
Vallée François

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté Polytechnique > Service de Génie Electrique

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté Polytechnique > Génie Electrique

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté Polytechnique > Physique Générale

Main Referenced Co-authors
DE GREVE, Zacharie  (113)
TOUBEAU, Jean-François  (101)
LOBRY, Jacques  (99)
DEBLECKER, Olivier  (51)
Klonari, Vasiliki  (27)
Main Referenced Keywords
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (10); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (8); Power (6); Power system (3); Power systems (3);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
CRTI - Centre de Recherche en Technologie de l'Information (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Electrical & electronics engineering (254)
Energy (17)
Computer science (2)
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (1)
Physics (1)

Publications (total 271)

The most downloaded
Toubeau, J.-F., Bottieau, J., Vallée, F., & De Grève, Z. (20 February 2019). Deep Learning-based Multivariate Probabilistic Forecasting for Short-Term Scheduling in Power Markets. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 34 (2), 1203-1215. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2018.2870041

The most cited

189 citations (OpenAlex)

Toubeau, J.-F., Bottieau, J., Vallée, F., & De Grève, Z. (20 February 2019). Deep Learning-based Multivariate Probabilistic Forecasting for Short-Term Scheduling in Power Markets. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 34 (2), 1203-1215. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2018.2870041

Faraji, J.* , Allard, J.* , Vallée, F., & De Grève, Z. (March 2025). On the limited observability of energy community members: An uncertainty-aware near-optimal bilevel programming approach. Applied Energy, 381, 125177. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2024.125177
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Allard, J., Arrigo, A., Bottieau, J., Bertrand, G., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (October 2024). A forecast-driven stochastic optimization method for proactive activation of manual reserves. Electric Power Systems Research, 235, 110804. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2024.110804
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ROSSEEL, A., BAKHSHIDEH ZAD, B., Vallée, F., & De Grève, Z. (October 2024). Physics-informed machine learning for forecasting power exchanges at the interface between transmission and distribution systems. Electric Power Systems Research, 238, 111097. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2024.111097
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Arrigo, A., Leroi, C., Vergnol, A., Sprooten, J., & Vallée, F. (September 2024). Modeling the impact of end-user flexibility and bill structure on future transmission grid load. Electric Power Systems Research, 234, 110668. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2024.110668
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Dupont, C., Favaro, P., Vallée, F., Bruno François, & Toubeau, J.-F. (01 August 2024). Decision-Focused Learning for Optimized Participation of an Industrial Consumer in Energy-Only and Reserve Markets [Paper presentation]. Conference IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT EUROPE 2024 ), Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Favaro, P., Dolanyi, M., Vallée, F., & Toubeau, J.-F. (February 2024). Neural network informed day-ahead scheduling of pumped hydro energy storage. Energy, 289, 129999. doi:10.1016/
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Singh, N., HOSSEINIQAREHTAPEH, S., De Kooning, J. D. M., Vallée, F., & Vandevelde, L. (2024). Load-aware operation strategy for wind turbines participating in the joint day-ahead energy and reserve market. IEEE Access, 1-1. doi:10.1109/access.2024.3350439
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FARAJI, J., VALLEE, F., & De Grève, Z. (2024). A Preference-Informed Energy Sharing Framework for a Renewable Energy Community. IEEE Transactions on Energy Markets, Policy and Regulation, 1-16. doi:10.1109/tempr.2024.3415123
Peer reviewed

Zamanian, Z., Dewasme, L., Vallée, F., & Vande wouwer, A. (2024). Online State of Charge estimation for lithium-ion battery cell using a combined RLS-NLS method [Paper presentation]. 43rd Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control.
Editorial reviewed

Cui, X., Toubeau, J.-F., Vallée, F., & Wang, Y. (2024). Decision-Oriented Modeling of Thermal Dynamics Within Buildings. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 1-1. doi:10.1109/TSG.2024.3445574
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Faraji, J., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (2023). Hierarchical Energy Sharing Management for a Renewable Energy Community with Heterogeneous End-users. In 2023 IEEE BELGRADE PowerTech. IEEE. doi:10.1109/PowerTech55446.2023.10202668
Peer reviewed

Hosseiniqarehtapeh, S., Toubeau, J.-F., Amjady, N., & Vallée, F. (2023). Day-Ahead Wind Power Temporal Distribution Forecasting With High Resolution. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 1-11. doi:10.1109/tpwrs.2023.3295915
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Favaro, P., Toubeau, J.-F., & Vallée, F. (14 July 2023). Machine Learning Informed Optimisation: Application to Pumped Hydro Energy Storage [Poster presentation]. ACP Summer School 2023: Machine Learning for Constraint Optimization, Leuven, Belgium.

Vatandoust, B., Bakhshideh zad, B., Vallée, F., Toubeau, J.-F., & Bruninx, K. (2023). Integrated Forecasting and Scheduling of Implicit Demand Response in Balancing Markets Using Inverse Optimization. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM 202. IEEE. doi:10.1109/EEM58374.2023.10161818
Peer reviewed

Hernandez, A., Vallée, F., & De Jaeger, E. (2023). Integration of Hydrogen in Sequential Monte Carlo Power Systems Adequacy Assessment. Proceedings PowerTech Conference 2023. doi:10.1109/powertech55446.2023.10202671
Peer reviewed

Allard, J., Rosseel, A., Sadoine, L., Faraji, J., Brihaye, T., Capizzi Filippo, Nteziyaremye, B., Bordes, F., Vallée, F., & De Grève, Z. (2023). Technical Impacts of the Deployment of Renewable Energy Community on Electricity Distribution Grids. Proceedings of the International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution 2023 (CIRED2023).
Peer reviewed

Khaloie, H., & Vallée, F. (2023). Day-Ahead Dispatch of Liquid Air Energy Storage Coupled with LNG Regasification in Electricity and LNG Markets. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 1-14. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2023.3324150
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Hosseiniqarehtapeh, S., Toubeau, J.-F., De Grève, Z., Wang, Y., Amjady, N., & Vallée, F. (01 January 2023). Data-Driven Multi-Resolution Probabilistic Energy and Reserve Bidding of Wind Power. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 38 (1), 85 – 99. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2022.3155865
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Khaloie, H., Faraji, J., Vallée, F., Lai, C. S., Toubeau, J.-F., & Lai, L. L. (2023). Risk-Aware Battery Bidding With a Novel Benchmark Selection Under Second-Order Stochastic Dominance. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 59 (3), 3009 – 3018. doi:10.1109/TIA.2023.3245047
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Cui, X., Ruan, G., Vallée, F., Toubeau, J.-F., & Wang, Y. (2023). A Two-level Coordination Strategy for Distribution Network Balancing. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 1–1. doi:10.1109/TSG.2023.3274564
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Nguyen, T.-H., Toubeau, J.-F., Jaeger, E. D., & Vallée, F. (2023). Fast and Reliable Modelling of Offshore Wind Generation for Adequacy Studies. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 1-10. doi:10.1109/tia.2023.3307076
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Rosseel, A., Bakhshideh zad, B., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (2023). Reactive Power Forecasting At The Transmission-Distribution Interfaces Using Physics Based Machine Learning [Poster presentation]. CIRED 2023, Rome, Italy.

Faraji, J.* , Aslani, M.* , Hashemi-Dezaki, H., Ketabi, A., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (2023). Reliability Analysis of Cyber-Physical Energy Hubs: A Monte Carlo Approach. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 1-1. doi:10.1109/TSG.2023.3270821
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Rosseel, A., Bakhshideh zad, B., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (2023). Reactive Power Forecasting At The Transmission-Distribution Interfaces Using Physics Based Machine Learning. In Reactive Power Forecasting At The Transmission-Distribution Interfaces Using Physics Based Machine Learning. Italy: IET. doi:10.1049/icp.2023.0297
Peer reviewed

Gobert, M., Gmys, J., Toubeau, J.-F., Melab, N., Tuyttens, D., & Vallée, F. (26 November 2022). Batch Acquisition for Parallel Bayesian Optimization— Application to Hydro-Energy Storage Systems Scheduling. Algorithms, 15 (12), 446. doi:10.3390/a15120446
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Favaro, P., Toubeau, J.-F., & Vallée, F. (10 November 2022). Day-ahead scheduling of Pumped-Hydro Energy Storage using machine learning informed optimization [Poster presentation]. SNIPPET Summer School.

Bottieau, J., De Grève, Z., Piraux, T., Dubois, A., Vallée, F., & Toubeau, J.-F. (November 2022). A cross-learning approach for cold-start forecasting of residential photovoltaic generation. Electric Power Systems Research, 212, 108415. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2022.108415
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Nguyen, T.-H., Toubeau, J.-F., De Jaeger, E., & Vallée, F. (October 2022). Adequacy assessment using data-driven models to account for aerodynamic losses in offshore wind generation. Electric Power Systems Research, 211, 108599. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2022.108599
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Hupez, M., Toubeau, J.-F., Atzeni, I., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (2022). Pricing Electricity in Residential Communities Using Game-Theoretical Billings. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 1-1. doi:10.1109/tsg.2022.3206912
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Favaro, P., Toubeau, J.-F., & Vallée, F. (06 September 2022). Neural-network constrained optimization applied to Pumped-Hydro Energy Storage [Poster presentation]. Mardi des chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.

