Koutra, S., Becue, V., Ioakeimidis, C., GALATOULAS, N.-F., & DENAYER, N. (2021). The zero-energy challenge in districts. Introduction of a methodological decision-making approach in the case of the district of Cuesmes in Belgium. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development. Peer reviewed |
Koutra, S., Ioakeimidis, C., Rodriguez Fiscal, P., Taratori, R., & Pacho, M. A. (07 July 2021). A Strategic and Smart Environmental Assessment of Rapid Urbanization in Beijing. Energies, 14 (16). Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Zhang, J., Cenci, J., Becue, V., Koutra, S., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2020). Recent Evolution of Research on Industrial Heritage in Western Europe and China Based on Bibliometric Analysis. Sustainability. Peer reviewed |
Koutra, S., Pangoule, C., Galatoulas, N.-F., Bagheri, A., Waroux, T., Becue, V., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2019). The Zero-Energy Idea in Districts: Application of a Methodological Approach to a Case Study of Epinlieu (Mons). Sustainability. Peer reviewed |
Koutra, S., Pagnoule, C., GALATOULAS, N.-F., Bagheri, A., Waroux, T., Becue, V., & Ioakeimidis, C. (29 June 2019). The Zero-Energy Idea in Districts: Application of a Methodological Approach to a Case Study of Epinlieu (Mons). Sustainability, 11 (17). Peer reviewed |
Koutra, S., Becue, V., & Ioakeimidis, C. (14 March 2019). A Multiscalar Approach for 'Smart City' Planning [Paper presentation]. Sesil KOUTRA, Oxford, Unknown/unspecified. |
Koutra, S., Becue, V., & Ioakeimidis, C. (14 March 2019). The Zero Energy Ambition in Districts' Planning.: The Case study of Leuze in Belgium [Paper presentation]. IAPE, Oxford, United Kingdom. |
Galatoulas, N.-F., Genikomsakis, K., & Ioakeimidis, C. (01 October 2018). Analysis of potential demand and costs for the business development of an electric vehicle sharing service. Sustainable Cities and Society, 42, 148-161. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Koutra, S., Becue, V., & Ioakeimidis, C. (28 June 2018). The role of the urban structure on district energy demand. A theoretical approach [Poster presentation]. COFRET: COlloque FRancophone en Energie, Environnement, Economie et Thermodynamique, Strasbourg, France. |
Bagheri, A., Feldheim, V., & Ioakeimidis, C. (11 April 2018). On the Evolution and Application of the Thermal Network Method for Energy Assessments in Buildings. Energies, 11 (890), 1-20. doi:10.3390/en11040890 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Ioakeimidis, C., Thomas, D., Rycerski, P., & Genikomsakis, K. (01 April 2018). Peak shaving and valley filling of power consumption profile in non-residential buildings using an electric vehicle parking lot. Energy, 148, 148-158. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Genikomsakis, K., Galatoulas, N.-F., Dallas, P., Candanedo Ibarra, L. M., Margaritis, D., & Ioakeimidis, C. (01 April 2018). Development and On-Field Testing of Low-Cost Portable System for Monitoring PM2.5 Concentrations. Sensors, 18. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Koutra, S., Becue, V., Ioakeimidis, C., & Gallas, M.-A. (2018). Towards the Development of a Net-Zero Energy District Evaluation Tool: A Review of Sustainable Approaches and Assessment Tools. Sustainable Cities and Society. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Thomas, D., Deblecker, O., & Ioakeimidis, C. (15 January 2018). Optimal operation of an energy management system for a grid-connected smart building considering photovoltaics' uncertainty and stochastic electric vehicles' driving schedule. Applied Energy, 210, 1188-1206. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Ioakeimidis, C., & Genikomsakis, K. (02 January 2018). Introduction of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles in an Isolated Island System. Advances in Building Energy Research, 12 (1), 66-83. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Genikomsakis, K., Angulo Gutierrez, I., Thomas, D., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2017). Simulation and Design of Fast Charging Infrastructure for a University-based e-Carsharing System. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Genikomsakis, K., Lopez, S., Dallas, P., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2017). Simulation of Wind-Battery Microgrid Based on Short-Term Wind Power Forecasting. Applied Sciences. Peer reviewed |
