
Bette Sébastien

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté Polytechnique > Service de Management de l'Innovation Technologique

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté Polytechnique > Service d'Electromagnétisme et Télécommunications

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté Polytechnique > Electromagnétisme et Télécommunications

Main Referenced Co-authors
MEGRET, Patrice  (69)
MOEYAERT, Véronique  (64)
CAUCHETEUR, Christophe  (52)
WUILPART, Marc  (42)
Garcia Olcina, R. (23)
Main Referenced Keywords
IoT (2); Architecture (1); Collaboration (1); Distributed antenna systems (1); Energy efficiency (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
CRTI - Centre de Recherche en Technologie de l'Information (56)
CRIM - Ingénierie des matériaux (6)
URBAINE - Urbanisation Revitalisation Bâtiment Architecture Innovations Espaces (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Electrical & electronics engineering (109)
Physics (63)
Education & instruction (9)
Computer science (6)
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (2)

Publications (total 137)

The most downloaded
Georlette, V., Moeyaert, V., Bette, S., & Point, N. (2020). [Invited] Visible light communication challenges in the frame of smart cities [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2020), Bari, Italy.

The most cited

74 citations (Scopus®)

Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., Capmany, J., & Mégret, P. (01 January 2007). Transverse strain measurements using the birefringence effect in fiber Bragg gratings. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 19 (13), 966-968.

Bette, S., Astorino, L., & Vandenbulcke, V. (05 December 2024). Sustainable Marketing Canvas (SMC) : un outil holistique de développement et de mise en œuvre d’une stratégie durable par le Marketing [Paper presentation]. Journée sur le Marketing et Développement Durable, Strasbourg, France.
Peer reviewed

Bette, S. (24 April 2024). Renverser sa classe, jusqu'à l'évaluation ! [Poster presentation]. Journée des enseignants 2024, Mons, Belgium.

Bette, S., & Renotte, C. (24 April 2024). Des enseignants en transition pour l’enseignement de la transition [Poster presentation]. Journée des enseignants 2024, Mons, Belgium.

Pirson, F., Bette, S., & Astorino, L. (24 November 2023). L'intégration des enjeux de développement durable dans la formation des ingénieurs : une approche par les systèmes complexes. Une revue de la littérature et une application en grille d'analyse pour outils opérationnels d'intégration [Paper presentation]. Conférence ABC-Day 2023.
Editorial reviewed

Georlette, V., Sanchez Melgarejo, J., Bette, S., & Moeyaert, V. (2022). Automated Guided Vehicle Controlled by Li-Fi: A Study Case. In actes de la 22nd International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2022). ICROS (Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems).
Peer reviewed

Andre, E., Bette, S., Coppin Maurane, Coszach, E., Darcis, D., Depretre, A., Duboquet, F., Dupont, N., Durieux, M., Gallas, M.-A., Gilbart, A., Kebbab Riham, Lago, N., Leblanc Logan, Simoens, P., & Sobczak, F. (November 2022). ArchiRuptureS : Construire-Déconstruire-Bifurquer, Semaine intensive autour de l'architecture, des enjeux climatiques et sociaux [Paper presentation]. ArchiRuptureS, Mons, Belgium.

Georlette, V., Melgarejo, J. S., Bette, S., Point, N., & Moeyaert, V. (2022). Work-in-Progress: Using Li-Fi to control Automated Guided Vehicles. Steps towards an industrial market product. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (2022). IEEE.
Peer reviewed

Georlette, V., Honfoga, A.-C., Dossou, M., Bette, S., & Moeyaert, V. (2021). Study of UFMC outdoor Visible Light Communication systems with realistic LED radiation patterns and coparison with OFDM [Paper presentation]. 25th Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, Mons, Belgium.

Georlette, V., Piras, F., Cristo, J.-V., Bette, S., Point, N., & Moeyaert, V. (2021). Content triggering system using tricolor LED strips and Optical Camera Communication in Rolling Shutter mode [Paper presentation]. South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVLC 2021), Toledo, Brazil.

Georlette, V., Melgarejo, J. S., Bette, S., Point, N., & Moeyaert, V. (2021). Potential and challenges of visible light communication for industrial assembly lines with mobile workstations [Paper presentation]. IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRY 4.0, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY (IAICT 2021), Bali, Indonesia.

Georlette, V., Bette, S., & Moeyaert, V. (30 March 2021). Visible Light Communication for the cities of tomorrow [Poster presentation]. Mardi des chercheurs, Valenciennes, France.

