Nguyen, P.-D., Nguyen, H.-T., Domingo, P., Vervisch, L., Mosca, G., Gazdallah, M., Lybaert, P., & Feldheim, V. (2022). Flameless combustion of low calorific value gases, experiments and simulations with advanced radiative heat transfer modeling. Physics of Fluids. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Bagheri, A., Genikomsakis, K., Feldheim, V., & Ioakimidis, C. S. (05 February 2021). Sensitivity Analysis of 4R3C Model Parameters with Respect to Structure and Geometric Characteristics of Buildings. Energies, 14 (657). doi:10.3390/en14030657 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Chardome, G., & Feldheim, V. (15 December 2019). Heat transfer and condensation in an earth-air heat exchanger: 2D/3D numerical modeling validated by experimental measurements. Energy and Buildings, 205 (109532). doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2019.109532 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Quinten, J., & Feldheim, V. (15 January 2019). Mixed equivalent wall method for dynamic modelling of thermal bridges: Application to 2-D details of building envelope. Energy and Buildings, 183 (15, January 2019), 697-712. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Candanedo Ibarra, L. M., Feldheim, V., & Deramaix, D. (30 April 2018). Reconstruction of the indoor temperature dataset of a house using data driven models for performance evaluation. Building and Environment, 138, 250-261. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2018.04.035 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Bagheri, A., Feldheim, V., & Ioakeimidis, C. (11 April 2018). On the Evolution and Application of the Thermal Network Method for Energy Assessments in Buildings. Energies, 11 (890), 1-20. doi:10.3390/en11040890 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Bagheri, A., Feldheim, V., Thomas, D., & Ioakeimidis, C. (13 September 2017). The adjacent walls effects in simplified thermal model of buildings. Energy Procedia, 122, 619-624. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.07.359 Peer reviewed |
Candanedo Ibarra, L., Feldheim, V., & Deramaix, D. (19 May 2017). Data driven prediction models of energy use of appliances in a low-energy house. Energy and Buildings, 140, 81-97. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2017.01.083 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Candanedo Ibarra, L., & Feldheim, V. (02 December 2015). Accurate occupancy detection of an office room from light, temperature, humidity and CO2 measurements using statistical learning models. Energy and Buildings, 112, 28-39. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2015.11.071 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Quinten, J., & Feldheim, V. (21 November 2015). Dynamic modelling of multidimensional thermal bridges in building envelopes: review of existing methods, application and new mixed method. Energy and Buildings, 110 (1, January 2016), 284-293. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Evrard, P., Feldheim, V., & Lybaert, P. (01 October 2012). An alternative method to optimise the SLW Grey Gases. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, 395. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/395/1/012007 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Nguyen, P. D., Danda, A., Embouazza, M., Gazdallah, M., Evrard, P., & Feldheim, V. (15 June 2012). Application of the Spectral Line based weighted sum of gray gases model (SLWSGG) to the calculation of radiative heat transfer in steel reheating furnaces firing on low heating value gases. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, 369. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/369/1/012008 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Gazdallah, M., Feldheim, V., Claramunt, K., & HIRSCH, C. (15 June 2012). Finite volume for radiative heat transfer in an unstructured flow solver. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, 369. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/369/1/012020 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Sabbe, A., Di Pietrantonio, M., Tulumuglu, P., & Feldheim, V. (2007). La rénovation passive est-elle possible? Analyse d'une habitation de rangée. Cahiers de l'Urbanisme. Peer reviewed |
