
Godfroid Cécile

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté Warocqué d'Economie et de Gestion > Service de Management et étude des organisations

Main Referenced Co-authors
LABIE, Marc  (22)
GIULIANO, Romina  (19)
DUPONT, Claire  (10)
Otiti, Naome (10)
Main Referenced Keywords
Microfinance (8); Commons (5); Free riding (5); Institutional design (5); Tanzania (4);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
CERMI - Microfinance (80)
CERIS - Inclusion sociale (8)
CREA - Economie Appliquée (7)
CREMMI - Modélisation mathématique et informatique (6)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Human resources management (39)
General management, entrepreneurship & organizational theory (14)
Social economics (12)
Finance (10)
International economics (8)

Publications (total 112)

The most downloaded
Godfroid, C., & Labie, M. (2016). Théorie des organisations - Guide de lecture, 4ème édition.

The most cited

17 citations (OpenAlex)

Godfroid, C. (18 March 2019). Relationship Lending in Microfinance: How does it Impact Client Dropouts? Strategic Change, 28 (4), 289-300. doi:10.1002/jsc.2271

Dupont, C., Ferauge, P., Giuliano, R., & Godfroid, C. (12 December 2024). Télétravail et conciliation des sphères privée et professionnelle : perspectives genrées [Paper presentation]. 19èmes Rencontres Internationales de la Diversité, Liège, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Godfroid, C., Labie, M., & Muylaert, C. (2024). Contributions of cooperatives to the challenges of the circular economy and product-service systems in the context of environmental transition. In J. Warren (Ed.), Handbook of Cooperative Economics and Management. London, United Kingdom: Routlegde. doi:10.4324/9781003449850-41
Editorial reviewed

Umba, D. N.* , Croquet, M.* , & Godfroid, C.*. (08 October 2024). Does Digitization Affect Social and Financial Performance in Microfinance Institutions? Journal of Alternative Finance, 1 (3), 236-251. doi:10.1177/27533743241290280
Peer reviewed
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Giuliano, R., Godfroid, C., & Radermecker, L. (2024). Socially Responsible HRM Practices in Social Enterprises: The Case of Microfinance. Employee Relations. doi:10.1108/ER-09-2023-0469
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Muylaert, C., & Godfroid, C. (19 July 2024). Product service systems for favoring social inclusion [Paper presentation]. ISTR, 16th International Conference, Anvers, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Muylaert, C., & Godfroid, C. (04 July 2024). Product service systems for favoring social inclusion [Paper presentation]. 40th EGOS Colloquium 2024, Milan, Italy.
Peer reviewed

Muylaert, C., & Godfroid, C. (19 June 2024). Product service systems for favoring social inclusion [Paper presentation]. Business and Society Research Seminar, Lille, France.
Peer reviewed

Muylaert, C., & Godfroid, C. (07 June 2024). Product service systems for favoring social inclusion [Paper presentation]. IPDMC, Dublin, Ireland.
Peer reviewed

Caballero-Montes, T., & Godfroid, C. (2024). Governing professional microfinance associations: the Tanzanian case through the prism of institutional design. Review of Managerial Science. doi:10.1007/s11846-024-00767-9
Peer reviewed

Godfroid, C., & Caballero-Montes, T. (26 February 2024). Governing Professional Microfinance Associations: The Tanzanian Case through the Prism of Institutional Design [Paper presentation]. IXèmes journées internationales de la microfinance, Yaoundé, Cameroon.
Peer reviewed

Cultrera, L., Godfroid, C., & Heyman, M. (2024). Les fonds d'investissement socialement responsables (ISR) sont-ils vraiment responsables ? Le cas de la Belgique. Revue Française de Gestion, 50 (316), 81-105. doi:10.1684/rfg.2024.27
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Godfroid, C., Hudon, M., & Labie, M. (2023). Microfinance. In Elgar Encyclopedia of Nonprofit Management, Leadership and Governance (pp. 393–395). Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781800880092.ch121
Editorial reviewed

