Claes, M., Decan, A., & Mens, T. (2017). Intercomponent dependency issues in software ecosystems. In Software Technology: 10 Years of Innovation in IEEE Computer. Wiley. |
Decan, A., Mens, T., & Claes, M. (2017). An Empirical Comparison of Dependency Issues in OSS Packaging Ecosystems [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering, Klagenfurt, Austria. |
Decan, A., Mens, T., & Claes, M. (2016). On the Topology of Package Dependency Networks: A Comparison of Three Programming Language Ecosystems [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Software Architecture Workshops, Copenhagen, Denmark. doi:10.1145/2993412.3003382 |
Decan, A., Mens, T., Claes, M., & Grosjean, P. (2016). When GitHub meets CRAN: An Analysis of Inter-Repository Package Dependency Problems [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering, Osaka, Japan. |
Decan, A., Mens, T., Claes, M., & Grosjean, P. (2015). On the Development and Distribution of R Packages: An Empirical Analysis of the R Ecosystem [Paper presentation]. International Workshop on Software Ecosystems (IWSECO), . |
Claes, M., Mens, T., Di Cosmo, R., & Vouillon, J. (2015). A Historical Analysis of Debian Package Incompatibilities [Paper presentation]. IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, Florence, Italy. |
Mens, T., Claes, M., Tabout, N., & Grosjean, P. (2015). An Empirical Study of Identical Function Clones in CRAN [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering, Montréal, Canada. |
Claes, M., Mens, T., & Grosjean, P. (2014). maintaineR: A web-based dashboard for maintainers of CRAN packages [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, Victoria, Canada. doi:10.1109/ICSME.2014.104 |
Claes, M., Mens, T., & Grosjean, P. (30 May 2014). Beyond R CMD check: Helping R developers to detect CRAN package conflicts [Paper presentation]. useR! 2014, Los Angeles, United States. |
Mens, T., Claes, M., & Grosjean, P. (2014). ECOS: Ecological Studies of Open Source Software Ecosystems [Paper presentation]. IEEE CSMR-WCRE 2014 Software Evolution Week, Antwerpen, Belgium. doi:10.1109/CSMR-WCRE.2014.6747205 |
Claes, M., Mens, T., & Grosjean, P. (2014). On the maintainability of CRAN packages [Paper presentation]. IEEE CSMR-WCRE 2014 Software Evolution Week, Antwerpen, Belgium. doi:10.1109/CSMR-WCRE.2014.6747183 |
Mens, T., Claes, M., Grosjean, P., & Serebrenik, A. (2014). Studying Evolving Software Ecosystems based on Ecological Models. In T. Mens, A. Serebrenik, A. Cleve, T. Mens (Ed.), A. Serebrenik (Ed.), ... A. Cleve (Ed.), Evolving Software Systems (pp. 297-326). Springer. |
Mens, T., Claes, M., Drobisz, S., & Goeminne, M. (2013). Proceedings of BENEVOL 2013 Software Evolution Research Seminar: Extended Abstracts of the Research Presentations [Paper presentation]. BENEVOL 2013, Mons, Belgium. |
Mens, T., & Claes, M. (09 July 2013). Studying Evolving Software Ecosystems inspired by ecological models [Paper presentation]. Seminar on Advanced Tools and Techniques for Software Evolution (SATTOSE), Bern, Switzerland. |
Claes, M., Mens, T., Grosjean, P., & Serebrenik, A. (2013). Modeling software evolution using biological evolution theories [Paper presentation]. ICSE-NIER, San Francisco, United States. |
Goeminne, M., Claes, M., & Mens, T. (2013). A historical dataset for Gnome contributors [Paper presentation]. Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2013), San Francisco, United States. |
Claes, M., Mens, T., & Goeminne, M. (01 February 2013). Migration patterns of software ecosystem contributors: An empirical case study with Gnome [Paper presentation]. SOS-Evol (Seminar on Open Source Software Evolution), Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Claes, M., Mens, T., & Grosjean, P. (2013). Towards an empirical analysis of the maintainability of CRAN packages [Paper presentation]. BENEVOL 2013, Mons, Belgium. Peer reviewed |
Mens, T., Claes, M., Grosjean, P., & Serebrenik, A. (09 July 2012). Applying Biological Evolution to Software Ecosystems: A Case study with Gnome [Paper presentation]. BENEVOL, Delf, Netherlands. |