Sabbe, A., Rosenoer, B., & Feldheim, V. (2007). Comment allier architecture de qualité et performances énergétiques dans une démarche intégrée et holistique? Cahiers de l'Urbanisme. Peer reviewed |
Asllanaj, F., Feldheim, V., & Lybaert, P. (01 January 2007). Solution of radiative heat transfer in 2-D geometries by a modified finite volume method based on a cell vertex scheme using unstructured triangular meshes. Numerical Heat Transfer. Part B, Fundamentals, 51, 97-119. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Contino, A., Feldheim, V., Lybaert, P., Deweer, B., & Cornil, H. (01 January 2006). Monte-Carlo simulation of ionisation in self-induced ion plating (SIIP). Surface and Coatings Technology, 201, 1845-1851. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Contino, A., Feldheim, V., Lybaert, P., Deweer, B., & Cornil, H. (2005). Modelling of continuous steel coating by self-induced ion plating (SIIP). Surface and Coatings Technology, (200), 898-903. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Feldheim, V., Deventer, C., Evrard, P., Muller, J., & Lybaert, P. (01 January 2005). Local heat transfer coefficient distribution on a plate cooled by an array of confined impinging round jets. Quantitative Infra Red Thermography Journal, 2 (2), 173-190. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Feldheim, V., & Lybaert, P. (2004). Solution of radiative heat transfer problems with the discrete transfer method applied to triangular meshes. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, (168), 179-190. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Feldheim, V., Vanderpypen, C., & Lybaert, P. (01 January 2000). Application of infrared thermography to the measurement of heat transfer distributions in three-dimensional separated flows. European Journal of Mechanical and Environmental Engineering, 45 (3), 139-147. Peer reviewed |
Chardome, G., & Feldheim, V. (2024). Caractérisation du biotope dû à la condensation dans un échangeur air-sol (EAHE) pour analyser le risque sanitaire. In M. Siroux, Thermique et architecture. Marseille, France: Presses Universitaires de Provence. doi:10.25855/SFT2024-001 Peer reviewed |
Cordier, M., Pappa, A., Bénard, P., Lybaert, P., Feldheim, V., & Bricteux, L. (2020). Simulation aux grandes échelles de la combustion diluée dans un four de 30kW [Paper presentation]. SFT 2020 28ème colloque français de thermique, Belfort, France. |
Chardome, G., & Feldheim, V. (2019). Thermal modelling of earth air heat exchanger (EAHE) and analyse of health risk [Paper presentation]. 16th IBPSA International Conference : Building Simulation 2019, Rome, Italy. |
Quinten, J., & Feldheim, V. (2019). Application of a mixed method of 1-D equivalent wall to multidimensional geometries: impact on building energy performance [Paper presentation]. 16th IBPSA International Conference : Building Simulation 2019, Rome, Italy. |
Gazdallah, M., Feldheim, V., Bagein, M., & Wauquier, S. (2019). Optimisation énergétique des vérandas : Mise au point et validation d'un simulateur thermique [Paper presentation]. XIV Colloque International Franco-Québécois en énergie (CIFQ), Baie Saint Paul, Canada. |
Quinten, J., & Feldheim, V. (2018). Equivalent wall method for dynamic modelling of thermal bridges in low-energy building: application and parametric study [Paper presentation]. 10th International Conference on System Simulation in Buildings, Liège, Belgium. |
Quinten, J., & Feldheim, V. (2018). Méthode de mur 1-D équivalent : application à des géométries 2-D et 3-D à 2 ou 3 zones de température - impact sur la performance énergétique d'un bâtiment [Paper presentation]. Congrès Français de Thermique (SFT), Pau, France. |
Thomas, D., Bagheri, A., Feldheim, V., Deblecker, O., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2017). Energy and thermal comfort management in a smart building facilitating a microgrid optimization [Paper presentation]. 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE IECON2017, Beijing, China. |
