Deprince, E., & Arnone, L. (2018). Les réseaux sociaux numériques: analyse de leurs utilisations dans le cadre de l'internationalisation des petites entreprises. Management International. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Deprince, E., & Arnone, L. (08 December 2016). Réseaux sociaux et PME : La distance psychique fait-elle encore peur aux petites entreprises dans un processus international ? [Paper presentation]. VERS UNE TRANSFORMATION MARKETING ET DIGITALE DE L'ENTREPRISE ET DE SES ROLES ?, Paris, France. |
Deprince, E., & Arnone, L. (13 October 2016). Réseaux sociaux et PME : nouveaux outils marketing à l'international ? [Paper presentation]. 19ème colloque international E.Thil, Roubaix, France. |
Deprince, E., & Arnone, L. (2016). SMALL FIRMS INTERNATIONALIZATION: REDUCING THE PSYCHIC DISTANCE USING SOCIAL NETWORKS. Global Journal of Business Research. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Deprince, E., & Arnone, L. (2016). Contribution des réseaux sociaux numériques à la réduction de la distance psychique dans le processus d'internationalisation : une approche quantitative du cas des PME Belges [Paper presentation]. 15ème Journée de Recherche sur le Marketing Digital, Paris, France. |
Deprince, E., & Arnone, L. (11 July 2016). Les réseaux sociaux sont-ils devenus indispensables dans une stratégie d'internationalisation chez les PME ? [Paper presentation]. 7th International Research Meeting in Business and Management, Nice, France. |
Deprince, E., & Arnone, L. (09 June 2016). Les réseaux sociaux : quelles opportunités pour les PME dans leur processus d'internationalisation ? [Paper presentation]. 6ème Conférence d'Atlas AFMI, Nice, France. |
Deprince, E., & Arnone, L. (2016). Les réseaux sociaux : quelles opportunités pour les PME dans leur processus d'internationalisation ? [Paper presentation]. 6ème Conférence d'Atlas AFMI, Nice, France. |
Deprince, E., & Arnone, L. (08 July 2015). How can social networking sites facilitate the internationalisation of the small firm? An investigation of the concept of psychic distance [Paper presentation]. Magic in Marketing, Limerick, Ireland. |
Deprince, E., & Arnone, L. (2015). How can social networking sites facilitate the internationalisation of the small firm? An investigation of the concept of psychic distance [Paper presentation]. Magic in Marketing, Limerick, Ireland. |
Deprince, E., & Arnone, L. (28 May 2015). HOW DO SOCIAL NETWORKS CONTRIBUTE TO THE INTERNATIONALISATION OF SMALL FIRMS [Poster presentation]. The European marketing academic, Leuven, Belgium. |
Deprince, E., & Arnone, L. (03 April 2015). How can social networking sites facilitate the internationalisation of the small firm? Business relationships and cultural aspects of the concept of psychic distance [Paper presentation]. La 12ème Journée Humanisme et Gestion, Mons, Belgium. |
Arnone, L., & Deprince, E. (2014). Le role des réseaux sociaux dans l'internationalisation des petites entreprises [Paper presentation]. 13ème Journée de recherche sur le marketing digital, Paris, France. |
Arnone, L. (2014). Implementing and managing social media marketing within SMEs [Paper presentation]. 19th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications, Milan, Italy. |
Arnone, L., Geerts, A., & Pace, S. (2014). Dimensions of the user digital experience on social networking sites: the case of luxury brands' fan pages [Paper presentation]. 19th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications, Milan, Italy. |
Arnone, L., & Ferauge, P. (2014). Social Media Strategies in SMEs : implementation and management under internal resource constraints [Paper presentation]. 11th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE GABERIC, New York, United States. |
Ferauge, P., & Arnone, L. (2014). Managers of SMEs and their approach of the three pillars of CSR [Paper presentation]. 11th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE GABERIC, New-York, United States. |
Arnone, L., & Decrop, A. (2011). Construire une Communauté de Marque: le Cas des clubs de Vacances Lookéa. Décisions Marketing, (64), 35-46. Peer reviewed |
Arnone, L., Ferauge, P., Geerts, A., & Pozniak, L. (01 July 2011). Corporate social responsibility : Internet as Communication tool towards stakeholders. Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, 7 (7), 697 - 708. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Pozniak, L., Ferauge, P., Arnone, L., & Geerts, A. (01 May 2011). DETERMINANTS OF INTERNET CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY COMMUNICATION. Global Journal of Business Research, 5 (4), 1-14. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Surin, C., Geerts, A., Arnone, L., & Scoubeau, C. (22 March 2011). Perspective Triadique sur la Recherche en Marketing : Consommateurs, Marques et Entreprises [Poster presentation]. 6ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs (MDC 2011), Mons, Belgium. |
Scoubeau, C., Geerts, A., & Arnone, L. (01 March 2011). Event sponsoring as a communication tool to tribes : international brands versus consumer point of view. Journal of Business and Economics, 2 (3), 198-208. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Arnone, L. (2010). Web 2.0 et communautés de marque autour d'un produit touristique: le cas des Clubs Lookéa. In Le touriste consommateur. Comprendre les comportements pour améliorer son efficacité marketing (pp. 257-278). De Boek Coll. Les Métiers du Tourisme. |
Ferauge, P., Arnone, L., Geerts, A., & Pozniak, L. (2010). DETERMINERS OF CSR COMMUNICATION ON THE WEB [Paper presentation]. Global Academy of Business and Economic Research, New York, United States. |