Georlette, V., Bette, S., Brohez, S., Pérez-Jiménez, R., Point, N., & Moeyaert, V. (24 December 2020). Outdoor Visible Light Communication Channel Modeling under Smoke Conditions and Analogy with Fog Conditions. MDPI Optics, 1 (3), 259-281. doi:10.3390/opt1030020
Peer reviewed

Bette, S., Raneri, S., & Artus, F. (12 November 2020). Intégration d'outils numériques dans la scénarisation d'une activité d'apprentissage incluant une composante collaborative forte : Impact sur l'engagement et l'apprentissage [Paper presentation]. AUPTIC, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Georlette, V., Moeyaert, V., Bette, S., & Point, N. (2020). [Invited] Visible light communication challenges in the frame of smart cities [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2020), Bari, Italy.

Bette, S., & Artus, F. (19 May 2020). L'évaluation des étudiants en classe renversée : des pistes pour évaluer ... autrement ? [Paper presentation]. 31e congrès de l'Association internationale de pédagogie universitaire (AIPU2020) 'Redéfinir l'expérience d'enseignement et d'apprentissage | Osons l'avenir', Québec, Canada.

Georlette, V., Moeyaert, V., Bette, S., & Point, N. (2020). Outdoor Optical Wireless Communication: potentials, standardization and challenges for Smart Cities [Paper presentation]. Wireless and Optical Communications Conference, Newark, United States - New Jersey.

Bette, S. (28 June 2019). L'évaluation des étudiants en classe renversée : des pistes pour évaluer ... autrement ? [Paper presentation]. CLIC2019 - CLasse Inversée le Congrès 2019, Paris, France.

Roland, F., Filippi, E., & Bette, S. (2019). Pecha Kucha Night IoT : Fab-IoT-Lab.

Bette, S. (2019). Intégrer la coopération entre étudiants conjointement dans les activités d'apprentissage et dans l'évaluation : le cas d'une matière technologique dispensée dans une langue étrangère [Paper presentation]. Questions de Pédagogies dans l'Enseignement Supérieur, Brest, Unknown/unspecified.

Roland, F., Jovicic, N., Debauche, O., Bette, S., & Moeyaert, V. (20 May 2019). Experimental setup to monitor environment impact on LoRa transmissions [Poster presentation]. Infortech Day, Mons, Belgium. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.23230.74564

Georlette, V., Bette, S., & Moeyaert, V. (20 May 2019). Outdoor Visible Light Communication in the context of Smart Cities [Poster presentation]. Infortech Day, Mons, Belgium.

Van Laere, A., Bette, S., & Moeyaert, V. (20 May 2019). Broadband PLC in railway signaling: an IoT use-case [Poster presentation]. Infortech Day, Mons, Belgium.

Roland, F., Filippi, E., Moeyaert, V., & Bette, S. (2019). Fab-IoT-Lab: Technological Expertise Guidance and Prototyping Skills in a Single Place [Paper presentation]. World Forum on Internet of Things, Limerick, Ireland.

Roland, F., Debauche, O., Filippi, E., & Bette, S. (05 March 2019). Geolocation of Tools on Construction Sites and LoRa Performance [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs 2019 (MdC2019), Mons, Belgium.

Bette, S., & Artus, F. (22 November 2018). Il était une fois ... ma classe renversée [Paper presentation]. 2018, Bienne, Switzerland.

Moulin, M., Moeyaert, V., & Bette, S. (03 July 2018). Biocloud 4.0 : A case study into coupled radiating coaxial cables with wireless mesh networks for clean room implementation [Poster presentation]. L'Internet des Objets Industriels (IIoT), Strasbourg, France.

Roland, F., Bette, S., & Filippi, E. (03 July 2018). Fab-IoT-Lab: a Fab-IoT-Lab to support IoT projects of industries and entrepreneurs [Poster presentation]. Journée IIoT, Strasbourg, France.

Bette, S. (30 June 2018). Un cours à l'université en classe renversée - Demander le feedback des étudiants et réguler son dispositif : une question de survie ? [Paper presentation]. CLIC2018 - CLasse Inversée le Congrès 2018, Paris, France.

Bette, S., & Moeyaert, V. (2017). LI-FI (LIGHT FIDELITY) : un système de communication sans fil... « lumineux » ! Polytech News.

CHARLIER, M., Quoitin, B., Bette, S., & Eliasson, J. (2016). Support for IEEE 802.15.4 ultra wideband communications in the Contiki operating system [Paper presentation]. IEEE Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology in the Benelux, Mons, Belgium.

