Chevrier, M., Fattori, A., Lasser, L., Kotras, C., Rose, C., Cangiotti, M., Beljonne, D., Ahmad, M., Surin, M., Lazzaroni, R., Dubois, P., Ottaviani, M., Richeter, S., Bouclé, J., & Clément, S. (02 January 2020). In Depth Analysis of Photovoltaic Performance of Chlorophyll Derivative-Based 'All Solid-State' Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. Molecules, 25 (198), 1-20. doi:10.3390/molecules25010198 Peer reviewed |
Lasser, L., Ronca, E., De Angelis, F., Cornil, J., Lazzaroni, R., & Beljonne, D. (01 January 2015). Pinning Effects in the Energy Level Alignment at Titanium-Dye Interfaces: Implications for Electron Injection and Light Harvesting. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 119 (9899-9909). Peer reviewed |