
Waroquier Alexandre

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté Warocqué d'Economie et de Gestion > Service de la Cellule de pédagogie Facultaire d'Economie et de Gestion

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté Warocqué d'Economie et de Gestion > Service d'Economie

Main Referenced Co-authors
VERMEYLEN, Guillaume  (4)
VOLRAL, Mélanie  (4)
Rycx, François (3)
RYCX, François  (1)
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
CREA - Economie Appliquée (4)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Special economic topics (health, labor, transportation...) (8)
Human resources management (3)
Microeconomics (3)
Philosophy & ethics (1)
Regional & inter-regional studies (1)

Publications (total 9)

The most downloaded
Waroquier, A., Volral, M., & Rycx, F. (01 October 2020). Tous les travailleurs bénéficient-ils autant du partage de la rente ? Reflets et Perspectives de la Vie Economique, 2020/2-3 LVIII, 135-141.

Vermeylen, G., & Waroquier, A. (08 January 2022). Is it Worth Hiring Overeducated Workers? [Paper presentation]. LERA@ASSA 2022, Online, United States.

Volral, M., Rycx, F., & Waroquier, A. (10 June 2021). Rent sharing in the Belgian private sector: is the magnitude of the phenomenon different according to the worker's origin? [Paper presentation]. 69th Annual Meeting of the French Economic Association (2018 AFSE Conference), Lille, France.

Waroquier, A., Volral, M., & Rycx, F. (01 October 2020). Tous les travailleurs bénéficient-ils autant du partage de la rente ? Reflets et Perspectives de la Vie Economique, 2020/2-3 LVIII, 135-141.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Vermeylen, G., & Waroquier, A. (24 July 2020). Is it worth relying on potential overeducation? Employee Relations, 43 (1), 353.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Waroquier, A., & Vermeylen, G. (27 June 2020). Overeducation as Hiring Policy: Useful for Productivity? [Paper presentation]. EALE SOLE AASLE World Conference 2020, Berlin, Germany.

Waroquier, A., Volral, M., & Rycx, F. (13 February 2020). Rent sharing in the Belgian private sector: is the magnitude of the phenomenon different according to the worker's origin? [Paper presentation]. Big Brown Seminar - Solvay Brussels School of Economics & Management, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Waroquier, A., Volral, M., & Rycx, F. (17 December 2019). Rent sharing in the Belgian private sector: is the magnitude of the phenomenon different according to the worker's origin? [Paper presentation]. Mardi de la Recherche - UMONS - FWEG, Mons, Belgium.

Waroquier, A. (2019). Le métier de chercheur.

Vermeylen, G., & Waroquier, A. (21 March 2019). Overeducation as Hiring Policy : Useful for Productivity? [Paper presentation]. Mardi de la Recherche - UMONS - FWEG, Mons, Belgium.

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