Liefferinckx, C., Hubert, A., Thomas, D., Bottieau, J., Minsart, C., Cremer, A., Amininejad, L., Vallée, F., Toubeau, J.-F., & Franchimont, D. (2022). Predictive models assessing the response to ustekinumab highlight the value of therapeutic drug monitoring in Crohn's disease. Digestive and Liver Disease. doi:10.1016/j.dld.2022.07.015
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Bakhshideh Zad, B., Toubeau, J.-F., Bruninx, K., Vatandoust, B., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (August 2022). Supervised learning-assisted modeling of flow-based domains in European resource adequacy assessments. Applied Energy, 325, 119875. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2022.119875
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Gobert, M., Gmys, J., Toubeau, J.-F., Melab, N., Tuyttens, D., & Vallée, F. (2022). Parallel Bayesian Optimization for Optimal Scheduling of Underground Pumped Hydro-Energy Storage Systems. In Proceedings - 2022 IEEE 36th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops, IPDPSW 2022. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. doi:10.1109/IPDPSW55747.2022.00133
Peer reviewed

Singh, N., Hosseiniqarehtapeh, S., Kayedpour, N., De Kooning, J. D. M., De Grève, Z., Toubeau, J.-F., Vallée, F., Crevecoeur, G., & Vandevelde, L. (2022). Prediction-based Wind Turbine Operation for Active Participation in the Day-Ahead and Reserve Markets. In Proceedings 2022 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, PESGM 2022. IEEE. doi:10.1109/PESGM48719.2022.9917213
Peer reviewed

Favaro, P., Vallée, F., & Toubeau, J.-F. (July 2022). Embedding machine learning models in the scheduling problem of pumped hydro energy storage [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Operational Research, Espoo, Finland.
Editorial reviewed

Toubeau, J.-F., Bottieau, J., Wang, Y., & Vallée, F. (23 April 2022). Interpretable Probabilistic Forecasting of Imbalances in Renewable-Dominated Electricity Systems. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 13 (2), 1267-1277.
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Vallée, F. (04 April 2022). Entre transition énergétique et libéralisation du secteur, quel avenir pour le système électrique belge après 2025? [Paper presentation]. Partners' Night, Rotary Club 'Dour-Quievrain', Hornu, Belgium.

Bottieau, J., De Grève, Z., Vallée, F., & Toubeau, J.-F. (2022). Interpréter les prédictions de séries temporelles obtenues à l'aide d'un modèle de type Transformer : une étude portant sur les prix de déséquilibre des marchés de l'électricité [Paper presentation]. 33ème Conférence Internationale Francophone sur l'Interaction Humain-Machine, IHM 2022, Namur, Belgium.

Bottieau, J., De Grève, Z., Piraux, T., Dubois, A., Vallée, F., & Toubeau, J.-F. (2022). A Cross-Learning Approach for Cold-Start Forecasting of Residential Photovoltaic Generation [Paper presentation]. 22nd IEEE Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2022, Porto, Portugal.

Nguyen, T.-H., Toubeau, J.-F., De Jaeger, E., & Vallée, F. (2022). Adequacy Assessment Using Data-Driven Models to Account for Aerodynamic Losses in Offshore Wind Generation [Paper presentation]. 22nd IEEE Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2022, Porto, Portugal.

Singh, N., Hosseiniqarehtapeh, S., Kayedpour, N., De Kooning, J., De Grève, Z., Toubeau, J.-F., Vallée, F., Crèvecoeur, G., & Vandevelde, L. (2022). Prediction-based Wind Turbine Control for Active Participation in the Day-Ahead and Reserve Markets [Paper presentation]. 2022 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Denver, United States.

Arrigo, A., Toubeau, J.-F., Fattahi, I., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (2022). Distributionally Robust Power and Gas Dispatch with Multivariate and Correlated Uncertainty [Paper presentation]. 2022 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, Manchester, United Kingdom.

Hernandez, A., Vallée, F., & De Jaeger, E. (2022). Integration of Power-to-Hydrogen Models in Power Systems Adequacy Assessments [Paper presentation]. 2022 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, Manchester, United Kingdom.

Khaloie, H., Anvari-Moghaddam, A., Contreras, J., Toubeau, J.-F., Siano, P., & Vallée, F. (01 March 2022). Offering and Bidding for a Wind Producer Paired With Battery and CAES Units Considering Battery Degradation. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 136, 107685.
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Hosseiniqarehtapeh, S., De Grève, Z., Wang, Y., Amjady, N., Vallée, F., & Toubeau, J.-F. (2022). Data-Driven Multi-Resolution Probabilistic Energy and Reserve Scheduling of Wind Power.

Liefferinckx, C., Bottieau, J., Toubeau, J.-F., Thomas, D., Rahier, J.-F., Louis, E., Baert, F., Dewint, P., Pouillon, L., Lambrecht, G., Vallée, F., Vermeire, S., Bossuyt, P., & Franchimont, D. (10 February 2022). Collecting New Peak and Intermediate Infliximab Levels to Predict Remission in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 28 (2), 208-217.
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Arrigo, A., Ordoudis, C., Kazempour, J., De Grève, Z., Toubeau, J.-F., & Vallée, F. (01 January 2022). Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Chance-Constrained Optimization for Energy and Reserve Dispatch : An Exact and Physically-Bounded Formulation. European Journal of Operational Research, 296 (1), 304-322.
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Khaloie, H., Toubeau, J.-F., Vallée, F., Lai, C. S., & Lai, L. L. (01 January 2022). An Innovative Coalitional Trading Model for a Biomass Power Plant Paired with Green Energy Resources. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 13 (2), 892-904.
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Khaloie, H., Vallée, F., Lai, C. S., Toubeau, J.-F., & Hatziargyriou, N. (01 January 2022). Day-Ahead and Intraday Dispatch of an Integrated Biomass-Concentrated Solar System: A Multi-Objective Risk-Controlling Approach. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 37 (1), 701-714.
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Toubeau, J.-F., Pardoen, L., Hubert, L., Marenne, N., Sprooten, J., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (01 January 2022). Machine-Learning Assisted Outage Planning for Maintenance Activities in Power Systems with Renewables. Energy, 238 (Part C), 121993.
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{"lastName":"Bottieau", F. J. A. U. D. M.-U. U. E. F. P. U. E. S. D. G. E. I. S. O., {"lastName":"Wang", F. Y. I. S. O., De Grève, Z., Vallée, F., & {"lastName":"Toubeau", F. J.-F. A. U. D. M.-U. U. E. F. P. U. E. S. D. G. E. I. S. O. (2022). Interpretable Transformer Model for Capturing Regime Switching Effects of Real-Time Electricity prices. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 1-14. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2022.3195970
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{"lastName":"Arrigo", F. A. A. U. D. M.-U. U. E. F. P. U. E. S. D. G. E. I. S. O., {"lastName":"Kazempour", F. J. I. S. O., De Grève, Z., {"lastName":"Toubeau", F. J.-F. A. U. D. M.-U. U. E. F. P. U. E. S. D. G. E. I. S. O., & Vallée, F. (2022). Embedding Dependencies Between Wind Farms in Distributionally Robust Optimal Power Flow. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 1-14. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2022.3221348
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Toubeau, J.-F., Nguyen, T.-H., Khaloie, H., Wang, Y., & Vallée, F. (2022). Forecast-Driven Stochastic Scheduling of a Virtual Power Plant in Energy and Reserve Markets. IEEE Systems Journal, 16 (4), 5212-5223. doi:10.1109/JSYST.2021.3114445
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Bottieau, J., Bruninx, K., Sanjab, A., De Grève, Z., Vallée, F., & Toubeau, J.-F. (11 December 2021). Automatic Risk Adjustment for Profit Maximization in Renewable Dominated Short-Term Electricity Markets. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, e1352.
Peer reviewed

Toubeau, J.-F., Nguyen, T.-H., Khaloie, H., Wang, Y., & Vallée, F. (2021). Forecast-Driven Stochastic Scheduling of a Virtual Power Plant in Energy and Reserve Markets. IEEE Systems Journal.
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Bakhshideh Zad, B., Toubeau, J.-F., & Vallée, F. (23 August 2021). Chance-Constrained based Voltage Control Framework To Deal with Model Uncertainties in MV Distribution Systems. Energies, 14, 5161.
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Bakhshideh Zad, B., Toubeau, J.-F., Vatandoust, B., Bruninx, K., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (10 August 2021). Enhanced Integration of Flow-Based Market Coupling in Short-Term Adequacy Assessment. Electric Power Systems Research, 201, 107507.
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Codjo, E., Vallée, F., & Francois, B. (2021). Impact de la distribution statistique de la résistance de ligne sur un calcul de Load Flow probabiliste [Paper presentation]. Symposium de Génie Electrique, Nantes, France.

Bakhshideh Zad, B., Vatandoust, B., De Grève, Z., Toubeau, J.-F., & Vallée, F. (2021). Advanced Clustering of Flow-Based Domains for Adequacy Study Purposes [Paper presentation]. IEEE PowerTech 2021 International Conference, POWERTECH 2021, Madrid, Spain.

Bottieau, J., Arrigo, A., De Grève, Z., Vallée, F., & Toubeau, J.-F. (2021). A Distributionally Robust Framework for Improving the Provision of Passive Balancing Services [Paper presentation]. IEEE PowerTech 2021 International Conference, POWERTECH 2021, Madrid, Spain.

Arrigo, A., Kazempour, J., De Grève, Z., Toubeau, J.-F., & Vallée, F. (2021). Enhanced Wasserstein Distributionally Robust OPF with Dependence Structure and Support Information [Paper presentation]. IEEE PowerTech 2021 International Conference, POWERTECH 2021, Madrid, Spain.