Charlier, M., Quoitin, B., Bette, S., & Jens, E. (2016). Support for IEEE 802.15.4 ultra wideband communications in the Contiki operating system [Paper presentation]. 2016 Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technologies (SCVT), Mons, Belgium.

Van Laere, A., Bette, S., & Moeyaert, V. (2016). ITU-T G.9903 performance against Middleton Class-A impulsive noise [Paper presentation]. IEEE Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology in the Benelux, Mons, Belgium.

Descamps, F., Kinet, D., Bette, S., & Caucheteur, C. (14 November 2016). Magnetic field sensing using standard uniform FBGs. Optics Express, 24 (23), 26152-26160.
Peer reviewed

Descamps, F., Bette, S., Kinet, D., & Caucheteur, C. (01 June 2016). Direct transverse load profile determination using the PDL spectral response of a chirped FBG. Applied Optics, 55 (16), 4270-4276.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Descamps, F., Bette, S., Kinet, D., & Caucheteur, C. (2016). Determination of the magnetic field induced circular birefringence using the Mueller matrix of FBGs [Paper presentation]. SPIE Photonics Europe, Brussels, Belgium.

Moeyaert, V., Wawrzyniak, C., & Bette, S. (2016). Les techniques de transmission par courants porteurs en ligne : du réseau électrique au réseau ferroviaire.

Van Laere, A., Wawrzyniak, C., Bette, S., & Moeyaert, V. (2016). Development, validation and utilization of an ITU-T G.9903 PHY simulator for communication performance evaluation [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Symposiumon Power Line Communications and its Applications, ISPLC'16, Bottrop, Germany.

Van Trimpont, F., Bayot Katumba, G., Moeyaert, V., & Bette, S. (2016). Smart blacklisting: a solution to increase performance of blacklisting in LOADng for low density networks [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Symposiumon Power Line Communications and its Applications, ISPLC'16, Bottrop, Germany.

Descamps, F., Bette, S., & Caucheteur, C. (2015). Performance comparison between two polarization-assisted techniques to measure non-uniform load profiles with chirped FBGs [Paper presentation]. 20th Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, Brussels, Belgium.

Van Laere, A., Wawrzyniak, C., Bette, S., & Moeyaert, V. (19 November 2015). ITU-T G.9903 compliant PHY simulator for communication performance estimation in smart-metering [Poster presentation]. Chaire ORES « Smart Grids - Smart Metering », Journée d'études « Evolution vers les réseaux intelligents: opportunités, synergies et défis », Mons, Belgium.

Ancia, P., Bette, S., Dualibe, F., Lecron, F., & Lupant, D. (2015). Introduction à l' art de l' ingénieur et initiation aux métiers de l'ingénieur, des projets dès la Bachelier : Le dispositif : la démarche, les moyens et l'évaluation. Polytech.News, N°52.

Bayot Katumba, G., Van Trimpont, F., Moeyaert, V., & Bette, S. (22 September 2015). Impact of the nodes density on G3-PLC networks performance [Poster presentation]. Chaire ORES « Smart Grids - Smart Metering », Journée d'études « Evolution vers les réseaux intelligents: opportunités, synergies et défis », Mons, Belgium.

Descamps, F., Caucheteur, C., Mégret, P., & Bette, S. (06 July 2015). Distribution profiling of a transverse load using the DGD spectrum of chirped FBGs. Optics Express, 23 (14), 18203-182017.
Peer reviewed

Bayot Katumba, G., Van Trimpont, F., Moeyaert, V., & Bette, S. (2015). Impact of the nodes density on G3-PLC networks performance [Paper presentation]. 23rd International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2015, Lyon, France.

Van Laere, A., Diakiese, T., Moeyaert, V., Fouché, G., Durieux, O., Monsieur, L., Lemmens, D., & Bette, S. (2015). Field trial deployment for the evaluation of G3-PLC performance in the medium voltage grid [Paper presentation]. 23rd International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2015, Lyon, France.

Deronne, S., Lucarz, F., Moeyaert, V., Fracasso, B., & Bette, S. (19 May 2015). Energy efficiency analysis of aggregation mechanisms in IEEE 802.11n radio-over-fiber-based distributed antenna systems. Photonic Network Communications, 30 (1), 96-107. doi:10.1007/s11107-015-0505-3
Peer reviewed

Van Laere, A., Bette, S., & Moeyaert, V. (2015). Analysis tool for temporal evolution of frame error rate performance in narrowband PLC [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Symposium on Power Line communications and Its Applications (ISPLC 2015), Austin, United States - Texas.

