Pouleur, J.-A., Durieux, M., Romariz Peixoto, L., Vanzande, O., Brouette, Q., & et, A. (2020). «N'oublions pas l'urgence environnementale». Carte blanche, Le Soir. |
Brouette, Q., Cubides-Kovacsics, P., & Point, F. (2019). Strong density property of definable types and closed ordered differential fields. Journal of Symbolic Logic. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Brouette, Q. (23 December 2018). Clôture algébrique et dimension en théorie des modèles [Paper presentation]. Séminaire théorie des modèles, Mons, Belgium. |
Brouette, Q., & Point, F. (23 July 2018). On differential Galois groups of strongly normal extensions. Mathematical Logic Quarterly, 64 (3), 155-168. doi:10.1002/malq.201600098 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Brouette, Q., Point, F., Pillay, A., & Cousins, G. (02 April 2018). Embedded Picard-Vessiot extensions. Communications in Algebra, 46 (11), 1_7. doi:10.1080/00927872.2018.1448848 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Brouette, Q. (20 March 2017). Dimensions en théorie des modèles et d'autres sujets mathématiques [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Jeunes (Math-Info), Mons, Belgium. |
Brouette, Q. (18 November 2016). Definable types in the theory of closed ordered differential fields. Archive for Mathematical Logic, 56. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Brouette, Q. (06 June 2016). Differential Galois groups of strongly normal extensions [Poster presentation]. Second joint conference of the Belgian, Royal Spanish and Luxembourg Mathematical Societies, Logroño, Spain. |
Brouette, Q. (03 May 2016). Types définissables dans les corps ordonnés différentiellement clos [Paper presentation]. Séminaire théorie des modèles et groupes, Université Paris 7, France. |
Brouette, Q. (10 February 2016). Differential Galois theory, from Picard-Vessiot extensions to strongly normal extensions: Séminaire 'Logique et Analyse' à Gand [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Logique et Analyse, Université de Gand, Belgium. |
Brouette, Q. (13 October 2015). Stellensätze in closed ordered differential fields [Paper presentation]. Structures algébriques ordonnées et leurs interactions, Luminy, France. |
Brouette, Q., & Point, F. (01 March 2015). Differential Galois theory in the class of formally real fields [Paper presentation]. Logic Colloquium, Vienne, Austria. |
Brouette, Q. (15 January 2014). Differential Galois Theory and Real Fields [Paper presentation]. British Postgraduate Model Theory 2014 (BPGMT2014), Leeds, United Kingdom. |
Brouette, Q. (15 July 2013). Differential Galois theory and formally real fields [Paper presentation]. Oberseminar Modelltheorie, Universität Konstanz, Germany. |
Brouette, Q. (28 June 2013). Stellensätze in closed ordered differential fields [Paper presentation]. Oberseminar Reelle Geometrie und Algebra, Universität Konstanz, Germany. |
Brouette, Q. (2013). A Nullstellensatz and a Positivstellensatz for Ordered Differential Fields. Mathematical Logic Quarterly. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Brouette, Q. (2012). Théorèmes des zéros et dixième problème de Hilbert. |
Brouette, Q. (13 July 2012). A Nullstellensatz and a Positivstellensatz for Ordered Differential Fields [Paper presentation]. Logic Colloquium 2012, Manchester, United Kingdom. |
Brouette, Q. (05 January 2012). A nullstellensatz and a Positivstellensatz for Ordered Differential Fields [Paper presentation]. British Postgraduate Model Theory Conference, Oxford, 4-6 January 2012, Oxford, United Kingdom. |
Bridoux, S., Troestler, C., Brouette, Q., & Desmons, B. (2008). Les experts à l'UMH. |