
Koutra Sesil

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté d'Architecture et d'Urbanisme > Service des Projets, Ville et Territoire

Main Referenced Co-authors
Becue, Vincent  (32)
Ioakeimidis, Christos  (28)
CENCI, Jeremy  (10)
ZHANG, Jiazhen  (9)
Rycerski, Pawel  (6)
Main Referenced Keywords
Automobiles (1); bibliometric analysis (1); BIM, Permis de construire numérique, IFC, Open Source, Règles sémantiques (1); brightfield (1); brownfield (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
URBAINE - Urbanisation Revitalisation Bâtiment Architecture Innovations Espaces (8)
CRTI - Centre de Recherche en Technologie de l'Information (2)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Architecture (19)
Mechanical engineering (12)
Energy (9)
Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others (4)
Electrical & electronics engineering (2)

Publications (total 74)

The most downloaded
Koutra, S., & Christos Ioakimidis. (2022). Unveiling the Potential of Machine Learning Applications in Urban Planning Challenges. Land. doi:10.3390/land12010083

The most cited

72 citations (Scopus® w/o selfcit.)

Koutra, S., Becue, V., Ioakeimidis, C., & Gallas, M.-A. (2018). Towards the Development of a Net-Zero Energy District Evaluation Tool: A Review of Sustainable Approaches and Assessment Tools. Sustainable Cities and Society.

Santana, M., Martin, K., Teres-Zubiaga, J., & Koutra, S. (22 October 2024). Citizen participation in Energy Communities (EC):Legal entities as an organizational form for the sustainable production and consumption of energy, and gender equity in Spanish ECs [Paper presentation]. EESAP15. International Conference 2024, Donostia, Spain.

Koutra, S. (26 March 2024). Energy Communities. Utopia or reality? Portfolio of successful cases [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs.

Koutra, S. (20 February 2024). Sitges: Heatwave Resilience Strategy: A proposal [Paper presentation]. Belgian Science for Climate Action Conference- Climate Extreme Cities.

Capetillo-Ordaz, N., Martín-Consuegra, F., Alonso, C., Terés-Zubiaga, J., & Koutra, S. (24 January 2024). Inclusivity in urban energy transitions: A methodological approach for mapping gendered energy vulnerability. Energy Research and Social Science, 109. doi:10.1016/j.erss.2024.103426
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Meurisse, Q., Koutra, S., Mélot, H., Laplume, D., Becue, V., Brihaye, T., Cenci, J., Coszach, E., De Smet, I., & Rivière, C. (2024). Building functionality assignment in dense and compact blocks using graph theory and game theory [Paper presentation]. Urban Complex Systems 2021, Lyon, France.
Editorial reviewed

IVANOVA, V., Saura lorente, G., & Koutra, S. (September 2023). Open-Source Libraries for Digital Building Permit Rules Verifications – Pilot Project [Paper presentation]. eduBIM2023. 9ème édition des Journées de l'enseignement et de la recherche autour du BIM et la maquette numérique.

Koutra, S., Bouillard Philippe, Becue, V., Cenci, J., & Zhang, J. (03 April 2023). From ‘brown’ to ‘bright’: Key issues and challenges in former industrialized areas. Land Use Policy, 129. doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2023.106672
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Koutra, S., & Christos Ioakimidis. (2022). Unveiling the Potential of Machine Learning Applications in Urban Planning Challenges. Land. doi:10.3390/land12010083
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Koutra, S., Teres Zubiaga Jon, Bouillard Philippe, & Becue, V. (2022). ‘Decarbonizing Europe’ A Critical Review on Positive Energy Districts Approaches. Sustainable Cities and Society. doi:10.1016/j.scs.2022.104356
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Koutra, S. (2022). From ‘Zero’ to ‘Positive’ Energy Concepts and from Buildings to Districts—A Portfolio of 51 European Success Stories. Sustainability.
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Koutra, S. (10 November 2022). From 'brownfields' to 'brightfields'. Key issues and challenges [Poster presentation]. Urban Transitions 2022-Integrating urban and transport planning, environment and health for healthier urban living.
Peer reviewed

COURJAUD, A., Fridhi, I., Becue, V., Waroux, T., & Koutra, S. (September 2022). Etude de faisabilité dans le bassin de Charleroi en vue de lancer un projet pilote en géothermie minière [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs 2022.

Koutra, S.* , Lago, N., Sobczak, F., & Becue, V. (June 2022). Opérationnaliser la résilience urbaine dans les projets éducatifs. L'exemple de la station polaire belge Andromeda [Paper presentation]. Rencontres Internationales en Urbanisme de l'APERAU 2022, Bordeaux, France.

