le, S. T., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2017). A Joint Synchronization for FBMC-Based Spectrum Slicing Optical Transmission Systems [Paper presentation]. Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, Guangzhou, Guangdong , China. |
Nguyen, T. T., Le, S. T., Wuilpart, M., Yakusheva, T., & Mégret, P. (30 October 2017). Simplified extended Kalman filter phase noise estimation for CO-OFDM transmissions. Optics Express, 25 (22), 27247-27261. ![]() |
Nguyen, T. T., Le, S. T., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2017). Timing mismatch tolerance of 16QAM OFDM based spectrum slicing optical transmission systems [Paper presentation]. 30th Annual Conference of the IEEE Photonics Society, Orlando, United States - Florida. |
Nguyen, T. T., LE, S. T., He, Q., Van Compernolle, L., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2017). Multicarrier Approaches for high-baudrate Optical-Fiber Transmission Systems with a Single Coherent Receiver [Paper presentation]. 30th Annual Conference of the IEEE Photonics Society, Orlando, United States - Florida. |
Gusarov, A., Leysen, W., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (25 September 2017). Status and future developments of R&D on fiber optics current sensor for ITER [Paper presentation]. 13th International Symposium of Fusion Nuclear Technology, Kyoto, Japan. |
Hontinfinde, R., Coulibaly, S., Mégret, P., Taki, M., & Wuilpart, M. (2017). Metrology of supercontinuum generation along highly nonlinear fibers using photon-counting optical time domain reflectometry [Paper presentation]. CLEO Pacific Rim 2017, Singapour, Singapore. |
Wuilpart, M., Goussarov, A., Moreau, P., & Mégret, P. (2017). [Invited] Plasma current measurement in thermonulcear fusion reactors using a reflectometry technique [Paper presentation]. Advanced Photonics Congress, Sensors 2017, Nouvelle Orléans, United States. |
Wuilpart, M., Hontinfinde, R., Coulibaly, S., Mégret, P., & Taki, M. (2017). [Invited] Spatially-resolved measurement of supercontinuum generation along optical fibers [Paper presentation]. ICTON 2017, Gérone, Spain. |
Nguyen, T. T., Nissel, R., Le, S. T., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2017). Equalization-Enhanced Phase Noise Suppression Advantage of CO-FBMC over RGI CO-OFDM [Paper presentation]. CLEO Europe 2017, Munich, Germany. |
Wuilpart, M., Gusarov, A., Moreau, P., & Mégret, P. (2017). [Invited] Measurement of plasma currents in Tokamaks using an optical fibre reflectometry technique [Paper presentation]. ANIMMA 2017, Liège, Belgium. |
Cen, M., Chen, J., Moeyaert, V., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (16 June 2017). Advanced fault monitoring scheme for ring based long-reach optical access networks. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35 (10), 1876. ![]() |
Nguyen, T. T., Le, S. T., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2017). An improvement in delay mismatch tolerance for 128 Gbaud 16QAM spectral slicing transmission system employing multicarrier technique [Paper presentation]. CLEO : Applications and Technology 2017, San José, United States. |
Hontinfinde, R., Coulibaly, S., Mégret, P., Taki, M., & Wuilpart, M. (2017). Comparative study of the reflectometry and cut-back techniques for the distributed measurement of supercontinuum generation along optical fibers [Paper presentation]. CLEO : Applications and Technology 2017, San José, United States. |
Nguyen, T. T., Le, S. T., He, Q., Van Compernolle, L., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (26 March 2017). Multicarrier approaches for high-baudrate optical-fiber transmission systems with a single coherent receiver. IEEE Photonics Journal, 9 (2). ![]() |
Wuilpart, M., Aerssens, M., Gusarov, A., Moreau, P., & Mégret, P. (06 March 2017). Plasma current measurement in thermonuclear fusion reactors using a photon-Counting POTDR. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 29 (6), 547-550. ![]() |
Wuilpart, M. (2016). Une brève histoire de la fibre optique. Article publié dans le Livre "c au Beffroi", ISBN 978-2-87325-098-0. |
Hontinfinde, R., Coulibaly, S., Mégret, P., Taki, M., & Wuilpart, M. (2016). Distributed measurement of supercontinuum generation along highly nonlinear optical fiber [Paper presentation]. IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter Symposium 2016, Gand, Belgium. |
Tihon, P., Mégret, P., Wuilpart, M., & Verlinden, O. (13 August 2016). Design and study of mechanical transducers for an optical-fiber accelerometer based on polarization effects. Measurement, 94 (7), 432-440. ![]() |
Musin, F., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (28 July 2016). Fiber-Optic Surface Temperature Sensor Based on Modal Interference. Sensors, 16, 1-14. ![]() |
Baker, C., Vanus, B., Wuilpart, M., Chen, L., & Bao, X. (17 July 2016). Enhancement of optical pulse extinction-ratio using the nonlinear Kerr effect for phase-OTDR. Optics Express, 24 (17), 19424-19434. doi:10.1364/OE.24.019424 ![]() |
Cen, M., Chen, J., Moeyaert, V., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (11 July 2016). Full monitoring for long-reach TWDM passive optical networks. Optics Express, 24 (14), 15782-15797. ![]() |
Cen, M., Chen, J., Moeyaert, V., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2016). [Invited] Full Monitoring for Long-Reach TWDM Passive Optical Networks based on TRA technique [Paper presentation]. ICTON 2016, Trento, Italy. |
Boivinet, S., LECOURT, J.-B., Gogneau, A., Hernandez, Y., Fotiadi, A., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2016). Laser à verrouillage de modes par rotation non-linéaire de la polarisation dans des fibres PM [Paper presentation]. Journées Nationales de l'Optique Guidée, Bordeaux, France. |
Wuilpart, M., Vanus, B., Andrasan, A., Gusarov, A., Moreau, P., & Mégret, P. (2016). Study of a fibre-optics current sensor for the measurement of plasma current in ITER [Paper presentation]. Sixth European Workshop in Optical Fiber Sensors (EWOFS) 2016, Limerick, Ireland. |
Faustov, A., Goussarov, A., Wuilpart, M., Mégret, P., Zhukov, A., Novikov, S. G., Svetuhin, V. V., & Fotiadi, A. (20 February 2016). Application of phosphate doped fibers for OFDR dosimetry. Results in Physics, 6, 86-87. ![]() |
Nguyen, T. T., Mhatli, S., Giacoumidis, E., Van Compernolle, L., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (20 February 2016). Fiber nonlinearity equalizer based on support vector classification for coherent optical OFDM. IEEE Photonics Journal, 8 (2). ![]() |
Faustov, A., Gusarov, A., Mégret, P., Wuilpart, M., Kinet, D., Zhukov, A., Novikov, S. G., Svetukhin, V. V., & Fotiadi, A. (01 February 2016). Gamma radiation-induced blue shift of resonance peaks of Bragg gratings in pure silica fibres. Quantum Electronics, 46 (2), 150-154. ![]() |
Nguyen, T. T., Wuilpart, M., Van Compernolle, L., & Mégret, P. (2015). SVM training based model for nonlinear phase noise mitigation in 16-QAM multicarrier optical system [Paper presentation]. 20th Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, Brussels, Belgium. |
Hontinfinde, R., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2015). Distributed measurement of supercontinuum in an optical fiber using a reflectometry technique [Paper presentation]. 20th Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, Brussels, Belgium. |
Cen, M., Chen, J., Moeyaert, V., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2015). A Full Monitoring Scheme for Long-reach TWDM PONs [Paper presentation]. Asia Communications and Photonics Conference 2015 (ACP 2015), Hong-Kong, China. |
Boivinet, S., Hernandez, Y., LECOURT, J.-B., Wuilpart, M., Fotiadi, A., & Mégret, P. (2015). 547 kHz repetition rate all-fiber mode-locked laser delivering picoseconds pulse at 1 μm wavelength [Paper presentation]. Advanced Solid State Lasers Conference 2015, Adlershof-Berlin, Germany. |
Aerssens, M., Goussarov, A., Descamps, F., Moreau, P., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (01 August 2015). Influence of the optical fiber type on the performances of fiber-optics current sensor dedicated to plasma current measurement in ITER. Applied Optics, 54 (19), 5983-5991. ![]() |