Arnone, L., Geerts, A., Ferauge, P., & Pozniak, L. (2010). Communautés de consommateurs B-to-C : approche des stratégies internationales [Paper presentation]. 9ème Journée de Recherche sur le e-Marketing, Paris (Université Panthéon-Sorbonne), France. |
Colot, O., Arnone, L., Croquet, M., Geerts, A., & Pozniak, L. (19 July 2010). Company Managed Virtual Communities in Global Brands Strategy. Global Journal of Business Research, 2 (81), 16. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Arnone, L., Ferauge, P., Geerts, A., & Pozniak, L. (2010). Internet comme outil de communication RSE. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. |
Arnone, L., Colot, O., Croquet, M., Geerts, A., & Pozniak, L. (01 April 2010). Company managed virtual communities in global brands strategy. Global Journal of Business Research, 4 (2), 97-112. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Arnone, L., Colot, O., Croquet, M., Geerts, A., & Pozniak, L. (2010). Internet comme vecteur de communication financière : une analyse des entreprises du Marché Libre. Revue Sciences de Gestion, (242), 49-56. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Arnone, L., Ferauge, P., Geerts, A., & Pozniak, L. (2010). Responsabilité sociétale et Innovation: approche de leur complémentarité dans une perspective de PME [Paper presentation]. 7ème Congrès de l'ADERSE, La Rochelle, France. |
Ferauge, P., Arnone, L., Geerts, A., & Pozniak, L. (2010). La responsabilité sociétale des entreprises : l'internet comme outil de communication vers les parties prenantes [Paper presentation]. 7ème Congrès de l'ADERSE, La Rochelle, France. |
Arnone, L., Geerts, A., & Scoubeau, C. (2010). Vers un Modèle Pratique des Stratégies Internationales de Création de Communautés Virtuelle B-to-C. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. |
Pozniak, L., Croquet, M., Arnone, L., & Geerts, A. (2010). The Determiners of the Virtual Financial Communication of Small and Medium-sized Firms Quoted on Unregulated Belgian Markets [Paper presentation]. Global Conference on Business and Finance 2010, Hawaii, United States - Hawaii. |
Arnone, L. (2009). Fidélisation 2.0 : Etude des Processus de Création et de Gestion des Communautés Virtuelles B-to-C [Paper presentation]. 2ème Conférence Internationale E-Commerce et Gouvernance de l'Internet, Sousse, Tunisia. |
Colot, O., Pozniak, L., Croquet, M., Arnone, L., & Geerts, A. (2009). La communication financière et Internet. Analyse du site web des entreprises cotées sur le Marché Libre [Paper presentation]. ECommerce & Internet Gouvernance, International Conference, Sousse, Tunisia. |
Arnone, L., Colot, O., Croquet, M., Geerts, A., & Pozniak, L. (30 September 2009). Global Brands, Local Communities: International Strategies for Company Managed Virtual Communities. Global Conference on Business and Finance Proceedings, 4 (2), 188-202. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Arnone, L., Colot, O., Croquet, M., Geerts, A., & Pozniak, L. (2009). Global Brands, Local Communities: International Strategies for Company Managed Virtual Communities [Paper presentation]. Global Conference on Business and Finance (GCBF) 2009, San Jose, Costa Rica. |
Geerts, A., Arnone, L., & Scoubeau, C. (14 March 2009). Event's Sponsoring as a Communication Tool to tribes : International Brands vs Consumer Point of View [Paper presentation]. 67th International Atlantic Economic Conference, Rome, Italy. |
Arnone, L., Geerts, A., & Scoubeau, C. (01 January 2009). Implementing Company-Managed Virtual Communities as a Relationship Marketing Tool a Decision System Analysis. Journal of Customer Behaviour, 8 (1), 5-27. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Arnone, L., Geerts, A., & Scoubeau, C. (2008). How to Build Company-Managed Virtual Communities in Relationship Marketing Programs [Paper presentation]. 16th International Colloquium in Relationship Marketing, Swansea, United Kingdom. |
Geerts, A., Scoubeau, C., & Arnone, L. (2008). New Luxury : The Transposition of a US Consumption Trend in Belgium. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. |
Geerts, A., Scoubeau, C., & Arnone, L. (13 September 2007). New Luxury : The Transposition of a US Consumption Trend in Belgium [Paper presentation]. 3rd Annual Colloquium of the Academy of Marketing : Brand, Corporate Identity and Reputation, SIG, London, United Kingdom. |
Scoubeau, C., Heldenbergh, A., Arnone, L., & Croquet, M. (01 May 2006). Financial Communication by Belgian Banks and Insurance Companies during a Periode of Transition. Corporate Communications, 11 (2), 174-188. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Arnone, L., Geerts, A., & Scoubeau, C. (05 January 2006). Building and strengthening the link with consumer tribes : An analysis of the major Belgian outdoor tribal events [Paper presentation]. 11th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications, Ljubliana, Unknown/unspecified. |
Arnone, L., Dupont, C., Mahy, B., & Spataro, S. (01 January 2005). Human Resource Management and Labour Demand Dynamics in Belgium. A Microeconometric Analysis Using Employers Matched Data. International Journal of Manpower, 26 (7-8), 724-743. doi:10.1108/01437720510628158 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Arnone, L., Dupont, C., Mahy, B., & Spataro, S. (2004). Human Resource Management and Labour Demand Dynamics in Belgium. A Microeconometric Analysis Using Employers Matched Data [Paper presentation]. 88e colloque de l'Association d'Econométrie Appliquée, Mons, Belgium. |
Croquet, M., Arnone, L., Scoubeau, C., & Heldenbergh, A. (2004). Fusions bancaires : quelle communication financière. Banque et Stratégie, (218), 35-39. Peer reviewed |