
Descamps Fanny

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté Polytechnique > Service de Génie Minier

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté Polytechnique > Génie Minier

Main Referenced Co-authors
TSHIBANGU, Katshidikaya  (136)
VANDYCKE, Sara  (53)
GONZE, Nicolas  (30)
FAY, Ophélie  (27)
Swennen, Rudy (19)
Main Referenced Keywords
room-and-pillar (3); 3D printed surface (2); chalk (2); Discontinuity (2); finite element model (2);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
CRIM - Ingénierie des matériaux (104)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Earth sciences & physical geography (134)
Geological, petroleum & mining engineering (119)
Mechanical engineering (76)
Physics (30)
Architecture (7)

Publications (total 198)

The most downloaded
Descamps, F., Gonze, N., Ancia, P., & Tshibangu, K. (2016). Le transport dans les mines et carrières. Polytech.News, n°53.

The most cited

31 citations (Scopus®)

Descamps, F., Ramos da Silva, M., Schroeder, C., Verbrugge, J.-C., & Tshibangu, K. (01 December 2012). Limiting envelopes of a dry porous limestone under true triaxial stress states. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 56, 88-99.

Descamps, F. (07 November 2024). Les pièges de la géologie de l'ingénieur à Charleroi - Conclusions [Paper presentation]. Les pièges de la géologie de l'ingénieur à Charleroi & 60th IAEG anniversary.

Descamps, F., Gonze, N., Nikiema, T., & Vergari, J. (2024). La géomécanique : des bases de la physique à la planification d'exploitations [Paper presentation]. Cours ouverts - Ingénieur Civil : d'une solution à l'autre, Mons, Belgium.

Fanfone, M., Descamps, F., Hantson, A.-L., & Debailleux, L. (2024). Are our monuments melting away ? Exploring the impact of climate change on stone surface finishes of Belgian heritage buildings. In M. S. Kovacevic, L. Libric, ... M. Bacic, Engineering Geology and Geotechnics : Building for the future. Zagreb, Croatia: University of Zagreb.
Peer reviewed

Nikiema, T., Gonze, N., & Descamps, F. (10 October 2024). Correlation between joint roughness coefficient (JRC) and statistical roughness parameters [Paper presentation]. EUROENGEO 2024 - 4th European Regional Conference of IAEG, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Fanfone, M., Descamps, F., Hantson, A.-L., & Debailleux, L. (10 October 2024). Are Our Monuments Melting Away ? - Exploring the Impact of Climate Change on Stone Surface Finishes of Belgian Heritage Buildings [Poster presentation]. EUROENGEO 2024 - 4th European Regional Conference of IAEG, Croatie, Croatia.
Peer reviewed

Nikiema, T., Gonze, N., & Descamps, F. (2024). Correlation between joint roughness coefficient (JRC) and statistical roughness parameters. In K. Meho Sasa, L. Lovorka, ... B. Mario, Engineering Geology and Geotechnics : Building for the future (pp. 135-142). Zagreb, Croatia: University of Zagreb. doi:10.5592/CO/EUROENGEO.2024
Peer reviewed

Vandycke, S., Fay, O., Claes Hannes, Olmez vedi, Gonze, N., Descamps, F., Baele, J.-M., & Swennen Rudy. (12 September 2024). Stylolithes in chalk in the Mons Basin : Evidence of pressure dissolution related to regional tectonics [Paper presentation]. 8th geologica Belgica meeting, liège, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Dewaide, L., Descamps, F., & Lefebvre, C. (11 September 2024). Soil collapses in Wallonia and Hauts-de-France: first insights from accident analysis and perspective in the scope of climate change [Poster presentation]. Geologica Belgica Luxemburga Meeting 2024.
Editorial reviewed

Fay, O., Claes, H., Gonze, N., Pigot, L., Georgieva, T., Van Malderen, E., De Oliveira-Silva, R., Sakellariou, D., Galaup, S., Ajdanlijsky, G., Kouzmanov, K., Vandycke, S., Descamps, F., & Swennen, R. (11 September 2024). Effect of water saturation on the mechanical properties of various chalks characteristic of the Northwest European geoheritage [Paper presentation]. International Geologica Belgica Meeting 2024, Liège, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Fay, O., Vandycke, S., Claes, H., Swennen, R., & Descamps, F. (26 June 2024). Lithofacies and depositional settings of the Coniacian- Campanian Chalk in the Mons Basin [Paper presentation]. IAS Conference 2024, Aberdeen, United Kingdom.
Editorial reviewed

Descamps, F., Gonze, N., & Tshibangu, K. (17 May 2024). Exploitation des ressources : modélisation et planification [Paper presentation]. Besoin et accès aux ressources minérales dans un contexte de transition énergétique, Namur, Belgium.

Fanfone, M., Descamps, F., & Debailleux, L. (26 March 2024). Les pierres se taillent... - Impact de la taille sur l'altération des pierres monumentales [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs 2024 (MDC), Mons, Belgium.

Nikiema, T., Gonze, N., & Descamps, F. (26 March 2024). Analyse des discontinuités rocheuses par profilométrie optique 3D [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs (MdC), Mons, Belgium.

Gonze, N., Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (2023). Development of a 3D discrete element method approach to study the evolution of rock cutting mechanism in high depth conditions: application to Vosges Sandstone. In W. Schubert & A. Kluckner, Proceedings ISRM 2023. Unknown/unspecified: International Society for Rock Mechanics.
Peer reviewed

Geogieva, T., Descamps, F., Ajdanlijsky, G., Vandycke, S., Gonze, N., & Tshibangu, K. (2023). Influence of deep coal mines on the stability of shallow cavities. In W. Schubert & A. Kluckner, Proceedings ISRM 2023. International Society for Rock Mechanics.
Peer reviewed

Descamps, F. (October 2023). Influence of deep coal mines on the stability of shallow cavities [Paper presentation]. 15 th ISRM Congress 2023 & 72 nd Geomechanics Colloquium, Salzburg, Austria.
Peer reviewed

Descamps, F., Georgieva, T. D., & Tshibangu, K. (13 June 2023). Characterisation of the cavity risk and influence of underlying mining works [Paper presentation]. Geologica Belgica Luxemburga Scientia et Professionis - Lunch & Learn.

Nikiema, T., Gonze, N., Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (17 May 2023). Simulation of the merging of two limestone quarries in the Tournai area, Belgium [Paper presentation]. EEGS / AEG 2023 Virtual Symposium on “Life of Mine – Maintaining Sustainability Through Geoscience”.
Editorial reviewed

Descamps, F., & Dussart, S. (2023). Sibanye-Stillwater welcomes students from Belgium. Carletonville, South Africa: Sibanye-Stillwater.