Cen, M., Chen, J., Moeyaert, V., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2015). [Invited] Advanced Transmission-Reflection-Analysis (TRA) System for Long-Reach Passive Optical Network Monitoring [Paper presentation]. ICTON 2015, Budapest, Hungary. |
Musin, F., Mégret, P., Wuilpart, M., Grandjean, H., Callemeyn, J., & Fohal, J.-C. (2015). Fiber optic temperature sensor using intermodal interference for linear infrastructures monitoring [Paper presentation]. JiCABLE 2015, Versailles, France. |
Boivinet, S., LECOURT, J.-B., Hernandez, Y., Fotiadi, A., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2015). All-fiber laser based on NPE in PM fiber with two active sections [Paper presentation]. CLEO Europe 2015, Munich, Germany. |
Cen, M., Chen, J., Moeyaert, V., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2015). An advanced dark fiber monitoring system for next generation optical access networks [Paper presentation]. Workshop IEEE Photonics Society Benelux, Mons, Belgium. |
Alexey, F., Goussarov, A., Mégret, P., Wuilpart, M., Zhukov, A., Novikov, S. G., Svetuhin, V. V., & Fotiadi, A. (15 May 2015). The Use of Optical Frequency-Domain Reflectometry in Remote Distributed Measurements of the γ-Radiation Dose. Technical Physics Letters, 41 (5), 412-415. ![]() |
Cen, M., Chen, J., Moeyaert, V., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2015). Efficient monitoring for ring-based long-reach passive optical networks [Paper presentation]. Optical Fiber Conference (OFC), Los Angeles, United States. |
Boivinet, S., LECOURT, J.-B., Hernandez, Y., Fotiadi, A., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2015). Impact of chromatic dispersion and spectral filtering in an all-fiber mode-locked Ytterbium laser [Paper presentation]. SPIE Photonics West 2015, San Francisco, United States. |
![]() ![]() | Tihon, P., Verlinden, O., Kouroussis, G., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (27 January 2015). Design and test of a novel accelerometer made-up of an optical-fiber embedded within a polymer resin. MATEC Web of Conferences, 20, 05001. ![]() |
Cen, M., Chen, J., Moeyaert, V., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (31 December 2014). Multi-wavelength transmission-reflection analysis for fiber monitoring. Optics Express, 22 (25), 31248-31262. ![]() |
Mégret, P., Faustov, A., Goussarov, A., & Wuilpart, M. (02 December 2014). Monitoring of concrete by embedded fibers and optical frequency domain reflectometry [Paper presentation]. FMR2014 : 5e journées sur les Fibres Optiques en Milieu Radiatif, Lille, France. |
![]() ![]() | Tihon, P., Verlinden, O., Kouroussis, G., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2014). Design and test of a novel accelerometer made-up of an optical-fiber embedded within a polymer resin [Paper presentation]. 4ième Colloque 'Analyse vibratoire Expérimentale', Blois, France. |
Cen, M., Chen, J., Moeyaert, V., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2014). An advanced dark fiber monitoring system for next generation ring-and-spur long-reach passive optical networks [Paper presentation]. IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter Symposium 2014, Enschede, Netherlands. |
Musin, F., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2014). Fiber-optic temperature sensor based on image processing of intermodal interference pattern [Paper presentation]. IEEE Sensors 2014, Valence, Spain. |
Boivinet, S., LECOURT, J.-B., Hernandez, Y., Fotiadi, A., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (01 November 2014). All-fiber 1-micrometer PM mode-lock laser delivering picosecond pulses at sub-MHz repetition rate. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 26 (22), 2256. ![]() |
Cen, M., Chen, J., Mégret, P., Moeyaert, V., & Wuilpart, M. (21 September 2014). Fast and simple fault monitoring for long-reach passive optical networks. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13. |
Cen, M., Chen, J., Mégret, P., Moeyaert, V., & Wuilpart, M. (30 August 2014). Dark Fiber Monitoring System for Ring-and-Spur Long-Reach Passive Optical Networks [Paper presentation]. PIERS 2014, Guangzhou, China. |
![]() ![]() | Tihon, P., Verlinden, O., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (28 July 2014). Real-time measurement of dynamic accelerations with optical-fiber accelerometer based on a polarization analysis. Applied Optics, 53 (22), 5029-5036. ![]() |
Descamps, F., Aerssens, M., Gusarov, A., Mégret, P., Massaut, V., & Wuilpart, M. (30 June 2014). Simulation of vibration-induced effect on plasma current measurement using a fiber optic current sensor. Optics Express, 22 (12), 14666. ![]() |
Chah, K., Bueno Martinez, A., Kinet, D., Caucheteur, C., Chluda, C., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2014). Vibration sensor based on highly birefringent Bragg gratings written in standard optical fiber by a femtosecond laser [Paper presentation]. 23rd International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors (OFS), Santander, Spain. |
Chah, K., Caucheteur, C., Mégret, P., Sulejmani, S., Geernaert, T., Thienpont, H., Berghmans, F., & Wuilpart, M. (2014). Reflective polarimetric vibration sensor based on temperature-independent FBG in HiBi microstructured optical fiber [Paper presentation]. Photonics Europe 2014, Brussels, Belgium. |
Cen, M., Moeyaert, V., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (16 April 2014). Localization and quantification of reflective events along an optical fiber using a bi-directional TRA technique. Optics Express, 22 (8), 9839-9853. ![]() |
![]() ![]() | Tihon, P., Linze, N., Verlinden, O., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2013). A new measurement technique for polarization-based optical-fiber accelerometers [Paper presentation]. Third International Advances in Applied Physics and Material Science Congress (APMAS 2013), Antalya, Turkey. |
Cen, M., Mégret, P., Chen, J., Moeyaert, V., & Wuilpart, M. (2013). Localization and Quantification of Reflective Events along an Optical Fiber Using a Two-Wavelength TRA [Paper presentation]. 18th annual symposium of the IEEE-Photonics Society Benelux Chapter (IPS 2013), Eindhoven, Netherlands. |
Wuilpart, M., Cen, M., Moeyaert, V., & Mégret, P. (12 November 2013). (Invited) Reflectometry characterization techniques for the monitoring of passive optical networks [Paper presentation]. Asian communications and photonics conference, Pékin, China. |
Aerssens, M., Gruca, G., Massaut, V., Mégret, P., Iannuzzi, D., & Wuilpart, M. (2013). Ferrule-top optical fibre sensor for the measurement of magnetic fields [Paper presentation]. 18th IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, Eindhoven, Netherlands. |
Kacik, D., Turek, I., Wuilpart, M., & Grondzak, K. (01 October 2013). Addressing fiber Bragg grating sensors using all-fiber low coherence interferometry. Optical Fiber Technology, 19 (6 (part A)), 598-603. ![]() |
Wuilpart, M., Linze, N., Aerssens, M., Gusarov, A., & Mégret, P. (2013). [Invited] Recent advances in polarization sensitive OTDR for sensing applications [Paper presentation]. Frontiers in optics 2013, Orlando, United States - Florida. |
Descamps, F., Aerssens, M., Gusarov, A., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2013). Effect of vibration-induced perturbations in plasma current measurement using a fiber optic current sensor [Paper presentation]. International conference on fusion reactor diagnosis, Varenna, Italy. |
![]() ![]() | Faustov, A., Gusarov, A., Wuilpart, M., Fotiadi, A., Liokumovich, L. B., Zolotovskii, I., Tomashuk, A. L., de Schoutheete, T., & Mégret, P. (01 July 2013). Comparison of Gamma-Radiation Induced Attenuation in Al-Doped, P-Doped and Ge-Doped Fibres for Dosimetry. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 60 (4), 2511-2517. doi:10.1109/TNS.2013.2273273 ![]() |
Faustov, A., Gusarov, A., Wuilpart, M., Fotiadi, A., de Schoutheete, T., & Mégret, P. (2013). Optical fibre distributed temperature monitoring in the radiation environment [Paper presentation]. MoDeRn International Conference and Workshop, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
