Article (Scientific journals)
Analysis and HMM-based synthesis of hypo and hyperarticulated speech
Picart, Benjamin; Drugman, Thomas; Dutoit, Thierry
2013In Computer Speech and Language, Volume 28 (Issue 2), p. 687 - 707
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi


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Keywords :
[en] HTS; [en] Speaking Style Adaptation; [en] Speech Intelligibility; [en] Speech Synthesis; [en] Voice Quality; [en] Expressive Speech; [en] Speech Analysis
Abstract :
[en] Hypo and hyperarticulation refer to the production of speech with respectively a reduction and an increase of the articulatory efforts compared to the neutral style. Produced consciously or not, these variations of articulatory efforts depend upon the surrounding environment, the communication context and the motivation of the speaker with regard to the listener. The goal of this work is to integrate hypo and hyperarticulation into speech synthesizers, such that they are more realistic by automatically adapting their way of speaking to the contextual situation, like humans do. Based on our preliminary work, this paper provides a thorough and detailed study on the analysis and synthesis of hypo and hyperarticulated speech. It is divided into three parts. In the first one, we focus on both acoustic and phonetic modifications due to articulatory effort changes. The second part aims at developing a HMM-based speech synthesizer allowing a continuous control of the degree of articulation. This requires to first tackle the issue of speaking style adaptation to derive hypo and hyperarticulated speech from the neutral synthesizer. Once this is done, an interpolation and extrapolation of the resulting models enables to finely tune the voice so that it is generated with the desired articulatory efforts. Finally the third and last part focuses on a perceptual study of speech with a variable articulation degree, where it is analyzed how intelligibility and various other voice dimensions are affected.
Disciplines :
Electrical & electronics engineering
Author, co-author :
Picart, Benjamin ;  Université de Mons > Faculté Polytechnique > Information, Signal et Intelligence artificielle
Drugman, Thomas ;  Université de Mons > Faculté Polytechnique > Information, Signal et Intelligence artificielle
Dutoit, Thierry ;  Université de Mons > Faculté Polytechnique > Information, Signal et Intelligence artificielle
Language :
Title :
Analysis and HMM-based synthesis of hypo and hyperarticulated speech
Publication date :
29 April 2013
Journal title :
Computer Speech and Language
Publisher :
Elsevier, Atlanta, Georgia
Volume :
Volume 28
Issue :
Issue 2
Pages :
687 - 707
Peer reviewed :
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Research unit :
F105 - Information, Signal et Intelligence artificielle
Research institute :
R450 - Institut NUMEDIART pour les Technologies des Arts Numériques
Available on ORBi UMONS :
since 22 January 2014


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