
Lossa unen Geoffrey

Main Referenced Co-authors
DE GREVE, Zacharie  (12)
DEBLECKER, Olivier  (11)
DELHAYE, Marc  (2)
VALLEE, François  (2)
LOBRY, Jacques  (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
Composants magnétiques bobinés (1); Computational electromagnetics (1); Eléments finis (1); Polynômes de Chaos (1); Propagation et Quantification des incertitudes (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Electrical & electronics engineering (12)

Publications (total 13)

The most downloaded
Lossa Unen, G. (2021). Modélisation des incertitudes géométriques et matérielles pour la caractérisation des composants magnétiques bobinés moyenne fréquence [Doctoral thesis, UMONS - Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

The most cited

1 citations (Scopus®)

De Grève, Z., Vallée, F., Delhaye, M., Lossa Unen, G., Deblecker, O., & Lobry, J. (2013). Contribution to the Determination of the Stator Leakage Reactance of Synchronous Generators [Paper presentation]. 14th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2013), Cape Town, South Africa.

Lossa Unen, G., Deblecker, O., & De Grève, Z. (22 November 2021). Experimental Validation of Geometrical and Material Uncertainties Consideration in the Modeling of Wound Inductors Using FEM [Paper presentation]. PIERS 2021/2022, Hangzhou, China.

Lossa Unen, G. (2021). Modélisation des incertitudes géométriques et matérielles pour la caractérisation des composants magnétiques bobinés moyenne fréquence [Doctoral thesis, UMONS - Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Lossa Unen, G., Deblecker, O., & De Grève, Z. (16 November 2020). Building Fast Stochastic Surrogate Models for Extraction of RL Parameters of Wound Inductors Modeled Using FEM [Paper presentation]. 19th Biennal IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC 2020), Pise, Italy.

Lossa Unen, G., Deblecker, O., & De Grève, Z. (2018). Extraction of RL parameters of wound inductor using T-omega formulation [Paper presentation]. International Workshop on Computing, Electromagnetics, and Machine Intelligence (CEMI), Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Lossa Unen, G., Deblecker, O., & De Grève, Z. (2018). Influence of Material Uncertainties on the RLC Parameters of Wound Inductors Modeled Using the Finite Element Method. Open Physics.
Peer reviewed

Lossa Unen, G., Deblecker, O., & De Grève, Z. (10 April 2018). A Hybrid Approach using Monte Carlo simulation and Polynomial Chaos Expansion for geometrical and material uncertainties propagation in the FE extraction of RL parameters of wound inductors [Paper presentation]. 11th Symposium International on Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF 2018), Darmstadt, Germany.

Lossa Unen, G., Deblecker, O., & De Grève, Z. (12 March 2018). A Hybrid Approach using Monte Carlo Simulation and Polynomial Chaos Expansion for geometrical and material uncertainties propagation in the extraction of RL parameters of wound inductors [Poster presentation]. GAMM AGUQ, Dortmund, Germany.

Lossa Unen, G., Deblecker, O., & De Grève, Z. (2017). Influence of Material Uncertainties on the RLC Parameters of Wound Inductors Using the Finite Element Method [Paper presentation]. 18th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, ISEF2017, Lodz, Poland.

Lossa Unen, G., Deblecker, O., & De Grève, Z. (01 June 2017). Influence of the Geometrical Uncertainties on the RLC parameters of Wound Inductors Modeled Using the Finite Element Method. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 53 (6).
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Lossa Unen, G., Deblecker, O., & De Grève, Z. (2016). Influence of the Geometrical Uncertainties on the RLC Parameters of Wound Inductors Modeled Using Finite Element Method [Paper presentation]. Seventeenth Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC'2016), Miami, United States - Florida.

Lossa Unen, G., Deblecker, O., & De Grève, Z. (01 April 2016). Influence of the winding pattern uncertainties on the RL parameters of wound inductors [Paper presentation]. 10th International Symposium on Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF 2016), Lyon, France.

Lossa Unen, G., De Grève, Z., Vallée, F., & Delhaye, M. (2015). An Original Method for Measuring the Stator Leakage Reactance of Synchronous Machines [Paper presentation]. 16th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, ICIT2015, Sevilla, Spain.

De Grève, Z., Vallée, F., Delhaye, M., Lossa Unen, G., Deblecker, O., & Lobry, J. (2013). Contribution to the Determination of the Stator Leakage Reactance of Synchronous Generators [Paper presentation]. 14th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2013), Cape Town, South Africa.

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