Quinten, J., & Feldheim, V. (2017). Détermination d'un mur 1D équivalent à une structure 2D/3D : nouvelle fonction objectif, impact du flux solaire et des phénomènes surfaciques [Paper presentation]. Congrès Français de Thermique (SFT), Marseille, France. |
Chardome, G., & Feldheim, V. (2017). Modélisations numériques 2D/3D d'un échangeur air-sol validées par des relevés expérimentaux [Paper presentation]. Congrès Français de Thermique (SFT), Marseille, France. |
Bagheri, A., Feldheim, V., Thomas, D., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2016). Coupling Building Thermal Network and Control System, the First Step to Smart Buildings [Paper presentation]. Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), IEEE International, Trento, Italy. doi:10.1109/ISC2.2016.7580820 |
Chardome, G., & Feldheim, V. (2016). Analyses expérimentale et numérique des performances énergétiques d'un puits canadien [Paper presentation]. Congrès Français de Thermique (SFT), Toulouse, France. |
Quinten, J., & Feldheim, V. (2016). Détermination d'un mur 1D équivalent à une structure 2D/3D : application d'une méthode mixte à différents ponts thermiques et analyse de ses limites [Paper presentation]. Congrès Français de Thermique (SFT), Toulouse, France. |
Quinten, J., & Feldheim, V. (2015). Détermination d'un mur 1D équivalent à une structure 2D/3D : analyse de la méthode [Paper presentation]. Congrès Français de Thermique (SFT), La Rochelle, France. |
Candanedo Ibarra, L., Feldheim, V., Dumont, E., Pierret, S., & Deramaix, D. (2014). Building Energy And Light Simulations For The Design Of Passive- Apartment Buildings In Belgium [Paper presentation]. BSO14 Building Simulation and Optimization Conference, London, United Kingdom. |
Tulumoglu, P., Nuttin, A., Giuliana, S., & Feldheim, V. (2014). Modélisation et évaluation détaillée du comportement thermique du corps humain et intégration du modèle dans un bureau [Paper presentation]. Congrès Français de Thermique (SFT), Lyon, France. |
Quinten, J., & Feldheim, V. (2014). Etude comparative des méthodes simplifiées de prise en compte des ponts thermiques dans la simulation dynamique de bâtiments [Paper presentation]. Congrès Français de Thermique (SFT), Lyon, France. |
Quinten, J., & Feldheim, V. (2014). Proposition d'une méthode simplifiée de prise en compte des ponts thermiques dans la simulation dynamique de bâtiments [Paper presentation]. Conférence Francophone IBPSA France, Arras, France. |
Evrard, P., Feldheim, V., & Lybaert, P. (2012). An alternative method to optimise the SLW Grey Gases [Paper presentation]. 6th European Thermal Sciences Conference, Poitiers, France. |
Nguyen, P. D., Danda, A., Embouazza, M., Gazdallah, M., Evrard, P., & Feldheim, V. (2012). Application of the Spectral Line-based Weighted-Sum-of-Gray-Gases model (SLWSGG) to the calculation of radiative heat transfer in steel reheating furnaces firing on low heating value gases [Paper presentation]. Eurotherm Seminar 95 Computational thermal radiation in participating media IV, Nancy, France. |
Gazdallah, M., Feldheim, V., Claramunt, K., & HIRSCH, C. (2012). Finite volume for radiative heat transfer in an unstructured flow solver [Paper presentation]. Eurotherm Seminar 95 Computational thermal radiation in participating media IV, Nancy, France. |
Altdorfer, B., & Feldheim, V. (2011). PEB : Analyse et amélioration du calcul des besoins de refroidissement et du risque de surchauffe des bâtiments résidentiels dans la méthode réglementaire belge [Paper presentation]. Congrès de la Société Française de Thermique 2011, Perpignan, France. |
Evrard, P., Feldheim, V., & Lybaert, P. (2010). Modélisation du rayonnement des fumées de combustion (H20, CO2) : Etude du modèle SLWSGG à 3 gaz gris optimisés [Paper presentation]. Congrès 2010 de la Société Française de Thermique, Le Touquet, France. |
Nourricier, S., Feldheim, V., & Renard, F. (2010). Analyse de sensibilité de la méthode de calcul de la performance énergétique des bâtiments (PEB) en Région wallonne [Paper presentation]. Congrès 2010 de la Société Française de Thermique, Le Touquet, France. |
