
Moreau Eponine

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté de Traduction et d'Interprétation - Ecole d'Interprètes Internationaux > Service d'Etudes anglaises : Littérature, langue, interprétation et traduction

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté de Traduction et d'Interprétation - Ecole d'Interprètes Internationaux > Service American Studies Center

Main Referenced Co-authors
Urbaniak, Florence (2)
Bonato, Marine (1)
Castel, Noémie (1)
CHAUVEAU, Isabelle  (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
subtitles, swear words, translation strategies, (1); subtitles, translation strategies, swear words, corpus-based approach (1); Swear words, subtitling, translation strategies (1); Swear/taboo words, taboo language, subtitling strategies, translation strategies, translation norms (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Languages & linguistics (14)

Publications (total 14)

The most downloaded
Jandrain, T., Chauveau, I., De Faria Pires, L., & Moreau, E. (2018). Présentation 'Bourses d'initiation à la recherche 2019' aux étudiants BAB3 de la FTI-EII.

Moreau, E. (13 December 2024). The Subtitling Strategies Adopted to Render the Four-Letter Words Fuck, Shit and Their Variants in the French Version of Orange Is the New Black: A Corpus-Based Study. Anglo Saxonica, 22 (1), 11. doi:10.5334/as.195
Peer reviewed

Moreau, E. (27 April 2023). #Tudum: What are the norms followed by Netflix subtitlers to translate swear words/taboo language in French? [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Languages, Literature and Translation Studies: Lessons from the past and challenges of the future, Mons, Belgium.

Moreau, E., Ghesquiere, L., Marion, J., Urbaniak, F., & Veys, M. (2022). English Writing Skills: Workbook. (UMONS - Université de Mons [Faculté de Traduction et d'Interprétation], Mons, Belgium). Mons, Belgium: Presses Universitaires de Mons.

Moreau, E. (31 August 2022). What the f*** didn’t you just say?: The subtitling strategies adopted to render swear words in the French versions of Netflix Original Series [Paper presentation]. Esse Conference 2022 - Doctoral Symposium.

Moreau, E. (26 May 2022). What the f*** didn’t you just say?: The subtitling strategies adopted to render swear words in the French version of Orange Is the New Black [Paper presentation]. CILC 2022 - XIII International Corpus Linguistics Conference, Bergamo, Italy.

Moreau, E., & Urbaniak, F. (2021). English Writing Skills - Workbook.

Moreau, E. (10 September 2021). The Subtitling of Taboo Language Terms in Orange Is the New Black: A Corpus-Based Analysis [Paper presentation]. Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (6th edition), Bertinoro, Italy.

Moreau, E. (25 March 2021). The Subtitling of Swearwords in the French Version of Netflix Original Series: A Case Study of the S-Word [Paper presentation]. HCA Spring Academy 2021 - American Studies: Culture, Economics, Geography, History, Literature, Politics & Religion, Heidelberg, Germany.

Moreau, E. (16 October 2020). The Subtitling of Swearwords in the French Version of Netflix Original Series: A Corpus-Based Analysis [Paper presentation]. LSB Linguists' Day 2020, UNamur, Namur, Belgium.

Bonato, M., Castel, N., Florence, C., Macaluso, F., Marquegnies, F., Michiels, N., & Moreau, E. (2020). Get up 5. In Get up 5. Editions Pelckmans.

Moreau, E., & Urbaniak, F. (2019). English Writing Skills - Workbook.

Moreau, E. (23 May 2019). The Toning Down of Swear Words in Orange Is the New Black [Paper presentation]. 'Journée des doctorants ED 3bis 'Langues, Lettres et Traductologie'', Liège, Belgium.

Jandrain, T., Chauveau, I., De Faria Pires, L., & Moreau, E. (2018). Présentation 'Bourses d'initiation à la recherche 2019' aux étudiants BAB3 de la FTI-EII.

Moreau, E. (30 November 2018). Does Intensity Get Lost in Translation?: The Toning Down of Bad Language in 'Orange Is the New Black' [Paper presentation]. BAAHE 2018 Conference 'Intensity', Mons, Belgium.

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