Heyman, M., Cultrera, L., & Godfroid, C. (06 December 2023). Les fonds d’investissement socialement responsables sont-ils vraiment rentables et responsables comme ils le prétendent ? [Paper presentation]. Transition durable des organisations et communautés : Enjeux et perspectives, Agadir, Morocco.
Peer reviewed

Dupont, C., Giuliano, R., & Godfroid, C. (20 November 2023). Teleworking, task sharing, and work-life balance: A gender issue? Theoretical approach. Journal of Economics and Management, 45, 374-412. doi:10.22367/jem.2023.45.15
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Heyman, M., Cultrera, L., & Godfroid, C. (10 November 2023). Les fonds d’investissement socialement responsables sont-ils vraiment rentables et responsables comme ils le prétendent ? [Paper presentation]. LE FUTUR EST E.S.G, Montréal, Canada.
Editorial reviewed

Giuliano, R., Godfroid, C., & Rademercker, L. (November 2023). Staff turnover and organizational performance: The case of a microfinance organization. Journal of Economics and Management, 45 (1), 413 - 440. doi:10.22367/jem.2023.45.16
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Dupont, C., Ferauge, P., Giuliano, R., & Godfroid, C. (27 October 2023). Effet du télétravail sur la conciliation des vies privée et professionnelle : une approche genrée [Paper presentation]. 34ème congrès de l'Association francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, Ajaccio, France.
Peer reviewed

Godfroid, C., Labie, M., & Muylaert, C. (13 September 2023). Contributions of cooperatives to the challenges of the circular economy and the product-service systems in a context of environmental transition [Paper presentation]. 9th EMES International Research Conference, Francfort, Germany.
Peer reviewed

Otiti, N., Beglaryan, M., Godfroid, C., Volral, M., & Mersland, R. (02 August 2023). Education and Social Performance in Social Enterprises: The Case of Microfinance [Paper presentation]. World Finance Conference, Kristiansand, Norway.
Peer reviewed

Dupont, C., Giuliano, R., & Godfroid, C. (09 February 2023). Teleworking, task sharing and work-life balance: A gender issue? Theoretical approach [Paper presentation]. 4th International Conference in Human Resource Management, lisbonne, Portugal.
Peer reviewed

Dupont, C., Giuliano, R., & Godfroid, C. (January 2023). Valeurs, engagement et quête de sens. HR square, 50 (janvier), p. 24-26.

Godfroid, C., & Labie, M. (2023). The process of organizational identification in social enterprises: The role of coalitions. European Management Review. doi:10.1111/emre.12551
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Heyman, M., Cultrera, L., & Godfroid, C. (2022). Les fonds d’investissement socialement responsables (ISR) sont-ils vraiment rentables et responsables comme ils le prétendent ? [Poster presentation at Dans les coulisses du métier de chercheur, FWEG].

Godfroid, C., & Labie, M. (21 October 2022). Understanding identification in social enterprises [Paper presentation]. 33ème Congrès AGRH, Brest, France.
Peer reviewed

Dupont, C., & Godfroid, C. (2022). La finalité du travail est-elle en train de changer ? [Paper presentation]. Cycle de conférences interactives.

Caballero-Montes, T., & Godfroid, C. (20 June 2022). Supporting microfinance via professional associations: Analysis of the Tanzanian case through the lens of Ostrom's institutional design principles [Paper presentation]. 7th Research Conference on Microfinance, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Peer reviewed

Dupont, C., Giuliano, R., & Godfroid, C. (2022). Femmes en télétravail: mauvais genre? (Libre Eco weekend). La Libre Belgique.