Dumont, E., Lepore, R., Feldheim, V., & Frère, M. (2009). Étude d'une pompe à chaleur air/eau installée dans une maison individuelle : modélisation couplée pompe à chaleur/bâtiment et validation expérimentale [Paper presentation]. IXème Colloque Interuniversitaire Franco-Québécois sur la Thermique des Systèmes, Lille, France. |
Dumont, E., Duprez, M.-E., Feldheim, V., & Frère, M. (2008). SPF calculation: a comparison study between results provided by the bin method and experimental data [Paper presentation]. Heat pump platform Symposium, Sint-Katelijne-Waver, Belgium. |
Dumont, E., Duprez, M.-E., Lepore, R., Nourricier, S., Feldheim, V., & Frère, M. (2008). Performance analysis and modeling of a static air-to-water heat pump integrated in a single-family dwelling [Paper presentation]. 9th International Energy Agency Heat Pump Conference, Zürich, Switzerland. |
Di Pietrantonio, M., Feldheim, V., & Tulumoglu, P. (2007). Transformation d'un logement ouvrier du début du XXème siècle afin de tendre vers une architecture passive [Paper presentation]. Passive House Happening 2007, . |
Renard, F., Di Pietrantonio, M., & Feldheim, V. (2007). Analyse économique d'une maison passive existante [Paper presentation]. Passive House Happening 2007, . |
Contino, A., Feldheim, V., Lybaert, P., Deweer, B., & Cornil, H. (2006). Modelling and numerical simulation of heat transfer phenomena in the self-induced ion plating (SIIP) [Paper presentation]. International Heat Transfer Conference, Sydney, Australia. |
Anciaux, F., Nourricier, S., Frère, M., Feldheim, V., Dumont, E., & Lybaert, P. (2006). Evaluation of underground energy storage performances in Belgium [Paper presentation]. 10th International Conference on thermal energy storage, Pomona, United States - New Jersey. |
Nourricier, S., Anciaux, F., Feldheim, V., Dumont, E., Frère, M., & Lybaert, P. (2006). Thermal performances of an underground heat storage for the heating of residential buildings [Paper presentation]. 7th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (29-30 mai), Mons, Belgium. |
Asllanaj, F., Feldheim, V., & Lybaert, P. (2006). Solution of radiative heat transfer in 2-D geometries by a modified finite volume method based on a cell vertex scheme using unstructured triangular meshes [Paper presentation]. Computational thermal radiation in parcipating media II, Poitiers, France. |
Asllanaj, F., Feldheim, V., & Lybaert, P. (2006). Solution of radiative heat transfer in 2-D geometries by a modified finite volume method based on a cell-vertex scheme using unstructured triangular meshes [Paper presentation]. 7th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (29-30 mai), Mons, Belgium. |
Contino, A., Feldheim, V., Lybaert, P., Deweer, B., & Cornil, H. (2006). Modelling of continuous steel coating by self-induced ion plating (SIIP) [Paper presentation]. 7th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Mons, Belgium. |
Bombled, Q., Lybaert, P., Feldheim, V., Renaud, J., Dupont, V., & Van Oost, S. (2006). Experimental and numerical characterization of a loop heat pipe for space applications [Paper presentation]. 7th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Mons, Belgium. |
Seggio, G., Evrard, P., Feldheim, V., & Lybaert, P. (2006). Cooling of a plate by a square array of confined impinging round jets: experimental study of the convective heat transfer coefficient distribution [Paper presentation]. 7th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (29-30 mai), Mons, Belgium. |
Feldheim, V., & Lybaert, P. (2005). Application de la thermographie infrarouge à l'étude des transferts convectifs [Paper presentation]. Congrès 2005 de la Société Française de Thermique, Reims, France. |
Contino, A., Feldheim, V., Lybaert, P., Deweer, B., & Cornil, H. (2005). Modelling of continuous steel coating by self-induced ion plating (SIIP) [Paper presentation]. Comsol Multiphysics Conference 2005, Paris, France. |
Feldheim, V., Nourricier, S., Delhaye, S., & Lybaert, P. (2005). Etude paramétrique de l'habitat individuel 'basse énergie' [Paper presentation]. Congrès 2005 de la Société Française de Thermique, Reims, France. |