Zhang, J., Cenci, J., Becue, V., Koutra, S., & Liao, C. (24 May 2022). Stewardship of Industrial Heritage Protection in Typical Western European and Chinese Regions: Values and Dilemmas. Land, 11 (6), 772. doi:10.3390/land11060772
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Zhu, Y., Koutra, S., & Zhang, J. (18 May 2022). Zero-Carbon Communities: Research Hotspots, Evolution, and Prospects. Buildings, 5 (674).
Peer reviewed

Kim, J., Koutra, S., & De Grève, Z. (2022). A Multi-lens approach to smart city planning: Philadeplhia. In ICSC-Cities. Editions Springer.
Peer reviewed

Zhang, J., Cenci, J., Becue, V., & Koutra, S. (2022). Analysis of spatial structure and influencing factors of the national industrial heritage sites distribution in China based on mathematical calculation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
Peer reviewed

Koutra, S. (2022). Module 'Résilience et Durabilité Architecturale et Urbaine'_Euromed FES_Résilience Urbaine.

Koutra, S., Balsells Mondéjar, M., & Becue, V. (23 December 2021). The nexus of 'urban resilience' and 'energy efficiency' in cities. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability, 4 (100118).
Peer reviewed

Bagheri, A., Genikomsakis, K., Koutra, S., Sakellariou, V., & Ioakimidis, C. (05 December 2021). Use of AI Algorithms in Different Building Typologies for Energy Efficiency towards Smart Buildings. Buildings, 11 (12).
Peer reviewed

Kim, J., Koutra, S., & De Grève, Z. (03 December 2021). A Smart Approach to City Planning: Philadelphia [Paper presentation]. IV Ibero-American Congress of Smart Cities ICSC-CITIES 2021, Cancun, Mexico.

Taratori, R., Koutra, S., PAREJA-EASTAWAY, M., & PAPADOPOULOS, N. (2021). Smart governance for collaborative ecosystems [Paper presentation]. IV Ibero-American Congress of Smart Cities ICSC-CITIES 2021, Cancun, Mexico.

Ioakimidis, C., Gerbelova, H., Bagheri, A., Koutra, S., & Koukouzas, N. (21 October 2021). Strategic Planning for Carbon, Capture and Storage Implementation in the Electricity Sector of Greece. A TIMES-based Analysis. Processes, 9 (11).
Peer reviewed

Koutra, S., Becue, V., Ioakeimidis, C., GALATOULAS, N.-F., & DENAYER, N. (2021). The zero-energy challenge in districts. Introduction of a methodological decision-making approach in the case of the district of Cuesmes in Belgium. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development.
Peer reviewed

Koutra, S., Ioakeimidis, C., Rodriguez Fiscal, P., Taratori, R., & Pacho, M. A. (07 July 2021). A Strategic and Smart Environmental Assessment of Rapid Urbanization in Beijing. Energies, 14 (16).
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THOMAS, D., Taratori, R., Koutra, S., Pacho, M. A., Rodriguez Fiscal, P., & PAREJA-EASTAWAY, M. (30 May 2021). Unveiling the Evolution of Innovation Ecosystems: An Analysis of Triple, Quadruple, and Quintuple Helix Model Innovation Systems in European Case Studies. Sustainability, 13 (14).
Peer reviewed

Zhang, J., Cenci, J., Becue, V., & Koutra, S. (2021). Research of the industrial heritage category and spatial density distribution in Wallonie and Northeast China. WIT: Transactions on the Built Environment. doi:10.2495/STR210241
Peer reviewed

Zhang, J., Cenci, J., Becue, V., & Koutra, S. (11 January 2021). The Overview of the Conservation and Renewal of the Industrial Belgian Heritage as a Vector for Cultural Regeneration. Information, 12 (27). doi:10.3390/info12010027
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Koutra, S. (2021). Conception urbaine, ville et adaptation.

Koutra, S. (2021). Résilience Urbaine_Module_Master CADOR.

Koutra, S. (2020). (Re) faire la ville. Le défi de la transition énergétique. L'exemple du projet européen 'RE-SIZED' [Paper presentation]. Seminaire Doctorale 'Territoires, Risques et Résiliences', .

Koutra, S. (15 December 2020). ‘Vers des quartiers autonomes en énergie : le développement d’une approche méthodologique’ [Paper presentation]. SEMINAIRE UNIVERSITE DE MONS – UNIVERSITE EUROMED DE FES, Webinaire Territoires, risques et résiliences.