Godfroid, C., Otiti, N., & Mersland, R. (February 2022). Employee tenure and staff performance: The case of a social enterprise. Journal of Business Research, 139, 457 - 467. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.10.011
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Siwale, J., & Godfroid, C. (2022). Digitising microfinance: on the route to losing the traditional ‘human face’ of microfinance institutions. Oxford Development Studies, 50 (2), 177 - 191. doi:10.1080/13600818.2021.1998409
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Otiti, N., Godfroid, C., Mersland, R., & D’Espallier, B. (2022). Does it (Re)pay to be Female? Considering Gender in Microfinance Loan Officer-Client Pairs. Journal of Development Studies, 58 (2), 259 - 274. doi:10.1080/00220388.2021.1983167
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Caballero-Montes, T., & Godfroid, C. (17 December 2021). Supporting Microfinance via Professional Associations: Analysis of the Tanzanian Case through the Lens of Ostrom's Institutional Design principles [Paper presentation]. World Finance Banking Symposium, online, Unknown/unspecified.
Editorial reviewed

Godfroid, C. (21 October 2021). Etat des lieux du système de sécurité sociale en Belgique [Paper presentation]. Justice sociale, sécurité sociale et projet de revenu universel - Quel avenir pour la solidarité, UMONS, Belgium.

Caballero-Montes, T., & Godfroid, C. (04 October 2021). Supporting Microfinance via Professional Associations: Analysis of the Tanzanian Case through the Lens of Ostrom's Institutional Design [Paper presentation]. EMES 8th International Research Conference - Social enterprise, cooperative and voluntary action: Bringing principles and values to renew action, Universidad de Zaragoza, Teruel, Spain.
Peer reviewed

Godfroid, C., & Otiti, N. (10 September 2021). Employee Tenure and Performance: The Case of a Social Enterprise [Paper presentation]. VIII Congreso Internacional de Investigacion en Economia Social de Ciriec, San José, Costa Rica.
Peer reviewed

Caballero-Montes, T., & Godfroid, C. (09 September 2021). To what extent is industry self-regulation applicable to microfinance ? The case of Tamfi [Paper presentation]. VIII Congreso Internacional de Investigacion en Economia Social de Ciriec, San José, Costa Rica.
Editorial reviewed

Caballero-Montes, T., Godfroid, C., & Labie, M. (12 June 2021). Are interest rate caps a relevant tool to cool down overheating microfinance markets? Strategic Change, 30 (4), 319-330.
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Caballero-Montes, T., & Godfroid, C. (12 May 2021). Soutenir le secteur de la microfinance via les associations professionnelles : analyse du cas tanzanien à travers le prisme de la théorie des communs [Paper presentation]. 1er Webinaire International de Microfinance de l'Association Internationale des Chercheurs Francophones en Microfinance, Online, Unknown/unspecified.

Dupont, C., Giuliano, R., & Godfroid, C. (2021). Télétravail et conciliation vie privée-vie professionnelle : une question de genre ? [Paper presentation]. 31ème Congrès de l'AGRH, en ligne, Unknown/unspecified.

Godfroid, C., & Labie, M. (2021). Management et analyse des organisations - Cahier d'exercices.

Dupont, C., Giuliano, R., & Godfroid, C. (15 December 2020). Télétravail et conciliation vie privée-vie professionnelle : une question de genre ? [Paper presentation]. Mardi de la Recherche, Mons, Belgium.

Godfroid, C., Otiti, N., & Mersland, R. (05 December 2020). Employee Tenure and Staff Performance: The Case of a Social Enterprise [Paper presentation]. Euram annual conference, Online, Unknown/unspecified.
Peer reviewed

Otiti, N., Godfroid, C., & Mersland, R. (04 December 2020). Finding the Right Couple Between Microfinance Loan Officers and Clients in Terms of Gender [Paper presentation]. Euram annual conference, Online, Unknown/unspecified.
Peer reviewed

Caballero-Montes, T., Godfroid, C., & Labie, M. (2020). Research Note N°1 on Microfinance Regulation - Interest Rate Restrictions and Microfinance: Insights from Cambodia.