Van Trimpont, F., Bayot Katumba, G., Moeyaert, V., & Bette, S. (2015). Impact of the weak link count mechanism on G3-PLC LOADng routing protocol [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Symposium on Power Line communications and Its Applications (ISPLC 2015), Austin, United States - Texas.

Van Laere, A., Diakiese Sudikila, T., Bette, S., & Moeyaert, V. (2014). Performances of the G3-PLC communication links [Paper presentation]. 23d International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2014), Rome, Italy.

Descamps, F., Bette, S., & Caucheteur, C. (2013). Optimization of fiber Bragg grating physical parameters for polarization-assisted transverse strain measurements [Paper presentation]. 18th IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, Eindhoven, Netherlands.

Mégret, P., Bette, S., & Moeyaert, V. (05 November 2013). Communication Technologies for Smart Grids [Paper presentation]. Smart Grid Flanders, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Deronne, S., Moeyaert, V., & Bette, S. (2013). WiFi Transmission in Radio-over-Fiber Systems: Performance of the IEEE 802.11n Aggregation Mechanism [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling, Brest, France.

Deronne, S., Moeyaert, V., & Bette, S. (12 March 2013). IEEE 802.11 Transmissions in Radio-over-Fiber Networks [Poster presentation]. 7ième Matinée des Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.

Bayot Katumba, G., Bette, S., & Moeyaert, V. (12 March 2013). Analyse des protocoles utilisées dans la norme G3-PLC: IPv6, 6LoWPAN et IEEE 802.15.4 [Poster presentation]. 7ième Matinée des Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.

Van Laere, A., Bette, S., & Moeyaert, V. (12 March 2013). Analysis of modulations in G3-PLC communications for Smart Grids [Poster presentation]. 7ième Matinée des Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.

Deronne, S., Moeyaert, V., & Bette, S. (2013). IEEE 802.11 transmission between two ns-3 applications over real interfaces using EmuNetDevice [Paper presentation]. Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3), Cannes, France.

Deronne, S., Moeyaert, V., & Bette, S. (2013). Simulation of 802.11 Radio-over-Fiber Networks using ns-3 [Paper presentation]. Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3), Cannes, France.

Mégret, P., Bette, S., Moeyaert, V., Van Laere, A., Bayot Katumba, G., & Mura, M. (03 December 2012). La Communication sur fil électrique au fil du temps : Power Line Communication: how to make new things with an old idea [Paper presentation]. Conférence : Power Line Communication for Smarter Grids, Paris, France.

Deronne, S., Moeyaert, V., & Bette, S. (2012). Investigation of the TCP Performance in IEEE 802.11g Radio-over-Fiber Systems [Paper presentation]. 17th annual symposium of the IEEE photonics Benelux chapter (IPS 2012), Mons, Belgium.

Deronne, S., Moeyaert, V., & Bette, S. (2011). Analysis of the IEEE 802.11 performances in radio-over-fiber environments with coverage overlapping [Paper presentation]. IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter Symposium, Ghent, Belgium.

Deronne, S., Moeyaert, V., & Bette, S. (2011). Analysis of the MAC Performances in 802.11g Radio-over-Fiber Systems [Paper presentation]. IEEE Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology in the Benelux, Ghent, Belgium.

Deronne, S., Moeyaert, V., & Bette, S. (2011). Analysis of the MAC Performances in 802.11g Radio-over-Fiber Systems [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on Green Radio over Fibre and All Optical (GROWAN), Brest, France.

Boukesse, M., Fremal, S., Mégret, P., Bette, S., Manneback, P., & Moeyaert, V. (2011). Optimum twisting parameter for the DVB-T2 column-twist interleaver [Paper presentation]. WIC/IEEE SP Symposium on Information Theory and Signal Processing in the Benelux, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2011). Polarization properties of fiber Bragg gratings and their application for transverse force sensing purposes. In A. Cusano, A. Cutolo, ... J. Albert (Eds.), Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors: Recent Advancements, Industrial Applications and Market Exploitation. Bentham Science Publisher.

Deronne, S., Bette, S., & Moeyaert, V. (22 March 2011). Impact of the Slottime parameter value on the MAC Performances in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Systems using Radio-over-Fiber technology [Poster presentation]. 6ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs (MDC 2011), Mons, Belgium.

Deronne, S., Moeyaert, V., & Bette, S. (2010). Impact of the Slottime Parameter value on the MAC Performances in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Systems using Radio-over-Fiber technology [Paper presentation]. IEEE Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology in the Benelux, Enschede, Netherlands.