Faustov, A., Gusarov, A., Liokumovich, L. B., Fotiadi, A., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2013). Comparison of simulated and experimental results for distributed radiation-induced absorption measurement using OFDR reflectometry [Paper presentation]. European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors, Krakow, Poland. |
Faustov, A., Gusarov, A., Wuilpart, M., Fotiadi, A., Liokumovich, L. B., Zolotovskii, I., Tomashuk, A. L., de Schoutheete, T., & Mégret, P. (2013). Remote distributed optical fibre dose measuring of high gamma-irradiation with highly sensitive Al- and P-doped fibres [Paper presentation]. SPIE Optical sensors, Prague, Czechia. |
Litvik, J., Benedikovic, D., Wuilpart, M., Dado, M., & Kuba, M. (2013). Numerical model for DGD estimation in optical transmission systems [Paper presentation]. SPIE Nonlinear optics and applications VII, Prague, Czechia. |
Linze, N., Tihon, P., Verlinden, O., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2013). Development of optical fiber vibration sensors based on light polarization properties [Paper presentation]. MoDeRn International Conference and Workshop, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
Linze, N., Tihon, P., Verlinden, O., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (11 March 2013). Development of a multi-point polarization-based vibration sensor. Optics Express, 21 (5), 5606-5624. ![]() |
Chah, K., Kinet, D., Wuilpart, M., Mégret, P., & Caucheteur, C. (14 February 2013). Femtosecond-laser-induced highly birefringent Bragg gratings in standard optical fiber. Optics Letters, 38 (4), 594-596. ![]() |
Chah, K., Kinet, D., Caucheteur, C., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2012). Temperature-insensitive birefringent FBG in standard optical fibre induced by UV femtosecond pulses [Paper presentation]. 17th annual symposium of the IEEE photonics Benelux chapter (IPS 2012), Mons, Belgium. |
Linze, N., Tihon, P., Verlinden, O., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2012). Experimental Validation of a Quasi-Distributed Polarimetric Vibration Sensor [Paper presentation]. 17th annual symposium of the IEEE photonics Benelux chapter (IPS 2012), Mons, Belgium. |
Musin, F., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2012). Speckle velocity sensor for underground infrastructure thermal monitoring [Paper presentation]. 17th annual symposium of the IEEE photonics Benelux chapter (IPS 2012), Mons, Belgium. |
Cen, M., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2012). Advanced monitoring system for next-generation passive optical networks [Paper presentation]. 17th annual symposium of the IEEE photonics Benelux chapter (IPS 2012), Mons, Belgium. |
Aerssens, M., Gusarov, A., Moreau, P., Malard, P., Massaut, V., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2012). Development of a Jones vector based model for the measurement of a plasma current in a thermonuclear fusion reactor with a POTDR setup [Paper presentation]. SPIE Photonics Europe, Brussels, Belgium. |
Faustov, A., Gusarov, A., Cheymol, G., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2012). Effect of high-temperature high-intensity nuclear reactor radiation on transmission in rad-hard silica fibers [Paper presentation]. 17th annual symposium of the IEEE photonics Benelux chapter (IPS 2012), Mons, Belgium. |
Aerssens, M., Gusarov, A., Massaut, V., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2012). Comparison of various optical fiber types for efficient polarimetric fiber current sensing for ITER plasma current monitoring [Paper presentation]. 17th annual symposium of the IEEE photonics Benelux chapter (IPS 2012), Mons, Belgium. |
Faustov, A., Gusarov, A., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2012). Comparison of OFDR and spectral transmission measurements for the assessment of radiation induced absorption in optical fibers [Paper presentation]. 17th annual symposium of the IEEE photonics Benelux chapter (IPS 2012), Mons, Belgium. |
Wuilpart, M., Caucheteur, C., Mura, M., Wuilpart, M. (Ed.), Caucheteur, C. (Ed.), & Mura, M. (Ed.). (2012). IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter Symposium 2012 Proceedings. Presses Universitaires de Mons. |
Linze, N., Tihon, P., Verlinden, O., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2012). Development of a Polarimetric Vibration Sensor for Quasi-Distributed Measurements [Paper presentation]. 22nd International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors (OFS), Beijing, China. |
![]() ![]() | Linze, N., Tihon, P., Verlinden, O., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (05 October 2012). Linearity Considerations in Polarization-Based Vibration Sensors. Applied Optics, 51 (29), 6997-7004. doi:10.1364/AO.51.006997 ![]() |
Linze, N., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (01 October 2012). Development of an Intrusion Sensor based on a Polarization-OTDR System. IEEE Sensors Journal, 12 (10), 3005-3009. ![]() |
Chah, K., Linze, N., Caucheteur, C., Mégret, P., Tihon, P., Verlinden, O., Sulejmani, S., Geernaert, T., Berghmans, F., Thienpont, H., & Wuilpart, M. (28 August 2012). Temperature-insensitive polarimetric vibration sensor based on HiBi microstructured optical fiber. Applied Optics, 51 (23), 6130-6138. ![]() |
Linze, N., Tihon, P., Verlinden, O., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2012). Development of a Multi-Point Polarimetric Vibration Sensor [Paper presentation]. IEEE Photonics Society Annual Workshop, Eindhoven, Netherlands. |
![]() ![]() | Tihon, P., Verlinden, O., Linze, N., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2012). Design of an optical-fiber accelerometer based on stress-induced birefringence: influence of different excitations [Paper presentation]. 19th International Congress on Sound and Vibration - ICSV19, Vilnius, Lithuania. |
Moeyaert, V., Van Laere, A., & Wuilpart, M. (2012). Notes d'exercice pour le cours I-TELE-003 'Fondements des Télécommunications'. |
Kinet, D., Yuksel, K., Caucheteur, C., Garray, D., Wuilpart, M., Narbonneau, F., & Mégret, P. (2012). Structural health monitoring of composite materials with fibre Bragg gratings interrogated by optical frequency domain reflectometer [Paper presentation]. 15th European Conference on Composite Materials, Venise, Italy. |
Faustov, A., Gussarov, A., Wuilpart, M., Fotiadi, A., Liokumovich, L. B., Kotov, O. I., Zolotovskii, I., Tomashuk, A. L., Deschoutheete, T., & Mégret, P. (2012). Radiation induced refractive index change effect on Rayleigh scattering based temperature measurements in optical fibers [Paper presentation]. 15-th international conference on Laser Optics, Saint Petersburg, Russia. |
Linze, N., Tihon, P., Verlinden, O., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2012). Study of the Linearity Performances of a Polarization-Based Vibration Sensor [Paper presentation]. OSA Optics & Photonics Congress, Sensors Topical Meeting, Monterey, United States - California. |
![]() ![]() | Tihon, P., Linze, N., Verlinden, O., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2012). Theoretical comparison of different mechanical transducers for the design of an optical-fiber accelerometer [Paper presentation]. 9th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (NCTAM2012), Brussels, Belgium. |
Yüksel, K., Moeyaert, V., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (01 May 2012). Complete analysis of multi-reflection and spectral-shadowing crosstalks in a quasi-distributed fibre sensor interrogated by OFDR. IEEE Sensors Journal, 12 (5), 988-995. ![]() |
![]() ![]() | Tihon, P., Linze, N., Verlinden, O., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2012). Design of a mechanical transducer for an optical fiber accelerometer based on polarization variation [Paper presentation]. SPIE Photonics Europe, Brussels, Belgium. |
Faustov, A., Gussarov, A., Wuilpart, M., Fotiadi, A., Liokumovich, L. B., Kotov, O. I., Zolotovskii, I., Tomashuk, A. L., Deschoutheete, P., & Mégret, P. (2012). Distributed optical fibre temperature measurements in a low dose rate radiation environment based on Rayleigh backscattering [Paper presentation]. SPIE Photonics Europe, Brussels, Belgium. |