Descamps, F., Gonze, N., & Nikiema, T. (2023). La géomécanique: des bases de la physique à la planification d'exploitations [Paper presentation]. Cours ouverts "Ingénieur Civil: d'une solution à l'autre", Mons, Belgium.

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (2023). Endommagement de cavités souterraines soumises à l’influence des zones minières sous-jacentes. (M3/A5).

Descamps, F. (2023). RISSC Et si la terre risquait de s’effondrer sous nos pieds ? [Paper presentation]. Présentation du Catalogue des exposés scientifiques UMONS.

Georgieva, T. D., Descamps, F., Gonze, N., Vandycke, S., Ajdanlijsky, G., & Tshibangu, K. (2023). Stability assessment of a shallow abandoned chalk mine of Malogne (Belgium). European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 27 (6), 2358 - 2372. doi:10.1080/19648189.2020.1762752
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Fanfone, M., Debailleux, L., & Descamps, F. (2023). Caractérisation de l’altération de surface des pierres monumentales. In Academic Journal of Civil Engineering (AJCE). VOLUME 40 NO 2 (2022) : Special Issue - NOMAD 2022 (pp. 1-11). France: Academic Journal of Civil Engineering (AJCE). doi:10.26168/ajce.40.2.32
Peer reviewed

Nikiema, T., Gonze, N., Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (27 December 2022). Quarry development simulation in Tournaisis: merging Antoing and Lemay quarries. Geologica Belgica, 25 (3-4), 185-190.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Fanfone, M., Descamps, F., Debailleux, L., & Baele, J.-M. (16 November 2022). Caractérisation de l’altération de surface des pierres monumentales [Paper presentation]. Nouveaux Matériaux et Durabilité - NOMAD 2022, Montpellier, France.
Peer reviewed

Descamps, F., Dewaide, L., Lefebvre, C., Pacyna, D., & Vandycke, S. (2022). Les cavités souterraines en Wallonie et en Hauts-de-France. (M3/A1).

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (2022). Développement d’une méthodologie pour l’optimisation de carrière à moyen et long terme - Application à la carrière de Quenast – Phase 3. (2022/03). Mons, Belgium: UMONS.

Descamps, F., Georgieva, T. D., & Tshibangu, K. (13 September 2022). Caractérisation du risque cavité et aperçu de l’influence minière sous-jacente [Paper presentation]. La prévention et la gestion des risques de mouvements de terrain liés aux cavités souterraines en Wallonie et dans les Hauts-de-France, colloque de clôture du projet Interreg RISSC, Mons, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Descamps, F., Welter, P., Van Cotthem, A., Charlier, R., Deceuster, J., Fiquet, V., Legrain, H., Schroeder, C., Thimus, J.-F., Treve, C., Tshibangu, K., & Vervoort, A. (Eds.). (2022). 50 years of Engineering Geology and Rock Mechanics in Belgium. Mons, Belgium:
Editorial reviewed

Tshibangu, J.-P., Descamps, F., & Gonze, N. (2022). Bulgarie 2022, le retour du Voyage Mines.

Georgieva, T., Descamps, F., Ajdanlijsky, G., Vandycke, S., & Tshibangu, K. (30 June 2022). Influence des exploitations de charbon profondes sur la stabilité de cavités souterraines [Paper presentation]. 11èmes Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l'Ingénieur, Lyon, France.
Peer reviewed

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (2022). Evaluation du gisement à la carrière du Bois du Prince (Hautrage). (2022/01). Mons, Belgium: UMONS.

Tshibangu, J.-P., Descamps, F., & Mabeka, N. (May 2022). Les bassins houillers belges - Historique et gestion de la ressource après-mine. Mines et Carrières, 302, 23-30.
Peer reviewed

Descamps, F., & Gonze, N. (2022). Collaboration entre les universités de Lille et de Mons. RISSC-Interreg.

Tshibangu, K., & Descamps, F. (23 November 2021). How understanding true triaxial stress states can help in assessing the safety of mine openings? [Paper presentation]. 5th International Symposium on Mine Safety Science and Engineering (ISMSSE2021), Katowice, Poland.

Mabeka, N., Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (15 November 2021). An approach to assess the recoverable methane gas of Belgian abandoned coalmines [Paper presentation]. 5th International Symposium on Mine Safety Science and Engineering (ISMSSE2021), Katowice, Poland.

Geremia, D., David, C., Georgieva, T. D., Descamps, F., Vandycke, S., Menendez, B., & Barnes, C. (26 October 2021). Influence of the water table oscillation on the mechanical and petrophysical properties of chalk [Poster presentation]. 15èmes journées d'étude des milieux poreux (JEMP), Strasbourg, France.

Geremia, D., David, C., Georgieva, T. D., Descamps, F., Vandycke, S., Menendez, B., & Barnes, C. (2021). Influence of the water table oscillation on the mechanical and petrophysical properties of chalk. In JEMP 2021 - Book of abstracts. Strasbourg, France: French InterPore Chapter.
Peer reviewed

Tshibangu, K., Descamps, F., & Mabeka, N. (20 October 2021). Bassin houiller belge - historique et gestion de la ressource après-mine [Paper presentation]. Congrès de la Société de l'Industrie Minérale, Lille, France.

Georgieva, T. D., Ajdanlijsky, G., Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (09 October 2021). Geoengineering characterization of Lyulyakata limestone quarry, NE Bulgaria [Paper presentation]. EuroEngeo, Athens, Greece.

Georgieva, T. D., Descamps, F., Vandycke, S., Ajdanlijsky, G., & Tshibangu, K. (2021). Geomechanical evaluation of an abandoned chalk mine using in-situ measurements [Paper presentation]. EuroEngeo, Athens, Greece.

Dewaide, L., Descamps, F., Lefebvre, C., Pinon, C., & Watelet, J.-M. (15 September 2021). RISSC: towards a better management of cavity-related ground movements in Wallonia and Hauts-de-France regions [Paper presentation]. 7th International Geologica Belgica Meeting, Africa Museum Tervuren, Belgium.

Dewaide, L., Descamps, F., Lefebvre, C., Pinon, C., & Watelet, J.-M. (15 September 2021). RISSC: towards a better management of cavity-related ground movements in Wallonia and Hauts-de-France regions [Poster presentation]. 7th International Geologica Belgica Meeting, Africa Museum Tervuren, Belgium.

