Paleomicrobiology to investigate copper resistance in bacteria : isolation and description of Cupriavidus necator B9 in the soil of a medieval foundry.
Gillan, David; Van Camp, Camille; Mergeay, al.
2017 • In Environmental Microbiology, 19, p. 770-787
Gillan, David ; Université de Mons > Faculté des Sciences > Protéomie et Microbiologie
Van Camp, Camille
Mergeay, M.
Provoost, Ann
Thomas, Nicolas
Vermard, Laurent
Billon, Gabriel
Wattiez, Ruddy ; Université de Mons > Faculté des Sciences > Service de Protéomie et Microbiologie
Language :
Title :
Paleomicrobiology to investigate copper resistance in bacteria : isolation and description of Cupriavidus necator B9 in the soil of a medieval foundry.
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