Bellanca, S., & Cultrera, L. (2015). Compliance of the Public Accounts of the Member States of the European Union with IPSAS. In Accounting & Finance Abstracts - Thirteenth Annual International Conference on Accounting & Finance. The Athens Institute for Education and Research. |
Bellanca, S., Cultrera, L., & Vermeylen, G. (2015). Défaillance des PME belges: Analyse comptable et financière - humanOrg working Papers 2015/01. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. |
Bellanca, S., Cultrera, L., & Vermeylen, G. (2015). Compliance of the Public Accounts of the Member States of the European Union with IPSAS [Paper presentation]. Thirteenth Annual International Conference on Accounting & Finance, Athènes, Greece. |
Bellanca, S., Cultrera, L., & Vermeylen, G. (2015). La faillite des PME belges. La Libre Belgique. |
Bellanca, S., & Cultrera, L. (19 March 2015). Analyse des systèmes de comptabilité publique en Union européenne [Paper presentation]. Journée d'études franco-belge, Valenciennes, France. |
Bellanca, S., & Cultrera, L. (22 November 2014). The accounting reform in the Brussels - Capital Region: new tool for financial analysis. Chinese Business Review, 13 (8). Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Bellanca, S. (09 November 2014). Budgetary Transparency in the European Union: The Role of IPSAS. International Advances in Economic Research, 20 (4), 455-456. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Bellanca, S., & Cultrera, L. (2014). The accounting reform in the Brussels-Capital Region: new tool for financial analysis [Paper presentation]. The Global Academy of Business and Economic Research, Istanbul, Turkey. |
Colot, O., & Bellanca, S. (14 April 2014). Motivations et typologie d'entrepreneurs : une étude empirique belge. Revue des Sciences de Gestion, 266, 63-74. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Bellanca, S., & Vandernoot, J. (04 April 2014). Transparency in EU : The role of international public sector accounting standards [Paper presentation]. 77th International Atlantic Economic Conference, Madrid, Spain. |
Bellanca, S., & Vandernoot, J. (14 March 2014). International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) Implementation in the European Union (EU) Member States. Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, 10 (3), 257-269. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Bellanca, S., & Vandernoot, J. (31 December 2013). La comptabilité publique belge : en route vers une comptabilité patrimoniale. Revue des Sciences de Gestion, 2013/5-6 (263-264). Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Bellanca, S., Pagano, G., & Vandernoot, J. (2013). L'Etat, investisseur institutionnel, investisseur en dernier ressort [Paper presentation]. Les Investisseurs Institutionnels : diabolisation ou sacralisation ?, Mons, Belgium. |
Bellanca, S., & Vandernoot, J. (2013). Transparence et sincérité budgétaires en Union européenne: quel rôle pour les IPSAS ? Revue Bancaire et Financière, (4), 313-322. Peer reviewed |
Bellanca, S., Pagano, G., & Vandernoot, J. (07 July 2013). Involvement of States in private companies: the Belgian case. International Advances in Economic Research, 19 (3), 317-318. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Bellanca, S., & Vandernoot, J. (23 April 2013). Analysis of Belgian Public Accounting and Its Compliance with International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) 1, 6 and 22. SS International Journal of Business and Management Research, 8 (9), 122-133. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Bellanca, S., Martinez, M., & Vandernoot, J. (15 April 2013). The Solidarity in the Spanish Funding of the Autonomous Communities. International Business Research, 6 (5), 45-54. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Bellanca, S., Vandernoot, J., & Bauweraerts, J. (2013). Fiscalité: grandeur et décadence. La libre Belgique. |
Bellanca, S., Pagano, G., & Vandernoot, J. (05 April 2013). The belgian state as an institutional investor [Paper presentation]. 75th International Atlantic Economic Conference, Vienne, Austria. |
Pagano, G., Bellanca, S., Decoster, D.-P., Vandernoot, J., & Vassart, P. (12 March 2013). Finances publiques et fiscalité [Poster presentation]. Matinée des Chercheurs 2013, Mons, Belgium. |
Bellanca, S., & Vandernoot, J. (28 February 2013). Belgian public accounting: Evolution and compliance with IPSAS. International Advances in Economic Research, 19 (1), 79-81. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Bellanca, S., & Vandernoot, J. (12 February 2013). Transparence et sincérité budgétaires en Union européenne : Quel rôle pour les IPSAS ? [Paper presentation]. L'influence de l'Union européenne sur les Finances publiques des États membres, Charleroi, Belgium. |
Bellanca, S., & Vandernoot, J. (08 February 2013). La comptabilité publique belge et ses implications par rapport aux normes internationales. Revue du Financier, 34 (198), 104-119. Peer reviewed |
Bellanca, S., Vandernoot, J., & Bauweraerts, J. (2013). Notionnels, la réforme et après ? La Libre Belgique. |
Bellanca, S., & Vandernoot, J. (15 December 2012). Belgian public accounting: Towards accrual accounting. Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, 8 (12), 1763-1772. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Bellanca, S., Pagano, G., & Vandernoot, J. (28 November 2012). L'Etat, investisseur institutionnel, investisseur en dernier ressort », Les investisseurs institutionnels : diabolisation ou sacralisation ? [Paper presentation]. Les Investisseurs Institutionnels : diabolisation ou sacralisation ?, Mons, Belgium. |
Bellanca, S., & Vandernoot, J. (05 October 2012). Belgian public accounting: Evolution and compliance with IPSAS [Paper presentation]. 74th International Atlantic Economic Conference, Montréal, Canada. |
Bellanca, S., Colot, O., & Pozniak, L. (01 October 2012). Belgian entrepreneurs' Motivations:Propositions of a Typology. Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, 8 (10), 1496-1511. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Bellanca, S., & Vandernoot, J. (2012). Journal de bord des aides à la résussite. |
Bellanca, S., & Pagano, G. (2012). Comptabilité nationale. |
Colot, O., Bellanca, S., & Pozniak, L. (2011). Belgian entrepreneurs: a typology based on their motivations [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Banking and Finance Perspectives, Famagouste, Cyprus. |
Pagano, G., Bellanca, S., Decoster, D.-P., Tyrant, T., Vandernoot, J., & Vassart, P. (22 March 2011). Finances publiques et fiscalité [Poster presentation]. 6ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs (MDC 2011), Mons, Belgium. |
Bellanca, S. (2010). Entrepreneurs de leur propre gré ou contraints? : Motivations et profils des entrepreneurs belges. Editions Universitaires Européennes. |
Bellanca, S., & Colot, O. (2010). Entrepreneurs de leur propre gré ou contraints ? Une étude empirique belge [Paper presentation]. IVeme COLLOQUE OCRE - EDC PARIS - L'entrepreneuriat : une réponse efficace à la crise économique ?, Sousse, Tunisia. |
Colot, O., & Bellanca, S. (2010). Les entrepreneurs belges : une typologie basée sur les motivations. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. |