Meulenkamp, J. E., Sissing, W., Popov, S. V., Kovac, M., Bergerat, F., Abbate, E., Abdelgawad, S., Andreyega-Grigorovich, A. S., Bouaziz, S., Cahuzac, B., Calvo, J. P., Daams, R., Georgiev, G., Hirsch, F., Londeix, L., Monzer, M., Platel, J. P., Roger, J., Sadek, A., ... Sandulescu, M. (Ed.). (2000). Late Rupelian (32-29 Ma). Commission for Geologic Map of the world (1/ 10.000.000), Unesco Paris-France. |
Sintubin, M., Vandycke, S., & Camelbeek, T. (1999). Palaeozoic to recent tectonics in the NW European Variscan front zone: Special Issue of Tectonophysics, 309, 1-4. Elsevier Science. |
Descamps, F., Fay Gomord, O., Vandycke, S., Schroeder, C., Swennen, R., & Tshibangu, K. (2017). Relationships between geomechanical properties and lithotypes in NW European chalks. In J. P. Turner, D. Healy, R. R. Hillis, ... M. J. Welch, Geomechanics and Geology. The Geological Society. doi:10.1144/SP458.9 Peer reviewed |
Vandycke, S. (2012). La Grotte d'Angre : la petite soeur des grottes ardennaises. In ainsi naquit le tourisme en Haut-Pays (pp. 41). Royal Syndicat d'Initiative du Haut-Pays. |
Vandycke, S. (2012). Le caillou-qui-bique de la vallée de la Honnelle ou l'Antre de la Terre. In ainsi naquit le tourisme en Haut-Pays. Royal Syndicat d'Initiative du Haut-Pays. |
Vandycke, S., & Spagna, P. (2012). Geodynamic and tectonic context of Early Cretaceous Iguanodon-bearing deposits in the Mons Basin. In Tribute to....Bernissart (pp. 63-68). Indiana Press. |
Vandycke, S., & Bergerat, F. (2011). Pierres et tectoniques en hainaut. Texte d'introduction aux journées des journées d'études de printemps du 2 au 4 juin 2011. In Pierres et tectonique en Hainaut 5belgique) (pp. 5-9). Association des Géologues du bassin de Paris. |
Vandycke, S., & Spagna, P. (2011). Fractures, Failles et déformations cassantes dans les sédiments wealdiens du Bassin de Mons : Visite de la Carrière Danube Bouchon. In Pierres et Tectonique en Hainaut (Belgique) (pp. 35-40). Association des Géologues du Bassin de Paris. |
Spagna, P., Vandycke, S., Dupuis, C., & Yans, J. (2011). La Formation des Argiles d'Hautrage de la carrière Danube-Bouchon (Saint-Ghislain, Belgique) : un enregistrement de la naissance et des premiers mouvements du Bassin de ons au Crétacé Inférieur. In Pierres et tectonique en Hainaut (Belgique) (pp. 19-33). Association des Géologues du Bassin de Paris. |
Vandycke, S. (2011). Pierre et Tectonique en Hainaut (Belgique) : journées d'étude de Printemps du 02 au 04 juin 2011. In Pierres et Tectonique en Hainaut (Belgique). Association des Géologues du Bassin de Paris. |
Vandycke, S., & Quinif, Y. (2011). Relations entre tectonique et karstification au sein des calcaires carbonifères du Parautochtone Brabançon. Le cas de la ¨Pierre Bleue ou Petit-Granit. : Visite de la carrière Gauthier-Wincq à Soignies. In Pierres et Tectonique en Hainaut (Belgique) (pp. 77-95). Association des géologues du bassin de Paris. |
Vandycke, S., Bergerat, F., Gaviglio, P., Robaszynski, F., & Schroerder, C. (2011). Failles, joints et déformations dans les craies blanches du Bassin de Mons. : Visite de la carrière CBR à Harmignies. In Pierres et Tectonique en Hainaut (Belgique) (pp. 51-61). Association des Géologues du Bassin de Paris. |
Vandycke, S. (2009). Les pierres de la crypte de la collégiale Saint-Vincent, indicateurs de la tectonique du sous-sol de Soignies. In La Collégiale Saint-Vincent de Soignies, un quart de siècle de restauration, 1985-2009 (pp. 131-140). Les cahiers du Chapitre, Soignies. |
Meulenkamp, J. E., Sissing, W., Ilyina, L. B., Kovac, M., Barrier, E., Abbate, E., Abdelgawad, S., Andreyega-Grigorovich, A. S., Bouaziz, S., Cahuzac, B., Calvo, J. P., Daams, R., Dammak, F., Faure-Muret, A., Georgiev, G., Hirsch, F., Jeddi, S., Khondkarian, S. O., Londei, L., ... Vandycke, S. (2000). Late Tortonian (8.4-7.2 Ma): Paleogeographical maps, Peri-tethys Atlas, explanatory notes. In J. Dercourt, M. Gaetani, B. Vrielynck, E. Barrier, B. Biju-Duval, M.-F. Brunet, J.-P. Cadet, S. Crasquin, ... M. Sandulescu (Eds.), Paleogeographical maps, Peri-tethys Atlas, explanatory notes (pp. 195-201). Commission for Geologic Map of the world (1/ 10.000.000), Unesco Paris-France. |
Meulenkamp, J. E., Sissing, W., Paramonova, N. P., Kovac, M., Brunet, M.-F., Abbate, E., Abdelgawad, S., Bouaziz, S., Cahuzac, B., Calvo, J. P., Daams, R., Dammak, F., Faure-Muret, A., Georgiev, G., Hirsch, F., Khondkarian, S. O., Londeix, L., Marunteanu, M., Platel, J. P., ... Vandycke, S. (2000). Piacenzian/Gelasian (3.4- 1.8 Ma): Paleogeographical maps, Peri-tethys Atlas, explanatory notes. In J. Dercourt, M. Gaetani, B. Vrielynck, E. Barrier, B. Biju-Duval, M.-F. Brunet, J.-P. Cadet, S. Crasquin, ... M. Sandulescu (Eds.), Paleogeographical maps, Peri-tethys Atlas, explanatory notes (pp. 203-208). Commission for Geologic Map of the world (1/ 10.000.000), Unesco Paris-France. |
Vandycke, S. (1994). La déformation des roches : la tectonique. In Craies et Calcaires en Hainaut, de la géologie à l'exploitation. Faculté Polytechnique de Mons. |