Giuliano, R., Godfroid, C., & Radermecker, L. (2020). Socially responsible HRM practices in social enterprises: The case of microfinance [Paper presentation]. 35th Workshop on Strategic Human Resource Management, Minho, Portugal.

Otiti, N., Godfroid, C., & Mersland, R. (10 August 2020). Employee Tenure and Staff Performance: The Case of a Social Enterprise [Paper presentation]. Academy of Management, Online, Unknown/unspecified.
Peer reviewed

Otiti, N., Godfroid, C., & Mersland, R. (07 August 2020). Finding the Right Couple Between Microfinance Loan Officers and Clients in Terms of Gender [Paper presentation]. Academy of Management, Online, Unknown/unspecified.
Peer reviewed

Siwale, J., & Godfroid, C. (02 July 2020). Digitizing microfinance: What will be the place of loan officers? [Paper presentation]. 36th EGOS colloquium, Online, Unknown/unspecified.
Peer reviewed

Dupont, C., Giuliano, R., & Godfroid, C. (2020). Perceptions et utilisation du télétravail en Belgique : existe-t-il des différences entre les hommes et les femmes ? [Paper presentation]. ORNUM, Dijon , France.

Otiti, N., Godfroid, C., & Mersland, R. (23 May 2020). Employee Tenure and Staff Performance: The Case of a Social Enterprise [Paper presentation]. 15th Organization Studies Summer Workshop 2020, Online, Unknown/unspecified.
Peer reviewed

Giuliano, R., Godfroid, C., & Radermecker, L. (2020). Socially Responsible HRM Practices in Social Enterprises: The Case of Microfinance [Paper presentation]. 15th Organization Studies Summer Workshop, Crête, Greece.

Godfroid, C., Otiti, N., & Mersland, R. (14 January 2020). Employee Tenure and Staff Performance : The Case of a Social Enterprise [Paper presentation]. Mardi de la recherche, Mons, Belgium.

Caballero-Montes, T., Godfroid, C., & Labie, M. (10 December 2019). Freiner un marché de microfinance en surchauffe : les plafonds de taux d'intérêt sont-ils pertinents ? [Paper presentation]. VIIIèmes Journées Internationales de la Microfinance, Cotonou, Benin.
Peer reviewed

De Pril, J., & Godfroid, C. (19 September 2019). Avoiding the Crowding-Out of Prosocial Motivation in Microfinance. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 77, 108-117. doi:10.1016/j.qref.2019.09.016
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Giuliano, R., Godfroid, C., & Radermecker, L. (04 July 2019). The Root Causes of Employee Turnover in Social Enterprises: The Case of a Microfinance Organization [Paper presentation]. 35th EGOS Colloquium, Edimbourg, United Kingdom.
Peer reviewed

Godfroid, C., & Labie, M. (27 June 2019). Identification in Hybrid Organizations : A particularly Complex Process [Paper presentation]. EURAM, Lisbonne, Portugal.
Peer reviewed

Godfroid, C., & Labie, M. (19 June 2019). Identification in Hybrid Organizations : A particularly Complex Process [Paper presentation]. Business & Society Research Seminar 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Peer reviewed

Giuliano, R., Godfroid, C., & Radermecker, L. (2019). The Root Causes of Employee Turnover in Social Entreprises: The case of a Microfinance Organization [Paper presentation]. EMES International Research Network, Manchester, Unknown/unspecified.

Siwale, J., & Godfroid, C. (06 June 2019). Digitizing microfinance: Is there still a place for loan officers [Paper presentation]. Sixth European Research Conference on Microfinance, Paris, France.
Peer reviewed

Giuliano, R., Godfroid, C., & Radermecker, L. (05 June 2019). The Root Causes of Employee Turnover in Social Enterprises: The Case of a Microfinance Organization [Paper presentation]. Sixth European Research Conference on Microfinance, Paris, France.
Peer reviewed

Caballero-Montes, T., Godfroid, C., & Labie, M. (03 June 2019). The Ins and Outs of Interest Rate Caps in the Microfinance Industry: The Case of Cambodia [Paper presentation]. 6th European Research Conference on Microfinance, Paris, France.
Peer reviewed

Giuliano, R., Godfroid, C., & Radermecker, L. (2019). The Root Causes of Employee Turnover in Social Entreprises: The case of a Microfinance Organization [Paper presentation]. European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Vienne, Austria.