Kinet, D., Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., Mégret, P., & Gonzalez-Herraez, M. (01 April 2012). Photothermal Group Delay Tuning in Nonpermanently Phase-Shifted Chirped FBGs. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 24 (7), 557-559. ![]() |
Yüksel, K., Caucheteur, C., Renoirt, J.-M., Debliquy, M., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (01 March 2012). Infrared radiation detector interrogated by optical frequency-domain reflectometer. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 50 (3), 308-311. ![]() |
Angulo-Vinuesa, X., Martin-Lopez, S., Caucheteur, C., Kinet, D., Wuilpart, M., Denisov, A., Chin, S. H., Thévenaz, L., & Gonzales-Herraez, M. (2012). [Invited] Kerr effect in structured superluminal media [Paper presentation]. Advances in slow and fast light V, San Francisco, United States. |
Voisin, V., Caucheteur, C., Kinet, D., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (01 January 2012). Self-referenced Photon Counting OTDR Technique for Quasi-distributed Fiber Bragg Gratings Sensors. IEEE Sensors Journal, 12 (1), 118-123. ![]() |
Kinet, D., Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2011). Raman pump induced group delay switching in non-permanent phase-shifted chirped fibre Bragg gratings [Paper presentation]. IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, Symposium 2011, Ghent, Belgium. |
Faustov, A., Gusarov, A., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2011). Distributed Rayleigh backscattering based optical fibre temperature measurements under ionising radiation exposure [Paper presentation]. IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, Symposium 2011, Ghent, Belgium. |
Faustov, A., Gusarov, A., Cheymol, G., Wuilpart, M., Mégret, P., Morana, A., & Girard, S. (2011). Radiation-induced transmission dégradation in métal-coated silical fibres [Paper presentation]. IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, Symposium 2011, Ghent, Belgium. |
Aerssens, M., Gusarov, A., Moreau, P., Malard, P., Massaut, V., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2011). Plasma current measurement in thermonuclear fusion reactor based on a POTDR setup [Paper presentation]. IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, Symposium 2011, Ghent, Belgium. |
Musin, F., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2011). Fiber optic température and vibration sensor for underground power cables [Paper presentation]. IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, Symposium 2011, Ghent, Belgium. |
Linze, N., Qin, Z., Bao, X., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2011). Experimental validation of Coherent-OTDR Vibration Sensor Using Mechanical Transducers [Paper presentation]. IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, Symposium 2011, Ghent, Belgium. |
Kinet, D., Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2011). Quasi-distributed measurement of surrounding refractive index using photon-counting time domain reflectometry [Paper presentation]. IEEE Sensors Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand. |
Yüksel, K., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (26 September 2011). A quasi-distributed temperature sensor interrogated by optical frequency-domain reflectometer. Measurement Science and Technology, 22, 115204-1-115204-9. ![]() |
Faustov, A., Saffari, P., Koutsides, C., Gusarov, A., Wuilpart, M., Mégret, P., Kalli, K., & Zhang, L. (2011). Highly radiation sensitive type IA FBGs for dosimetry applications [Paper presentation]. RADECS 2011, Séville, Spain. |
![]() ![]() | Tihon, P., Linze, N., Verlinden, O., & Wuilpart, M. (2011). Design of an Optical-Fiber Accelerometer based on Polarization Variation due to Crushing of the Fiber [Paper presentation]. The 10th International Conference on Vibration Problems, Prague, Czechia. |
Kinet, D., Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., Garray, D., Narbonneau, F., & Mégret, P. (2011). Effect of epoxy curing on tilted fiber Bragg gratings trasmission spectrum [Paper presentation]. 18th International Conference on Composite Materials, Jeju Island (Korea), South Korea. |
Wuilpart, M., Yüksel, K., & Mégret, P. (2011). [Invited] Optical reflectometry in the frequency domain for the interrogation of fibre Bragg gratings [Paper presentation]. 17th International Conference on Applied Physics of Condensed Matter, High Tatras (SK), Slovakia. |
Aerssens, M., Gusarov, A., Massaut, V., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2011). Faraday effect based optical fiber current sensor for Tokamaks [Paper presentation]. IEEE Photonics Society Annual Workshop, Mons, Belgium. |
Chah, K., Vandermarlière, N., Caucheteur, C., Linze, N., Kinet, D., Chluda, C., Tihon, P., Verlinden, O., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2011). Development of FBG Cantilever Beam Vibration Sensor [Paper presentation]. IEEE Photonics Society Annual Workshop, Mons, Belgium. |
![]() ![]() | Tihon, P., Linze, N., Verlinden, O., & Wuilpart, M. (2011). Design of an optical-fiber accelerometer based on polarization variation due to fiber crushing [Paper presentation]. IEEE Photonics Society Annual Workshop, Mons, Belgium. |
Faustov, A., Gusarov, A., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2011). Principles of distributed fiber optic dosimetry based on optical frequency domain reflectometry [Paper presentation]. IEEE Photonics Society Annual Workshop, Mons, Belgium. |
Yüksel, K., Caucheteur, C., Renoirt, J.-M., Mégret, P., Debliquy, M., & Wuilpart, M. (2011). Infrared radiation detector interrogated by Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometer [Paper presentation]. Advanced Photonics 2011 Congress, Optical Sensors, Toronto (CA), Canada. |
Aerssens, M., Gusarov, A., Brichard, B., Mégret, P., Massaut, V., & Wuilpart, M. (2011). Faraday effect based optical fiber current sensors for tokamaks [Paper presentation]. ANIMMA 2011, Ghent, Belgium. |
Wuilpart, M., Caucheteur, C., Gusarov, A., Aerssens, M., Massaut, V., & Mégret, P. (2011). [Invited] Measurement of magnetic field using Rayleigh backscattering in optical fibres [Paper presentation]. ANIMMA 2011, Ghent, Belgium. |
Yüksel, K., Moeyaert, V., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2011). Analysis of spectral-shadowing crosstalk in a quasi-distributed fibre sensor interrogated by Optical Frequency-Domain Reflectometer [Paper presentation]. SPIE, Optical Metrology, Munich , Germany. |
![]() ![]() | Linze, N., Tihon, P., Verlinden, O., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2011). Quasi-distributed vibration sensor based on polarization-sensitive measurement [Paper presentation]. 21th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors (OFS), Ottawa, Canada. |
Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2011). Polarization properties of fiber Bragg gratings and their application for transverse force sensing purposes. In A. Cusano, A. Cutolo, ... J. Albert (Eds.), Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors: Recent Advancements, Industrial Applications and Market Exploitation. Bentham Science Publisher. |
Wuilpart, M., & Tür, M. (2011). Polarization effects in Optical fibers. In Advanced Fiber Optics (pp. 29-86). CRC Press. |
Wuilpart, M. (2011). Rayleigh scattering in optical fibers and applications to distributed measurements. In Advanced Fiber Optics (pp. 205-262). CRC Press. |
Montalvo, J., Yüksel, K., Sanchez Montero, D., Wuilpart, M., Mégret, P., & Vazquez, C. (2011). New Radio-Frequency Techniques for Individual Drop Fibre Monitoring and Temperature Sensing in PONs [Paper presentation]. 15th International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling, (ONDM 2011), Bologne, Italy. |
Caucheteur, C., Schevchenko, Y., Shao, L.-Y., Wuilpart, M., & Albert, J. (17 January 2011). High resolution interrogation of tilted fiber grating SPR sensors from polarization properties measurement. Optics Express, 19 (2), 1656-1664. ![]() |
Yuksel, K., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (01 January 2011). Monitoring techniques for passive optical networks (WO2011104319, couverture mondial, dépôt en 2011, actuellement non suivi). |
Gusarov, A., Kinet, D., Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (01 December 2010). Gamma Radiation Induced Short-Wavelength Shift of the Bragg Peak in Type I fiber Gratings. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 57 (6), 3775-3778. ![]() |