Toubeau, J.-F., Bottieau, J., De Grève, Z., Vallée, F., & Bruninx, K. (24 June 2021). Data-Driven Scheduling of Energy Storage in Day-Ahead Energy and Reserve Markets with Probabilistic Guarantees on Real-Time Delivery. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 36 (4), 2815-2828.
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Khaloie, H., Toubeau, J.-F., Vallée, F., Lai, C. S., Lai, L. L., & Yan, M. (2021). Battery Storage Arbitrage Under Stochastic Dominance Constraints: A New Benchmark Selection Approach [Paper presentation]. IEEE 21th International Conference on Environment & Electrical Engineering, EEIC 2021, Bari, Italy.

Nguyen, T.-H., Toubeau, J.-F., De Jaeger, E., & Vallée, F. (2021). Machine Learning Proxies Integrating Wake Effects in Offshore Wind Generation for Adequacy Studies [Paper presentation]. IEEE 21th International Conference on Environment & Electrical Engineering, EEIC 2021, Bari, Italy.

Bakhshideh Zad, B., Toubeau, J.-F., Acclassato, O., Durieux, O., & Vallée, F. (2021). An Innovative Centralized Voltage Control Method for MV Distribution Systems Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning: Application on a Real Test Case in Benin [Paper presentation]. 26th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2021, Geneva, Switzerland.

Rosseel, A., Hupez, M., Toubeau, J.-F., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (2021). On the Optimization of Investments in Distributed Energy Resources in a Low Voltage Energy Community [Paper presentation]. 26th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2021, Geneva, Switzerland.

Codjo, E., Bakhshideh Zad, B., Toubeau, J.-F., Francois, B., & Vallée, F. (12 May 2021). Machine-Learning based Classification of Electrical Low Voltage Cables Degradation. Energies, 14 (2852).
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Liefferinckx, C., De Grève, Z., Toubeau, J.-F., Pérée, H., Quertinmont, E., Tafciu, V., Minsart, C., Rahmouni, S., Georges, M., Vallée, F., & Franchimont, D. (28 April 2021). New Approach To Determine the Healthy Immune Variations by Combining Clustering Methods. Scientific Reports, 11, 8917. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-88272-x
Peer reviewed

Toubeau, J.-F., Morstyn, T., Bottieau, J., Zheng, K., Apostolopoulou, D., De Grève, Z., Wang, Y., & Vallée, F. (26 April 2021). Capturing Spatio-Temporal Dependencies in the Probabilistic Forecasting of Distribution Locational Marginal Prices. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 12 (3), 2663-2674.
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Hupez, M., Toubeau, J.-F., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (26 April 2021). A New Cooperative Framework for a Fair and Cost-Optimal Allocation of Resources within a Low Voltage Electricity Community. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 12 (3), 2201-2211.
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Steyaert, R., Hoeffelman, J., Poncelet, R., Rimez, J., Van Baelen, J., Van Dommelen, D., Van Eck, J.-L., Van Ranst, A., & Vallée, F. (Ed.). (2021). New Knowledge on Solar Storms and Their Potential Effects on the Belgian HV Power Grids. SRBE/KBVE.

Hosseiniqarehtapeh, S., Toubeau, J.-F., Singh, N., De Kooning, J., Kayedpour, N., Crèvecoeur, G., De Grève, Z., Vallée, F., & Vandevelde, L. (2021). Impact Of Fast Wind Fluctuations On The Profit Of A Wind Power Producer Jointly Trading In Energy And Reserve Markets [Paper presentation]. The 9th IET International Conference on Renewable Power Generation, RPG 2021, Dublin, Ireland.

Shariatmadar, K., Arrigo, A., Vallée, F., Hallez, H., Vandevelde, L., & Moens, D. (05 February 2021). Day-Ahead Energy and Reserve Dispatch Problems Under Non-Probabilistic Uncertainty. Energies, 14, 1016.
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Toubeau, J.-F., Dapoz, P.-D., Bottieau, J., Wautier, A., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (01 January 2021). Recalibration of Recurrent Neural Networks for Short-Term Wind Power Forecasting. Electric Power Systems Research, 190 (January 2021), 1-7. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2020.106639
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Khaloie, H., Toubeau, J.-F., Vallée, F., Lai, C. S., Lai, L. L., & Yan, M. (2021). Battery Storage Energy Arbitrage Under Stochastic Dominance Constraints: A New Benchmark Selection Approach [Paper presentation]. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2021 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe). doi:10.1109/EEEIC/ICPSEurope51590.2021.9584781

Schwele, A., Arrigo, A., Vervaeren, C., Kazempour, J., & Vallée, F. (01 December 2020). Coordination of Electricity, Heat & Gas Systems Accounting for Network Flexibility. Electric Power Systems Research, 189 (December 2020), 1-7.
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Hupez, M., Toubeau, J.-F., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (11 November 2020). Cooperative Frameworks For A Fair And Efficient Allocation Of Resources Within LV Electricity Communities: Considering the mutualization of resources [Paper presentation]. Infoms Annual Meeting, Washington DC, United States - District of Columbia.

Hosseiniqarehtapeh, S., Toubeau, J.-F., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (04 October 2020). An Advanced Day-Ahead Bidding Strategy Model for Wind Power Producers Considering Confidence Level on the Real-Time Reserve Provision. Applied Energy, 280 (December 2020), 1-14.
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Vallée, F. (2020). Est-on prêt à sortir du nucléaire?

Codjo, E., Vallée, F., & Francois, B. (2020). Impact of the Line Resistance Statistical Distribution on a Probabilistic Load Flow Computation [Paper presentation]. 6th IEEE International Energy Conference, ENERGYCON 2020, Grammarth, Tunisia.

De Grève, Z., Bottieau, J., Vangulick (ORES), D., Wautier, A., Dapoz, P.-D., Arrigo, A., Toubeau, J.-F., & Vallée, F. (18 September 2020). Machine Learning Techniques for Improving Self-Consumption in Renewable Energy Communities. Energies, 13 (18), 4892-4909.
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Codjo, E., Bakhshideh Zad, B., Vallée, F., & Francois, B. (2020). Analysis of Low Voltage Networks Sensitivity to Voltage Variations Due to The Insulation Wear [Paper presentation]. 55th International Universities' Power Engineering Conference, UPEC 2020, Torino, Italy.

Toubeau, J.-F., Bakhshideh Zad, B., Hupez, M., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (01 August 2020). Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Voltage Control to Deal with Model Uncertainties in Distribution Networks. Energies, 13 (15), 3928-3943.
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Toubeau, J.-F., De Grève, Z., Goderniaux, P., Vallée, F., & Bruninx, K. (01 July 2020). Chance-Constrained Scheduling of Underground Pumped Hydro Energy Storage in Presence of Model Uncertainties. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 11 (3), 1516-1527. doi:10.1109/TSTE.2019.2929687
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Schwele, A., Arrigo, A., Vervaeren, C., Kazempour, J., & Vallée, F. (2020). Coordination of Electricity, Heat & Gas Systems Accounting for Network Flexibility [Paper presentation]. 21th IEEE Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2020, Porto, Portugal.

Toubeau, J.-F., Ponsart, C., Stevens, C., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (22 June 2020). Sizing of Underwater Gravity Storage with Solid Weights Participating in Electricity Markets. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 30 (10), 1-17.
Peer reviewed

Toubeau, J.-F., De Grève, Z., Papadopoulos, V., Zhang, Q., Plenz, M., & Vallée, F. (Ed.). (2020). Steady-State Operation, Disturbed Operation and Protection of Power Networks. MDPI Basel.

Hosseiniqarehtapeh, S., Toubeau, J.-F., & Vallée, F. (05 March 2020). On the Impact of Oversimplified Power Curves in the Optimal Bidding Strategy of Wind Power Producer Taking Part in A Joint Energy & Reserve Market [Poster presentation]. BERA PhD Day on Wind Energy, Het Pand, Ghent, Belgium.

Bottieau, J., Hubert, L., De Grève, Z., Vallée, F., & Toubeau, J.-F. (26 February 2020). Very Short-Term Probabilistic Forecasting for a Risk-Aware Participation in the Single Price Imbalance Settlement. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 35 (2), 1218-1230. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2019.2940756
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Toubeau, J.-F., Iassinovski, S., Jean, E., Parfait, J.-Y., Bottieau, J., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (05 November 2019). A Nonlinear Hybrid Approach for the Scheduling of Merchant Underground Pumped Hydro Energy Storage. IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 13 (21), 4798-4808. doi:10.1049/iet-gtd.2019.0204
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Vervaeren, C., Schwele, A., Arrigo, A., Kazempour, J., & Vallée, F. (2019). Unlocking Linepack Flexibility from Natural Gas and District Heating Networks: Convexification Approaches [Paper presentation]. The 2019 INFORMS Annual Meeting, INFORMS 2019, Seattle, United States - Washington.

Toubeau, J.-F., De Grève, Z., Goderniaux, P., Vallée, F., & Bruninx, K. (2019). A Chance-Constrained Tool for the Scheduling of Underground Pumped Hydro Energy Storage in Presence of Model Uncertainties [Paper presentation]. The 2019 INFORMS Annual Meeting, INFORMS 2019, Seattle, United States - Washington.

Dapoz, P.-D., De Grève, Z., De Pauw, P., Sprooten, J., & Vallée, F. (2019). Mixed Regression Clustering Techniques for the Medium-Term Prediction of Reactive Power within Transmission Grids [Paper presentation]. IEEE Conference on Innovative Smart Grids Technologies, ISGT 2019 Europe, Bucharest, Romania.

