Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Introduction : e-learning in Poland and in Belgium
De Lièvre, Bruno; Pokrzycka, Lidia
2022In Pokrzycka, Lidia; De Lièvre, Bruno (Eds.) Innovating Teaching Methods : e-learning in Poland and Belgium
Editorial reviewed


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Keywords :
Education; e-learning; innovation
Abstract :
[en] Nowadays, e-learning has become the basic form of education at all teaching levels. This has been a pandemic necessity, but a question arises whether the trend towards the development of online teaching methods will be constant, or whether this process will be continued only by innovators, whereas teachers will be relieved to return to classical education in the post-pandemic period. The project “E-learning and ICT in Education in Poland and Belgium. A Comparative Study” (Poland-Wallonia bilateral exchange program) was implemented under a grant of the Polish National Agency of Academic Exchange (NAWA). During the project implementation, researchers carried out numerous interviews and questionnaire surveys, and participated in a seminar and a conference devoted to the development and the future of distance learning and innovations in teaching at all education levels. The research results are presented e.g. in this publication and will be regularly published in scientific journals after finalization of the project. The first part of the e-book deals with the problems of e-learning implementation in Poland, the second – in Belgium. The issues connected with e-learning development in both countries are outlined, evolving interest of scientists in online education is discussed, and practical implications of distance learning are presented.
Disciplines :
Education & instruction
Author, co-author :
De Lièvre, Bruno  ;  Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l'Education > Service d'Ingénierie pédagogique et numérique éducatif
Pokrzycka, Lidia;  UMCS > Instytut Nauk o Komunikacji Społecznej i Mediach
Language :
Title :
Introduction : e-learning in Poland and in Belgium
Publication date :
20 December 2022
Main work title :
Innovating Teaching Methods : e-learning in Poland and Belgium
Author, co-author :
Pokrzycka, Lidia;  UMCS > Instytut Nauk o Komunikacji Społecznej i Mediach
De Lièvre, Bruno  ;  Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l'Education > Service d'Ingénierie pédagogique et numérique éducatif
Publisher :
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University Press, Lublin, Unknown/unspecified
Pages :
Peer reviewed :
Editorial reviewed
Development Goals :
4. Quality education
Research unit :
P303 - Ingénierie pédagogique et numérique éducatif
Research institute :
R450 - Institut NUMEDIART pour les Technologies des Arts Numériques
Available on ORBi UMONS :
since 10 January 2023


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