Georgieva, T. D., Descamps, F., Gonze, N., Vandycke, S., Ajdanlijsky, G., & Tshibangu, K. (2023). Stability assessment of a shallow abandoned chalk mine of Malogne (Belgium). European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 27 (6), 2358 - 2372. doi:10.1080/19648189.2020.1762752 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Paternoster de la Mairieu, B., Vandycke, S., Delaby, S., & Verheyden Sophie. (2022). Correlation between lithostratigraphy and karstic speleothems at the cave of Han-sur-Lesse (Belgium). Geologica Belgica, 25 (3-4), 187-188. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Geremia, D., David, C., Descamps, F., Menendez, B., Barnes, C., Vandycke, S., Dautriat, J., Esteban, L., & Sarout, J. (10 March 2021). Water-induced damage in microporous carbonate rock by low-pressure injection test. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 54, 5185-5206. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Mohammad, S., Vandycke, S., & Wattier, M.-L. (14 December 2020). Fractures Roughness analysis in Luxembourg sandstones. Geologica Belgica, 23 (1), 89-90. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Kazmierczak, E., Jaillet, S., Vandycke, S., & Verheyden, S. (2020). Modélisation 3D par imagerie LIDAR et analyse structurale de la Salle du Dôme des Grottes de Han-sur-Lesse (Belgique, Ardenne). Géomorphologie: Relief, Processus, Environnement. Peer reviewed |
Georgieva, T. D., Descamps, F., Gonze, N., Vandycke, S., Ajdanlijsky, G., & Tshibangu, K. (2020). Stability assessment of a shallow abandoned chalk mine of Malogne (Belgium). European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering. doi:10.1080/19648189.2020.176275 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Triantafyllou, A., Watlet, A., Le Mouélic, S., Camelbeeck, T., Civet, F., Kaufmann, O., Quinif, Y., & Vandycke, S. (2019). 3-D digital outcrop model for analysis of brittle deformation and lithological mapping (Lorette cave, Belgium). Journal of Structural Geology. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Fay Gomord, O., Verbiest, M., Lasseur, E., Caline, B., Allanic, C., Descamps, F., Vandycke, S., & Swennen, R. (27 May 2018). Geological and mechanical study of argillaceous North Sea chalk: Implications of fractured reservoirs. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 92, 962-978. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2018.03.037 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Kazmierczak, E., Graveleau, F., Vandycke, S., & Vendeville, B. (14 January 2018). Analogue modelling of passive-margin tectonic inversion example from the Ardennes Variscan fold-and-thrust belt. Geologica Belgica, 21 (1-2), 95-98. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Triantafyllou, A., Berger, J., Baele, J.-M., Bruguier, O., Diot, H., Ennih, N., Monnier, C., Plissart, G., Vandycke, S., & Watlet, A. (09 November 2017). Intra-oceanic arc growth driven by magmatic and tectonic processes recorded in the Neoproterozoic Bougmane arc complex (Anti-Atlas, Morocco). Precambrian Research, 304(2018), 39-63. doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2017.10.022 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Fay Gomord, O., Descamps, F., Tshibangu, K., Vandycke, S., & Swennen, R. (15 July 2016). Unraveling chalk microtextural properties from indentation tests. Engineering Geology, 209, 30-43. doi:10.1016/j.enggeo.2016.05.005 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Duperret, A., Raimbault, C., Le Gall, B., Authemayou, C., Van Vliet-Lanoe, B., Regard, V., Dromelet, E., & Vandycke, S. (17 June 2016). High-resolution onshore-offshore morpho-bathymetric records of modern chalk and granitic shore platforms in NW France. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 348 (6), 422-431. doi:10.1016/j.crte.2015.06.005 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Fay Gomord, O., Soete, J., Katika, K., Galaup, S., Caline, B., Descamps, F., Lasseur, E., Fabricius, I. L., Saïag, J., Swennen, R., & Vandycke, S. (15 May 2016). New insight into the microtexture of chalks from NMR analysis. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 75, 479-487. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Triantafyllou, A., Berger, J., Baele, J.-M., Diot, H., Ennih, N., Plissart, G., Monnier, C., Watlet, A., Bruguier, O., Spagna, P., & Vandycke, S. (15 May 2016). The Tachakoucht-Iriri-Tourtit arc complex (Morrocan Anti-Atlas): neoproterozoic records of polyphased subduction-accretion dynamics during the Pan-African orogeny. Journal of Geodynamics, 96, 81-103. doi:10.1016/j.jog.2015.07.004 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Triantafyllou, A., Baele, J.-M., & Vandycke, S. (01 September 2015). Ressources régionales : les porphyres brabançons, une roche d'exception. Mines et Carrières, 160 (228), 88-90. Peer reviewed |
Bergerat, F., Jacques, A., Vandycke, S., Amédro, F., Robaszynski, F., & Fay Gomord, O. (10 May 2015). Les carrières souterraines d'Arras : géologie, archéologie et histoire. The underground quarries of arras : geology, archeology and history. Bulletin d'Information des Géologues du Bassin de Paris, 52 (3), 3-26. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Dewaide, L., Baele, J.-M., Collon-Drouaillet, P., Rochez, G., Vandycke, S., & Hallet, V. (25 January 2014). Karstification in dolomitized Waulsortian mudmounds (Belgium). Geologica Belgica, 17 (1), 43-51. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Derez, T., Vandycke, S., Haerinck, T., Berwouts, I., Sintubin, M., Haerinck, T., Berwouts, I., & Sintubin, M. (27 September 2013). Antithetic-dominated relics of the immature stage of the North-Armorican shear zone (Brittany, France). Geologica Belgica, 16 (3), 120-128. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Vandycke, S. (29 August 2013). Introduction à l'essai d'André Delmer sur la tectonique du Bassin Houiller du Hainaut. Professional Paper - Service Géologique de Belgique, 2013/2 (315), 7-9. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Derez, T., Vandycke, S., Berwouts, I., Haerinck, T., & Sintubin, M. (20 January 2013). Antithetic-dominated relics of the immature stage of the North-Armorican shear zone (Brittany, France). Geologica Belgica, 16 (3), 120-128. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Duperret, A., Vandycke, S., Mortimore, R., & Genter, A. (18 December 2012). How plate tectonics is recorded in chalk deposits along the eastern English Channel in Normandy (France) and Sussex (UK). Tectonophysics, 581, 163-181. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Camelbeek, T., Van Ruymbeke, M., Quinif, Y., Vandycke, S., de Kerchove, E., & Ping, Z. (18 December 2012). Observation and interpretation of fault activity in the Rochefort cave (Belgium). Tectonophysics, 581, 48-61. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Quinif, Y., Vandycke, S., Camelbeek, T., Delcourt, J., & Van Ruymbeke, M. (01 April 2012). Les failles récentes et le laboratoire souterrain de la Grotte de Lorette à Rochefort : contexte structural, relations karst-tectonique. Bulletin d'Information des Géologues du Bassin de Paris, 49 (1), 9-15. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Vandycke, S., Bergerat, F., Camelbeek, T., & Quinif, Y. (01 April 2012). Tectonique active sur la bordure ardennaise du bassin parisien en Belgique : Journées d'étude d'automne. Introduction. Bulletin d'Information des Géologues du Bassin de Paris, 49 (1), 3. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Vandycke, S., & Bergerat, F. (01 October 2011). Pierres et tectonique en Hainaut : Journées d'étude de printemps du 2 au 4 juin 2à. Bulletin d'Information des Géologues du Bassin de Paris, 48 (3), 6-8. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Vandycke, S., Bergerat, F., Gaviglio, P., Robaszynski, F., & Schroeder, C. (01 October 2011). Failles, diaclases et déformations dans les craies du Bassin de Mons : la carrière CBR à Harmignies. Bulletin d'Information des Géologues du Bassin de Paris, 48 (3), 36-41. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Vandycke, S., & Quinif, Y. (01 October 2011). Relations entre tectonique et karstification au sein des calcaires carbonifères du parautochtone brabançon. Le cas de la Pierre-Bleue ou Petit-Granit à Soignies (Belgique). Bulletin d'Information des Géologues du Bassin de Paris, 48 (3), 42-49. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Vandycke, S. (01 October 2011). Les pierres de la crypte de la collégiale Saint-Vincent , indicateurs de la tectonique du sous-sol de Soignies : la Faille Saint-Vincent. Bulletin d'Information des Géologues du Bassin de Paris, 48 (3), 50-56. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Spagna, P., Vandycke, S., Dupuis, C., & Yans, J. (01 October 2011). La formation des Argiles d'Hautrage de la Carrière Danube-Bouchon (Saint-Ghislain): un enregistrement de la naissance et des premiers mouvements du Bassin de Mons au Crétacé Inférieur. Bulletin d'Information des Géologues du Bassin de Paris, 48 (3), 14-21. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Quinif, Y., Camelbeeck, T., Delaby, S., Tshibangu, K., Vandycke, S., & Van Ruymbeke, M. (01 August 2011). Considérations karstogénétiques sur le système de Ramioul. Bulletin de la Société Royale Belge d'Études Géologiques et Archéologiques, 3 (hors-série), 79-96. Peer reviewed |
Vandycke, S. (31 December 2010). Le Bassin de Mons : une structure de la croûte terrestre liée à la tectonique des plaques. Mémoires et Publications de la Société des Sciences, des Arts et des Lettres du Hainaut, 105, 125-139. Peer reviewed |
Gaviglio, P., Betti, S., Vandycke, S., Adler, P. M., Bergerat, F., Coulon, M., Darquennes, A., & Schroerder, C. (01 January 2009). Faulting and deformation in chalk. Journal of Structural Geology, 31, 194-207. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Barszez, A.-M., Sabbe, A., Wilquin, H., Vandycke, S., & Camelbeeck, T. (01 April 2008). First step to the relationship between seismic risk, hazard and vulnerability for the belgian built environment ; case study in Ath (Hainaut - Belgium). International Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications, 32 (2), 81 - 91. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Darquennes, A., Vandycke, S., & Schroerder, C. (2007). Deformation in faulted white chalk in Belgium. Geologica Belgica, 3-4, 145-147. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Havron, C., Vandycke, S., & Quinif, Y. (2007). Interactivité entre tectonique méso-cénozoïque et dynamique karstique au sein des calcaires dévoniens de la région de Han-sur-Lesse (Ardennes, Belgique). Geologica Belgica, 93-108;1-2. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Similox-Tohon, D., Sintubin, M., Muchez, P., Verhaert, G., Vanneste, K., Fernandez, M., Vandycke, S., Vanhaverbeke, H., & Waelkens, M. (01 January 2007). Erratum to 'the identification of an active fault by a multidisciplinary study at the archaeological site of Sagalassos (SW Turkey)'(Tectonophysics volume 420 (2006) 371-387). Tectonophysics, 435, 55-62. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Spagna, P., Vandycke, S., Yans, J., & Dupuis, C. (01 January 2007). Hydraulic and brittle extensional faulting in the wealdien facies of Hautrage (Mons Basin, Belgium). Geologica Belgica, 10, 3-4, 158-161. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Similox-Tohon, D., Sintubin, M., Muchez, P., Verhaert, G., Vanneste, K., Fernandez, M., Vandycke, S., Vanhaverbeke, H., & Waelkens, M. (2006). The identification of an active fault by a multidisciplinary study at the archaeological site of Sagaloss (SW Turkey). Tectonophysics, (420), 371-387. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Verhaert, G., Similox-Tohon, D., Vandycke, S., Sintubin, M., & Muchez, P. (2006). Different stress states in the Burdur-Isparta area (SW Turkey) since Late Miocene times: a refection of a transient stress regime. Journal of Structural Geology, (28), 1067-1083. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Schroerder, C., Gaviglio, P., Bergerat, F., Vandycke, S., & Coulon, M. (01 January 2006). Faults and matrix deformations in chalk : contribution of porosity and sonic wave velocity measurements. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 2006-4, 203 - 213. Peer reviewed |