Thomas, D., Bagheri, A., Feldheim, V., Deblecker, O., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2017). Energy and thermal comfort management in a smart building facilitating a microgrid optimization [Paper presentation]. 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE IECON2017, Beijing, China. |
Thomas, D., Deblecker, O., Genikomsakis, K., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2017). Smart house operation under PV and load demand uncertainty considering EV and storage utilization [Paper presentation]. 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE IECON2017, Beijing, China. |
Genikomsakis, K., Mitrentsis, G., Savvidis, D., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2017). Energy Consumption Model of Electric Scooter for Routing Applications: Experimental Validation [Paper presentation]. 20th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2017), Yokohama, Japan. |
Genikomsakis, K., Angulo Gutierrez, I., Koutra, S., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2017). Solar thermal and wind energy applications: case-study on a small village in Spain [Paper presentation]. 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), Dubrovnik, Croatia. |
Genikomsakis, K., Angulo Gutierrez, I., Koutra, S., & Ioakeimidis, C. (04 October 2017). Locating 'smartly' the Net-Zero Energy District. An analysis through ten European case studies [Poster presentation]. 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), Dubrovnik, Croatia. |
Koutra, S., Becue, V., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2017). Locating 'smartly' the Net-Zero Energy District. An analysis through ten European case studies [Paper presentation]. 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), Dubrovnik, Croatia. |
Skrylnyk, O., Lepore, R., Ioakeimidis, C., Remy, M., & Frère, M. (30 September 2017). State-of-charge observers for lead-acid storage units used in autonomous solar applications. Journal of Energy Storage, 14 (1), 1-7. doi:10.1016/j.est.2017.09.006 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Bagheri, A., Feldheim, V., Thomas, D., & Ioakeimidis, C. (13 September 2017). The adjacent walls effects in simplified thermal model of buildings. Energy Procedia, 122, 619-624. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.07.359 Peer reviewed |
Rycerski, P., Candanedo Ibarra, L., Galatoulas, N.-F., Genikomsakis, K., Bagheri, A., & Ioakeimidis, C. (07 September 2017). Field performance analysis of IEEE 802.15.4 XBee for open field and urban environment applications in Smart Districts. Energy Procedia, 122, 673-678. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.07.368 Peer reviewed |
Bagheri, A., Feldheim, V., & Ioakeimidis, C. (24 May 2017). Heating, cooling, electrical demand and comfort control in buildings [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Smart Cities, Mons, Belgium. |
Galatoulas, N.-F., Koutra, S., Candanedo, L., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2017). A Comparative study on User characteristics of an e-car pooling service in Universities in Europe. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems 2017. Peer reviewed |
GALATOULAS, N.-F., Koutra, S., Rycerski, P., Candanedo Ibarra, L., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2017). A Comparative Study on User Characteristics of an E-car Pooling Service in Universities in Europe [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems, Porto, Portugal. |
Koutra, S., Becue, V., Griffon, J.-C., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2017). Towards a Net-zero Energy District Transformation in a Mono-criterion Scenario Analysis: The Case of Bo01, Malmö District [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems, Porto, Portugal. |
Bagheri, A., Feldheim, V., & Ioakeimidis, C. (17 March 2017). Thermal performance analysis of buildings by means of thermal networks [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs (MdC2017), Mons, Belgium. |
Bagheri, A., Feldheim, V., & Ioakeimidis, C. (02 February 2017). Developing simplified thermal model of buildings by means of thermal networks [Paper presentation]. SOCIETE FRANÇAISE DE THERMIQUE, Paris, France. |