Van Alboom, G., Treve, C., Bottiau, M., & Descamps, F. (01 September 2021). Registratieproject geotechnicus / geotechnisch deskundige in België. Geotechniek, 25 (3), 40-43.

Geremia, D., David, C., Barnes, C., Menendez, B., Dautriat, J., Esteban, L., Sarout, J., Vandycke, S., & Descamps, F. (2021). Laboratory experiments of water injection coupled with ultrasonic monitoring reveal wave-induced fluid flow in microporous carbonate rock [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2021, virtual, Unknown/unspecified.

Geremia, D., David, C., Descamps, F., Menendez, B., Barnes, C., Vandycke, S., Dautriat, J., Esteban, L., & Sarout, J. (10 March 2021). Water-induced damage in microporous carbonate rock by low-pressure injection test. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 54, 5185-5206.
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Geremia, D., David, C., Zhengissov, A., Menendez, B., Barnes, C., Vandycke, S., Descamps, F., Dautriat, J., Esteban, L., & Sarout, J. (15 February 2021). Chemical degradation from water injection in critically stressed carbonate rock [Paper presentation]. 12th European Geothermal PhD Days, Cergy, Paris, France.

Descamps, F. (04 December 2020). Construire sur des roches altérées/évolutives : Compte-rendu de la journée technique SBGIMR du 21/11/2019 [Paper presentation]. Séance technique du Comité Français de Géologie de l'Ingénieur : Les terrains évolutifs, Paris, France.

Descamps, F., Lefebvre, C., Pacyna, D., Salmon, M., Yart, S., Cheppe, G., Watelet, J.-M., Dubois, M., Georgieva, T. D., Pinon, C., & Tshibangu, K. (2020). Amélioration transfrontalière de la prévention et de la gestion des risques du sous-sol engendrés par les terrains sous-cavés : Compte-rendu du colloque 'Gestion transfrontalière du risque cavités' (Lille, 14/11/2019) [Paper presentation]. Gestion transfrontalière du risque cavités, Lille, France.

Georgieva, T. D., Descamps, F., Vandycke, S., Ajdanlijsky, G., & Tshibangu, K. (03 November 2020). Caractérisation géomécanique d'une carrière souterraine abandonnée par des mesures in-situ [Paper presentation]. JNGG 2020 : Dixièmes journées nationales de géotechnique et de géologie de l'ingénieur - L'Innovation et la Formation pour relever les défis de demain, Lyon, France.
Peer reviewed

Kheffi, A., Watelet, J.-M., Lefebvre, C., Deudon, A., Dubois, M., & Descamps, F. (2020). RISSC : mieux gérer les risques liés aux cavités souterraines en Wallonie et dans les Hauts-de-France [Paper presentation]. JNGG 2020 : Dixièmes journées nationales de géotechnique et de géologie de l'ingénieur - L'Innovation et la Formation pour relever les défis de demain, Lyon, France.

Georgieva, T. D., Descamps, F., Vandycke, S., Ajdanlijsky, G., & Tshibangu, K. (02 November 2020). Caracterisation geotechnique d'une carriere souterraine abandonnee par mesures in-situ [Paper presentation]. JNGG 2020 : Dixièmes journées nationales de géotechnique et de géologie de l'ingénieur - L'Innovation et la Formation pour relever les défis de demain, Lyon, France.
Peer reviewed

Tshibangu, K., Gonze, N., & Descamps, F. (2020). Etude des dégâts miniers dans un dossier opposant les Charbonnages du Bois du Luc et un riverain à Trivières.

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (2020). Développement d'une méthodologie pour l'optimisation de carrière à moyen et long terme : Application à la carrière de Quenast - Phase 2.

Descamps, F., Dewaide, L., & Georgieva, T. D. (2020). RISSC: mieux gérer les risques du sous-sol engendrés par les terrains sous-cavés.

Wattier, M.-L., Vandycke, S., Gonon, M., Descamps, F., Mohammad, S., Wertz, P., & Tshibangu, K. (2020). Roughness indices determination for fracture surfaces in Luxemburg Sandstone [Paper presentation]. ISRM International Symposium Eurock 2020, Trondheim, Norway.

Descamps, F., Fay Gomord, O., Vandycke, S., Gonze, N., & Tshibangu, K. (2020). Connecting engineering properties of chalk to geological logging [Paper presentation]. ISRM International Symposium Eurock 2020, Trondheim, Norway.

Georgieva, T. D., Descamps, F., Gonze, N., Vandycke, S., Ajdanlijsky, G., & Tshibangu, K. (2020). Stability assessment of a shallow abandoned chalk mine of Malogne (Belgium). European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering. doi:10.1080/19648189.2020.176275
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Geremia, D., David, C., Barnes, C., Dautriat, J., Esteban, L., Sarout, J., Vandycke, S., Descamps, F., & Menéndez, B. (04 May 2020). Laboratory testing for monitoring of reservoir properties during water injection [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2020: Sharing Geoscience Online, Vienne, Austria.
Peer reviewed

Descamps, F., Georgieva, T. D., & Tshibangu, K. (14 November 2019). L'influence minière sur les ouvrages souterrains proches de la surface [Paper presentation]. Gestion transfrontalière du risque cavités, Lille, France.

Georgieva, T. D., Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (14 November 2019). La compréhension des mécanismes de ruine des cavités et caractérisation des terrains - application au site de la Malogne (Wallonie) [Paper presentation]. Gestion transfrontalière du risque cavités, Lille, France.

Gonze, N., Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (2019). 3D numerical modeling of rock cutting experiments under confining pressure through discrete element method [Paper presentation]. 14th International Congress on Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (ISRM 2019), Foz do Iguassu, Brazil.

Gonze, N., Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (18 September 2019). 3D numerical modeling of rock cutting experiments under confining pressure through discrete element method [Paper presentation]. 14th International Congress on Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (ISRM 2019), Foz do Iguassu, Brazil.

Descamps, F., Danis, D., Meessen, K., & Tshibangu, K. (2019). Influence of an open-pit quarry on the stability of an underground cavity [Paper presentation]. 14th International Congress on Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (ISRM 2019), Foz do Iguassu, Brazil.

Descamps, F., Danis, D., Meessen, K., & Tshibangu, K. (18 September 2019). Influence of an open-pit quarry on the stability of an underground cavity [Paper presentation]. 14th International Congress on Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (ISRM 2019), Foz do Iguassu, Brazil.

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (2019). Evaluation des réserves de la carrière d'Engis.

Descamps, F., Fay Gomord, O., Gonze, N., Vandycke, S., & Tshibangu, K. (2019). Geological and geomechanical study of three drillholes in the Mons Basin Chalk (Obourg site, Belgium).