Linze, N., Masure, P., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2010). Development of an intrusion sensor based on a POTDR system [Paper presentation]. IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, Symposium 2010, Delft, Netherlands. |
Kinet, D., Wuilpart, M., Garray, D., Caucheteur, C., Narbonneau, F., Chluda, C., & Mégret, P. (2010). Behaviour of optical Fibre Bragg Grating sensor embedded into composite material under flexion [Paper presentation]. IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, Symposium 2010, Delft, Netherlands. |
Caucheteur, C., Kinet, D., Ben Soltana, N., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2010). Self-referenced wavelength-sensitive monitoring technique for quasi-distributed fiber Bragg gratings sensors [Paper presentation]. European Workshop on Optical Fiber Sensors, Naples, Italy. |
Ravet, G., Mussot, A., Wuilpart, M., Kudlinski, A., Caucheteur, C., & Mégret, P. (2010). Distributed Measurement of Modulation Instability Along Optical Fibers [Paper presentation]. IEEE photonics society summer topicals, Playa Del Carmen, Mexico. |
Yüksel, K., Wuilpart, M., Moeyaert, V., & Mégret, P. (01 July 2010). Novel monitoring technique for passive optical networks based on optical frequency domain reflectometry and fiber Bragg gratings. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, 2 (7), 463-468. ![]() |
Yüksel, K., Wuilpart, M., Moeyaert, V., & Mégret, P. (2010). Original monitoring technique for passive optical networks combining fiber Bragg gratings and wavelength swept light source [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Munich, Germany. |
Linze, N., Wuilpart, M., Caucheteur, C., Chah, K., Verlinden, O., & Mégret, P. (2010). Using a Bent Optical Fiber and Polarization-Sensitive Detection for Vibrations Measurements [Paper presentation]. OSA Optics & Photonics Congress, Sensors Topical Meeting, Karlsruhe, Germany. |
Yüksel, K., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2010). Analysis of multi-reflection crosstalk for a quasi-distributed fiber sensor interrogated by Coherent-Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometer (C-OFDR) [Paper presentation]. OSA Optics & Photonics Congress, Sensors Topical Meeting, Karlsruhe, Germany. |
Kinet, D., Garray, Wuilpart, M., Dortu, F., Dusermont, X., Giannone, D., & Mégret, P. (2010). Behaviour of optical fibre Bragg grating sensors embedded into composite material under flexion [Paper presentation]. 14th European conference on composite materials, Budapest, Hungary. |
Yüksel, K., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2010). Multi-reflection Crosstalk Analysis for a Quasi-distributed Fiber Sensor Combining Fibre Bragg Gratings (FBG) and Optical Frequency-domain Reflectometry (OFDR) [Paper presentation]. IEEE Photonics Society Annual Workshop, Gand, Belgium. |
Dortu, F., Kinet, D., Garray, D., Chluda, C., Wuilpart, M., & Giannone, D. (2010). Response of fibre Bragg grating strain sensors embedded in carbon fibre reinforced polymer laminates during curing and under static and dynamic loading [Paper presentation]. SPIE Conference - Photonics Europe, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., Chen, C., Mégret, P., & Albert, J. (2009). Multi-Point In-Line Refractometry Using Tilted Fiber Bragg Gratings [Paper presentation]. IEEE LEOS Winter Topicals, Innsbruck, Austria. |
Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., García-Muñoz, V., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., Capmany, J., & Mégret, P. (15 November 2009). PDL and DGD reduction in Bragg gratings using twisted fibers for the inscription. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 21 (22), 1689-1691. ![]() |
Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2009). Use of chirped fibre Bragg gratings for transverse strain sensing purpose [Paper presentation]. IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, Symposium 2009, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Gorlier, F., Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., Mégret, P., & Albert, J. (2009). Polarization properties of fiber cladding modes near cut-off with applications to refractometry [Paper presentation]. SPIE Conference - 20th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors (OFS), Edimburgh, United Kingdom. |
Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., Mégret, P., & Albert, J. (2009). Multi-point refractometry using tilted fiber Bragg gratings interrogated by a time-domain technique [Paper presentation]. SPIE Conference - 20th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors (OFS), Edimburgh, United Kingdom. |
Habel, W. R., Baumann, I., Berghmans, F., Borzycki, K., Chojetzki, C., Haase, K. H., Jaroszewicz, L. R., Kleckers, T., Niklès, M., Rothlardt, M., Schlüter, V., Thévenaz, L., Tur, M., & Wuilpart, M. (2009). Guidelines for the characterization and use of fibre optic sensors - Basic definitions & a proposed standard for FBG-based strain sensors [Paper presentation]. Optical Fibre Sensors 2009, Edimbourg, Unknown/unspecified. |
Wuilpart, M., Eraerds, P., Gisin, N., & Mégret, P. (2009). Photon-Counting POTDR for the polarisation mode dispersion mapping along an optical fibre link [Paper presentation]. Optical Fibre Measurement Conference (OFMC), Teddington, United Kingdom. |
Kinet, D., Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., Peigne, G., & Mégret, P. (2009). Quasi-distributed fibre sensor using a sampled fibre Bragg grating as interrogator element [Paper presentation]. Optical Fibre Measurement Conference (OFMC), Teddington, United Kingdom. |
Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., Capmany, J., & Mégret, P. (2009). [Invited] Analysis of the polarization properties related to fiber Bragg gratings in the presence of birefringence [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN), Pékin, China. |
Yüksel, K., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2009). Spatial resolution enhancement in coherent optical frequency domain reflectometer by suppression of nonlinear frequency modulation [Paper presentation]. IEEE Photonics Society 13th Annual Workshop, Eindhoven, Netherlands. |
Crunelle, C., Legré, M., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (01 September 2009). Distributed temperature sensor interrogator based on polarization-sensitive reflectometry. IEEE Sensors Journal, 9 (9), 1125-1129. ![]() |
Debast, J., Gusarov, A., Kinet, D., Van Uffelen, M., Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2009). Influence de l'épaisseur du revêtement en acrylate sur la sensibilité aux radiations gamma des réseaux de Bragg fibrés [Paper presentation]. Journées Nationales d''Optique Guidée, Besançon, France. |
Yüksel, K., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2009). Réflectométrie optique cohérente dans le domaine fréquentiel avec compensation des non-linéarités de la source [Paper presentation]. Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée, Lille, France. |
Bette, S., Manzombi, L., Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2009). Utilisation d'un réseau de Bragg fibré à pas variables pour la réalisation d'un capteur de contrainte transverse [Paper presentation]. Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée, Lille, France. |
Yüksel, K., Wuilpart, M., Moeyaert, V., & Mégret, P. (2009). [Invited] Optical Frequency-Domain Reflectometry : a review [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2009), Ponta Delgada, Island of São Miguel, Azores, Portugal. |
Caucheteur, C., Kinet, D., Garcia Munoz, V., Chah, K., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2009). In-Line Quasi-Distributed Sensor Interrogated by a Wavelength Tunable Narrow Band Reflectometric Technique [Paper presentation]. Conference on lasers and Electro-Optics, Munich, Germany. |
Caucheteur, C., Kinet, D., García-Muñoz, V., Chah, K., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2009). Fiber Bragg gratings quasi-distributed sensor interrogated by a narrow-band reflectometric technique [Paper presentation]. OPTIMESS Workshop, Antwerpen, Belgium. |
Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., Capmany, J., & Mégret, P. (15 April 2009). Influence of the grating parameters on the polarization properties of fiber Bragg gratings. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 27 (8), 1000-1010. ![]() |
Yüksel, K., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (30 March 2009). Analysis and suppression of nonlinear frequency modulation in an optical frequency-domain reflectometer. Optics Express, 17, 5845-5851. ![]() |
Crunelle, C., Wuilpart, M., Caucheteur, C., & Mégret, P. (25 March 2009). Original interrogation system for quasi-distributed FBG-based temperature sensor with fast demodulation technique. Sensors and Actuators. A, Physical, 150 (2), 192-198. ![]() |
García-Muñoz, V., Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Wuilpart, M., Muriel, M., & Mégret, P. (20 March 2009). Reduction of polarization related effects in superimposed fiber Bragg gratings. Applied Optics, 48 (9), 1635-1641. ![]() |
Crunelle, C., Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (01 March 2009). Quasi-distributed temperature sensor combining Fibre Gragg Gratings and temporal reflectometry technique interrogation. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 47 (3-4), 412-418. ![]() |
Crunelle, C., Wuilpart, M., Caucheteur, C., & Mégret, P. (01 February 2009). A quasi-distributed temperature sensor interrogated by a wavelength sensitive optical time-domain reflectometer. Measurement Science and Technology, 20 (2), 027001-027001. ![]() |
Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Chen, C., Wuilpart, M., Mégret, P., & Albert, J. (15 December 2008). Tilted fiber Bragg grating refractometer using polarization dependent loss measurement. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 20 (24), 2153-2155. ![]() |
Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., & Mégret, P. (2008). Détermination de la biréfringence induite par une contrainte mécanique transverse à partir de la mesure des paramètres de polarisation d'un réseau de Bragg fibré [Paper presentation]. Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée, Lannion, France. |
Bette, S., Garcia Munoz, V., Caucheteur, C., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., & Mégret, P. (2008). Démonstration expérimentale de la réduction de la PDL et du DGD des réseaux de Bragg par inscription dans des fibres tournées [Paper presentation]. Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée, Lannion, France. |
Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., Chen, C., Mégret, P., & Albert, J. (17 October 2008). Quasi-distributed refractometer using tilted Bragg gratings and time domain reflectometry. Optics Express, 16 (22), 17882-17890. ![]() |
Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Garcia Munoz, V., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., & Mégret, P. (15 October 2008). Experimental Demonstration of the Reduction of PDL and DGD in Fibre Bragg Gratings by Using a Twisted-Fibre for the Inscription [Poster presentation]. BONE Summer School 2008, Mons, Belgium. |
Yüksel, K., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (15 October 2008). Optical-frequency domain reflectometry: roadmap for high-resolution distributed measurements [Paper presentation]. BONE Summer School 2008, Mons (B), 15-17/10, 2008, Mons, Belgium. |
Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Chen, C., Wuilpart, M., Mégret, P., & Albert, J. (2008). Refractometer based on polarization dependent loss measurement of weakly titled fiber Bragg gratings [Paper presentation]. MicroOptics Conference, Brussels, Belgium. |
Garcia Munoz, V., Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Wuilpart, M., Muriel, M., & Mégret, P. (2008). Polarization related phenomena of fiber Bragg gratings with spiral refractive index modulation [Paper presentation]. MicroOptics Conference, Brussels, Belgium. |
Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Garcia Munoz, V., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., Capmany, J., Muriel, M., & Mégret, P. (2008). Experimental Demonstration of the Reduction of PDL and DGD in Fibre Bragg Gratings by Using a Twisted-Fibre for the Inscription [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Optical Communications, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., Capmany, J., & Mégret, P. (2008). [Invited] Polarization Properties Related to Fiber Bragg Gratings in the Presence of Birefringence: Analysis and Application to Sensors [Paper presentation]. 1st Mediterranean Photonics Conference, Ischia (I), . |
Yüksel, K., Moeyaert, V., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2008). [Invited] Optical Layer Monitoring in Passive Optical Networks (PONs): A review [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2008), Athènes, Greece. |
Yüksel, K., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2008). Coherent Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometry as a diagnostic tool [Paper presentation]. Leos student workshop 2008, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Crunelle, C., Wuilpart, M., Caucheteur, C., & Mégret, P. (2008). Wavelength sensitive time-domain interrogating system for a quasi-distributed temperature sensor [Paper presentation]. 19th Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors, Perth, Australia. |
Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., Capmany, J., & Mégret, P. (15 March 2008). Relationship Between Chromatic Dispersion and Differential Group Delay in Weakly Birefringent Fiber Grating. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 20 (6), 437-439. ![]() |
Ravet, G., Vanholsbeeck, F., Emplit, P., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2007). OTDR technique for the characterization of FWM processes in optical fibers [Paper presentation]. IEEE Laser and Electro-Optics Society Symposium - Benelux Chapter, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., Capmany, J., & Mégret, P. (2007). Experimental demonstrations of the relationship between chromatic dispersion and differential group delay in weakly birefringent fibre gratings [Paper presentation]. IEEE Laser and Electro-Optics Society Symposium - Benelux Chapter, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Wuilpart, M., Grillet, A., Yüksel, K., Giannone, D., Ravet, G., & Mégret, P. (2007). Dynamics enhancement of OTDR-based monitoring systems for passive optical networks [Paper presentation]. IEEE Laser and Electro-Optics Society Symposium - Benelux Chapter, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Yüksel, K., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2007). Optical-frequency domain reflectometry: roadmap for high-resolution distributed measurements [Paper presentation]. IEEE Laser and Electro-Optics Society Symposium - Benelux Chapter, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Crunelle, C., Wuilpart, M., Caucheteur, C., & Mégret, P. (2007). Accuracy issues for a quasi-distributed sensor based on the concatenation of identical fibre Bragg gratings [Paper presentation]. IEEE Laser and Electro-Optics Society Symposium - Benelux Chapter, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Garcia Munoz, V., Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Wuilpart, M., Muriel, M., & Mégret, P. (2007). DGD and PDL reduction in twisted FBGs [Paper presentation]. IEEE Laser and Electro-Optics Society Symposium - Benelux Chapter, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Crunelle, C., Legré, M., Wuilpart, M., Mégret, P., & Gisin, N. (2007). OFDR measurements for characterization of the beat length dependence on temperature [Paper presentation]. Optical Fibre Measurement Conference (OFMC), Teddington, United Kingdom. |
García-Muñoz, V., Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Wuilpart, M., Preciado, M., Muriel, M., & Mégret, P. (2007). Optimized Superimposed Fiber Bragg Gratings to Reduce Birefringence effects in WDM Applications [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Optical Communications, Berlin, Germany. |
Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., Capmany, J., & Mégret, P. (2007). Analysis of Birefringence Effect in Long Period Gratings through Measurements of Chromatic and Polarization Mode Dispersions [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Optical Communications, Berlin, Germany. |
Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., Capmany, J., & Mégret, P. (2007). Effect of the Grating Parameters on the Polarization Properties of Uniform FBG's [Paper presentation]. Conference on Bragg Gratings, Photosensitivity and Poling in Glass Waveguides, Quebec, Canada. |
Yüksel, K., Letheux, S., Grillet, A., Wuilpart, M., Giannone, D., Hancq, J., Ravet, G., & Mégret, P. (2007). Centralised Optical Monitoring of Tree-structured Passive Optical Networks using a Raman-assisted OTDR [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, Rome, Italy. |
Crunelle, C., Wuilpart, M., Caucheteur, C., & Mégret, P. (2007). Fast demodulation technique for a quasi-distributed temperature sensor [Paper presentation]. European Symposium on Optical Metrology - Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection, Munich, Germany. |
Crunelle, C., Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2007). Quasi-distributed temperature sensor combining fiber Bragg gratings and temporal reflectometry technique interrogation [Paper presentation]. Optimess Workshop, Leuven, Belgium. |
Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., Capmany, J., & Mégret, P. (2007). Optical Sensor Exploiting the Birefringence effect in Fiber Bragg Gratings [Paper presentation]. Optimess Workshop, Leuven, Belgium. |
Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., Capmany, J., & Mégret, P. (2007). Determination of the fiber birefringence induced by transversal loads by means of fiber Bragg gratings [Paper presentation]. Photonic Materials, Devices, and Applications, Gran Canaria, Spain. |
Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., Capmany, J., & Mégret, P. (2007). Transverse force sensor exploiting the birefringence effect in uniform fibre Bragg gratings [Paper presentation]. European Symposium on Optics and Optoelectronics, Prague, Czechia. |
Wuilpart, M., Crunelle, C., & Mégret, P. (15 January 2007). High dynamic polarization-OTDR for the PMD mapping in optical fiber links. Optics Communications, 269, 315-321. ![]() |
Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (15 January 2007). Theoretical and experimental study of differential group delay and polarization dependent loss of Bragg gratings written in birefringent fiber. Optics Communications, 269, 331-337. ![]() |
Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., Capmany, J., & Mégret, P. (01 January 2007). Transverse strain measurements using the birefringence effect in fiber Bragg gratings. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 19 (13), 966-968. ![]() |
Crunelle, C., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2006). Sensitivity of Polarization Maintaining Fibres to temperature and strain for sensing applications [Paper presentation]. IEEE Laser and Electro-Optics Society Symposium -Benelux Chapteur, Eindhoven, Netherlands. |
Ravet, G., Vanholsbeeck, F., Emplit, P., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2006). Distributed measurement of parametric oscillations in WDM systems [Paper presentation]. IEEE Laser and Electro-Optics Society Symposium - Benelux Chapter, Eindhoven, Netherlands. |
Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., & Mégret, P. (2006). Relation entre les propriétés de phase et de polarisation des réseaux de Bragg fibrés en présence de biréfringence [Paper presentation]. Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée, Metz, France. |
Crunelle, C., Op de Beeck, A., Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2006). Capteur quasi-distribué de température basé sur la concaténation de réseaux de Bragg fibrés interrogés par un OTDR accordable en longueur d'onde [Paper presentation]. Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée, Lille, France. |
Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Wuilpart, M., Mégret, P., Garcia Olcina, R., Sales, S., & Capmany, J. (2006). Demodulation Technique for Transverse Strain FBG Sensor Based on the Measurement of the Polarization Properties [Paper presentation]. 18th Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors, Cancun, Mexico. |
Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (01 March 2006). Method for evaluating the influence of temperature and strain on the spectrum reflected by fibre Bragg grating (WO2006032116, couverture mondiale, dépôt en 2006, actuellement non suivi). |
Op de Beeck, A., Crunelle, C., Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (01 January 2006). Quasi distributed temperature sensor using fiber Bragg gratings and optical time domain reflectometer technique association [Paper presentation]. 10th Annual Workshop of the IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, Gent, Belgium. |
Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Garcia Olcina, R., Sales, S., Wuilpart, M., Capmany, J., & Mégret, P. (2006). Wavelength Characterization of Chromatic Dispersion and Differential Group Delay of Fibre Bragg Gratings: Relationship and Applications [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Optical Communications, Cannes, France. |
Wuilpart, M. (01 January 2006). Method for characterizing an optical link - 2 (brevet européen EP1811694, dépôt en 2006, actuellement non suivi). |
Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., Ottevaere, H., Berghmans, F., Thienpont, H., Capmany, J., & Mégret, P. (2006). Use of the polarization properties of fiber Bragg gratings for sensing purposes [Paper presentation]. Photonics Europe, Strasbourg, France. |
Mégret, P., Wuilpart, M., Bette, S., Staquet, N., Mégret, P. (Ed.), Wuilpart, M. (Ed.), Bette, S. (Ed.), & Staquet, N. (Ed.). (2005). 2005 IEEE/LEOS Symposium Benelux Chapter Proceedings, December 1-2, 2005, Faculté Polytechnique de Mons. FPMs. |
Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Ottevaere, H., Nasilowski, T., Wuilpart, M., Berghmans, F., Thienpont, H., & Mégret, P. (2005). Study of the polarization properties of fiber Bragg gratings for sensing purposes [Paper presentation]. IEEE Laser and Electro-Optics Society Symposium - Benelux Chapter, Mons, Belgium. |
Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., Blondel, M., & Mégret, P. (2005). Spectral characterization of differential group delay in fibre Bragg grating written into Hi-Bi optical fibre [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Optical, Glasgow, Unknown/unspecified. |
Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., Deparis, O., Blondel, M., & Mégret, P. (2005). Relationship Between Group Delay And Stokes Parameters In Fiber Bragg Gratings [Paper presentation]. Conference on Bragg Gratings,Photosensitivity and Poling in Glass Waveguides, Sydney, Australia. |
Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., Peigne, G., Blondel, M., & Mégret, P. (2005). Wavelength dependency of differential group delay and polarization dependent loss in uniformfibre Bragg grating [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Fibres and Optical Passive Components, Palermo, Italy. |
Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Lhommé, F., Chah, K., Wuilpart, M., Blondel, M., & Mégret, P. (2005). Numerical reconstruction of induced birefringence in uniform fiber Bragg gratings throughpolarization properties measurement [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Fibres and Optical Passive Components, Palermo, Italy. |
Wuilpart, M., Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Blondel, M., & Mégret, P. (01 January 2005). Polarization properties of uniform fiber Bragg gratings written in highly birefringent fibers. Optics Communications, 247, 239-245. ![]() |
Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., Lhommé, F., Chah, K., Blondel, M., & Mégret, P. (2005). Simultaneous strain and temperature fibre Bragg grating sensor based on the measurement of one Stokes parameter [Paper presentation]. Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics/European Quantum Electronics Conference, Munich, Germany. |
Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Wuilpart, M., Blondel, M., Mégret, P., Lhommé, F., & Chah, K. (01 January 2005). Wavelength dependency of degree of polarization for high-birefringence fiber Bragg gratings and its application to temperature sensing. Optics Communications, 247, 325-333. ![]() |
Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., Mégret, P., Garcia Olcina, R., Sales, S., & Capmany, J. (01 January 2005). Spectral characterization of differential group delay in uniform fiber Bragg gratings. Optics Express, 13 (25), 9954-9960. ![]() |
Wuilpart, M., Mégret, P., & Blondel, M. (01 January 2005). Distributed measurement of polarization properties in singlemode optical fibres. Revue HF : Electronics/Communications, 1, 25-27. ![]() |
Wuilpart, M., Crunelle, C., Mégret, P., & Blondel, M. (2005). PMD mapping in optical fibres with a high dynamic polarization-OTDR [Paper presentation]. Optical Fibre Conference, Teddington, Unknown/unspecified. |
Ravet, G., Fotiadi, A., Wuilpart, M., Blondel, M., & Mégret, P. (2005). Distributed gain monitoring in a Raman amplifier based on a germania-glass-core silica-glass-cladding optical fiber [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Optical, Glasgow, Unknown/unspecified. |
Crunelle, C., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2005). Theoretical and experimental study of distributed measurement techniques in optical fibresfor sensors applications. Revue HF : Electronics/Communications, (1), 71. ![]() |
Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., Blondel, M., & Mégret, P. (2004). Differential Group Delay Analysis of Uniform Bragg Gratings Written in Hi-Bi Optical Fibers [Paper presentation]. IEEE Laser and Electro- Optics Society Symposium -Benelux Chapter, Gand, Belgium. |
Wuilpart, M., Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Mégret, P., & Blondel, M. (2004). Analysis of Stokes parameters reflected and transmitted by uniform fibre Bragg gratings written in highly birefringent fibres [Paper presentation]. IEEE Laser and Electro- Optics Society Symposium -Benelux Chapter, Gand, Belgium. |
Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Wuilpart, M., Blondel, M., & Mégret, P. (2004). Wavelength dependency of degree of polarization for uniform Bragg gratings written into polarization maintaining optical fibers [Paper presentation]. IEEE Laser and Electro- Optics Society Symposium -Benelux Chapter, Gand, Belgium. |
Defosse, Y., Moeyaert, V., Robette, L., & Wuilpart, M. (09 November 2004). Dispositif optique commutable permettant la maintenant des réseaux optiques passifs arborescents par analyse réflectométrique dans le domaine temporel (brevet belge 1015198A4 - dépôt 2001/0768 - actuellement non suivi). |
Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., Chah, K., Lhomme, F., Blondel, M., & Mégret, P. (2004). FBG temperature sensor based on the measurement of the reflected signal polarization properties [Paper presentation]. Photonics North, Ottawa, Canada. |
Crunelle, C., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (01 January 2004). Theoretical and experimental study of distributed measurement techniques in optical fibres for sensors applications [Paper presentation]. URSI forum Broadband Communications, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Wuilpart, M., Mégret, P., & Blondel, M. (01 January 2004). Distributed measurement of polarization properties in singlemode optical fibres [Paper presentation]. URSI forum Broadband Communications, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Wuilpart, M. (01 January 2004). Method for characterizing an optical link (WO2005041449, couverture mondiale, dépôt en 2004, octroyé en 2007). |
Wuilpart, M. (2003). Distributed measurement of polarization properties in single-mode optical fibres using a reflectometry technique [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/10711 |
![]() ![]() | Defosse, Y., Moeyaert, V., Robette, L., & Wuilpart, M. (28 May 2003). Dispositif de contrôle d'un réseau de transmission de signaux optiques (brevet européen EP1315318A2 - dépôt 27/11/2001- actuellement non suivi). |
Mégret, P., Defosse, Y., Wuilpart, M., & Moeyaert, V. (2003). Physique et technologie des fibres optiques : Chapitre 3 - Métrololgie des fibres optiques. In J.-P. Meunier (Ed.), Physique et technologie des fibres optiques (pp. 149-189). Editions Hermes Lavoisier. |
Wuilpart, M., Ravet, G., Mégret, P., & Blondel, M. (01 January 2003). Distributed measurement of the Raman gain spectrum on concatenations of optical fibres with an OTDR. Electronics Letters, 39 (1), 88-89. ![]() |
Ravet, G., Vanholsbeeck, F., Wuilpart, M., Fotiadi, A., Coen, S., Emplit, P., Blondel, M., & Mégret, P. (2003). Distributed measurement of nonlinear interactions in WDM systems [Paper presentation]. IEEE Laser and Electro- Optics Society Symposium - Benelux Chapter, Twente, Netherlands. |
Wuilpart, M., Ravet, G., Mégret, P., & Blondel, M. (2002). PMD Measurement with a Polarization -OTDR [Paper presentation]. ECOC 2002, Copenhague, Denmark. |
Wuilpart, M., Ravet, G., Mégret, P., & Blondel, M. (01 January 2002). Polarization Mode Dispersion Mapping in Optical Fibers with a Polarization-OTDR. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 14 (12), 1716-1718. ![]() |
Ravet, G., Wuilpart, M., Froidure, J.-C., Blondel, M., & Mégret, P. (2002). Measurement of the distributed Raman Gain spectrum in single-mode optical fibers [Paper presentation]. IEEE Laser and Electro-Optics Society Symposium - Benelux Chapter, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
Wuilpart, M., Mégret, P., Blondel, M., Rogers, A. J., & Defosse, Y. (01 January 2001). Measurement of the spatial distribution of birefringence in optical fibers. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 13 (8), 836-838. ![]() |
Wuilpart, M., Rogers, A. J., Defosse, Y., Mégret, P., & Blondel, M. (2001). Measurement of the spatial distribution of birefringence in optical fibers for polarization mode dispersion characterization and sensing applications [Paper presentation]. FSRC conference 'Science and technology of optical fibers', La Jolla, United States. |
Wuilpart, M., Rogers, A. J., Defosse, Y., Mégret, P., & Blondel, M. (2001). Birefringence mapping in an optical fibre by using a polarization-OTDR [Paper presentation]. IEEE/LEOS Symposium - Benelux Chapter, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Wuilpart, M., Rogers, A. J., Defosse, Y., Mégret, P., & Blondel, M. (2001). Measurement of the spatial distribution of birefringence on different type of fibers [Paper presentation]. Optice Fibre Measurement Conference, Cambridge, Unknown/unspecified. |
Wuilpart, M., Rogers, A. J., Defosse, Y., Mégret, P., & Blondel, M. (2001). Distributed birefringence Measurement in optical fibers [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Optical Communications, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
Rogers, A. J., Wuilpart, M., & Blondel, M. (2000). [Invited] New polarimetry for fully-distributed optical-fibre strain and temperature sensing [Paper presentation]. SPIE Vol.3986 Smart structures and materials, Newport Beach, United States. |
Wuilpart, M., Rogers, A. J., Mégret, P., & Blondel, M. (2000). Distributed measurement of polarization properties of a fibre using a backscatter technique [Paper presentation]. Applications of Optical Fiber Sensors, Glasgow, United Kingdom. |
Wuilpart, M., Rogers, A. J., Mégret, P., & Blondel, M. (2000). Distributed measurement of polarization properties of a fibre using a polarization-OTDR [Paper presentation]. EuroCable, Delft, Netherlands. |
Wuilpart, M., Rogers, A. J., Mégret, P., & Blondel, M. (2000). Fully-Distributed Polarization Properties of an Optical Fibre Using the Backscattering Technique [Paper presentation]. Applications of Photonic Technology 4, Québéc, Canada. |
Wuilpart, M. (1999). Full Polarization properties of the fibre via backscattering [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/40424 |
Wuilpart, M., Rogers, A. J., Ravet, F., & Blondel, M. (1999). Theorical study of a Polarization-OTDR technique using a Jones approach to measure the distribution of Polarization Mode Dispersion and of external effects in optical fibres [Paper presentation]. IEEE Laser and Electro-Optics Society Symposium -Benelux, Mons, Belgium. |