Ioakeimidis, C., Genikomsakis, K., Rycerski, P., & Koutra, S. (2016). User Characteristics of an e-Carpooling System at UMONS as Part of a Smart District Concept [Paper presentation]. 19th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2016), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. doi:10.1109/ITSC.2016.7795900 |
Koutra, S., Becue, V., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2016). A simplified methodological approach towards the Net Zero Energy District. In Smart Cities, Green Technologies, and Intelligent Transport Systems (pp. 207-224). Editions Springer. |
Thomas, D., Klonari, V., Vallée, F., Deblecker, O., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2016). Effect of Electric Vehicles Optimal Charging-Discharging Schedule on a Building Electricity Cost Demand Considering Low Voltage Network Constraints [Paper presentation]. Effect of Electric Vehicles Optimal Charging-Discharging Schedule on a Building Electricity Cost Demand Considering Low Voltage Network Constraints », IEEE Conference on Innovative Smart Grids Technologies, ISGT 2016 Europe, Ljubljana, Slovenia. |
Thomas, D., Deblecker, O., Bagheri, A., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2016). A scheduling optimization model for minimizing the energy demand of a building using electric vehicles and a micro-turbine [Paper presentation]. Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), IEEE International, Trento, Italy. doi:10.1109/ISC2.2016.7580859 |
Bagheri, A., Feldheim, V., Thomas, D., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2016). Coupling Building Thermal Network and Control System, the First Step to Smart Buildings [Paper presentation]. Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), IEEE International, Trento, Italy. doi:10.1109/ISC2.2016.7580820 |
Thomas, D., Deblecker, O., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2016). Optimal design and techno-economic analysis of an autonomous small isolated microgrid aiming at high RES penetration. Energy. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Ioakeimidis, C., Rycerski, P., Koutra, S., & Genikomsakis, K. (19 June 2016). A University E-Bike Sharing System used as a Real-Time Monitoring emissions tool under a smart city concept [Poster presentation]. World Symposium on Electric Vehicles (EVS29), Montreal, Canada. |
Rycerski, P., Ioakeimidis, C., & Genikomsakis, K. (19 June 2016). A University survey with a Comparative study of an E-Bikes Sharing System [Poster presentation]. World Symposium on Electric Vehicles (EVS29), Montreal, Canada. |
Koutra, S., Becue, V., Ioakeimidis, C., & Gallas, M.-A. (25 May 2016). Vers un Quartier Zéro Energie (QZE) : une approche méthodologique. Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 34 (1). Peer reviewed |
Koutra, S., Becue, V., Ioakeimidis, C., & Gallas, M.-A. (24 May 2016). Vers un Quartier Zéro Energie (QZE) : une approche méthodologique [Poster presentation]. 34èmes Rencontres Universitaires de Génie Civil de l'AUGC 'Construisons la ville du futur', Liège, Belgium. |
Koutra, S., Becue, V., Gallas, M.-A., & Ioakeimidis, C. (24 May 2016). Vers un Quartier Zéro Energie (QZE) : une approche méthodologique [Poster presentation]. 34émes Rencontres de l'AUGC, Univeristé de Liége, Liège, Unknown/unspecified. |
Ioakeimidis, C., & Genikomsakis, K. (2016). Introduction of PLug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles in the Fleet Mix of an Island [Paper presentation]. The 9th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN-`16), Thessaloniki, Greece. |
Thomas, D., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2016). A Demand response mechanism of a building using hybrid EVs and a small-sized gas turbine generator optimization model [Paper presentation]. The 9th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN-`16), Thessaloniki, Greece. |
Thomas, D., & Ioakeimidis, C. (18 May 2016). A Demand response mechanism of a building using hybrid EVs and a small-sized gas turbine generator optimization model [Poster presentation]. Matinee des Chercheurs (MDC), Valenciennes, France. |
Thomas, D., Deblecker, O., & Ioakeimidis, C. (18 May 2016). Effect of electric vehicles' optimal charging-discharging schedule on a building's electricity cost demand [Poster presentation]. 9ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2016 (MdC2016), Valenciennes, France. |
Bagheri, A., Feldheim, V., & Ioakeimidis, C. (18 May 2016). Simplified Thermal Model for Buildings [Poster presentation]. 9ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2016 (MdC2016), Valenciennes, France. |