Zhang, J., Cenci, J., Becue, V., & Koutra, S. (2020). The Overview of the Conservation and Renewal of the Industrial Belgian Heritage as a Vector for Cultural Regeneration. Information.
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Meurisse, Q., De Smet, I., Mélot, H., Laplume, D., Brihaye, T., Rivière, C., Coszach, E., Cenci, J., Koutra, S., & Becue, V. (2020). Recherche locale et théorie des jeux appliqués à la création de typo-morphologies compactes. SHS Web of Conferences. doi:10.1051/shsconf/20208203004
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Zhang, J., Cenci, J., Becue, V., Koutra, S., & Ioakimidis, C. S. (2020). Recent Evolution of Research on Industrial Heritage in Western Europe and China Based on Bibliometric Analysis. Sustainability.
Peer reviewed

Koutra, S. (2020). UZED Urban - Zero Energy Districts: Development of a methodological approach towards the decision for zero energy district planning [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Zhang, J., Cenci, J., Becue, V., Koutra, S., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2020). Recent Evolution of Research on Industrial Heritage in Western Europe and China Based on Bibliometric Analysis. Sustainability.
Peer reviewed

Koutra, S. (2020). Sustainable Urban Planning and Buildings: Erasmus Joint Master Degree (SMACCs).

Koutra, S., Pangoule, C., Galatoulas, N.-F., Bagheri, A., Waroux, T., Becue, V., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2019). The Zero-Energy Idea in Districts: Application of a Methodological Approach to a Case Study of Epinlieu (Mons). Sustainability.
Peer reviewed

Koutra, S., Pagnoule, C., GALATOULAS, N.-F., Bagheri, A., Waroux, T., Becue, V., & Ioakeimidis, C. (29 June 2019). The Zero-Energy Idea in Districts: Application of a Methodological Approach to a Case Study of Epinlieu (Mons). Sustainability, 11 (17).
Peer reviewed

Koutra, S., Becue, V., & Ioakeimidis, C. (14 March 2019). The Zero Energy Ambition in Districts' Planning.: The Case study of Leuze in Belgium [Paper presentation]. IAPE, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Koutra, S., Becue, V., & Ioakeimidis, C. (14 March 2019). A Multiscalar Approach for 'Smart City' Planning [Paper presentation]. Sesil KOUTRA, Oxford, Unknown/unspecified.

Koutra, S. (07 December 2018). Searching for the 'Smart' Definition through its Spatial Approach'. Energy, 169.
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Koutra, S., Becue, V., & Ioakeimidis, C. (28 June 2018). The role of the urban structure on district energy demand. A theoretical approach [Poster presentation]. COFRET: COlloque FRancophone en Energie, Environnement, Economie et Thermodynamique, Strasbourg, France.

Koutra, S., Becue, V., Ioakeimidis, C., & Gallas, M.-A. (2018). Towards the Development of a Net-Zero Energy District Evaluation Tool: A Review of Sustainable Approaches and Assessment Tools. Sustainable Cities and Society.
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Koutra, S. (2018). Towards the Development of a Net-Zero Energy District Evaluation Approach: A Review of Sustainable Approaches and Assessment Tools. Sustainable Cities and Society.
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Koutra, S., Ioakeimidis, C. S., Bagheri, A., & Genikomsakis, K. (10 January 2018). Solar Thermal and Wind Energy Applications: A Case study of a Small Spanish Village. Journal of Thermal Science, 22.
Peer reviewed

Koutra, S. (2018). Research seminar_SMACCs Erasmus Mundus Joint Programme.

Genikomsakis, K., Angulo Gutierrez, I., Koutra, S., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2017). Solar thermal and wind energy applications: case-study on a small village in Spain [Paper presentation]. 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Genikomsakis, K., Angulo Gutierrez, I., Koutra, S., & Ioakeimidis, C. (04 October 2017). Locating 'smartly' the Net-Zero Energy District. An analysis through ten European case studies [Poster presentation]. 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Koutra, S., Becue, V., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2017). Locating 'smartly' the Net-Zero Energy District. An analysis through ten European case studies [Paper presentation]. 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Koutra, S. (27 May 2017). 'Smart ground': le quartier de demain? [Paper presentation]. Innovations Numériques au Service de la Ville Durable, Paris, France.

Koutra, S. (23 May 2017). Smart ground': le quartier de demain? [Paper presentation]. Seminaire 'Smart Cities', Mons, Belgium.

Galatoulas, N.-F., Koutra, S., Candanedo, L., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2017). A Comparative study on User characteristics of an e-car pooling service in Universities in Europe. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems 2017.
Peer reviewed

GALATOULAS, N.-F., Koutra, S., Rycerski, P., Candanedo Ibarra, L., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2017). A Comparative Study on User Characteristics of an E-car Pooling Service in Universities in Europe [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems, Porto, Portugal.

