Hontinfinde, R. (2018). Mesure distribuée résolue en fréquence appliquée à la génération du spercontinuum dans les fibres optiques [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/27640 |
Hontinfinde, R., Coulibaly, S., Mégret, P., Taki, M., & Wuilpart, M. (2017). Metrology of supercontinuum generation along highly nonlinear fibers using photon-counting optical time domain reflectometry [Paper presentation]. CLEO Pacific Rim 2017, Singapour, Singapore. |
Wuilpart, M., Hontinfinde, R., Coulibaly, S., Mégret, P., & Taki, M. (2017). [Invited] Spatially-resolved measurement of supercontinuum generation along optical fibers [Paper presentation]. ICTON 2017, Gérone, Spain. |
Hontinfinde, R., Coulibaly, S., Mégret, P., Taki, M., & Wuilpart, M. (2017). Comparative study of the reflectometry and cut-back techniques for the distributed measurement of supercontinuum generation along optical fibers [Paper presentation]. CLEO : Applications and Technology 2017, San José, United States. |
Hontinfinde, R., Coulibaly, S., Mégret, P., Taki, M., & Wuilpart, M. (2016). Distributed measurement of supercontinuum generation along highly nonlinear optical fiber [Paper presentation]. IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter Symposium 2016, Gand, Belgium. |
Hontinfinde, R., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2015). Distributed measurement of supercontinuum in an optical fiber using a reflectometry technique [Paper presentation]. 20th Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, Brussels, Belgium. |