Koutra, S., Becue, V., Ioakeimidis, C., & Brenet, A.-C. (18 May 2016). From smart ground to smart grid. A method to achieve multi-energy system [Poster presentation]. 9ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2016 (MdC2016), Valenciennes, France. |
Koutra, S., Becue, V., Gallas, M.-A., & Ioakeimidis, C. (18 May 2016). Vers un Quartier Zero Energie (QZE): une approach methodologique [Poster presentation]. Matinee des Chercheurs (MDC), Valenciennes, France. |
Koutra, S., Becue, V., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2016). From the 'smart ground' to the 'smart city': An analysis of ten European case-studies [Paper presentation]. 5th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems, SMARTGREENS 2016, Rome, Italy. |
Thomas, D., Deblecker, O., & Ioakeimidis, C. (19 April 2016). A demand response mechanism for the minimization of the energy demand and electricity cost of a university building electric vehicles and a small sized gas turbine generator [Poster presentation]. 2ème journée scientifique du pôle hainuyer - Energie, Charleroi, Belgium. |
Bagheri, A., Feldheim, V., & Ioakeimidis, C. (19 April 2016). Heating, cooling, electrical demand and comfort control in buildings [Poster presentation]. Deuxième journée scientifique du Pôle hainuyer, (JSPH2), Charleroi, Belgium. |
Koutra, S., Becue, V., & Ioakeimidis, C. (19 April 2016). Vers un Quartier Zero Energie (QZE): une approach methodologique [Poster presentation]. Deuxieme Journee scientifique du Pole Hainuyer (JSPH2), Charleroi, Belgium. |
Rycerski, P., Ioakeimidis, C., & Genikomsakis, K. (19 April 2016). User characteristics of an electric bike sharing system at UMONS as part of a smart district concept [Poster presentation]. Deuxieme Journee scientifique du Pole Hainuyer (JSPH2), Charleroi, Belgium. |
Thomas, D., & Ioakeimidis, C. (19 April 2016). A Demand response mechanism of a building using hybrid EVs and a small-sized gas turbine generator optimization model [Poster presentation]. Deuxieme Journee scientifique du Pole Hainuyer (JSPH2), Charleroi, Belgium. |
Koutra, S., Anne Cecilie, B., Becue, V., & Ioakeimidis, C. (04 April 2016). From smart ground to smart grid: A method to achieve multi-energy system [Poster presentation]. IEEE EnergyCon International Conference, Leuven, Belgium. |
Ioakeimidis, C., Rycerski, P., Genikomsakis, K., & Koutra, S. (2016). User characteristics of an Electric Bike Sharing System at UMONS as part of a Smart District Concept [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Energy Conference, ENERGYCON 2016, Leuven, Belgium. |
Ioakeimidis, C., Rycerski, P., Genikomsakis, K., & Koutra, S. (2016). User characteristics of an Electric Bike Sharing System at UMONS as part of a Smart District Concept [Paper presentation]. IEEE EnergyCon International Conference, Leuven, Belgium. |
Genikomsakis, K., Benjamin, B., Sergio, L., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2016). Utilizing plug-in electric vehicles for peak shaving and valley filling in non-residential builings with solar photovoltaic systems [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems, Rome, Italy. |
Thomas, D., Klonari, V., Vallée, F., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2015). Implementation of an e-bike Sharing System: The Effect on Low Voltage Network Using PV and Smart Charging Stations [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, ICRERA 2015, Palermo, Italy. |
Genikomsakis, K., Nacho, G., Thomas, D., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2015). Simulation and design of a fast charging battery station in a parking lot of an e-carsharing system [Paper presentation]. 4th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA 2015), Palermo, Italy. |
Ioakeimidis, C., Philippe, M., Genikomsakis, K., & Dimitrios, S. (2015). Supporting electro-mobility in an urban environment with the Nomadic Agent concept [Paper presentation]. IECON2015, 41st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES), Yokohama, Japan. |
Ioakeimidis, C., Sergio, L., & Genikomsakis, K. (2015). Short-term Wind Speed Forecasting Model Based on Artificial Neural Networks with Statistical Feature Parameters [Paper presentation]. IECON2015, 41st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES), Yokohama, Japan. |