[en] Implant-prosthetic rehabilitations of severely atrophic posterior maxillary sectors currently is challenging, often requiring multiple surgeries and long rehabilitation times. Recently, graftless techniques (e.g. zygomatic, pterygoid and nasal implants) have gained popularity as they offer a reduction in rehabilitation time, aligning more closely with patient preferences but may not be feasible for sectorial rehabilitations. Subperiosteal implants, suggested for full-arch rehabilitations of atrophic maxilla, haven't been explored for sectorial rehabilitations. In this report we present the case of a patient with maxillary molar edentulism, rehabilitated with a subperiosteal implant.
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
Vaira, Luigi Angelo ; Maxillofacial Surgery Operative Unit, Department of Medicine, Surgery and Pharmacy, University of Sassari, Sassari, Italy, PhD School of Biomedical Science, Biomedical Sciences Department, University of Sassari, Sassari, Italy. Electronic address: lavaira@uniss.it
Biglio, Andrea; Maxillofacial Surgery Operative Unit, Department of Medicine, Surgery and Pharmacy, University of Sassari, Sassari, Italy
Salzano, Giovanni; Maxillofacial Surgery Operative Unit, University Hospital of Naples "Federico II", Naples, Italy
Lechien, Jérome ; Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l'Education > Service de Métrologie et Sciences du langage ; Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie > Service de Chirurgie
De Riu, Giacomo; Maxillofacial Surgery Operative Unit, Department of Medicine, Surgery and Pharmacy, University of Sassari, Sassari, Italy
Language :
Title :
Additively manufactured custom-made subperiosteal implant rehabilitation for severely atrophic maxillary molar area: A technical note.
Publication date :
September 2024
Journal title :
Journal of Stomatology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
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