Godfroid, C. (18 March 2019). Relationship Lending in Microfinance: How does it Impact Client Dropouts? Strategic Change, 28 (4), 289-300. doi:10.1002/jsc.2271
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Caballero-Montes, T., Godfroid, C., & Labie, M. (08 December 2018). The Ins and Outs of Implementing Interest Rate Caps in Microfinance Industry [Paper presentation]. L'émergence en question : Marqueurs et dynamiques du développement - Financial Inclusion: Item 8, Dijon, France.
Editorial reviewed

Giuliano, R., Godfroid, C., & Radermecker, L. (20 November 2018). The Root Causes of Turnover in Microfinance Institutions: A Qualitative Research Method [Paper presentation]. Mardi de la recherche, UMONS, Belgium.

Godfroid, C. (11 October 2018). Human Resources in Social Enterprises: The Case of Microfinance Loan Officers [Paper presentation]. Annual Doctoral Day, Doctoral School in Management ULB-ULg-UMONS, UMONS, Belgium.

Giuliano, R., Godfroid, C., & Radermecker, L. (2018). The Root Causes of Turnover in Microfinance Institutions: A Qualitative Research Method [Paper presentation]. 15th Annual Conference on Social Entrepreneurship, Los Angeles, United States.

Godfroid, C., & Labie, M. (14 August 2018). Organizational Identification in Social Enterprises, A Triptych Unifying Organizational Culture, Identity and Image [Paper presentation]. 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, United States - Illinois.
Peer reviewed

Radermecker, L., & Godfroid, C. (20 July 2018). Staff turnover and Productivity: the case of microfinance [Paper presentation]. 56° Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, Salamanca, Spain.

Godfroid, C., & Radermecker, L. (21 June 2018). Staff turnover and Productivity: the case of microfinance [Paper presentation]. European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM), Reykjavik, Iceland.

Godfroid, C., & Labie, M. (07 June 2018). Organizational Identification in Social Enterprises, A Triptych Unifying Organizational Culture, Identity and Image [Paper presentation]. 34th EGOS colloquium, Tallinn, Estonia.
Peer reviewed

Caballero-Montes, T., Godfroid, C., & Labie, M. (30 May 2018). The Ins and Outs of Implementing Interest Rate Caps in Microfinance Industry [Paper presentation]. XXXIVèmes Journées ATM 8, Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France.
Peer reviewed

Baumann, E., & Godfroid, C. (2018). Le développement par la microfinance? Réflexions à partir du cas sénégalais. In J.-A. Goudiaby & P. Diédhiou (Eds.), Regard sur le développement: de la nécessité de repenser les processus (pp. 193-216). L'Harmattan.
Editorial reviewed

Godfroid, C., & Radermecker, L. (12 December 2017). Staff Turnover and Organizational Performance: The Case of Microfinance [Paper presentation]. CERMi Research Day, ULB, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Caballero-Montes, T., Godfroid, C., & Labie, M. (08 December 2017). The Ins and Outs of Implementing Interest Rate Caps in Microfinance Industry [Paper presentation]. L'émergence en question : Marqueurs et dynamiques du développement - Financial Inclusion: Item 8, Dijon, France.
Peer reviewed

Godfroid, C. (28 November 2017). Relationship Lending in Microfinance: How does it Impact Client Dropouts [Paper presentation]. Luxembourg Inclusive Finance Research Conference, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.