Boukesse, M., Moeyaert, V., Bette, S., & Mégret, P. (2010). Analysis of the twisting parameters in the DVB-T2 column-twist interleaver [Paper presentation]. IEEE Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology in the Benelux, Enschede, Netherlands.

Tamgnoue, V., Moeyaert, V., Bette, S., & Mégret, P. (2010). Performance analysis of DVB-T/H OFDM hierarchical modulation in impulse noise environment (chapter 8). In Digital Video (pp. 145-162). INTECH.

Caucheteur, C., Mussot, A., Bette, S., Kudlinski, A., Douay, M., Louvergneaux, E., Mégret, P., Taki, M., & Gonzalez-Herraez, M. (01 February 2010). All-fiber tunable optical delay line. Optics Express, 18 (3), 3093-3100.
Peer reviewed

Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., García-Muñoz, V., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., Capmany, J., & Mégret, P. (15 November 2009). PDL and DGD reduction in Bragg gratings using twisted fibers for the inscription. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 21 (22), 1689-1691.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Mussot, A., Kudlinski, A., Louvergneaux, E., Douay, M., Taki, M., & Mégret, P. (2009). Non-dispersive chirped fiber Bragg grating component for ultrafast optical communications [Paper presentation]. IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, Symposium 2009, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2009). Use of chirped fibre Bragg gratings for transverse strain sensing purpose [Paper presentation]. IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, Symposium 2009, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., Capmany, J., & Mégret, P. (2009). [Invited] Analysis of the polarization properties related to fiber Bragg gratings in the presence of birefringence [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN), Pékin, China.

Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Mégret, P., Garcia Olcina, R., Capmany, J., Sales, S., & Nikogosyan, D. N. (2009). Birefringence evaluation in strong femtosecond UV laser-induced fiber Bragg gratings [Paper presentation]. Photonics Ireland 2009, Cork, Ireland.

Linze, N., Kouahou, A., Nkuitang, B., Moeyaert, V., Bette, S., Gosselin, B., & Mégret, P. (2009). Caractérisation des défauts d'une liaison optique basée sur l'analyse du portrait de phase [Paper presentation]. Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée, Lille, France.

Caucheteur, C., Mussot, A., Bette, S., Kudlinski, H., Douay, M., Louvergneaux, E., Taki, M., & Gonzalez-Herraez, M. (2009). Dispositif non dispersif de filtrage et de génération de délai à très haut debit utilisant un réseau de Bragg fibré à période progressive [Paper presentation]. Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée, Lille, France.

Bette, S., Manzombi, L., Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (2009). Utilisation d'un réseau de Bragg fibré à pas variables pour la réalisation d'un capteur de contrainte transverse [Paper presentation]. Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée, Lille, France.

Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., Capmany, J., & Mégret, P. (15 April 2009). Influence of the grating parameters on the polarization properties of fiber Bragg gratings. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 27 (8), 1000-1010.
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García-Muñoz, V., Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Wuilpart, M., Muriel, M., & Mégret, P. (20 March 2009). Reduction of polarization related effects in superimposed fiber Bragg gratings. Applied Optics, 48 (9), 1635-1641.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Goffin, C., Mégret, P., Lethien, C., Dossou, M., & Bette, S. (2008). Recent results on characterisation of PF GIPOF designed for High-speed LAN [Paper presentation]. IEEE Laser and Electro-Optics Society Symposium - Benelux Chapter, Enschede, Netherlands.

Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Chen, C., Wuilpart, M., Mégret, P., & Albert, J. (15 December 2008). Tilted fiber Bragg grating refractometer using polarization dependent loss measurement. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 20 (24), 2153-2155.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., & Mégret, P. (2008). Détermination de la biréfringence induite par une contrainte mécanique transverse à partir de la mesure des paramètres de polarisation d'un réseau de Bragg fibré [Paper presentation]. Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée, Lannion, France.

Bette, S., Garcia Munoz, V., Caucheteur, C., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., & Mégret, P. (2008). Démonstration expérimentale de la réduction de la PDL et du DGD des réseaux de Bragg par inscription dans des fibres tournées [Paper presentation]. Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée, Lannion, France.

Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Garcia Munoz, V., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., & Mégret, P. (15 October 2008). Experimental Demonstration of the Reduction of PDL and DGD in Fibre Bragg Gratings by Using a Twisted-Fibre for the Inscription [Poster presentation]. BONE Summer School 2008, Mons, Belgium.

Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Chen, C., Wuilpart, M., Mégret, P., & Albert, J. (2008). Refractometer based on polarization dependent loss measurement of weakly titled fiber Bragg gratings [Paper presentation]. MicroOptics Conference, Brussels, Belgium.

Garcia Munoz, V., Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Wuilpart, M., Muriel, M., & Mégret, P. (2008). Polarization related phenomena of fiber Bragg gratings with spiral refractive index modulation [Paper presentation]. MicroOptics Conference, Brussels, Belgium.

Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Garcia Munoz, V., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., Capmany, J., Muriel, M., & Mégret, P. (2008). Experimental Demonstration of the Reduction of PDL and DGD in Fibre Bragg Gratings by Using a Twisted-Fibre for the Inscription [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Optical Communications, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., Capmany, J., & Mégret, P. (2008). [Invited] Polarization Properties Related to Fiber Bragg Gratings in the Presence of Birefringence: Analysis and Application to Sensors [Paper presentation]. 1st Mediterranean Photonics Conference, Ischia (I), .

Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., Capmany, J., & Mégret, P. (15 March 2008). Relationship Between Chromatic Dispersion and Differential Group Delay in Weakly Birefringent Fiber Grating. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 20 (6), 437-439.
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Bette, S. (2008). Contribution à l'étude des propriétés spectrales des réseaux de Bragg fibrés : Analyse et exploitation des propriétés de polarisation [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., Capmany, J., & Mégret, P. (2007). Experimental demonstrations of the relationship between chromatic dispersion and differential group delay in weakly birefringent fibre gratings [Paper presentation]. IEEE Laser and Electro-Optics Society Symposium - Benelux Chapter, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Garcia Munoz, V., Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Wuilpart, M., Muriel, M., & Mégret, P. (2007). DGD and PDL reduction in twisted FBGs [Paper presentation]. IEEE Laser and Electro-Optics Society Symposium - Benelux Chapter, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Tamgnoue, V., Moeyaert, V., Mpongo, H., Bette, S., & Mégret, P. (2007). Performance analysis of hierarchical modulation in presence of impulse noise [Paper presentation]. Broadband Europe, Antwerp, Belgium.

Tamgnoue, V., Moeyaert, V., Bette, S., & Mégret, P. (2007). Performance Analysis of DVB-H OFDM Hierarchical Modulation in Impulse Noise Environment [Paper presentation]. IEEE Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology in the Benelux, Delft, Netherlands.

García-Muñoz, V., Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Wuilpart, M., Preciado, M., Muriel, M., & Mégret, P. (2007). Optimized Superimposed Fiber Bragg Gratings to Reduce Birefringence effects in WDM Applications [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Optical Communications, Berlin, Germany.

Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., Capmany, J., & Mégret, P. (2007). Analysis of Birefringence Effect in Long Period Gratings through Measurements of Chromatic and Polarization Mode Dispersions [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Optical Communications, Berlin, Germany.

Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., Capmany, J., & Mégret, P. (2007). Effect of the Grating Parameters on the Polarization Properties of Uniform FBG's [Paper presentation]. Conference on Bragg Gratings, Photosensitivity and Poling in Glass Waveguides, Quebec, Canada.

Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., Capmany, J., & Mégret, P. (2007). Optical Sensor Exploiting the Birefringence effect in Fiber Bragg Gratings [Paper presentation]. Optimess Workshop, Leuven, Belgium.

Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., Capmany, J., & Mégret, P. (2007). Determination of the fiber birefringence induced by transversal loads by means of fiber Bragg gratings [Paper presentation]. Photonic Materials, Devices, and Applications, Gran Canaria, Spain.

Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., Capmany, J., & Mégret, P. (2007). Transverse force sensor exploiting the birefringence effect in uniform fibre Bragg gratings [Paper presentation]. European Symposium on Optics and Optoelectronics, Prague, Czechia.

Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., & Mégret, P. (15 January 2007). Theoretical and experimental study of differential group delay and polarization dependent loss of Bragg gratings written in birefringent fiber. Optics Communications, 269, 331-337.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., Capmany, J., & Mégret, P. (01 January 2007). Transverse strain measurements using the birefringence effect in fiber Bragg gratings. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 19 (13), 966-968.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Bette, S., Moeyaert, V., Lebrun, C., & Mégret, P. (2006). Optimization of distortions in externally modulated optical links used for analog downstream communications in CATV/HFC networks [Paper presentation]. Broadband Europe, Genève, Switzerland.

Tamgnoue, V., Moeyaert, V., Bette, S., & Mégret, P. (2006). On the Impact of Impulse noise on QAM modulation [Paper presentation]. Broadband Europe, Genève, Switzerland.