Arrigo, A., Ordoudis, C., Kazempour, J., De Grève, Z., Toubeau, J.-F., & Vallée, F. (2019). Distributionally Robust Chance-Constrained Energy and Reserve Dispatch : A Support-based Exact Approach [Paper presentation]. 15th International Conference on Stochastic Programming, ISCP XV, Trondheim, Norway.

Gobert, M., Gmys, J., Toubeau, J.-F., Vallée, F., Melab, N., & Tuyttens, D. (2019). Surrogate-Assisted Optimization for Multi-Stage Optimal Scheduling of Virtual Power Plants [Paper presentation]. International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, Dublin, Ireland.

Bakhshideh Zad, B., Toubeau, J.-F., Lobry, J., & Vallée, F. (02 July 2019). A Robust Voltage Control Algorithm Incorporating Model Uncertainty Impacts. IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 13 (17), 3921-3931.
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Exizidis, L., Kazempour, J., Papakonstantinou, A., Pinson, P., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (01 July 2019). Incentive-Compatibility in a Two-Stage Stochastic Electricity Market with High Wind Power Penetration. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 34 (4), 2846-2858. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2019.2901249
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Hupez, M., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (2019). A Collaborative Demand-Side Management Scenario for Liberalized Smart Grids [Paper presentation]. 25th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2019, Madrid, Spain.

Arrigo, A., Ordoudis, C., Kazempour, J., De Grève, Z., Toubeau, J.-F., & Vallée, F. (01 June 2019). Distributionally Robust Chance-Constrained Energy and Reserve Dispatch: A Support-Based Exact Approach [Paper presentation]. 26th Young Energy Economists and Engineers Seminar (YEEES), Leuven, Belgium.

Stevanoni, C., De Grève, Z., Vallée, F., & Deblecker, O. (01 March 2019). Long-Term Planning of Connected Industrial Microgrids: a Game Theoretical Approach Including Daily Peer-to-Microgrid Exchanges. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 10 (2), 2245-2256. doi:10.1109/TSG.2018.2793311
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Toubeau, J.-F., Bottieau, J., Vallée, F., & De Grève, Z. (20 February 2019). Deep Learning-based Multivariate Probabilistic Forecasting for Short-Term Scheduling in Power Markets. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 34 (2), 1203-1215. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2018.2870041
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Hupez, M., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (24 August 2018). A Cooperative Demand-Side Management Scenario for the Low Voltage Network in Liberalised Electricity Markets. IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 12 (12), 5990-5999. doi:10.1049/iet-gtd.2018.5511
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Bakhshideh Zad, B., Lobry, J., & Vallée, F. (30 July 2018). A New Voltage Sensitivity Analysis Method for Medium Voltage Distribution Systems Incorporating Power Losses. Electric Power Components and Systems, 46 (14-15), 1540-1553. doi:10.1080/15325008.2018.1511639
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Exizidis, L., De Grève, Z., Vallée, F., Kazempour, J., Papakonstantinou, A., & Pinson, P. (2018). Efficiency and Incentive Compatibility in A Co-Optimized Energy and Reserves Electricity Market [Paper presentation]. 20th IEEE Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2018, Dublin, Ireland.

Stevanoni, C., Vallée, F., De Grève, Z., & Deblecker, O. (2018). Optimized Decentralized and Centralized Load Management Techniques in Industrial Microgrids [Paper presentation]. CIRED Workshop 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Bottieau, J., Vallée, F., De Grève, Z., & Toubeau, J.-F. (2018). Leveraging Provision of Frequency Regulation Services from Wind Generation by Improving Day-Ahead Predictions using LSTM Neural Networks [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Energy Conference, ENERGYCON 2018, Limassol, Cyprus.

Bottieau, J., De Grève, Z., Vallée, F., & Toubeau, J.-F. (2018). Fostering the Participation of Battery Storage Systems in the Real-Time Balancing of Electrical Grids [Paper presentation]. 9th IEEE Young Researchers Symposium in Electrical Power Engineering, YRS 2018, Brussels, Belgium.

Vallée, F. (2018). Appel à projets lancé par le gouvernement wallon visant l'installation de 100 bornes de rechargement pour véhicules électriques en 2018.

Bakhshideh Zad, B., Lobry, J., & Vallée, F. (19 February 2018). Impacts of the Model Uncertainty on the Voltage Regulation Problem of Medium Voltage Distribution Systems. IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 12 (10), 2359-2368. doi:10.1049/iet-gtd.2017.1829
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Toubeau, J.-F., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (18 February 2018). Medium-Term Multi-Market Optimization for Virtual Power Plants: A Stochastic-Based Decision Environment. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 33 (2), 1399-1410. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2017.2718246
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Vallée, F. (13 December 2017). Energy Transition in Belgium: the How and the Why [Paper presentation]. Conférence 'l'Amitié', Mons, Belgium.

Stevanoni, C., Vallée, F., De Grève, Z., & Deblecker, O. (2017). Daily Game Theoretical Management of a Connected Industrial Microgrid [Paper presentation]. IEEE Conference on Innovative Smart Grids Technologies (ISGT Asia 2017), Auckland, New Zealand.

Toubeau, J.-F., Bottieau, J., Vallée, F., & De Grève, Z. (2017). Improved Day-Ahead Predictions of Load and Renewable Generation by Optimally Exploiting Multi-Scale Dependencies [Paper presentation]. IEEE Conference on Innovative Smart Grids Technologies (ISGT Asia 2017), Auckland, New Zealand.

Vallée, F. (30 November 2017). Voltages in Power Systems - Important Definitions and Their Applications [Paper presentation]. Journée d'études SRBE/KBVE 'Voltage Management & Control in Power Networks', Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Hupez, M., Toubeau, J.-F., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (2017). SARMA Time Series for Microscopic Electrical Load Modeling. In Contribution to Statistics - Advances in Time Series Analysis & Forecasting (pp. 133-145). Editions Springer.

Bakhshideh Zad, B., Lobry, J., & Vallée, F. (2017). Impact of the Load and Line Inaccurate Models on the Voltage Control Problem of the MV Distribution Systems [Paper presentation]. 52nd International Universities' Power Engineering Conference, UPEC 2017, Heraklion, Greece.

Hupez, M., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (2017). A Qualitative Comparison of Non-Sequential and Sequential Approaches in Low Voltage Stochastic Analyses [Paper presentation]. 52nd International Universities' Power Engineering Conference, UPEC 2017, Heraklion, Greece.

Vaghasyia, T., Bhatt, N., Vallée, F., Lecron, F., & De Grève, Z. (17 July 2017). Wind Power Prediction by Using Matrix Factorization Technique. International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development, 4 (7), 351-362.
Peer reviewed

Vallée, F., De Grève, Z., & le Maire, V. (2017). On the Quality Estimation of Day-Ahead Photovoltaic Predictions by Use of an Artificial Neural Network Classifier [Paper presentation]. 6th IEEE International Conference on Clean Electrical Power, ICCEP 2017, Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy.

De Grève, Z., Lecron, F., Vallée, F., Mor, G., Perez, D., Danov, S., & Cipriano, J. (2017). Comparing Time Series Clustering Approaches for Electrical Load Patterns [Paper presentation]. 24th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2017, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

Wawrzyniak, C., Moeyaert, V., & Vallée, F. (2017). Impact of Control-Command of a Photovoltaic Conversion Chain on the Power Line Channel Transfer Function in the Narrowband PLC Frequency Range [Paper presentation]. 24th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2017, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

Stevanoni, C., Vallée, F., De Grève, Z., & Deblecker, O. (2017). On the Use of Game Theory to Study the Planning and Profitability of Industrial Microgrids Connected to the Distribution Network [Paper presentation]. 24th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2017, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

Vallée, F., Hupez, M., Toubeau, J.-F., & De Grève, Z. (2017). Dealing with Sparse Smart Metering Data in Techno-Economic Analysis of Low Voltage Networks [Paper presentation]. 24th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2017, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

Toubeau, J.-F., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (2017). Technical Impacts on Distribution Systems of Medium-Sized Storage Plants Participating in Energy and Power Reserve Markets [Paper presentation]. 24th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2017, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

Lecron, F., De Grève, Z., Vallée, F., Mor, G., Perez, D., Danov, S., & Cipriano, J. (2017). Using Matrix Factorization for the Prediction of Electrical Quantities [Paper presentation]. 24th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2017, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

Hupez, M., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (2017). Simulating Time Dependent Technical Solutions in Distribution Networks Using Sequential Stochastic Analyses [Paper presentation]. 24th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2017, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

De Grève, Z., Lecron, F., Vallée, F., & Venkateswaran, A. (12 June 2017). Data Analytics in Smart Grids (Tutorial) [Paper presentation]. 24th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2017, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

Exizidis, L., Kazempour, J., Pinson, P., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (08 March 2017). Impact of Public Aggregate Wind Forecasts on Market Outcomes. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 8 (4), 1394-1405.
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Exizidis, L., Kazempour, J., Pinson, P., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (2016). Strategic Wind Power Trading Considering Rival Wind Power Production [Paper presentation]. IEEE Conference on Innovative Smart Grids Technologies, ISGT 2016 Asia, Melbourne, Australia.

Toubeau, J.-F., Hupez, M., Klonari, V., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (2016). Statistical Load and Generation Modelling for Long Term Studies of Low Voltage Networks in Presence of Sparse Smart Metering Data [Paper presentation]. 42nd Annual Conference of Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE IECON2016, Florence, Italy.

Klonari, V., Bakhshideh Zad, B., Lobry, J., & Vallée, F. (2016). Application of Voltage Sensitivity Analysis in a Probabilistic Context for Characterizing Low Voltage Network Operation [Paper presentation]. 2016 International Conference on Probabilistic methods Applied to Power Systems, Bejing, China.