Feldheim, V., Deventer, C., Evrard, P., Lybaert, P., & Muller, J. (2004). Thermography measurements of heat transfer distributions for an array of impinging jets-Comparison with numerical results [Paper presentation]. 7th International Conference on Quantitative InfraRed Thermography, . |
Contino, A., Feldheim, V., Lybaert, P., Deweer, B., & Cornil, H. (2004). Modélisation et simulation numérique d'un procédé continu de dépôt sous vide ('self induced ion plating') [Paper presentation]. Transferts en milieux hétérogènes Congrès 2004 de la Société Française de Thermique, Giens, France. |
Deventer, C., Evrard, P., Feldheim, V., Lybaert, P., & Muller, J. (2004). Refroidissement d'une plaque à l'aide d'une matrice de jets circulaires: étude expérimentale et numérique [Paper presentation]. Transferts en milieux hétérogènes Congrès 2004 de la Société Française de Thermique, Giens, France. |
Contino, A., Feldheim, V., & Lybaert, P. (2004). Modelling of continuous steel coating by self-induced ion plating [Paper presentation]. 4th European Thermal Sciences Conference, Birmingham, Unknown/unspecified. |
Deventer, C., Evrard, P., Feldheim, V., Lybaert, P., & Muller, V. (2004). Refroidissement d'une plaque à l'aide d'une matrice de jets: circulaires: étude expérimentale et numérique [Paper presentation]. Transferts en milieux hétérogènes Congrès 2004 de la Société Française de Thermique, Giens, France. |
Deventer, C., Evrard, P., Feldheim, V., Lybaert, P., & Muller, J. (2004). Cooling of a plate by an array of round jets: experimental and numerical study [Paper presentation]. 4th European Thermal Sciences Conference, Birmingham, Unknown/unspecified. |
Feldheim, V. (Ed.). (2003). Computational Thermal Radiation in participating media [Paper presentation]. EUROTHERM n°73, . |
Feldheim, V., & Lybaert, P. (2003). Evaluation des performances de la méthode des transferts discrets utilisée sur maillages triangulaires non-structurés [Paper presentation]. VIè Colloque interuniversitaire franco-québécois Thermique des Systèmes, Québec, Canada. |
Feldheim, V., & Lybaert, P. (2002). Solution of radiative heat transfer problem with the discrete transfer method applied to triangular meshes [Paper presentation]. ACOMEN 2002 'Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering', Liège, Belgium. |
Feldheim, V., & Lybaert, P. (2001). Résolution numérique des transferts thermiques couplés convection naturelle-rayonnement sur maillages triangulaires [Paper presentation]. Congrès 2001 de la Société Française des Thermiciens Sciences et Technologies face au XXIè siècle, Nantes, France. |
Feldheim, V., & Lybaert, P. (2001). Numerical solution of coupled convective-radiative heat transfer on triangular meshes [Paper presentation]. Radiative Transfer 2001, IIIrd International Symposium on Radiative Heat Transfer, Antalya, Turkey. |
Feldheim, V., & Lybaert, P. (2000). Computation of convective heat transfer and fluid flow on triangular meshes by a weighted residual method using CVFEM flux approximation [Paper presentation]. 3rd European Thermal Sciences Conference, . |
Feldheim, V., & Lybaert, P. (2000). Une méthode mixte éléments finis-volumes finis pour le calcul des transferts convectifs et des écoulements sur maillages triangulaires [Paper presentation]. SFT 2000 Congrès français de Thermique, . |
Liemans, B., Feldheim, V., Bougeard, D., & Russeil, S. (04 June 2024). Etude par simulation thermique dynamique de l'intégration d'une installation de panneaux aérovoltaïques sur une maison dite passive [Paper presentation]. Congrès Français de Thermique, Strasbourg, France. doi:10.25855/SFT2024-034 Peer reviewed |
Liemans, B., Feldheim, V., Bougeard, D., & Russeil, S. (June 2023). Etude comparative des corrélations qui régissent les échanges convectifs au sein du chenal d'un panneau aérovoltaïque [Paper presentation]. Congrès Français de Thermique SFT 2023. doi:10.25855/SFT2023-102 Peer reviewed |
Liemans, B., Feldheim, V., Bougeard, D., & Russeil, S. (June 2022). Etude de la combinaison de panneaux aérovoltaïques améliorés et d’un bâtiment énergétiquement performant [Paper presentation]. Congrès Français de Thermique SFT 2022, Valenciennes, France. doi:10.25855/SFT2022-060 Peer reviewed |