Tamgnoue, V., Moeyaert, V., Bette, S., & Mégret, P. (2006). Performance Analysis of Direct Sequence CDMA in Impulse Noise Channel [Paper presentation]. IEEE Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology in the Benelux, Liège, Belgium.

Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., & Mégret, P. (2006). Relation entre les propriétés de phase et de polarisation des réseaux de Bragg fibrés en présence de biréfringence [Paper presentation]. Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée, Metz, France.

Bette, S., Moeyaert, V., Lebrun, C., & Mégret, P. (2006). Optimisation des distorsions générées par la liaison optique utilisée pour la voie descendante des réseaux de télédistribution [Paper presentation]. Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée, Metz, France.

Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Wuilpart, M., Mégret, P., Garcia Olcina, R., Sales, S., & Capmany, J. (2006). Demodulation Technique for Transverse Strain FBG Sensor Based on the Measurement of the Polarization Properties [Paper presentation]. 18th Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors, Cancun, Mexico.

Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Garcia Olcina, R., Sales, S., Wuilpart, M., Capmany, J., & Mégret, P. (2006). Wavelength Characterization of Chromatic Dispersion and Differential Group Delay of Fibre Bragg Gratings: Relationship and Applications [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Optical Communications, Cannes, France.

Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Garcia Olcina, R., Wuilpart, M., Sales, S., Ottevaere, H., Berghmans, F., Thienpont, H., Capmany, J., & Mégret, P. (2006). Use of the polarization properties of fiber Bragg gratings for sensing purposes [Paper presentation]. Photonics Europe, Strasbourg, France.

Tamgnoue, V., Moeyaert, V., Bette, S., & Mégret, P. (2006). Impulse Noise Estimation for Adaptive Modulation and Coding [Paper presentation]. 27th Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux, Noordwijk, Netherlands.

Mégret, P., Wuilpart, M., Bette, S., Staquet, N., Mégret, P. (Ed.), Wuilpart, M. (Ed.), Bette, S. (Ed.), & Staquet, N. (Ed.). (2005). 2005 IEEE/LEOS Symposium Benelux Chapter Proceedings, December 1-2, 2005, Faculté Polytechnique de Mons. FPMs.

Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Ottevaere, H., Nasilowski, T., Wuilpart, M., Berghmans, F., Thienpont, H., & Mégret, P. (2005). Study of the polarization properties of fiber Bragg gratings for sensing purposes [Paper presentation]. IEEE Laser and Electro-Optics Society Symposium - Benelux Chapter, Mons, Belgium.

Tamgnoue, V., Bette, S., Moeyaert, V., & Mégret, P. (2005). Statistical analysis of M-QAM signal impaired by clipping noise in optical CATV systems [Paper presentation]. IEEE Laser and Electro-Optics Society Symposium - Benelux Chapter, Mons, Belgium.

Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., Blondel, M., & Mégret, P. (2005). Spectral characterization of differential group delay in fibre Bragg grating written into Hi-Bi optical fibre [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Optical, Glasgow, Unknown/unspecified.

Garcia Olcina, R., Caucheteur, C., Sales, S., Bette, S., & Mégret, P. (2005). Polarization dependent losses in phase-shift Bragg gratings: measurement and simulation [Paper presentation]. XX Simposium Nacional de l aUnion Cientifica Internacional de Radio, Gandia, Spain.

Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., Deparis, O., Blondel, M., & Mégret, P. (2005). Relationship Between Group Delay And Stokes Parameters In Fiber Bragg Gratings [Paper presentation]. Conference on Bragg Gratings,Photosensitivity and Poling in Glass Waveguides, Sydney, Australia.

Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., Peigne, G., Blondel, M., & Mégret, P. (2005). Wavelength dependency of differential group delay and polarization dependent loss in uniformfibre Bragg grating [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Fibres and Optical Passive Components, Palermo, Italy.

Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Lhommé, F., Chah, K., Wuilpart, M., Blondel, M., & Mégret, P. (2005). Numerical reconstruction of induced birefringence in uniform fiber Bragg gratings throughpolarization properties measurement [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Fibres and Optical Passive Components, Palermo, Italy.