Klonari, V., Orfanos, A., Lobry, J., & Vallée, F. (2016). Probabilistic Assessment of a Distribution Tariff Scheme for Incentivizing Demand Side Management in the Small Energy Usage Sector [Paper presentation]. 2016 International Conference on Probabilistic methods Applied to Power Systems, Bejing, China.

Thomas, D., Klonari, V., Vallée, F., Deblecker, O., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2016). Effect of Electric Vehicles Optimal Charging-Discharging Schedule on a Building Electricity Cost Demand Considering Low Voltage Network Constraints [Paper presentation]. Effect of Electric Vehicles Optimal Charging-Discharging Schedule on a Building Electricity Cost Demand Considering Low Voltage Network Constraints », IEEE Conference on Innovative Smart Grids Technologies, ISGT 2016 Europe, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Picart, B., Gosselin, B., Hupez, M., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (2016). Application of Signal Processing Techniques for the Generation of Wind Profiles Dedicated to Electrical System Planning Tools [Paper presentation]. 51st International Universities' Power Engineering Conference, UPEC 2016, Coimbra, Portugal.

Klonari, V., Toubeau, J.-F., Lobry, J., & Vallée, F. (2016). Estimating the Photovoltaic Hosting Capacity of a Low Voltage Feeder Using Smart Meters Measurements. In Smart Metering Technology and Services - Inspirations for Energy Utilities (pp. 131-158). INTECH Publishing.

Hupez, M., Toubeau, J.-F., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (2016). On the Application of SARMA Time Series to Microscopic Electrical Load Modeling [Paper presentation]. International Work-Conference on Time Series Analysis, ITISE 2016, Granada, Spain.

Deblecker, O., Stevanoni, C., & Vallée, F. (2016). Cooperative control of multifunctional inverters for renewable energy integration and power quality compensation in Micro-grids [Paper presentation]. 23th International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electric Drives, Automotion and Motion (SPEEDAM 2016), Capri, Italy.

Wawrzyniak, C., Moeyaert, V., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (2016). Modelling Approach of a Photovoltaic Conversion Chain in the PLC Frequency Range [Paper presentation]. CIRED Workshop 2016, Helsinki, Finland.

De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (10 June 2016). Stochastic Modelling in Power Systems Long-Term Analysis: The Big Data Challenge [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Microgrids/Smart Grids (Invited Talk), Ghent, Belgium.

Klonari, V., Meersman, B., Bozalakov, D., Vandoorn, T., Vandevelde, L., Lobry, J., & Vallée, F. (06 June 2016). A Probabilistic Framework for Evaluating Voltage Unbalance Mitigation by Photovoltaic Inverters. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 8 (December 2016), 1-11.
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Stevanoni, C., Vallée, F., De Grève, Z., Couneson, P., & Deblecker, O. (2016). Long-Term Planning of Industrial Microgrids [Paper presentation]. 8th IEEE Young Researchers Symposium in Electrical Power Engineering, YRS 2016, Eindhoven, Netherlands.

Wawrzyniak, C., Moeyaert, V., & Vallée, F. (2016). On the Modelling of LV and MV Electrical Networks in the PLC Frequency Range [Paper presentation]. 8th IEEE Young Researchers Symposium in Electrical Power Engineering, YRS 2016, Eindhoven, Netherlands.

De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (09 May 2016). Les megadonnées dans les réseaux électriques de distribution [Paper presentation]. Journée d'études du cluster TWEED, Cartographie Smart Grids en Wallonie, Namur, Belgium.

Exizidis, L., Kazempour, J., Pinson, P., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (06 May 2016). Sharing Wind Power Forecasts in Electricity Markets: A Numerical Analysis. Applied Energy, 176 (August 2016), 65-73.
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Toubeau, J.-F., Klonari, V., Lobry, J., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (2016). Planning Tools for the Integration of Renewable Energy Sources into Low and Medium Voltage Distribution Grids. In Renewable Energy- Utilisation and System Integration (pp. 227-260). Intech.

Stevanoni, C., Deblecker, O., & Vallée, F. (2016). Cooperative Control Strategy of Multifunctional Inverters for Power Quality Enhancement in Smart Microgrid [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality, ICREPQ'16, Madrid, Spain.

Klonari, V., Toubeau, J.-F., Lobry, J., & Vallée, F. (2016). Photovoltaic Integration in a Smart City Power Distribution: A Probabilistic PV Hosting Capacity Assessment Based on Smart Metering Data [Paper presentation]. 5th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems, SMARTGREENS 2016, Rome, Italy.

Vallée, F., Moutier, F., Klonari, V., Toubeau, J.-F., Lecron, F., De Grève, Z., & Lobry, J. (11 April 2016). On the Correlation between Prosumers in Probabilistic Analysis of Low Voltage Distribution Systems. International Review of Electrical Engineering, 11 (3), 277-283.
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De Grève, Z., Vanstals, J., Toubeau, J.-F., Geth, F., Ramasmawy, P. C., Rapoport, S., & Vallée, F. (2016). Impact of the Geographical Correlation between Wind Speed Time Series on Reliability Indices in Power System Studies [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Energy Conference, ENERGYCON 2016, Leuven, Belgium.

Hasanvand, H., Bakhshideh Zad, B., Parastar, A., Lobry, J., & Vallée, F. (2016). Voltage Support and Damping of Low Frequency Oscillations in a Large Scale Power System Using STATCOM [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Energy Conference, ENERGYCON 2016, Leuven, Belgium.

Bakhshideh Zad, B., Lobry, J., & Vallée, F. (2016). A Centralized Approach for Voltage Control of MV Distribution Systems Using DGs Power Control and A Direct Sensitivity Analysis Method [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Energy Conference, ENERGYCON 2016, Leuven, Belgium.

Klonari, V., Meersman, B., Bozalakov, D., Vandoorn, T., Lobry, J., & Vallée, F. (2016). Probabilistic Assessment of Voltage Unbalance Mitigation Control Scheme [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Energy Conference, ENERGYCON 2016, Leuven, Belgium.

Wawrzyniak, C., Vallée, F., & Moeyaert, V. (2016). Power Transfromer Modelled as a Transmission Line for Simple Simulation of Complex Topologies in the PLC Frequency Range [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Symposiumon Power Line Communications and its Applications, ISPLC'16, Bottrop, Germany.

Klonari, V., Toubeau, J.-F., De Grève, Z., Durieux, O., Lobry, J., & Vallée, F. (07 March 2016). Probabilistic Simulation Framework of the Voltage Profile in Balanced and Unbalanced Low Voltage Networks. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 82 (November 2016), 439-451.
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De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (25 February 2016). Les megadonnées dans les réseaux électriques de distribution [Paper presentation]. Journée d'études SRBE/KBVE, « Asset management et monitoring dans les installations électriques » (invited talk), Mons, Belgium.

Vallée, F., & De Grève, Z. (25 February 2016). Utilisation des méthodes probabilistes dans les réseaux électriques modernes [Paper presentation]. Journée d'études SRBE/KBVE, « Asset management et monitoring dans les installations électriques » (invited talk), Mons, Belgium.

Vallée, F. (2016). Emissions de champs électromagnétiques liés à l'installation de câbles souterrains à Haute Tension.

Vallée, F. (2016). Emissions de champs électromagnétiques liés à l'installation de câbles souterrains à Haute Tension.

Klonari, V., Lobry, J., & Vallée, F. (26 January 2016). Adapting Low Voltage Distribution Tariffs to Peak Demand: Probabilistic Assessment of a Low Voltage Feeder in Belgium [Paper presentation]. BERA Workshop on Demand Flexibility in Belgian Electricity Grids (Invited talk), Royal Academy of Sciences, Brussels, Belgium.

Vallée, F., Toubeau, J.-F., De Grève, Z., & Lobry, J. (2016). Adjusted LOLE and EENS indices for the Consideration of Load Excess Transfer in Power Systems Adequacy Studies [Paper presentation]. XIV International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Power Engineering, ICEEPE'16, London, United Kingdom.

Exizidis, L., Vallée, F., De Grève, Z., Lobry, J., & Chatziathanasiou, V. (17 December 2015). Thermal Behaviour of Power Cables in Offshore Wind Sites Considering Wind Speed Uncertainty. Applied Thermal Engineering, 91 (December 2015), 471-478.
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Klonari, V., Toubeau, J.-F., Vandoorn, T., Meersman, B., De Grève, Z., Lobry, J., & Vallée, F. (13 December 2015). Probabilistic Framework for Evaluating Droop Control of Photovoltaic Inverters. Electric Power Systems Research, 129 (December 2015), 1-9.
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Thomas, D., Klonari, V., Vallée, F., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2015). Implementation of an e-bike Sharing System: The Effect on Low Voltage Network Using PV and Smart Charging Stations [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, ICRERA 2015, Palermo, Italy.

Wawrzyniak, C., Moeyaert, V., & Vallée, F. (19 November 2015). Impact des systèmes de contrôle du « Smart Grid » sur le canal de transmission par courant porteur dans les réseaux BT et MT [Poster presentation]. Symposium Chaire ORES, Mons, Belgium.

De Grève, Z., Exizidis, L., Hupez, M., Klonari, V., Picart, B., Toubeau, J.-F., & Vallée, F. (19 November 2015). Smart Grids: The Big Data Challenge [Paper presentation]. Chaire ORES « Smart Grids - Smart Metering », Journée d'études « Evolution vers les réseaux intelligents: opportunités, synergies et défis », Mons, Belgium.