Angelier, J., Vandycke, S., Bergerat, F., Gaviglio, P., Schroerder, C., & Coulon, M. (2006). Can belemnite distribution reveal pressure solution processes along faults ? a case study in the chalk of the Mons Basin. Journal of Structural Geology, (28), 64-82. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Dehandschutter, B., Gaviglio, P., Sizun, J.-P., Sintubin, M., Vandycke, S., Vandenberghe, N., & Wouters, L. (2005). Volumetric matrix strains related to intraformational faulting in argillaceous sediments. Geological Society Special Publication, 801-813. Peer reviewed |
Dehandschutter, B., Vandycke, S., Vandenberghe, N., Sintubin, M., & Wouters, L. (2005). Brittle fractures and ductile shear bands in argillaceous sediments: inferences from Oligocene Boom Clay (Belgium). Journal of Structural Geology, (27), 1095-1112. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Yans, J., Spagna, P., Vanneste, C., Hennebert, M., Vandycke, S., Baele, J.-M., Tshibangu, K., Bultynck, P., Streel, M., & Dupuis, C. (01 January 2005). Description et implications géologiques préliminaires d'un forage carotté dans le 'Cran aux Iguanodons' de Bernissart. Geologica Belgica, 8 (1-2), 43-49. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Verhaert, G., Muchez, P., Sintubin, M., Similox-Tohon, D., Vandycke, S., Keppens, E., Hodge, E. J., & Richard, D. A. (2004). Origin of palaeofluids in a normal fault setting in the Aegean region. Geofluids, (4), 300-314. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Havron, C., Quinif, Y., & Vandycke, S. (01 January 2004). Tectonique et karstification. Le cas de la région de Han-sur-Lesse (Belgique). Karstologia, 1 (43), 19-26. Peer reviewed |
Dehandschutter, B., Vandycke, S., Gaviglio, P., Sintubin, M., Vandenberghe, N., & Wouters, L. (2004). Microfabric of fractured Boom Clay at depth: a case of study of brittle-ductile transitional clay behaviour. Applied Clay Science, (26), 389-400. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Verhaert, G., Muchez, P., Sintubin, M., Similox-Tohon, D., Vandycke, S., & Waelkens, M. (2003). Reconstruction of neotectonic activity using carbonate precipitates: a case study from the northwestern extremity of the Isparta Angle (SW Turkey). Journal of Geochemical Exploration, (78-79), 197-201. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Dupuis, C., Baele, J.-M., Hennebert, M., Kaufmann, O., Quinif, Y., Rorive, A., Spagna, P., Vandycke, S., Vanneste, C., & Yans, J. (2003). L'application de la géologie: état de l'art et perspectives. Techniques de l'Industrie Minérale, (19), 9-17. Peer reviewed |
Vandycke, S. (2003). Paleostress records in Creataceous formations in NW Europe: extensional and strike-slip events in relationships with Cretaceous-Tertiary inversion tectonics along crustal regional structures. Géologie de la France, (1), 23-26. Peer reviewed |
Mansy, J.-L., Manby, G. M., Averbuch, O., Everaerts, M., Bergerat, F., Van Vliet-Lanoe, B., Lamarche, J., & Vandycke, S. (2003). Dynamics and inversion of the Mesozoic Basin of Weald-Boulonnais area: role of basement reactivation. Tectonophysics, (373), 161-179. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Vandycke, S. (01 January 2002). Palaeostress records in Cretaceous formations in NW Europe: Synsedimentary strike-slip and extensional tectonics events. Relationships with the Cretaceous-Tertiary inversion tectonics. Tectonophysics, 357 ((1-4)), 119-136. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Nemock, M., Henk, A., Gayer, R. A., Vandycke, S., & Hathaway, T. M. (2001). Strike-slip fault bridge fluid pumping mechanism: insights from field -based palaeostress analysis and numerical modeling. Journal of Structural Geology, (24), 1885-1901. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Vandycke, S., & Quinif, Y. (01 December 2001). Recent active faults in Belgian Ardenne revealed in Rochefort karstic network (Namur Province, Belgium). Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 80 (3-4), 297-304. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Quinif, Y., & Vandycke, S. (03 March 2001). Les phénomènes karstiques de la région de Han-sur-Lesse - Rochefort: Journées d'étude d'automne de l'Association des Géologues du Bassin de Paris. Bulletin d'Information des Géologues du Bassin de Paris, 38 (1), 6-19. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Quinif, Y., & Vandycke, S. (2001). Karsts & Tectonics. Preface. Geologica Belgica, (3-4), 171-173. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Vandycke, S., & Bergerat, F. (2001). Brittle tectonic structures and paleostress analysis in the Isle of Wight, Wessex Basin, southern U. K. Journal of Structural Geology, (23), 391-406. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Sintubin, M., Vandycke, S., & Camelbeeck, T. (20 October 1999). Palaeozoic to recent tectonics in the NW European Variscan front zone, Preface. Tectonophysics, 309, 7-9. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Gaviglio, P., Vandycke, S., Schroeder, C., Coulon, M., Bergerat, F., Dubois, C., & Pointeau, I. (01 September 1999). Matrix strains along normal fault planes in the Campanian white chalk of Belgium : structural consequences. Tectonophysics, 309, 41-56. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Quinif, Y., & Vandycke, S. (01 January 1999). Karst and Tectonics, Han-98 relationships between karst, tectonic and seismic activity. Geodinamica Acta, 3-4 (12), 133-134. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Quinif, Y., Baele, J.-M., Charlet, J.-M., De Putter, T., Dupuis, C., Rorive, A., & Vandycke, S. (1997). A la recherche du karst perdu des craies du Bassin de Mons (Belgique). Annales de la Société Géologique du Nord, (5), 361-371. Peer reviewed |
