Paper published in a journal (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Analysis of Co-Laughter Gesture Relationship on RGB videos in Dyadic Conversation Context
Bohy, Hugo; Hammoudeh, Ahmad Tayseer Ahmad; Maiorca, Antoine et al.
2022In Proceedings of LREC
Peer reviewed


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Keywords :
Co-Laughter Motion Analysis; Natural Dyadic Conversation
Abstract :
[en] The development of virtual agents has enabled human-avatar interactions to become increasingly rich and varied. Moreover, an expressive virtual agent i.e. that mimics the natural expression of emotions, enhances social interaction between a user (human) and an agent (intelligent machine). The set of non-verbal behaviors of a virtual character is, therefore, an important component in the context of human-machine interaction. Laughter is not just an audio signal, but an intrinsic relationship of multimodal non-verbal communication, in addition to audio, it includes facial expressions and body movements. Motion analysis often relies on a relevant motion capture dataset, but the main issue is that the acquisition of such a dataset is expensive and time-consuming. This work studies the relationship between laughter and body movements in dyadic conversations. The body movements were extracted from videos using deep learning based pose estimator model. We found that, in the explored NDC-ME dataset, a single statistical feature (i.e, the maximum value, or the maximum of Fourier transform) of a joint movement weakly correlates with laughter intensity by 30%. However, we did not find a direct correlation between audio features and body movements. We discuss about the challenges to use such dataset for the audio-driven co-laughter motion synthesis task.
Disciplines :
Electrical & electronics engineering
Computer science
Author, co-author :
Bohy, Hugo  ;  Université de Mons - UMONS
Hammoudeh, Ahmad Tayseer Ahmad ;  Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté Polytechnique > Service Information, Signal et Intelligence artificielle
Maiorca, Antoine ;  Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté Polytechnique > Service Information, Signal et Intelligence artificielle
Dupont, Stéphane  ;  Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté des Sciences > Service d'Intelligence Artificielle
Dutoit, Thierry ;  Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté Polytechnique > Service Information, Signal et Intelligence artificielle
Language :
Title :
Analysis of Co-Laughter Gesture Relationship on RGB videos in Dyadic Conversation Context
Publication date :
June 2022
Event name :
LREC 2022 - 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation
Event date :
Audience :
Journal title :
Proceedings of LREC
Peer reviewed :
Peer reviewed
Research unit :
F105 - Information, Signal et Intelligence artificielle
S841 - MAIA - Service d'Intelligence Artificielle
Research institute :
R450 - Institut NUMEDIART pour les Technologies des Arts Numériques
Funders :
Service Public de Wallonie Recherche
Funding number :
Funding text :
This work was supported by Service Public de Wallonie Recherche under grant n° 2010235 - ARIAC by DIGITALWALLONIA4.AI
Available on ORBi UMONS :
since 19 June 2022


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