Vallée, F. (09 November 2015). Stochastic Modelling in Power Systems long Term Analysis: The 'Big Data' Challenge [Paper presentation]. Conference 'Managing uncertainties in power system management with an increasing share of distributed generation' (invited talk), Mol, Belgium.

Vallée, F., Moutier, F., Klonari, V., Toubeau, J.-F., Lecron, F., De Grève, Z., & Lobry, J. (2015). Clustering of Photovoltaic Generation for the Consideration of Time Changing Geographical Correlation in Probabilistic Analysis of Low Voltage Distribution Systems [Paper presentation]. 5th International Workshop on Integration of Solar Power into Power Systems, Brussels, Belgium.

Rousseaux, P., Toubeau, J.-F., De Grève, Z., Vallée, F., Glavic, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (2015). A New Formulation of State Estimation in Distribution Systems Including Demand and Generation States [Paper presentation]. IEEE PowerTech 2015 International Conference, POWERTECH 2015, Eindhoven, Netherlands.

Toubeau, J.-F., Brito Gonçalves de Sà, A., De Grève, Z., Durieux, O., Vallée, F., & Lobry, J. (2015). Optimal Positioning and Pre-Sizing of Storage Devices for the Improvement of MV Distribution Grid Operation [Paper presentation]. 23rd International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2015, Lyon, France.

Klonari, V., Toubeau, J.-F., De Grève, Z., Vandoorn, T., Meersman, B., Vallée, F., & Lobry, J. (2015). Probabilistic Assessment of PDC/Vg Droop Control of PV Inverters [Paper presentation]. 23rd International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2015, Lyon, France.

Klonari, V., Toubeau, J.-F., De Grève, Z., Durieux, O., Lobry, J., & Vallée, F. (2015). Probabilistic Analysis Tool of the Voltage Profile in Low Voltage Grids [Paper presentation]. 23rd International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2015, Lyon, France.

Vallée, F., De Grève, Z., Pilo, F., & Celli, G. (15 June 2015). Probabilistic Methods in Modern Electricity Distribution Grids (Tutorial) [Paper presentation]. 23rd International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2015, Lyon, France.

Bakhshideh Zad, B., Hasanvand, H., Lobry, J., & Vallée, F. (01 June 2015). Optimal Reactive Power Control of DGs for Voltage Regulation of MV Distribution Systems Using Sensitivity Analysis Method and PSO Algorithm. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 68 (June 2015), 52-60.
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Klonari, V., Toubeau, J.-F., De Grève, Z., Lobry, J., & Vallée, F. (2015). Probabilistic Analysis of Low Voltage Networks with Distributed Photovoltaic Generation Sources: Case Study in Belgium [Paper presentation]. International Workshop on Photovoltaic Cell Systems, IWPCS 2015, Saïda, Morocco.

Toubeau, J.-F., Klonari, V., De Grève, Z., Lobry, J., & Vallée, F. (2015). Probabilistic Study of the Impact on the Network Equipment of Changing Load Profiles in Modern Low Voltage Grids [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality, ICREPQ'15, La Coruna, Spain.

Vallée, F., Toubeau, J.-F., De Grève, Z., & Lobry, J. (2015). Impact of Wind Geographical Correlation in Reliability Assessment Studies Using Sequential Monte Carlo Simulations [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality, ICREPQ'15, La Coruna, Spain.

Lossa Unen, G., De Grève, Z., Vallée, F., & Delhaye, M. (2015). An Original Method for Measuring the Stator Leakage Reactance of Synchronous Machines [Paper presentation]. 16th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, ICIT2015, Sevilla, Spain.

Toubeau, J.-F., Vallée, F., De Grève, Z., & Lobry, J. (01 March 2015). A New Approach Based on the Experimental Design Method for the Improvement of the Operational Efficiency of Medium Voltage Distribution Networks. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 66 (March 2015), 116-124.
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Vallée, F., Toubeau, J.-F., De Grève, Z., & Lobry, J. (28 December 2014). Consideration of Extreme Wind Geographical Correlation Scenarios in Reliability Assessment Studies Using Sequential Monte Carlo Simulation. International Review of Electrical Engineering, 9 (6), 1148-1153.
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Exizidis, L., De Grève, Z., Vallée, F., & Lobry, J. (2014). A Competitive Framework to Regulate Day-Ahead Wind Power Predictions for Operational Planning in Electricity Markets [Paper presentation]. 8th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, ICECE 2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Farhadkhani, S., Lobry, J., Vallée, F., & Durieux, O. (2014). Investigating the Characteristics and Effects of FCLs on Distribution Grids with Wind Generation [Paper presentation]. IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference, EPEC 2014, Calgary, Canada.

Bakhshideh Zad, B., Lobry, J., Vallée, F., & Hasanvand, H. (2014). Optimal Reactive Power Control of DGs for Voltage Regulation of MV Distribution Systems Considering Thermal Limits of the System Branches [Paper presentation]. 2014 International Conference on Power System Technology, POWERCON 2014, Chengdu, China.

Firouz, Y., Farhadkhani, S., Lobry, J., Vallée, F., Khakpour, A., & Durieux, O. (01 September 2014). Numerical Comparison of the Effects of Different Types of Distributed Generation Units on Overcurrent Protection Systems in MV Distribution Grids. Renewable Energy, 69 (September 2014), 271-283.
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De Grève, Z., Exizidis, L., Daniels, C., Vallée, F., & Lobry, J. (2014). A review of statistical models for the long term modeling of wind speed in distribution network planning [Paper presentation]. 23d International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2014), Rome, Italy.

Toubeau, J.-F., Lobry, J., Vallée, F., & De Grève, Z. (2014). Optimal Allocation Process of Voltage Control Devices and Operational Management of the Voltage in Distribution Systems Using the Experimental Design Method [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON 2014), Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Klonari, V., Vallée, F., Durieux, O., De Grève, Z., & Lobry, J. (2014). Probabilistic Modelling of Short Term Fluctuations of Photovoltaic Power Injection for the Evaluation of Overvoltage Risk in Low Voltage Grids [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON 2014), Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Exizidis, L., De Grève, Z., Vallée, F., & Lobry, J. (2014). Construction and Reduction of Scenario Trees for the Day-Ahead Prediction of Wind Power [Paper presentation]. 7th IEEE Young Researchers Symposium in Electrical Power Engineering, YRS 2014, Ghent, Belgium.

Toubeau, J.-F., Vallée, F., De Grève, Z., & Lobry, J. (2014). A New Approach for the Voltage Regulation in Medium Voltage Networks Using the Experimental Design Method [Paper presentation]. 7th IEEE Young Researchers Symposium in Electrical Power Engineering, YRS 2014, Ghent, Belgium.

Vallée, F., Klonari, V., Lobry, J., & Durieux, O. (2014). Study of the Combined Impact of Auto-Consumption Behaviour and Correlation Level between Prosumers on Overvoltage Probabilities in Low Voltage Distribution Grids [Paper presentation]. 2014 IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference & Exposition, Chicago, United States - Illinois.

Exizidis, L., De Grève, Z., Vallée, F., & Lobry, J. (2014). Construction of Aggregated Scenario Trees for the Day-Ahead Prediction of Wind Speed [Paper presentation]. European Wind Energy Conference, EWEA2014, Barcelona, Spain.

Vallée, F. (2014). Energie grise, produire de l'électricité au 21ème siècle : Réponse par un spécialiste à une séance de questions 'Pourquoi - Comment ?'.

Vallée, F., Versèle, C., Loughlimi, R., & Lobry, J. (01 January 2014). Analytical Estimation of Gaseous Pollutants Emissions from An Electrical Generation Park Using Thermal Energy. Influence of Wind Random Behaviour and Operational Constraints. European Journal of Electrical Engineering, 17 (1), 73-94.
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Oukili, M., Zouggar, S., Seddik, M., Vallée, F., El hafiani, M., & Ouchbel, T. (20 November 2013). Evaluation of the Moroccan Power Grid Adequacy with Introduction of Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) Using Solar Tower and Parabolic Trough Mirrors Technology. Energy Procedia, 42, 113-122.
Peer reviewed

Klonari, V., Vallée, F., Durieux, O., & Lobry, J. (2013). Probabilistic Tool Based on Smart Meters Data To Evaluate The Impact of Distributed PV Generation on Voltage Profiles in LV Grids [Paper presentation]. 3rd International Workshop on Integration of Solar Power into Power Systems, London, United Kingdom.

Bakhshideh Zad, B., Lobry, J., & Vallée, F. (2013). Coordinated Control of On-Load Tap Changer and D-STATCOM for Voltage Regulation of Radial Distribution Systems with DG Units [Paper presentation]. 3rd International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems, Istanbul, Turkey.

Oukili, M., Zouggar, S., Seddik, M., Ouchbel, T., Vallée, F., & El hafiani, M. (01 July 2013). Comparative Study of the Moroccan Power Grid Reliability in Presence of Photovoltaic and Wind Generation. Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, 4 (2013), 366-377.
Peer reviewed

Oukili, M., Zouggar, S., Seddik, M., Vallée, F., El hafiani, M., & Ouchbel, T. (2013). Evaluation of the Moroccan Power Grid Adequacy with introduction of Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) using solar tower and parabolic trough mirrors Technology [Paper presentation]. The Mediterranean Green Energy Forum 2013, MGEF-13, Fès, Morocco.

Bakhshideh Zad, B., Lobry, J., Vallée, F., & Durieux, O. (2013). Improvement of On-Load Tap Changer Performance in Voltage Regulation of MV Distribution System with DG Units Using STATCOM [Paper presentation]. 22nd International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2013), Stockholm, Sweden.