Godfroid, C., & Radermecker, L. (03 November 2017). Staff Turnover and Productivity: The Case of Microfinance [Paper presentation]. The 14th Annual Social Entrepreneurship Conference, Boston, United States - Massachusetts.
Peer reviewed

Godfroid, C., & Labie, M. (02 November 2017). Organizational Identification in Social Enterprises, A Triangle Uniting Organizational Culture, Identity and Image [Paper presentation]. The 14th Annual Social Entrepreneurship Conference, Boston, United States - Massachusetts.
Peer reviewed

Radermecker, L., & Godfroid, C. (21 October 2017). Staff turnover and Productivity : the case of microfinance [Paper presentation]. Mardis de la recherche, Mons, Belgium.

Godfroid, C. (13 October 2017). Facilitating Organizational Identification in Hybrid Organizations: Managerial Actions, Essential Actors and Reinforcing Factors [Paper presentation]. 28ème Congrès AGRH, Aix-En-Provence, France.
Peer reviewed

Godfroid, C. (2017). Relationship Lending in Microfinance: How does it Impact Client Dropouts? [Paper presentation]. Research Meets Africa - Semaine Africaine de la Microfinance, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia.

Godfroid, C. (13 June 2017). Relationship Lending in Microfinance: How does it Impact Client Dropouts? [Paper presentation]. 5th European Microfinance Research Conference, Portsmouth, United Kingdom.
Peer reviewed

Godfroid, C., & Radermecker, L. (13 June 2017). Staff Turnover and Productivity: The Case of Microfinance [Paper presentation]. 5th European Microfinance Research Conference, Portsmouth, United Kingdom.
Peer reviewed

Godfroid, C. (01 June 2017). How to reconcile financial incentives with prosocial motivation of loan officers in microfinance [Poster presentation]. l'ECORES Summer School on Individual Heterogeneity in Organizations, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Godfroid, C. (30 May 2017). Facilitating Organizational Identification in Hybrid Organizations: Managerial Actions, Essential Actors and Reinforcing Factors [Paper presentation]. Doctoral Forum in Management, UCL Mons, Belgium.

Godfroid, C. (22 May 2017). Relationship Lending in Microfinance : How does it Impact Rural Client Dropouts? [Paper presentation]. XXIIIèmes Journées de l'Association Tiers Monde : Agriculture, ruralités et développement, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Godfroid, C., & Labie, M. (2017). Théorie des organisations - Cahier d'exercices, 2ème édition.

Godfroid, C., & Radermecker, L. (25 April 2017). Staff Turnover and Productivity: The Case of Microfinance [Paper presentation]. 32nd workshop on strategic human resource management (EIASM), Lucerne, Switzerland.
Peer reviewed

Godfroid, C. (19 April 2017). Facilitating Organizational Identification in Hybrid Organizations: Managerial Actions, Essential Actors and Reinforcing Factors [Paper presentation]. The 1st IESE-LUISS Conference on Responsibility, Sustainability and Social Entrepreneurship, Rome, Italy.
Peer reviewed

Godfroid, C. (17 March 2017). Are Microfinance Loan Officers Closer to Banking Staff or to Non-profit Workers? A Motivational Approach. Strategic Change, 26 (2), 117-132. doi:10.1002/jsc
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Godfroid, C. (10 March 2017). Relations de proximité entre emprunteurs et institutions de microfinance : quel impact sur l'abandon des clients ? [Paper presentation]. Le développement revisité. Regards croisés : intergénérationnels, interdisciplinaires et interrégionaux, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Godfroid, C., & Radermecker, L. (07 March 2017). Rotation du personnel et productivité: le cas de la microfinance » [Poster presentation]. Huitième édition montoise du MdC : le Mardi des Chercheurs 2017, UMons, Belgium.