Duez, J., Vincké, O., Descamps, F., & Ducobu, F. (2019). Deux de nos diplômés actifs dans le domaine de l'environnement. Polytech-News, n°57.

Descamps, F. (2019). Best Research Paper à Imperial College pour les travaux du Génie Minier sur les craies. Polytech.News n°57.

Descamps, F., Verbrugge, J.-C., Broux, A., Fay Gomord, O., & Schroeder, C. (05 March 2019). Influence of moisture content on several properties of Upper Cretaceous chalk [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs 2019 (MdC2019), Mons, Belgium.

Dupont, N., Papier, S., Cenci, J., Culot, S., Demarbaix, A., Descamps, F., Delcoucq, L., De Smet, I., Devalckeneer, A., Equeter, L., Guyot, C., Hambye, S., Jandrain, T., Leveque, M., Mégret, A., Monaco, C., Quenon, A., Quinten, J., Rosolen, G., ... Wattier, M.-L. (2019). Mardi des Chercheurs 2019 - Abstract book [Paper presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.

Georgieva, T. D., Descamps, F., Gonze, N., & Tshibangu, K. (05 March 2019). Stability assessment of an abandoned underground phosphatic chalk quarry [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.

Tshibangu, K., & Descamps, F. (21 February 2019). Caractérisation thermo-hydro-mécanique des roches au laboratoire [Paper presentation]. Journée d'étude SBGIMR 'Le stockage géologique des déchets nucléaires', Liège, Belgium.

Georgieva, T. D., Descamps, F., Gonze, N., & Tshibangu, K. (13 February 2019). Stability assessment of an abandoned underground chalk quarry [Paper presentation]. COGGUS², Nancy, France.

Mabeka, N., Descamps, F., Gonze, N., Vandycke, S., & Tshibangu, K. (07 December 2018). Collecting and organizing geological and mining data of the abandoned Monceau-Fontaine coal mine in order to assess residual gas reserves [Poster presentation]. UNITER PhD Day, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Wattier, M.-L., Vandycke, S., Bergerat, F., Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (25 October 2018). Roughness description and characterisation of major fractures in three different chalks of the North-West European basin [Paper presentation]. Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Lille, France.
Peer reviewed

Wattier, M.-L., Vandycke, S., Bergerat, F., Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (22 October 2018). Roughness description and characterisation of major fractures in Coniacian chalk at Wellington quarry (Arras, France) [Poster presentation]. Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Lille, France.

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (2018). Etude géotechnique en vue d'établir la distance minimale de sécurité entre le Trou Loulou et la carrière du Romont : Rapport technique 2018/06.

Wattier, M.-L., Vandycke, S., Gonze, N., Descamps, F., Barbier, M., & Tshibangu, K. (18 September 2018). Faulting and stability in a chalk quarry [Paper presentation]. Engineering in Chalk, Londres, United Kingdom.
Peer reviewed

Wattier, M.-L., Descamps, F., Vandycke, S., & Tshibangu, K. (18 September 2018). Chalk fractures geometry: a comprehensive description of fracture surfaces [Paper presentation]. Engineering in Chalk.
Peer reviewed

Wattier, M.-L., Descamps, F., Vandycke, S., & Tshibangu, K. (2018). Chalk fractures geometry: a comprehensive description of fractures surfaces. In Engineering in Chalk - Proceedings of the Chalk 2018 Conference (pp. 663-668). Londres, Unknown/unspecified: ICE Publishing.
Peer reviewed

Fay Gomord, O., Descamps, F., Soete, J., Vandycke, S., Tshibangu, K., & Swennen, R. (2018). Tight chalk : how does microtexture control petrophysical and geomechanical properties ? The role of clay flakes and calcite cements. In J. Lawrence, M. Preene, U. L. Lawrence, ... R. Buckley, Engineering in Chalk - Proceedings of the Chalk 2018 Conference. Londres, Unknown/unspecified: ICE Publishing.
Peer reviewed

Descamps, F., Verbrugge, J.-C., Broux, A., Fay Gomord, O., & Schroeder, C. (17 September 2018). Influence of moisture content on several properties of Upper Cretaceous chalk [Poster presentation]. Engineering in Chalk, Londres, United Kingdom.
Peer reviewed

Descamps, F., Verbrugge, J.-C., Broux, A., Fay Gomord, O., & Schroeder, C. (2018). Influence of moisture content on several properties of Upper Cretaceous chalk. In Engineering in Chalk - Proceedings of the Chalk 2018 Conference (pp. 639-644). Londres, United Kingdom: ICE Publishing. doi:10.1680/eiccf.64072.639
Peer reviewed

Mabeka, N., Descamps, F., Gonze, N., Vandycke, S., & Tshibangu, K. (13 September 2018). Collecting and organizing geological and mining data of the abandoned Monceau-Fontaine coal mine in order to assess geological resources [Poster presentation]. Geologica Belgica, Leuven, Belgium.

Wattier, M.-L., Vandycke, S., Bergerat, F., Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (12 September 2018). Roughness description and characterisation of major fractures in Coniacian chalk at Wellington quarry (Arras, France) [Poster presentation]. Geologica Belgica, Leuven, Belgium.

Mabeka, N., Descamps, F., Gonze, N., Vandycke, S., & Tshibangu, K. (10 September 2018). Collecting and organizing geological and mining data of the abandoned Monceau-Fontaine coal mine in order to assess geological ressources [Paper presentation]. Geologica Belgica, Leuven, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (2018). Developing a Methodology for Mid- and Long-term Quarry Optimization - Application to the Quenast quarry: Technical report 2018/04.

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (2018). Optimising the geological reserves in the Tournaisis area - Mining out the Rive Gauche deposit: Technical report 2018/03.

Fay Gomord, O., Verbiest, M., Lasseur, E., Caline, B., Allanic, C., Descamps, F., Vandycke, S., & Swennen, R. (27 May 2018). Geological and mechanical study of argillaceous North Sea chalk: Implications of fractured reservoirs. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 92, 962-978. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2018.03.037
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Descamps, F. (2018). Students on the Move - The Mining Trip: an Unforgettable Experience of in situ Teaching. Polytech.News n°56.

Wattier, M.-L., Vandycke, S., Bergerat, F., Danis, D., Descamps, F., Gonze, N., & Tshibangu, K. (20 March 2018). Roughness analysis in Chalk fractures [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs (MdC2018), Valenciennes, France.