Koutra, S., Becue, V., Griffon, J.-C., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2017). Towards a Net-zero Energy District Transformation in a Mono-criterion Scenario Analysis: The Case of Bo01, Malmö District [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems, Porto, Portugal.

Koutra, S., Ioakeimidis, C. S., Rycerski, P., & Genikomsakis, K. N. (2016). A University E-Bike Sharing System used as a Real-Time Monitoring emissions tool under a smart city concept. World Electric Vehicle Journal.
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Ioakeimidis, C., Genikomsakis, K., Rycerski, P., & Koutra, S. (2016). User Characteristics of an e-Carpooling System at UMONS as Part of a Smart District Concept [Paper presentation]. 19th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2016), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. doi:10.1109/ITSC.2016.7795900

Koutra, S., Becue, V., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2016). A simplified methodological approach towards the Net Zero Energy District. In Smart Cities, Green Technologies, and Intelligent Transport Systems (pp. 207-224). Editions Springer.

Ioakeimidis, C., Rycerski, P., Koutra, S., & Genikomsakis, K. (19 June 2016). A University E-Bike Sharing System used as a Real-Time Monitoring emissions tool under a smart city concept [Poster presentation]. World Symposium on Electric Vehicles (EVS29), Montreal, Canada.

Koutra, S., Becue, V., Ioakeimidis, C., & Gallas, M.-A. (25 May 2016). Vers un Quartier Zéro Energie (QZE) : une approche méthodologique. Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 34 (1).
Peer reviewed

Koutra, S., Becue, V., Gallas, M.-A., & Ioakeimidis, C. (24 May 2016). Vers un Quartier Zéro Energie (QZE) : une approche méthodologique [Poster presentation]. 34émes Rencontres de l'AUGC, Univeristé de Liége, Liège, Unknown/unspecified.

Koutra, S., Becue, V., Ioakeimidis, C., & Gallas, M.-A. (24 May 2016). Vers un Quartier Zéro Energie (QZE) : une approche méthodologique [Poster presentation]. 34èmes Rencontres Universitaires de Génie Civil de l'AUGC 'Construisons la ville du futur', Liège, Belgium.

Koutra, S., Becue, V., Gallas, M.-A., & Ioakeimidis, C. (18 May 2016). Vers un Quartier Zero Energie (QZE): une approach methodologique [Poster presentation]. Matinee des Chercheurs (MDC), Valenciennes, France.

Koutra, S., Becue, V., Ioakeimidis, C., & Brenet, A.-C. (18 May 2016). From smart ground to smart grid. A method to achieve multi-energy system [Poster presentation]. 9ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2016 (MdC2016), Valenciennes, France.

Koutra, S., Becue, V., & Ioakeimidis, C. (2016). From the 'smart ground' to the 'smart city': An analysis of ten European case-studies [Paper presentation]. 5th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems, SMARTGREENS 2016, Rome, Italy.

Koutra, S., Becue, V., & Ioakeimidis, C. (19 April 2016). Vers un Quartier Zero Energie (QZE): une approach methodologique [Poster presentation]. Deuxieme Journee scientifique du Pole Hainuyer (JSPH2), Charleroi, Belgium.

Koutra, S. (19 April 2016). Vers un Quartier Zéro Energie (QZE) : une approche méthodologique [Poster presentation]. 2ème journée scientifique du pôle hainuyer - Energie, Charleroi, Belgium.

Koutra, S. (16 April 2016). 'Réflexions autour d'un quartier zéro énergie. Le critère de la densité urbaine [Paper presentation]. La densité en question: enjeux, méthodes et leviers d'actions, Mons, Belgium.

Ioakeimidis, C., Rycerski, P., Genikomsakis, K., & Koutra, S. (2016). User characteristics of an Electric Bike Sharing System at UMONS as part of a Smart District Concept [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Energy Conference, ENERGYCON 2016, Leuven, Belgium.

Ioakeimidis, C., Rycerski, P., Genikomsakis, K., & Koutra, S. (2016). User characteristics of an Electric Bike Sharing System at UMONS as part of a Smart District Concept [Paper presentation]. IEEE EnergyCon International Conference, Leuven, Belgium.

Koutra, S., Anne Cecilie, B., Becue, V., & Ioakeimidis, C. (04 April 2016). From smart ground to smart grid: A method to achieve multi-energy system [Poster presentation]. IEEE EnergyCon International Conference, Leuven, Belgium.

Koutra, S. (10 December 2015). Buildings, urban planning and growth towards the smart district/city concept [Paper presentation]. Seminaire de recherhce: 'Vulnérabilité territoriale face au réchauffement climatique', Mons, Belgium.

Koutra, S. (2015). Periodic Report Summary 2 - RE-SIZED (Research Excellence for Solutions and Implementation of net Zero Energy city Districts).

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