Tamgnoue, V., Bette, S., Moeyaert, V., Blondel, M., & Mégret, P. (2005). Impulse noise modelling in the upstream path of HFC/CATV networks [Paper presentation]. 26th Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Wuilpart, M., Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Blondel, M., & Mégret, P. (01 January 2005). Polarization properties of uniform fiber Bragg gratings written in highly birefringent fibers. Optics Communications, 247, 239-245.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Wuilpart, M., Blondel, M., Mégret, P., Lhommé, F., & Chah, K. (01 January 2005). Wavelength dependency of degree of polarization for high-birefringence fiber Bragg gratings and its application to temperature sensing. Optics Communications, 247, 325-333.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., Mégret, P., Garcia Olcina, R., Sales, S., & Capmany, J. (01 January 2005). Spectral characterization of differential group delay in uniform fiber Bragg gratings. Optics Express, 13 (25), 9954-9960.
Peer reviewed

Bette, S., Moeyaert, V., & Mégret, P. (2005). Experimental setup to detect errors at the bit level: performance analysis of QAM transmissions impaired by impulse noises. Revue HF : Electronics/Communications, (1), 65.
Peer reviewed

Bette, S., Moeyaert, V., & Mégret, P. (2004). Experimental setup to detect errors at the bit level: performance analysis of QAM transmissions impaired by impulse noises [Paper presentation]. URSI forum Broadband Communications, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Moeyaert, V., Bette, S., Tamgnoue, V., Blondel, M., & Mégret, P. (2004). Trends in cable television network physical topology [Paper presentation]. Broadhand Europe, Brugge, Belgium.

Bette, S., Caucheteur, C., Wuilpart, M., Blondel, M., & Mégret, P. (2004). Differential Group Delay Analysis of Uniform Bragg Gratings Written in Hi-Bi Optical Fibers [Paper presentation]. IEEE Laser and Electro- Optics Society Symposium -Benelux Chapter, Gand, Belgium.

Wuilpart, M., Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Mégret, P., & Blondel, M. (2004). Analysis of Stokes parameters reflected and transmitted by uniform fibre Bragg gratings written in highly birefringent fibres [Paper presentation]. IEEE Laser and Electro- Optics Society Symposium -Benelux Chapter, Gand, Belgium.

Bette, S., Moeyaert, V., Lhoir, M., Clerbois, C., Tamgnoue, V., Blondel, M., & Mégret, P. (2004). Temporal Binary Error Distribution of QAM Transmission Impaired by Clipping-Induced Noise in CATV Lightwave Subcarrier Multiplex Systems [Paper presentation]. IEEE Laser and Electro- Optics Society Symposium -Benelux Chapter, Gand, Belgium.

Caucheteur, C., Bette, S., Wuilpart, M., Blondel, M., & Mégret, P. (2004). Wavelength dependency of degree of polarization for uniform Bragg gratings written into polarization maintaining optical fibers [Paper presentation]. IEEE Laser and Electro- Optics Society Symposium -Benelux Chapter, Gand, Belgium.

Tamgnoue, V., Moeyaert, V., Bette, S., Blondel, M., & Mégret, P. (2004). Experimental set-up for the evaluation of clipping noise statistical behaviour of CATV optical transmission system [Paper presentation]. IEEE Laser and Electro- Optics Society Symposium -Benelux Chapter, Gand, Belgium.

Bette, S., Moeyaert, V., Tamgnoue, V., Blondel, M., & Mégret, P. (2004). Comparative Analysis of the Impact of CATV Return Path Ingress and Impulse Noises in a 16-QAM Transmission System [Paper presentation]. Network & Optical Communications, Eindhoven, Netherlands.

Bette, S., & Moeyaert, V. (2004). Document CLC/TC209_WG5_Conv0056/MTG - 'Impact of chromatic dispersion, external phase modulation and self-phase modulation on nonlinearities of external modulation CATV links' [Paper presentation]. CENELEC TC209 WG5 meeting, Mons, Belgium.

Bette, S. (01 January 2002). Non idealities of Fiber Bragg Gratings used for fiber dispersions compensation: systems performance [Paper presentation]. URSI Forum, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Bette, S., Moeyaert, V., Froidure, J.-C., & Blondel, M. (2001). Non linear behavior characterization methods for HFC networks return path devices and their relationship [Paper presentation]. Automatic RF Techniques Group, Phoenix, United States - Arizona.

Bette, S., & Moeyaert, V. (2001). Comments and additional contributions on TC209 Secretary Enquiry #9, CLC/TC209 (SEC)70 [Paper presentation]. CENELEC TC209 WG5 meeting - 24/04/2001, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Bette, S., & Moeyaert, V. (2001). Document CLC/TC209/WG5-40b - 'Noise Power Ratio Measurements' [Paper presentation]. CENELEC TC209 WG5 meeting - 24/04/2001, Bruxelles, Belgium.

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