Gaviglio, P., Adler, P. M., Thovert, J. F., Vandycke, S., Bergerat, F., Bekri, S., & Lestideau, R. (29 July 1997). Grain-scale microstructures and physical properties of faulted chalk. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 168 (6), 727-739. Peer reviewed |
Quinif, Y., Vandycke, S., & Vergari, A. (30 May 1997). Chronologie et causalité entre tectonique et karstification. L'exemple des paléokarsts crétacés du Hainaut (Belgique). Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 168, 463-472. Peer reviewed |
Lisle, R. J., & Vandycke, S. (29 June 1996). The separation of multiple stress events by fault striation analysis : an example of Variscan and younger structures at Ogmore, South Wales. Journal of the Geological Society, 153, 945-953. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Bergerat, F., & Vandycke, S. (29 December 1994). Cretaceous and Tertiary fault systems in the Boulonnais and Kent areas : Paleostress analysis and geodynamical implications. Journal of the Geological Society, 151, 439-448. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Srivastava, D. C., Lisle, R. J., & Vandycke, S. (29 October 1994). Shear zone as a new type of palaeostress indicator. Journal of Structural Geology, 17, 663-676. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Gaviglio, P., Chayé d'Albissin, M., Bergerat, F., & Vandycke, S. (29 June 1993). Failles et modélisation de texture dans la craie: un exemple de graben dans le bassin de Mons (Belgique). Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 163 (4), 565-575. Peer reviewed |
Colbeaux, J.-P., Amédro, F., Bergerat, F., Bracq, P., Crampon, N., Delay, F., Dupuis, C., Lamouroux, C., Robaszynski, F., Sommé, J., Vandycke, S., & Vidier, J.-P. (18 June 1993). Un enregistreur des épisodes dans le Bassin de Paris : le Boulonnais. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 164, 93-102. Peer reviewed |
Vandycke, S., & Bergerat, F. (1992). Tectonique de failles et paléocontraintes dans les formations crétacées du Boulonnais (N France). Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France. Peer reviewed |
Vandycke, S., Bergerat, F., & Dupuis, C. (29 December 1991). Meso-cenozoic faulting and inferred paleostresses of the Mons Basin (Belgium). Tectonophysics, 192, 261-271. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Vandycke, S., Leclercq, F., Dupuis, C., Bergerat, F., & Robaszynski, F. (10 October 1990). Tectonique et sédimentation à la limite Crétacé-Tertiaire dans le Bassin de Mons. Visite des carrières souterraines de la Malogne. Cadre stratigraphique et tectonique. Bulletin d'Information des Géologues du Bassin de Paris, 27 (3), 53-66. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Vandycke, S., & Bergerat, F. (29 December 1989). Analyse microtectonique des déformations cassantes dans le Bassin de Mons. Reconstitution des paléo-champs de contrainte au Crétacé-Tertiaire/. Annales de la Société Géologique de Belgique, 112 (2), 479-487. Peer reviewed |
Dupuis, C., & Vandycke, S. (01 October 1989). Tectonique et karstification profonde : un modèle original pour le Bassin de Mons. Annales de la Société Géologique de Belgique, 112, 479-487. Peer reviewed |
Vandycke, S., Bergerat, F., & Dupuis, C. (06 May 1989). Paléo-contraintes à la limite Crétacé-Tertiaire dans le bassin de Mons(Belgique). Implications cinématiques. Relations avec la Zone de Cisaillement Nord-Artois. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série 2, Mécanique, Physique, Chimie, Sciences de l'Univers, Sciences de la Terre, 307 (2), 303-309. Peer reviewed |
Kazmierczak, E., Graveleau, F., Vandycke, S., & Vendeville, B. (10 January 2018). Analogue modelling of passive-margin tectonic inversion : example from the Ardennes Variscan fold-and-thrust belt. Geologica Belgica, 21/1, 95. |
Vandycke, S., Camelbeek, T., Van Ruymbeke, M., Quinif, Y., de Kerchove, E., & Ping, Z. (04 April 2011). Is fault activity in the Rochefort cave (Belgium) related to the Glacial Isostatic Adjustment ? Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13 (EGU2011-6201). |
Duperret, A., Vandycke, S., Mortimore, R., & Genter, A. (04 April 2011). How plate tectonics is recorded in Chalk deposits along the eastern English Channel in Normandy (France) and Sussex (UK). Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13 (EGU2011-4068). |
Tshibangu, K., Van Ruymbeke, M., Vandycke, S., Quinif, Y., & Camelbeeck, T. (2004). Studying underground motions in the Ramioul's Cave-Belgium. Earth-Science Reviews, (104), 614-623. Peer reviewed |
Vandycke, S., Dejonghe, L., Delaby, S., & Hance, L. (16 January 2001). Structural analysis in term of paleostress of the Givetian limestones around the Hotton Cave. Comptes-Rendus des Journées Luxembourgeoises de Géodynamique, Conseil de l'Europe, Réseau européen de Géodynamique, 18, 145-146. |