Fay Gomord, O., Soete, J., Descamps, F., Vandycke, S., Caline, B., & Swennen, R. (10 October 2017). Tight Chalk : How do sedimentology and diagenesis influence microtexture? How does microtexture control reservoir properties? [Poster presentation]. 33rd International Association of Sedimentologists and 16th ASF Joint Meeting, Toulouse, France.

Descamps, F., Fay Gomord, O., Vandycke, S., Schroeder, C., Swennen, R., & Tshibangu, K. (2017). Relationships between geomechanical properties and lithotypes in NW European chalks. In J. P. Turner, D. Healy, R. R. Hillis, ... M. J. Welch, Geomechanics and Geology. The Geological Society. doi:10.1144/SP458.9
Peer reviewed

Avez, C., Coussement, G., Debailleux, L., Delaunois, F., Descamps, F., Ducobu, F., Dumont, E., Lupant, D., Rivière, E., & Vitry, V. (01 June 2017). Les techniques optiques de pointe au service de l'Ingénieur. Polytech.News, 55.

Descamps, F., Fay Gomord, O., Vandycke, S., Schroeder, C., Swennen, R., & Tshibangu, K. (07 March 2017). On the relationships between geomechanical properties and lithotypes in NW European chalks [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs (MdC2017), Mons, Belgium.

Kyona, C., Descamps, F., Fay Gomord, O., Ancia, P., & Tshibangu, K. (13 December 2016). Caractérisation de briques en terre crue incorporant des rejets de flottation de minerais cupro-cobaltifères [Poster presentation]. Young Researchers Overseas'Day, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Descamps, F., & Thomas, D. (2016). Les voyages forment les ingénieurs. Polytech.News, n°54.

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (2016). Demain, je serai... ingénieur civil des mines et géologue. Polytech.News, n°54.

Barbier, M., Louvet, C., Fay Gomord, O., Descamps, F., & Vandycke, S. (24 October 2016). Déformations cassantes et champ de contrainte enregistrés dans les craies du promontoire de Flamborough (Yorkshire, UK) [Paper presentation]. 25ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Caen, France.

Fay Gomord, O., Soete, J., Katika, K., Galaup, S., Caline, B., Descamps, F., Lasseur, E., Fabricius, I. L., Saiag, J., Swennen, R., & Vandycke, S. (24 October 2016). New insight into the microtexture of chalks from NMR analysis [Paper presentation]. 25ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Caen, France.
Peer reviewed

Tshibangu, K., & Descamps, F. (2016). Redesigning the geometry of the Makala Coal Mine to improve safety and productivity [Paper presentation]. 3rd International Symposium of Mine Safety, Science and Engineering, Montreal, Canada.

Fay Gomord, O., Descamps, F., Tshibangu, K., Vandycke, S., & Swennen, R. (15 July 2016). Unraveling chalk microtextural properties from indentation tests. Engineering Geology, 209, 30-43. doi:10.1016/j.enggeo.2016.05.005
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Descamps, F., Gonze, N., Vandycke, S., & Tshibangu, K. (2016). Etude des propriétés pétrophysiques et soniques des septariae contenues dans l'Argile de Boom.

Fay Gomord, O., Descamps, F., Caline, B., Vandycke, S., & Swennen, R. (2016). Tight Chalks - How Does Microtexture Affect Petrophysical and Geomechanical Properties? [Paper presentation]. 78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria.

Fay Gomord, O., Soete, J., Katika, K., Galaup, S., Caline, B., Descamps, F., Lasseur, E., Fabricius, I. L., Saïag, J., Swennen, R., & Vandycke, S. (15 May 2016). New insight into the microtexture of chalks from NMR analysis. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 75, 479-487.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Descamps, F., Gonze, N., Ancia, P., & Tshibangu, K. (2016). Le transport dans les mines et carrières. Polytech.News, n°53.

Descamps, F., Ancia, P., & Tshibangu, K. (2016). Congrès SIM 2015 : Mons, carrefour européen de l'industrie minérale et du recyclage. Polytech.News, n°53.

Descamps, F., Ngoybiyukaleza, B., Bokwala, F., Katwika, C., Kalenga, J., Muhota, A., Kyona, C., Ancia, P., & Tshibangu, K. (2016). Contribution au développement de l'exploitation rationnelle des gisements miniers congolais [Paper presentation]. Young Researchers Overseas' Day, Bruxelles, Belgium. doi:10.5281/zenodo.48043

Fay Gomord, O., Soete, J., Katika, K., Galaup, S., Caline, B., Descamps, F., Lasseur, E., Fabricius, I. L., Saïag, J., Swennen, R., & Vandycke, S. (26 January 2016). New insight into the microtexture of chalks from NMR analysis [Paper presentation]. 5th International Geologica Belgica Meeting, Mons, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Descamps, F., Fay Gomord, O., Vandycke, S., Van Landschoot, P., Leroy, Y., Caline, B., Schroeder, C., Swennen, R., & Tshibangu, K. (26 January 2016). Relations between lithology and geomechanical properties of chalks from NW Europe [Paper presentation]. 5th International Geologica Belgica Meeting, Mons, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Descamps, F., Fay Gomord, O., Vandycke, S., Van Landschoot, P., Leroy, Y., Caline, B., Schroeder, C., Swennen, R., & Tshibangu, K. (26 January 2016). Relations between lithology and geomechanical properties of chalks from NW Europe [Paper presentation]. 5th International Geologica Belgica Meeting, Mons, Belgium.

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (2016). Rapport technique 2016/01 : Etude sur l'étanchéité d'anciens puits de mine par injection de produits gélatineux.

Descamps, F., Fay Gomord, O., Vandycke, S., Van Landschoot, P., Leroy, Y., Caline, B., Schroeder, C., Swennen, R., & Tshibangu, K. (28 October 2015). Relations between lithology and geomechanical properties of chalks from NW Europe [Poster presentation]. Geology of Geomechanics, Londres, Unknown/unspecified.

Descamps, F., Fay Gomord, O., Vandycke, S., Van Landschoot, P., Leroy, Y., Caline, B., Schroeder, C., Swennen, R., & Tshibangu, K. (28 October 2015). Relations between lithology and geomechanical properties of chalks from NW Europe [Paper presentation]. Geology of Geomechanics, Londres, Unknown/unspecified.

Vandycke, S., Descamps, F., Id Boufker, F., Van Steenwinkel, Q., & Tshibangu, K. (28 October 2015). Linking shear fractures observed in laboratory to neoformed faulting structures: example in a Carboniferous limestone [Poster presentation]. Geology of Geomechanics, Londres, Unknown/unspecified.