De Pril, J., & Godfroid, C. (30 July 2016). How to reconcile financial incentives and pro-social motivation of loan officers in microfinance? [Paper presentation]. World Finance Conference, New York, United States.
Peer reviewed

De Pril, J., & Godfroid, C. (04 July 2016). How to reconcile financial incentives and pro-social motivation of loan officers in microfinance? [Paper presentation]. 19th International Symposium on Ethics, Business and Society, IESE Business School Barcelone, Spain.
Peer reviewed

Godfroid, C., & Labie, M. (2016). Théorie des organisations - Guide de lecture, 4ème édition.

De Pril, J., & Godfroid, C. (02 June 2016). How to reconcile financial incentives and pro-social motivation of loan officers in microfinance? [Paper presentation]. Recent Advances in Social Finance, Université de Rennes I, France.

Godfroid, C., & De Pril, J. (18 May 2016). How to reconcile financial incentives with prosocial motivation of loan officers in microfinance? [Poster presentation]. Matinée des Chercheurs 2016, Valenciennes, France.

Godfroid, C., & De Pril, J. (15 March 2016). How to reconcile financial incentives and pro-social motivation of loan officers in microfinance? [Paper presentation]. 7th Conference on Innovative Trends Emerging in Microfinance, Shanghai, China.
Peer reviewed

De Pril, J., & Godfroid, C. (10 December 2015). How to reconcile financial incentives and pro-social motivation of loan officers in microfinance? [Paper presentation]. 5th European Reward Management Conference, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Baumann, E., Fall, A., & Godfroid, C. (2015). Malaise in the Senegalese microfinance landscape. In I. Guérin, M. Labie, J.-M. Servet, I. Guérin (Ed.), M. Labie (Ed.), ... J.-M. Servet (Ed.), The Crises of Microcredit (pp. 133-151). Zedbooks.

Godfroid, C., & Labie, M. (2015). Management I - Cahier d'exercices - 4ème édition.

Godfroid, C. (12 June 2015). Understanding microfinance loan officers'motivations [Paper presentation]. 10th Workshop on the challenges of managing the third sector, University of Edinburgh Business School, United Kingdom.
Peer reviewed

Godfroid, C. (01 June 2015). Understanding microfinance loan officers' motivations [Paper presentation]. Fourth European Research Conference on Microfinance, Geneva, Switzerland.
Peer reviewed

Godfroid, C. (28 May 2015). Microfinance loan officers' motivations [Paper presentation]. Research Afternoon, UMONS, Belgium.

Allart, M., & Godfroid, C. (03 April 2015). How to integrate microfinance loan officers in profit- and socially-oriented corporate cultures? An overview [Paper presentation]. La 12ème Journée Humanisme et Gestion, Mons, Belgium.

Godfroid, C. (10 March 2015). Présentation du Centre Européen de Recherche en Microfinance [Poster presentation]. 8ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2015 (MdC2015), Mons, Belgium.

Godfroid, C., Labie, M., & Morvant, S. (2015). Rapport de visite à l'IMF Fondesa - Informe de visita a Fondesa.

Allart, M., Cultrera, L., Deprince, E., Godfroid, C., & Vermeylen, G. (2015). Union representatives: intermediary actors within company and society [Paper presentation]. GBC Winter Conference, Tignes, France.

Baumann, E., & Godfroid, C. (04 December 2014). Développement par la microfinance? Réflexions à partir du cas sénégalais [Paper presentation]. Regards croisés sur le développement dans les Suds :Bilans, enjeux et perspectives, Université de Ziguinchor, Senegal.
Peer reviewed

Godfroid, C. (30 November 2014). La performance financière des fonds socialement responsables. Revue du Financier, 210 (36), 59-69.
Peer reviewed

Allart, M., Cultrera, L., Godfroid, C., & Vermeylen, G. (2014). Rationalisme et empirisme dans la vie de tous les jours. La Libre Belgique.

Godfroid, C. (19 March 2014). La performance des fonds socialement responsables [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Institutional and Technological Environment for Microfinance, Casablanca, Morocco.
Peer reviewed

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