Vallée, F., Versèle, C., Klonari, V., Moiny, F., & Lobry, J. (2013). A New Estimator for the Long-Term Reduction of Gaseous Pollutants Emissions in Electrical Systems with Wind Generation [Paper presentation]. 4th IEEE International Conference on Clean Electrical Power, ICCEP 2013, Alghero, Italy.

Firouz, Y., Lobry, J., Vallée, F., & Durieux, O. (2013). A Review of Transient Effects of Different Types of Distributed Generation Units on Overcurrent Protection System [Paper presentation]. 22nd International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2013), Stockholm, Sweden.

Vallée, F., Klonari, V., Lisiecki, T., Durieux, O., Moiny, F., & Lobry, J. (03 May 2013). Development of a Probabilistic Tool Using Monte Carlo Simulation and Smart Meters Measurements for the Long Term Analysis of Low Voltage Distribution Grids with Photovoltaic Generation. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 53 (December 2013), 468-477.
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Klonari, V., Lobry, J., & Vallée, F. (18 April 2013). Développement d'un outil probabiliste sur base de la méthode de Monte Carlo et de données de mesure de compteurs intelligents pour une analyse long terme des réseaux de distribution BT avec productions photovoltaïques [Paper presentation]. Chaire ORES « Smart Grids - Smart Metering » : Première journée de présentation des travaux de recherche, Mons, Belgium.

Firouz, Y., Lobry, J., & Vallée, F. (18 April 2013). Impact des différents types de PDC sur les protections des réseaux de distribution [Paper presentation]. Chaire ORES « Smart Grids - Smart Metering » : Première journée de présentation des travaux de recherche, Mons, Belgium.

Bakhshideh Zad, B., Lobry, J., & Vallée, F. (18 April 2013). Contrôle coordonné de la tension sur le réseau de distribution MT en présence de productions décentralisées (PDC) [Paper presentation]. Chaire ORES « Smart Grids - Smart Metering » : Première journée de présentation des travaux de recherche, Mons, Belgium.

Durieux, O., & Vallée, F. (27 March 2013). Projet Flobecq : implantation massive des cellules photovoltaïques au niveau du résidentiel [Paper presentation]. Journée d'études « Intégration des panneaux photovoltaïques sur le réseau de distribution Basse Tension », Association des Ingénieurs de Montefiore (AIM), Liège, Belgium.

Vallée, F., Klonari, V., Lisiecki, T., Durieux, O., Moiny, F., & Lobry, J. (12 March 2013). Long-Term Analysis of Low Voltage Distribution Grids with Photovoltaic Generation [Poster presentation]. 7ième Matinée des Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.

Oukili, M., Zouggar, S., Seddik, M., Kadda, F. Z., El hafiani, M., Ouchbel, T., & Vallée, F. (2013). Introduction of Concentrating Solar Power Based on the Use of Parabolic Trough Mirrors in the Evaluation of the Moroccan Power Grid Adequacy [Paper presentation]. 1st IEEE International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference (IRSEC'13), Ouarzazate , Morocco.

De Grève, Z., Vallée, F., Delhaye, M., Lossa Unen, G., Deblecker, O., & Lobry, J. (2013). Contribution to the Determination of the Stator Leakage Reactance of Synchronous Generators [Paper presentation]. 14th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2013), Cape Town, South Africa.

Vallée, F., Versèle, C., Lobry, J., & Moiny, F. (01 February 2013). Non Sequential Monte Carlo Simulation Tool in order to Minimize Gaseous Pollutants Emissions in Presence of Fluctuating Wind Power. Renewable Energy, 50, 317-324.
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Oukili, M., Zouggar, S., Seddik, M., Ouchbel, T., Vallée, F., El hafiani, M., & Aziz, A. (2012). Comparative Study of the Moroccan Power Grid Reliability in Presence of Photovoltaic and Wind Generation [Paper presentation]. International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC 2012), Sousse, Tunisia.

Vallée, F., Versèle, C., Lobry, J., & Moiny, F. (01 April 2012). Development of a Monte Carlo Simulation Tool in order to Minimize Polluting Gases Emissions in Presence of Wind Power Under Cost and Load Covering Constraints. Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal, 10.

Vallée, F., Versèle, C., Lobry, J., & Moiny, F. (2012). Development of a Monte Carlo Simulation Tool in order to Minimize Polluting Gases Emissions in Presence of Wind Power Under Cost and Load Covering Constraints [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality 2012 (ICREPQ'12), Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

Vallée, F., Versèle, C., Loughlimi, R., & Lobry, J. (2011). Prise en compte de l'indisponibilité non programmée des centrales thermiques classiques et de l'algorithme de résolution utilisé dans un problème de minimisation des émissions de gaz polluants en présence de production décentralisée de type éolien [Paper presentation]. Conférence Electrotechnique du Futur, EF2011, Belfort, France.

Vallée, F., Lobry, J., & Deblecker, O. (01 December 2011). Modélisation et simulation de la production d'électricité d'origine éolienne pour l'analyse technico-économique des réseaux de transport électrique modernes. Revue E: Revue d'Electricité et d'Electronique Industrielle, 127ème année (4), 39-46.

Vallée, F., Brunieau, G., Pirlot, M., Deblecker, O., & Lobry, J. (01 November 2011). Optimal wind clustering methodology for adequacy evaluation in system generation studies using non sequential Monte Carlo simulation. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 26 (4), 2173-2184.
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Vallée, F., Lobry, J., & Deblecker, O. (01 November 2011). Impact of real case transmission systems constraints on wind power operation. European Transactions on Electrical Power, 21 (8), 2142-2159. doi:10.1002/etep.549
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Vallée, F., Lobry, J., & Deblecker, O. (01 September 2011). Wind Generation Modelling to Help the Managerial Process of Modern Transmission Systems. Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, 5 (9), 848-861.
Peer reviewed

Vallée, F., Brunieau, G., Pirlot, M., Deblecker, O., & Lobry, J. (2011). Optimal Wind Clustering Methodology for Electrical Network Adequacy Studies Using Non Sequential Monte Carlo Simulation [Paper presentation]. 3rd IEEE International Conference on Clean Electrical Power, ICCEP 2011, Ischia, Italy.

Vallée, F., Lobry, J., & Deblecker, O. (2011). Impact of Wind Power Integration in the Context of Transmission Systems Adequacy Studies with Economic Dispatch: Application to the Belgian Case [Paper presentation]. 3rd IEEE International Conference on Clean Electrical Power, ICCEP 2011, Ischia, Italy.

Vallée, F., Lobry, J., & Deblecker, O. (01 May 2011). Wind Generation Modelling to Help the Managerial Process of Modern Transmission Systems. Renewable Energy, 36, 1632-1638.
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Vallée, F., Lobry, J., & Deblecker, O. (22 March 2011). Impact of Real Case Transmission Systems Constraints on Wind Power Operation [Poster presentation]. Matinée des Chercheurs, UMons, Belgium.

Vallée, F., Lobry, J., & Deblecker, O. (16 March 2011). Modélisation et simulation de la production d'électricité d'origine éolienne pour l'analyse technico-économique des réseaux de transport électrique modernes [Paper presentation]. Journée d'études GREPES 2011, Mons, Belgium.

Oukili, M., Zouggar, S., Vallée, F., Seddik, M., & Ouchbel, T. (01 December 2010). Impact of wind power integration and load evolution on the Moroccan electrical grid reliability. International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, 6 (1), 25-31.
Peer reviewed

Oukili, M., Zouggar, S., Vallée, F., Seddik, M., & Ouchbel, T. (2010). Impact of Wind Power Integration and Load Evolution on the Moroccan Electrical Grid [Paper presentation]. International Renewable Energy Congress 2010 (IREC 2010), Sousse, Tunisia.

Oukili, M., Zouggar, S., Vallée, F., Seddik, M., & Ouchbel, T. (2010). Evaluation de la fiabilité du réseau électrique marocain en présence de production décentralisée de type éolien [Paper presentation]. 5ème Congrès international sur les énergies renouvelables et l'environnement (CERE), Sousse, Tunisia.

Vallée, F., Lobry, J., & Deblecker, O. (2010). Impact of Real Case Transmission Systems Constraints on Wind Power Operation [Paper presentation]. 9th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Plants, Quebec City, Canada.

Vallée, F. (2010). Analyse technico-économique des réseaux électriques modernes : Modélisation stochastique et évaluation de l'impact fiabiliste de la production d'électricité d'origine éolienne.

Vallée, F., Lobry, J., & Deblecker, O. (03 July 2010). Introduction of Wind Generation in Transmission Systems Adequacy Studies with Economical Dispatch. HLII Technical Analysis. European Journal of Electrical Engineering, 13 (4), 393-426. doi:10.3166/ejee.13.393-426
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Vallée, F., Deblecker, O., & Lobry, J. (2010). Impact of Real Case Transmission Systems Constraints on Wind Power Operation. In Wind Power (pp. 321-340).

Vallée, F., Lobry, J., & Deblecker, O. (2010). Wind Generation Modelling for Transmission Systems Adequacy Studies with Economic Dispatch [Paper presentation]. European Wind Energy Conference (EWEC2010), Warsaw, Poland.

Vallée, F., Lobry, J., & Deblecker, O. (2010). Impact of Transmission System Constraints on Wind Power Operation [Paper presentation]. 5th IEEE Young Researchers Symposium in Electrical Power Engineering, Leuven, Belgium.