Vandycke, S., Descamps, F., Id Boufker, F., Van Steenwinkel, Q., & Tshibangu, K. (28 October 2015). Linking shear fractures observed in laboratory to neoformed faulting structures: example in a Carboniferous limestone [Paper presentation]. Geology of Geomechanics, Londres, Unknown/unspecified.

Descamps, F., Vandycke, S., & Tshibangu, K. (2015). De l'étude géomécanique à la conception et la planfication des travaux en génie minier : une démarche intégrée. Polytech-News, n°52.

Descamps, F., Ducobu, F., & Demarbaix, A. (2015). MdC 2015 : un magicien polytechnicien gagne le Premier Prix Show Your PhD. Polytech-News, n°52.

Fay Gomord, O., Caline, B., Coppens, J., Descamps, F., Swennen, R., & Vandycke, S. (10 August 2015). Impact de la lithologie sur les modifications microtexturales diagénétiques associées à un plan de faille, Craie blanche d'Harmignies, Bassin de Mons [Paper presentation]. Colloque Géologie du Bassin parisien, cinquantenaire de l'Association des Géologues du Bassin de Paris, Paris, France.
Peer reviewed

Isebaert, A., De Boever, W., Descamps, F., Dils, J., Dumon, M., De Schutter, G., Van Ranst, E., Cnudde, V., & VanParys, L. (2015). Pore-related properties of natural hydraulic lime mortars: an experimental study. Materials and Structures. doi:10.1617/s11527-015-0684-5
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (10 May 2015). Effect of pore pressure on the three-dimensional limiting envelope of a porous rock [Paper presentation]. 13th International ISRM Congress, Montreal, Canada.

Descamps, F., Ramos da Silva, M., Schroeder, C., Verbrugge, J.-C., & Tshibangu, K. (10 May 2015). Effect of pore pressure on the three-dimensional limiting envelope of a porous rock [Paper presentation]. 13th International ISRM Congress, Montreal, Canada.

Descamps, F., Ramos da Silva, M., Schroeder, C., Verbrugge, J.-C., & Tshibangu, K. (2015). Effect of pore pressure on the three-dimensional limiting envelope of a porous rock [Paper presentation]. 13th International ISRM Congress, Montreal, Canada.

Tshibangu, K., & Descamps, F. (25 March 2015). Gaz de schiste et de charbon: quel défi technologique pour quelle opportunité? [Paper presentation]. Assemblée Générale de l'Association Belge des Techniques et de l'Urbanisme Souterrains. A.B.T.U.S, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Fay Gomord, O., Amédro, F., Caline, B., Descamps, F., Katika, K., Lasseur, E., Van Landschoot, P., Verbiest, M., Swennen, R., & Vandycke, S. (10 March 2015). Influence of sedimentation and diagenesis on tight chalk fracturing properties (Cap Blanc Nez, France) [Poster presentation]. 8ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2015 (MdC2015), Mons, Belgium.

Tshibangu, K., & Descamps, F. (26 January 2015). Le gaz de schiste: un eldorado aux Etats Unis, de quoi s'agit-t-il pour quelles perspectives en Europe? [Paper presentation]. Conférence au Club des Officiers du Régiment des Guides, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Descamps, F., Ngoybiyukaleza, B., Bokwala, F., Katwika, C., Kalenga, J., Muhota, A., Kyona, C., Ancia, P., & Tshibangu, K. (16 December 2014). Contribution au développement de l'exploitation rationnelle des gisements miniers congolais [Paper presentation]. Journée de rencontre 'Jeunes Chercheurs Outre-Mer', Bruxelles, Belgium.

Descamps, F., Ngoybiyukaleza, B., Bokwala, F., Katwika, C., Kalenga, J., Muhota, A., Kyona, C., Ancia, P., & Tshibangu, K. (16 December 2014). Contribution au développement de l'exploitation rationnelle des gisements miniers congolais [Poster presentation]. Journée de rencontre 'Jeunes Chercheurs Outre-Mer', Bruxelles, Belgium.

Descamps, F. (2014). Interview radio à propos de la journée d'étude sur les gaz de schiste et de charbon du 8 décembre 2014.

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (08 December 2014). Schistes et charbons :des réservoirs pas comme les autres [Paper presentation]. Gaz de schistes et de charbons: quelques aspects d'ingénierie, Mons, Belgium.

Tshibangu, K., & Descamps, F. (08 December 2014). Fracturation hydraulique : les clés pour comprendre [Paper presentation]. Gaz de schistes et de charbons: quelques aspects d'ingénierie, Mons, Belgium.

Descamps, F. (2014). On nous fera aimer le grisou : Quels gaz? Gaz de schiste, gaz de couche, gaz de mine. SudPresse, 5 décembre 2014.

Fay Gomord, O., Amédro, F., Caline, B., Descamps, F., Lasseur, E., Vanlandschoot, P., Vandycke, S., & Swennen, R. (30 October 2014). Influences respectives de la sédimentation et de la diagénèse sur les propriétés physiques et la fracturation de différents types de craie, Cap Blanc Nez, France [Paper presentation]. RST2014 Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Pau, France.
Peer reviewed

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (2014). La collaboration université-carrière : un duo gagnant. QuadrariaMag, le journal d'information de la Fédération de l'Industrie Extractive, octobre 2014.

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (2014). Comportement mécanique des roches : du poinçonnage sur petits échantillons aux essais sous sollicitations complexes.

Tshibangu, K., & Descamps, F. (06 June 2014). Characterizing the hydromechanical behavior of soft rocks and the impact on the designof engineering underground structures [Paper presentation]. ISRM Conference on Soft Rocks, Beijing, China.

Tshibangu, K., Descamps, F., & Ancia, P. (2014). LE VOYAGE « MINES » : une immersion au coeur du secteur minier sud-africain. Polytech News - le Journal de la Faculté Polytechnique, n°50, juin 2014.

Tshibangu, K., Descamps, F., & Di Paolo, G. (27 May 2014). Understanding the boundary effects by means of numerical modelling when performing punching test on small samples [Paper presentation]. European Symposium of the International Society for Rock Mechanics, Eurock 2014, Vigo, Spain.

Tshibangu, K., Descamps, F., & Di Paolo, G. (27 May 2014). Understanding the boundary effects by means of numerical modelling when performing punching test on small samples [Paper presentation]. European Symposium of the International Society for Rock Mechanics, Eurock 2014, Vigo, Spain.

Tshibangu, K., Descamps, F., & Di Paolo, G. (2014). Understanding the boundary effects by means of numerical modelling when performing punching test on small samples [Paper presentation]. European Symposium of the International Society for Rock Mechanics, Eurock 2014, Vigo, Spain.