Geogieva, T., Descamps, F., Ajdanlijsky, G., Vandycke, S., Gonze, N., & Tshibangu, K. (2023). Influence of deep coal mines on the stability of shallow cavities. In W. Schubert & A. Kluckner, Proceedings ISRM 2023. International Society for Rock Mechanics. Peer reviewed |
Geremia, D., David, C., Georgieva, T. D., Descamps, F., Vandycke, S., Menendez, B., & Barnes, C. (2021). Influence of the water table oscillation on the mechanical and petrophysical properties of chalk. In JEMP 2021 - Book of abstracts. Strasbourg, France: French InterPore Chapter. Peer reviewed |
Georgieva, T. D., Descamps, F., Vandycke, S., Ajdanlijsky, G., & Tshibangu, K. (2021). Geomechanical evaluation of an abandoned chalk mine using in-situ measurements [Paper presentation]. EuroEngeo, Athens, Greece. |
Geremia, D., David, C., Barnes, C., Menendez, B., Dautriat, J., Esteban, L., Sarout, J., Vandycke, S., & Descamps, F. (2021). Laboratory experiments of water injection coupled with ultrasonic monitoring reveal wave-induced fluid flow in microporous carbonate rock [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2021, virtual, Unknown/unspecified. |
Wattier, M.-L., Vandycke, S., Gonon, M., Descamps, F., Mohammad, S., Wertz, P., & Tshibangu, K. (2020). Roughness indices determination for fracture surfaces in Luxemburg Sandstone [Paper presentation]. ISRM International Symposium Eurock 2020, Trondheim, Norway. |
Descamps, F., Fay Gomord, O., Vandycke, S., Gonze, N., & Tshibangu, K. (2020). Connecting engineering properties of chalk to geological logging [Paper presentation]. ISRM International Symposium Eurock 2020, Trondheim, Norway. |
Wattier, M.-L., Descamps, F., Vandycke, S., & Tshibangu, K. (2018). Chalk fractures geometry: a comprehensive description of fractures surfaces. In Engineering in Chalk - Proceedings of the Chalk 2018 Conference (pp. 663-668). Londres, Unknown/unspecified: ICE Publishing. Peer reviewed |
Fay Gomord, O., Descamps, F., Soete, J., Vandycke, S., Tshibangu, K., & Swennen, R. (2018). Tight chalk : how does microtexture control petrophysical and geomechanical properties ? The role of clay flakes and calcite cements. In J. Lawrence, M. Preene, U. L. Lawrence, ... R. Buckley, Engineering in Chalk - Proceedings of the Chalk 2018 Conference. Londres, Unknown/unspecified: ICE Publishing. Peer reviewed |
Goderniaux, P., Beyek A Tchotchom, A., Poulain, A., Wattier, M.-L., & Vandycke, S. (2018). Study of the heterogeneity of hydraulic properties in a chalk aquifer unit, using sequential pumping and tracing experiments with packer systems [Paper presentation]. Engineering in Chalk, Londres, Unknown/unspecified. |
Fay Gomord, O., Descamps, F., Caline, B., Vandycke, S., & Swennen, R. (2016). Tight Chalks - How Does Microtexture Affect Petrophysical and Geomechanical Properties? [Paper presentation]. 78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria. |
Camelbeek, T., Baize, S., Bergerat, F., Colbeaux, J.-P., De Batist, M., De Viron, O., Garcia-Moreno, D., Jomard, H., Kusters, D., Lecocq, T., Sébrier, M., Vandycke, S., Vanneste, K., & Verbeeck, K. (2012). Intraplate seismicity and active faults in western Europe [Paper presentation]. AGU full meeting, San Francisco, United States. |
Dewaide, L., Coulon-Drouaillet, P., Quinif, Y., Rochez, G., Vandycke, S., & Hallet, V. (2012). Karstification des mudmounds waulsortiens de Furfooz (Dinant, belgium) [Paper presentation]. Ghost-rock karst symposium, Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium. |
Quinif, Y., Vandycke, S., & Dubois, C. (2012). Visite de la carrière Gauthier-Wincqz à Soignies. Relations entre tectonique et karstification au sein des calcaires carbonifères du Parautochtone Brabançon. Le cas de la Pierre Bleue ou Petit Granit. : Fieldtrip at Gauthier-Wincqz, Soignies. Karstification phenomena within the Carboniferous limestones in the Parautochton of Brabant. The case of the Blue Stone or Petit-Granit [Paper presentation]. Ghost-rock karst symposium, Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium. |
Papamichos, E., Berntsen, A. N., Cerasi, P., Vandycke, S., Baele, J.-M., & Fuh, G. F. (2012). Solids production in chalk [Paper presentation]. 46 US Rocks Mechanics/Geomechanics symposium, Chicago, United States - Illinois. |
Robaszynski, F., & Vandycke, S. (2010). Le Crétacé supérieur, Excursion à Obourg de la Société Géologique du Nord. : Les craies du Bassin de Mons à Obourg, lithostratigraphie et tectonique [Paper presentation]. La craie, Patrimoine géologique et naturel, Mons, Belgium. |
Vandycke, S. (2010). Tectonics and structural geology in Belgium [Paper presentation]. Tectonics and structural geology in Belgium, Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Bruxelles , Belgium. |
Vandycke, S., & Spagna, P. (2009). CRUSTAL TECTONIC CONTROL OF THE EARLY CRETACEOUS DEPOSITS IN THE MONS BASIN (BELGIUM): Tribute to Charles Darwin and Bernissart Iguanodons : New perspectives on Vertebrate Evolution and Early Cretaceous Ecosystems [Paper presentation]. Crustal tectonic control of the early Cretaceous deposits in the Mons Basin, Mons, Belgium. |
Vandycke, S. (2008). Brittle tectonics in a fold context. Relation between brittle tectonics and karst dynamics [Paper presentation]. Annual tectonics studies group meeting, La Roche-en-Ardenne, Belgium. |
Duperret, A., Vandycke, S., Genter, A., & Mortimore, R. (2008). Is present-day coastal recession of the eastern English Channel guided by the tectonic state of stress of NW Europe? [Paper presentation]. TSG Annual meeting, . |
Haest, M., Muchez, P., & Vandycke, S. (2008). Structural control on the Dikulushi Cu-Ag deposit, Katanga, Democratic Republic of Congo [Paper presentation]. TSG Annual meeting, . |