Oukili, M., Zouggar, S., Vallée, F., Seddik, M., & Ouchbel, T. (18 March 2010). Impact de l'Energie d'Origine Eolienne sur la Fiabilité du Réseau Electrique Marocain [Paper presentation]. Colloque 'Eau et Environnement', Université Mohamed Premier, Oujda, Morocco.

Vallée, F. (2009). Wind Generation Modelling for the Management of Transmission Systems. In Renewable Energy (pp. 531-552).

Vallée, F., Lobry, J., & Deblecker, O. (01 October 2009). Application and Comparison of Wind Speed Sampling Methods for Wind Generation in Reliability Studies Using Non Sequential Monte Carlo Simulations. European Transactions on Electrical Power, 19 (7), 1002-1015.
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Vallée, F., Deblecker, O., & Lobry, J. (2009). Méthodes de clustering pour le tirage de la production éolienne dans des études de fiabilité utilisant une approche Monte Carlo non séquentielle [Paper presentation]. EF'2009 Conférence Electrotechnique du Futur, Compiègne, France.

Vallée, F., Deblecker, O., & Lobry, J. (2009). Prise en compte de la production éolienne dans des études d'adéquation du réseau de transport avec dispatch économique [Paper presentation]. EF'2009 Conférence Electrotechnique du Futur, Compiègne, France.

Vallée, F. (2009). Modélisation et simulation de la production d'électricité d'origine éolienne pour l'analyse technico-économique des réseaux de transport électrique modernes [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Versèle, C., De Grève, Z., Vallée, F., Hanuise, R., Deblecker, O., Delhaye, M., & Lobry, J. (2009). Analytical design of an axial flux permanent magnet in-wheel synchronous motor for electric vehicle [Paper presentation]. 13th Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'2009), Barcelone, Spain.

Vallée, F., Lobry, J., & Deblecker, O. (2009). Solutions to reduce the impact of wind prediction errors on the classical electrical park operation [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Clean Electrical Power (ICCEP'09), Capri, Italy.

Vallée, F., Deblecker, O., & Lobry, J. (01 June 2009). Clustering Methodologies for Wind Power Sampling in Large Scale Network Generating System Reliability Studies. Journal of Electrical Systems, 5 (2), 5.
Peer reviewed

Deblecker, O., Moretti, A., & Vallée, F. (17 March 2009). Comparative Analysis of Two Zero-Current Switching DC-DC Converters for Auxiliary Railway Supply [Poster presentation]. Matinée des chercheurs (MdC'2009), Mons, Belgium.

Vallée, F., Lobry, J., & Deblecker, O. (17 March 2009). Modélisation de la production d'origine éolienne pour l'analyse technico-économique des réseaux de transport électrique [Poster presentation]. Matinée des chercheurs (MDC'2009), Mons, Belgium.

Vallée, F., Deblecker, O., & Lobry, J. (01 March 2009). Electrical Network Adequacy in Presence of Decentralized Wind Generation. European Journal of Electrical Engineering, 12 (1), 9-31.
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Vallée, F., Lobry, J., & Deblecker, O. (01 January 2009). Solutions to reduce the impact of wind prediction errors on the classical electrical system operation. Recent Patents on Electrical Engineering, 2 (1), 13-18.
Peer reviewed

Vallée, F., De Grève, Z., Versèle, C., Deblecker, O., Delhaye, M., & Lobry, J. (2008). Exploitation pédagogique du logiciel labview pour le traitement d'un essai normalisé de court-circuit triphasé brusque aux bornes d'une machine synchrone à pôles saillants fonctionnant initialement à vide [Paper presentation]. Colloque sur l'Enseignement des Technologies et des Sciences de l'Information et des Systèmes, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Deblecker, O., Moretti, A., & Vallée, F. (01 September 2008). Comparative Study of Soft-Switched Isolated DC-DC Converters for Auxiliary Railway Supply. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 23 (5), 2218-2229.
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Vallée, F., Lobry, J., & Deblecker, O. (01 August 2008). System reliability assessment method for wind power integration. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 23 (3), 1288-1297.
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Deblecker, O., Moretti, A., & Vallée, F. (2008). Comparative Analysis of two Zero-Current Switching Isolated DC-DC Converters for Auxiliary Railway Supply [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion, Ischia, Italy.

Vallée, F., Lobry, J., & Deblecker, O. (2008). Comparison of Dynamical and Classical Estimation Methods for Wind Production [Paper presentation]. 8th European Conference on Power and Energy Systems, Corfu, Greece.

Lobry, J., & Vallée, F. (2008). Wind energy and power systems reliability [Paper presentation]. Colloque italo-belge : Wind Energy Research and Implementations : Opportunities for Cooperation, .

Vallée, F., Lobry, J., & Deblecker, O. (2008). Classical and Dynamical Methods for the Estimation of Wind Production [Paper presentation]. 9th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, Chengdu, China.

Vallée, F. (26 February 2008). Capacité équivalente de production éolienne par simulation Monte Carlo [Poster presentation]. Matinée des Chercheurs 2008, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Vallée, F., Lobry, J., & Deblecker, O. (2008). Wind speed drawing methods for reliability studies using non sequential Monte Carlo simulations [Paper presentation]. 4th IEEE Young Researchers Symposium in Electrical Power Engineering, Eindhoven, Netherlands.

Vallée, F. (25 January 2008). Etude de la fiabilité, au sens de l'adéquation, des réseaux électriques en présence de production décentralisée de type éolien [Paper presentation]. Conférence dans le cadre du 'Pôle Risques', Mons, Belgium.

Vallée, F., & Lobry, J. (03 December 2007). Fiabilité du réseau électrique et énergie éolienne [Paper presentation]. Journée sur le développement durable à l'initiative de l'Office Wallonie-Bruxelles pour la jeunesse, Mons, Belgium.

Vallée, F., Lobry, J., & Deblecker, O. (02 November 2007). Impact of the Wind Geographical Correlation Level for Reliability Studies. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 22 (4), 2232-2239.
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Vallée, F., & Lobry, J. (2007). Impact de la production d'électricité décentralisée de type éolien sur la fiabilité du réseau électrique belge [Paper presentation]. Symposium FABI, Ecole Royale Militaire (Proceedings, pp. 123 - 133), Bruxelles, Belgium.

Vallée, F., Lobry, J., & Deblecker, O. (2007). Calcul d'une Capacité Equivalente de Production Eolienne par Simulation Monte Carlo [Paper presentation]. Conférence Electrotechnique du Futur 2007 (EF2007), Toulouse, France.

Vallée, F., Lobry, J., & Deblecker, O. (2007). Estimation du Potentiel Eolien Actuel en Wallonie [Paper presentation]. Colloque International sur les Energies Renouvelables, Oujda, Morocco.

Lobry, J., & Vallée, F. (2007). Analyse Probabiliste de la Fiabilité du Réseau Belge à l'Horizon 2020 [Paper presentation]. Colloque International sur les Energies Renouvelables, Oujda, Morocco.

Vallée, F. (13 March 2007). Lissage de la puissance électrique d'origine éolienne par étalement géographique des parcs éoliens [Poster presentation]. Matinée des chercheurs (MDC'2007), Mons, Belgium.

Vallée, F., Deblecker, O., & Lobry, J. (13 March 2007). Modélisation de la production d'origine éolienne pour l'analyse technico-économique des réseaux de transport électrique [Poster presentation]. Matinée des Chercheurs (MDC'2007), Mons, Belgium.

Vallée, F., Deblecker, O., & Lobry, J. (23 February 2007). Etude de modèles complets et simplifiés pour structures de génération éolienne [Paper presentation]. Journée d'étude GREPES 2007, Mons, Belgium.

Vallée, F., Lobry, J., & Deblecker, O. (2007). Analysis and Future Trends for the Belgian Electrical Supply Reliability [Paper presentation]. IASTED International Conference on Power and Energy Systems, Clearwater, United States.

Vallée, F., Lobry, J., & Deblecker, O. (2006). Combination of a Geographical Spreading and an Optimal Choice of the Speed Control Characteristic for the Active Power Smoothing of a Wind Farm : Application to Asynchronous Doubly-fed Wind Generators [Paper presentation]. 6th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power and Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Farms, Delft, Netherlands.

Vallée, F., Lobry, J., & Deblecker, O. (2006). Smoothing of the wind power production by a geographical spreading of the wind farm : application to asynchronous doubly-fed wind generators [Paper presentation]. 17th International Conference on Electrical Machines, Chania, Greece.

Vallée, F., Lobry, J., Deblecker, O., & Trecat, J. (2006). New Speed Control Characteristics for the Power Smoothing of a Doubly-Fed Wind Generator [Paper presentation]. 7th European Conference on Power and Energy Systems (EuroPES 2006), Rhodes, Greece.

Vallée, F., Lobry, J., & Deblecker, O. (2006). Adaptations of the Speed Control Characteristic for an Improved Active Power Smoothing of a Doubly-Fed Wind Generator [Paper presentation]. 3rd IEEE Young Researchers Symposium in Electrical Power Engineering, Gent, Belgium.

Vallée, F. (17 February 2006). Modélisation de structures de génération éolienne [Poster presentation]. Matinée des Chercheurs, Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium.

Vallée, F., Lobry, J., & Trecat, J. (2005). Mise en évidence des possibilités de lissage de la puissance électrique en sortie d'une structure de génération éolienne à double alimentation [Paper presentation]. Conférence Electrotechnique du Futur 2005 (EF2005), Grenoble, France.

Deblecker, O., & Vallée, F. (01 June 2005). Instrumentation d'un moteur à courant continu à l'aide du logiciel Labview : un exemple de projet d'étudiants de seconde année à la FPMs [Paper presentation]. NI Education Day, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

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