Tshibangu, K., & Descamps, F. (20 May 2014). Exploitation des gaz de schiste: de quoi s'agit-il? : Research talks vol.7: Flambée du prix du pétrole, Louvain-la-Neuve [Paper presentation]. Research Talks Vol.7: Flambée du prix du pétrole, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Descamps, F., Tshibangu, K., Da Silva, N., & Regnard, S. (2014). Assessing Mechanical and Petrographic Properties of Fine-Grained Formations From Samples Collected in Deep Oil Wells [Paper presentation]. SPE/EAGE European Unconventional Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria.

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (2014). Rapport technique 2013/03 - Emprise des travaux miniers et situation hydrogéologique au niveau de la concession gazière de Péronne-Anderlues - Compléments.

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (29 January 2014). Evolution des enveloppes limites des matériaux poreux avec la pression de pore et la température [Paper presentation]. Groupe de contact du FNRS 'Géomécanique, couplages, ouvrages', Gembloux, Belgium.

Tshibangu, K., & Descamps, F. (15 January 2014). Engineering Aspects in Producing Shale Gas [Paper presentation]. AIMs Brussels Tech Event, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (18 December 2013). Evolution des enveloppes limites des matériaux poreux avec la pression de pore et la température [Paper presentation]. Journée Thématique du Centre de Recherche en Ingénierie des Matériaux de la Faculté Polytechnique de l'Université de Mons: 'Les matériaux poreux : de leur modélisation aux applications', Mons, Belgium.

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (2013). Emprise des travaux miniers et situation hydrogéologique au niveau de la concession gazière de Péronne-Anderlues : Rapport technique 2013-03.

Descamps, F., Da Silva, N., Regnard, S., & Tshibangu, K. (24 October 2013). A Database to Manage Rock Mechanical Properties and Assess Formation Abrasiveness for Drilling [Poster presentation]. International Symposium of the International Society for Rock Mechanics, Eurock 2013, Wroclaw, Poland.

Tshibangu, K., & Descamps, F. (11 October 2013). Engineering aspects of gas shales [Paper presentation]. Gas Shales in Belgium?, Namur, Belgium.

Tshibangu, K., & Descamps, F. (11 October 2013). Engineering Aspects in Producing Shale Gas [Paper presentation]. Gas Shales in Belgium?, Namur, Belgium.

Le, H.-T., Descamps, F., Nauroy, J.-F., Vincké, O., Cangémi, L., & Tshibangu, K. (24 September 2013). Assessing mechanical properties of a rock by indentation tests [Paper presentation]. International Symposium of the International Society for Rock Mechanics, Eurock 2013, Wroclaw, Poland.

Descamps, F., Da Silva, N., Regnard, S., & Tshibangu, K. (2013). A Database to Manage Rock Mechanical Properties and Assess Formation Abrasiveness for Drilling [Paper presentation]. International Symposium of the International Society for Rock Mechanics, Eurock 2013, Wroclaw, Poland.

Le, H.-T., Descamps, F., Nauroy, J.-F., Vincké, O., Cangémi, L., & Tshibangu, K. (2013). Assessing the mechanical properties of a rock using indentation tests [Paper presentation]. International Symposium of the International Society for Rock Mechanics, Eurock 2013, Wroclaw, Poland.

Tshibangu, K., Descamps, F., Rosini, J., Van Overbeke, V., & Jacquet, D. (2013). Considérations sur la compréhension des mécanismes d'abattage des roches à l'explosif dans le Tournaisis. Mines et Carrières, (203), 37-42.

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (31 January 2013). Caractérisation des géomatériaux par la technique du poinçonnage [Paper presentation]. Analyses multi-échelle des géomatériaux - Groupe de contact FNRS - Géomécanique, couplages, ouvrages, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (2013). Coring Shale Gas: Rapport technique 2013-01. FPMs.

Tshibangu, K., & Descamps, F. (2012). ISRM Suggested Method on Abrasivity.

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (2012). Coring Shale Gas: Rapport technique 2012-02. FPMs.

Descamps, F., Ramos da Silva, M., Schroeder, C., Verbrugge, J.-C., & Tshibangu, K. (01 December 2012). Limiting envelopes of a dry porous limestone under true triaxial stress states. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 56, 88-99.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Tshibangu, K., Descamps, F., Rosini, J., Van Overbeke, V., & Jacquet, D. (2012). Considérations sur la compréhension des mécanismes d'abattage des roches à l'explosif dans le Tournaisis (Belgique) [Paper presentation]. Congrès de la Société de l'Industrie Minérale, Caen, France.

Tshibangu, K., Descamps, F., Rosini, J., Vanoverbeke, V., & Jacquet, D. (2012). Considérations sur la compréhension des mécanismes d'abattage des roches à l'explosif dans le Tournaisis (Belgique) [Paper presentation]. Congrès de la Société de l'Industrie Minérale, Caen, France.

Tshibangu, K., & Descamps, F. (2012). The FPMs (UMons-Belgium) device for investigating the mechanical behavior of materials subjected to true triaxial compression. In True triaxial testing of rocks (Geomechanics Research Series 4) (pp. 51-59). CRC Press.

Tshibangu, K., & Descamps, F. (2012). Abrasion physical mechanisms in the drilling and boring processes - an overview to lead to an ISRM suggested method. FPMs.

Descamps, F., Ramos da Silva, M., Schroeder, C., Verbrugge, J.-C., & Tshibangu, K. (20 October 2011). Behaviour of carbonated rocks under true triaxial compression [Poster presentation]. 12th ISRM Congress on Rock Mechanics, Beijing, China.

Descamps, F., Ramos da Silva, M., Schroeder, C., Verbrugge, J.-C., & Tshibangu, K. (2011). Behaviour of carbonated rocks under true triaxial compression [Paper presentation]. 12th ISRM Congress on Rock Mechanics, Beijing, China.

Tshibangu, K., & Descamps, F. (17 October 2011). The FPMs (UMons-Belgium) device for investigating the mechanical behavior of materials subjected to true triaxial compression [Paper presentation]. Workshop on True Triaxial Testing of Rocks, Beijing, China.

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (22 March 2011). Comportement des roches carbonatées en conditions véritablement triaxiales [Poster presentation]. 6ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs (MDC 2011), Mons, Belgium.

Tshibangu, K., & Descamps, F. (2011). Engineering Challenges in the Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste and Carbon Dioxide. In Advances in Global Change Research 44 - Geological Disposal of Carbon Dioxide and RAdioactive Waste: A Comparative Assessment (pp. 185-214). Springer.

