Species of the Western Palaearctic Genus Tetralonia Spinola, 1838 (Hymenoptera, Apidae) with Atypical Pollen Hosts, with a Key to the pollinosa-Group, Description of New Species, and Neotype Designation for Apis malvae Rossi, 1790 †
[en] The long-horn bee genus Tetralonia consists of 35 Western Palaearctic species that are associated mostly with the family Asteraceae as host plants. A minority of the species are, however, exclusively associated with other host plants that have particularly large pollen grains, such as those in the plant families Caprifoliaceae, Malvaceae, and Onagraceae. This work presents a taxonomic account and morphological description of the assemblages of Tetralonia species with atypical (non-Asteraceae) host plants. It includes a key to the pollinosa-group, which contains most of the species, a description of three regionally restricted new species, namely T. eoacinctella Dorchin sp. nov., T. epilobii Dorchin sp. nov., and T. stellipilis Dorchin sp. nov., a lectotype designation for Eucera cinctella Saunders, 1908 [=Tetralonia cinctella (Saunders, 1908)], and a neotype designation for Apis malvae Rossi, 1790 [=Tetralonia malvae (Rossi, 1790)]. In addition, the name Eucera macroglossa Illiger, 1806 is confirmed as a synonym of Apis malvae Rossi, 1790; Tetralonia macroglossa ssp. xanthopyga Alfken, 1936 is officially placed in synonymy with Apis malvae Rossi, 1790; and Macrocera confusa Pérez, 1902 is listed as a doubtful synonym of Tetralonia scabiosae Mocsàry, 1879 (syn. nov.).
Disciplines :
Agriculture & agronomy Entomology & pest control Environmental sciences & ecology Zoology
Author, co-author :
Dorchin, Achik ; Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté des Sciences > Service de Zoologie ; Department of Biology—Invertebrates, Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren, Belgium
Michez, Denis ; Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté des Sciences > Service de Zoologie
Language :
Title :
Species of the Western Palaearctic Genus Tetralonia Spinola, 1838 (Hymenoptera, Apidae) with Atypical Pollen Hosts, with a Key to the pollinosa-Group, Description of New Species, and Neotype Designation for Apis malvae Rossi, 1790 †
Publication date :
March 2024
Journal title :
Publisher :
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
5530 - Call for Tender_ENV/2020/OP/0042 -- ORBIT - Taxonomic resources for EU Pollinator Monitoring - Sources publiques européennes
Funders :
DG ENV project ORBIT DG ENV project SPRING FEDtWIN project
Funding number :
Funding text :
This research was funded by DG ENV project ORBIT (Taxonomic resources for European bees, contract No. 09.029901/2021/848268/SER/ENV.D.2); the DG ENV project SPRING (Strengthening Pollinator Recovery through Indicators and monitoring, contract No. 09.02001/2021/847887/SER/ENV.D.2); and FEDtWIN project (contract No. Prf-2019R-042_HYMPOL, BELSPO).
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