Vandycke, S. (2008). Brittle tectonics in a fold context. Relation between brittle tectonics and karst dynamics: Field guide of the TSG 2008 [Paper presentation]. Annual tectonics studies group meeting, La Roche-en-Ardenne, Belgium. |
Sintubin, M., Vandycke, S., & Debacker, T. (2008). Tectonic studies group annual meeting, La roche en Ardenne, 8-11 january 2008 [Paper presentation]. Annual tectonics studies group meeting, La Roche-en-Ardenne, Belgium. |
Barszez, A.-M., Sabbe, A., Wilquin, H., Vandycke, S., Quinif, Y., Camelbeeck, T., & Rosset, P. (2007). Seismic risk and vulnerability assessment : case study in the historical centre of Mons (Belgium) [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on Seismic Risk Re-duction - the JICA Technical Cooperation Pro-ject, Romania. |
Barszez, A.-M., Sabbe, A., Camelbeeck, T., Wilquin, H., & Vandycke, S. (2006). First step to the relationship between seismic risk, hazard and vulnerability for the belgian built environment; case study in Ath (Hainaut - Belgium) [Paper presentation]. XXXIV IAHS World Congress : Sustainable Housing Design - Emphasizing Urban Housing, . |
Barszez, A.-M., Sabbe, A., Wilquin, H., Camelbeek, T., & Vandycke, S. (2006). Study of the relationship between seismic risk, hazard and vulnerability for the belgian built environment [Paper presentation]. Conférence européenne 'Safeguarded Cultural Heritage'. Understanding and viability for enlarged Europe, CEE, Belgium. |
Barszez, A.-M., Wilquin, H., Sabbe, A., Quinif, Y., Vandycke, S., Rosset, P., & Camelbeek, T. (2006). Seismic risk and vulnerability asessment : case study in the historical center of Mons (Belgium) [Paper presentation]. Vulnerability of 20th century heritage hazards and prevention meas, Avaramidou, Kos, Greece. |
Darquennes, A., Schroerder, C., & Vandycke, S. (2006). Petrophysical deformation in faulted white chalk in Belgium.: Multiphysics Coupling and Long Term Behaviour in Rock Mechanics [Paper presentation]. Eurock 2006 Liège, Belgique mai 2006, Liège, Belgium. |
Tshibangu, K., Van Ruymbeke, M., Vandycke, S., Quinif, Y., & Camelbeek, T. (2004). Studying underground motions in the Ramioul's cave, Belgium [Paper presentation]. EurEnGeo, Liège, Belgium. |
Delaby, S., Vandycke, S., Dejonghe, L., Quinif, Y., & Dubois, Y. (2002). The 'Grotte de Hotton' karstic network (Belgium) : relationship between tectonics, cartography and karstogenesis and paleoseismic implications [Paper presentation]. Geologica Belgica International Meeting, Leuven, Belgium. |
Dejonghe, L., Delaby, S., Dubois, Y., Quinif, Y., & Vandycke, S. (2002). The 'Grotte de Hotton' karstic network (Belgium): relationship between tectonics, cartography and karstogenesis and paleoseismic implications [Paper presentation]. Geologica Belgica International Meeting, Leuven, Belgium. |
Dehandschutter, B., Sintubin, M., Vandenberghe, N., Gaviglio, P., & Vandycke, S. (2002). Fracture analysis in the Boom Clay (URF, Mol, Belgium): Aardkundige Mededelingen [Paper presentation]. 1st Geologica Belgica International Meeting, Leuven, Belgium. |
Vandycke, S. (1999). Tectonique, contraintes et karst : implications génétiques [Paper presentation]. Karst 99 Causses et Vercors, Vercors, France. |
Vandycke, S. (1997). Post-hercynian brittle tectonics and paleostress analysis in Carboniferous limestones [Paper presentation]. Belgian Symposium on Structural Geology and Tectonics, Leuven, Belgium. |
Gaviglio, P., Vandycke, S., Schroerder, C., Coulon, M., & Bergerat, F. (1997). Déformation cassante et déformations matricielle dans la craie blanche campanienne du Bassin de Mons et du nord-est de la Belgique [Paper presentation]. Belgian Symposium on Structural Geology and Tectonics, Leuven, Belgium. |
Quinif, Y., Van Ruymbeke, M., Camelbeek, T., & Vandycke, S. (1997). Les failles actives de la Grotte de Rocheforrt (Ardenne, Belgique) sont-elles sismogéniques ? Installation d'un laboratoire souterrain [Paper presentation]. Belgian Symposium on Structural Geology and Tectonics, Leuven, Belgium. |
Camelbeek, T., Sintubin, M., & Vandycke, S. (1997). Contributions to the Belgian Symposium on Structural Geology and Tectonics [Paper presentation]. Belgian Symposium on Structural Geology and Tectonics, Leuven, Belgium. |
Camelbeeck, T., Sintubin, M., & Vandycke, S. (1997). Introduction to the Belgian symposium on Structural Geology and Tectonics [Paper presentation]. Belgian Symposium on Structural Geology and Tectonics, Leuven, Belgium. |
Vandycke, S., Dejonghe, L., Delaby, S., & Hance, L. (1997). Structural analysis in terms of paleostress of the Givestian limestones around the Hotton Cave [Paper presentation]. Journées luxembourgeoises de Géodynamique, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
Vandycke, S., Bergerat, F., Dupuis, C., & Colbeaux, J.-P. (1989). Tectonique et sédimentation à la limite Crétacé-Tertiaire dans le Bassin de Mons. Mise en évidence d'un cisaillement dextre E-W [Paper presentation]. Tectonique récente et actuelle en Belgique, Mons, Belgium. |
Dupuis, C., Colbeaux, J.-P., Henriet, J.-P., De Batist, M., Camelbeeck, T., & Vandycke, S. (1989). Preliminary statement of the onshore and offshore meso-cenozoic tectonic data in western Belgium and northern france [Paper presentation]. Tectonique récente et actuelle en Belgique, Mons, Belgium. |