Tshibangu, K., & Descamps, F. (24 November 2010). Open pits slopes - case studies for deep quarries in Belgium [Paper presentation]. RSS 2010 Symposium - Rock Slope Stability, Centre de conférence Paris-Victoire, Paris, France.

Tshibangu, K., & Descamps, F. (2010). Open pits slopes - case studies for deep quarries in Belgium [Paper presentation]. RSS 2010 Symposium - Rock Slope Stability, Centre de conférence Paris-Victoire, Paris, France.

Descamps, F. (14 May 2010). Mécanismes de transport et défis du stockage géologique du CO2 et des déchets radioactifs [Paper presentation]. Développement du secteur minier congolais. Vers quel impact environnemental ?, Lubumbashi, Congo - Kinshasa.

Descamps, F. (14 May 2010). Mécanismes de transport et défis du stockage géologique du CO2 et des déchets radioactifs [Paper presentation]. Développement du secteur minier congolais. Vers quel impact environnemental ?, Lubumbashi, Congo - Kinshasa.

Descamps, F., Ramos da Silva, M., Schroeder, C., Tshibangu, K., & Verbrugge, J.-C. (03 January 2010). Limiting envelopes of a porous limestone under true triaxial stress states [Paper presentation]. 16th International Symposium on Plasticity and Its Current Applications - Finite Plasticity and Visco-plasticity of conventional and emerging materials, Marriott Resort, St. Kitts & Nevis.

Descamps, F., Ramos da Silva, M., Schroeder, C., Tshibangu, K., & Verbrugge, J.-C. (2010). Limiting envelopes of a porous limestone under true triaxial stress states [Paper presentation]. 16th International Symposium on Plasticity and Its Current Applications - Finite Plasticity and Visco-plasticity of conventional and emerging materials, Marriott Resort, St. Kitts & Nevis.

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (07 May 2009). Modélisation des enveloppes limites par différents critères [Paper presentation]. Réunion du groupe de contact FNRS - Géomécanique, couplages, ouvrages, Gembloux, Belgium.

Descamps, F. (07 May 2009). Modélisation des enveloppes limites par différents critères [Paper presentation]. Groupe de contact du FNRS ' Géomécanique, couplages, ouvrages', Gembloux, Belgium.

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (17 March 2009). Thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of a porous sandstone [Poster presentation]. Matinée des chercheurs (MDC'2009), Mons, Belgium.

Tshibangu, K., Ancia, P., & Descamps, F. (2008). Etude de faisabilité sur la récupération du méthane dans des couches vierges d'exploitation minière dans le Hainaut : Rapport 2008-02. FPMs.

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (29 June 2008). Development of an automated triaxial system for thermo-hydromechanical testing of rocks [Paper presentation]. 42nd US Rock Mechanics Symposium and 2nd U.S.-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, San Francisco, United States.

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (2008). Development of an automated triaxial system for thermo-hydromechanical testing of rocks [Paper presentation]. 42nd US Rock Mechanics Symposium and 2nd U.S.-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, San Francisco, United States.

Tshibangu, K., Ancia, P., & Descamps, F. (2008). Etude de faisabilité sur la récupération de méthane à partir des mines abandonnées dans le Hainaut : Rapport 2008/01. FPMs.

Descamps, F. (2007). Etude du comportement des roches poreuses saturées aux conditions de grande profondeur : Mise au point d'un système de compression triaxiale intégrant les effets de la pression de pore et de la température [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (01 September 2007). Modelling the limiting envelopes of rocks in the octahedral plane. Oil and Gas Science and Technology, 62 (5), 683-694. doi:10.2516
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (05 June 2007). Le comportement des roches à grande profondeur : Présentation des recherches menées à la FPMs [Paper presentation]. Groupe de contact du FNRS ' Géomécanique, couplages, ouvrages', Gembloux, Belgium.

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (13 March 2007). Modélisation des critères de rupture en plan octaédrique : Application aux essais polyaxiaux sur le Calcaire de Soignies [Poster presentation]. Matinée de Chercheurs de la Faculté Polytechnique de Mons, Mons, Belgium.

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (2006). On modeling of some classical failure criteria on the octahedral plane [Paper presentation]. 7th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Mons, Belgium.

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (29 May 2006). On modelling of some classical failure criteria on the octahedral plane [Paper presentation]. 7th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Mons, Belgium.

Descamps, F., Rodriguez, E., & Tshibangu, K. (2006). An automated procedure to build failure envelopes and model the Mohr-Coulomb criterion in the three-dimensional principal stresses space from polyaxial test data [Paper presentation]. International Symposium of the International Society for Rock Mechanics, Eurock 2006, Liège, Belgium.

Descamps, F., Rodriguez, E., & Tshibangu, K. (09 May 2006). An automated procedure to build failure envelopes and model the Mohr-Coulomb criterion in the three-dimensional principal stresses space from polyaxial test data [Paper presentation]. International Symposium of the International Society for Rock Mechanics, Eurock 2006, Liège, Belgium.

Descamps, F., Legrain, H., & Tshibangu, K. (10 March 2005). Development of an automated triaxial compression system to study the behaviour of saturated porous rocks in high depth conditions [Poster presentation]. Colloque international 'International Recopol Workshop', Szczyrk, Poland.

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (09 March 2005). Mise au point d'un système de compression triaxiale automatisée pour l'étude du comportement des roches poreuses saturées à grande profondeur [Poster presentation]. Matinée des chercheurs (MDC'2005), Mons, Belgium.

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (30 November 2004). Determination of rock properties using the punching test [Paper presentation]. ISRM International Symposium 3rd Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, .

Descamps, F., & Tshibangu, K. (2004). Determination of rock properties using the punching test [Paper presentation]. ISRM International Symposium 3rd Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, .

Tshibangu, K., Baele, J.-M., Bultynck, P., Dagrain, F., Descamps, F., Dupuis, C., Gerrienne, P., Godefroit, P., Gosselin, R., Hennebert, M., Legrain, H., De Ricqlès, A., Spagna, P., Steurbaut, E., Streel, M., & Vandycke, S. (16 January 2003). Sondages exploratoires dans le 'Cran aux iguanodons' de Bernissart [Paper presentation]. Réunion spéciale sur les Iguanodons de Bernissart, Institut des Sciences Naturelles, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Tshibangu, K., Dagrain, F., Descamps, F., Deschamps, B., & Legrain, H. (2002). Exploitation des mines : Notes de cours de 3ème et 4ème Mines.

Descamps, F. (2002). Evaluation des propriétés mécaniques d'une roche à partir de tests peu destructifs: poinçonnage et grattage [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

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