Fay, O., Claes, H., Gonze, N., Pigot, L., Georgieva, T., Van Malderen, E., De Oliveira-Silva, R., Sakellariou, D., Galaup, S., Ajdanlijsky, G., Kouzmanov, K., Vandycke, S., Descamps, F., & Swennen, R. (11 September 2024). Effect of water saturation on the mechanical properties of various chalks characteristic of the Northwest European geoheritage [Paper presentation]. International Geologica Belgica Meeting 2024, Liège, Belgium. Editorial reviewed |
Fay, O., Vandycke, S., Claes, H., Swennen, R., & Descamps, F. (26 June 2024). Lithofacies and depositional settings of the Coniacian- Campanian Chalk in the Mons Basin [Paper presentation]. IAS Conference 2024, Aberdeen, United Kingdom. Editorial reviewed |
Georgieva, T., Descamps, F., Ajdanlijsky, G., Vandycke, S., & Tshibangu, K. (30 June 2022). Influence des exploitations de charbon profondes sur la stabilité de cavités souterraines [Paper presentation]. 11èmes Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l'Ingénieur, Lyon, France. Peer reviewed |
Georgieva, T. D., Descamps, F., Vandycke, S., Ajdanlijsky, G., & Tshibangu, K. (03 November 2020). Caractérisation géomécanique d'une carrière souterraine abandonnée par des mesures in-situ [Paper presentation]. JNGG 2020 : Dixièmes journées nationales de géotechnique et de géologie de l'ingénieur - L'Innovation et la Formation pour relever les défis de demain, Lyon, France. Peer reviewed |
Georgieva, T. D., Descamps, F., Vandycke, S., Ajdanlijsky, G., & Tshibangu, K. (02 November 2020). Caracterisation geotechnique d'une carriere souterraine abandonnee par mesures in-situ [Paper presentation]. JNGG 2020 : Dixièmes journées nationales de géotechnique et de géologie de l'ingénieur - L'Innovation et la Formation pour relever les défis de demain, Lyon, France. Peer reviewed |
Geremia, D., David, C., Barnes, C., Dautriat, J., Esteban, L., Sarout, J., Vandycke, S., Descamps, F., & Menéndez, B. (04 May 2020). Laboratory testing for monitoring of reservoir properties during water injection [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2020: Sharing Geoscience Online, Vienne, Austria. Peer reviewed |
Wattier, M.-L., Vandycke, S., Bergerat, F., Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (25 October 2018). Roughness description and characterisation of major fractures in three different chalks of the North-West European basin [Paper presentation]. Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Lille, France. Peer reviewed |
Wattier, M.-L., Vandycke, S., Gonze, N., Descamps, F., Barbier, M., & Tshibangu, K. (18 September 2018). Faulting and stability in a chalk quarry [Paper presentation]. Engineering in Chalk, Londres, United Kingdom. Peer reviewed |
Wattier, M.-L., Descamps, F., Vandycke, S., & Tshibangu, K. (18 September 2018). Chalk fractures geometry: a comprehensive description of fracture surfaces [Paper presentation]. Engineering in Chalk. Peer reviewed |
Goderniaux, P., Beyek A Tchotchom, A., Poulain, A., Wattier, M.-L., & Vandycke, S. (18 September 2018). Study of the heterogeneity of hydraulic properties in a chalk aquifer unit, using sequential pumping and tracing experiments with packer systems [Paper presentation]. Engineering in Chalk, Londres, Unknown/unspecified. Editorial reviewed |
Mabeka, N., Descamps, F., Gonze, N., Vandycke, S., & Tshibangu, K. (10 September 2018). Collecting and organizing geological and mining data of the abandoned Monceau-Fontaine coal mine in order to assess geological ressources [Paper presentation]. Geologica Belgica, Leuven, Belgium. Peer reviewed |
Fay Gomord, O., Soete, J., Katika, K., Galaup, S., Caline, B., Descamps, F., Lasseur, E., Fabricius, I. L., Saiag, J., Swennen, R., & Vandycke, S. (24 October 2016). New insight into the microtexture of chalks from NMR analysis [Paper presentation]. 25ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Caen, France. Peer reviewed |
Fay Gomord, O., Soete, J., Katika, K., Galaup, S., Caline, B., Descamps, F., Lasseur, E., Fabricius, I. L., Saïag, J., Swennen, R., & Vandycke, S. (26 January 2016). New insight into the microtexture of chalks from NMR analysis [Paper presentation]. 5th International Geologica Belgica Meeting, Mons, Belgium. Peer reviewed |
Descamps, F., Fay Gomord, O., Vandycke, S., Van Landschoot, P., Leroy, Y., Caline, B., Schroeder, C., Swennen, R., & Tshibangu, K. (26 January 2016). Relations between lithology and geomechanical properties of chalks from NW Europe [Paper presentation]. 5th International Geologica Belgica Meeting, Mons, Belgium. Peer reviewed |
Fay Gomord, O., Caline, B., Coppens, J., Descamps, F., Swennen, R., & Vandycke, S. (10 August 2015). Impact de la lithologie sur les modifications microtexturales diagénétiques associées à un plan de faille, Craie blanche d'Harmignies, Bassin de Mons [Paper presentation]. Colloque Géologie du Bassin parisien, cinquantenaire de l'Association des Géologues du Bassin de Paris, Paris, France. Peer reviewed |
Fay Gomord, O., Amédro, F., Caline, B., Descamps, F., Lasseur, E., Vanlandschoot, P., Vandycke, S., & Swennen, R. (30 October 2014). Influences respectives de la sédimentation et de la diagénèse sur les propriétés physiques et la fracturation de différents types de craie, Cap Blanc Nez, France [Paper presentation]. RST2014 Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Pau, France. Peer reviewed |
Tshibangu, K., Baele, J.-M., Bultynck, P., Dagrain, F., Descamps, F., Dupuis, C., Gerrienne, P., Godefroit, P., Gosselin, R., Hennebert, M., Legrain, H., De Ricqlès, A., Spagna, P., Steurbaut, E., Streel, M., & Vandycke, S. (16 January 2003). Sondages exploratoires dans le 'Cran aux iguanodons' de Bernissart [Paper presentation]. Réunion spéciale sur les Iguanodons de Bernissart, Institut des Sciences Naturelles, Bruxelles, Belgium. Editorial reviewed |