Vanderplaetse, B., Dupont, S., & Siebert, X. (2024). Influence of image encoders and image features transformations in emergent communication. European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN), 685-690. doi:10.14428/esann/2024.es2024-127 Peer reviewed |
Amel, O., Siebert, X., & Mahmoudi, S. (12 June 2024). Comparison Analysis of Multimodal Fusion for Dangerous Action Recognition in Railway Construction Sites. Electronics (Switzerland), 13 (12), 2294. doi:10.3390/electronics13122294 Peer reviewed |
Stassin, S.* , ENGLEBERT, A.* , Amel, O.* , Siebert, X., & Mahmoudi, S. (29 May 2024). Explaining Through Multimodal Transformer Input Sampling [Paper presentation]. Infortech Day 2024, Mons, Belgium. Editorial reviewed * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Amel, O., Mahmoudi, S., & Siebert, X. (29 May 2024). Multimodal Fusion for Dangerous Action Recognition in Railway Construction Sites [Paper presentation]. Infortech Day 2024, Mons, Belgium. Editorial reviewed |
Stassin, S., Corduant, V., MAHMOUDI, S., & Siebert, X. (30 December 2023). Explainability and Evaluation of Vision Transformers: An In-Depth Experimental Study. Electronics, 13 (1), 175. doi:10.3390/electronics13010175 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Denis, C., Hebiri, M., Ndjia njike, B. E., & Siebert, X. (2023). Active learning algorithm through the lens of rejection arguments. Machine Learning. doi:10.1007/s10994-023-06494-8 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
La fisca, L., Jennebauffe, C., Bruyneel, M., Ris, L., Lefebvre, L., Siebert, X., & Gosselin, B. (2023). Enhancing OSA Assessment with Explainable AI. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Peer reviewed |
Stassin, S., Amel, O., Siebert, X., & Mahmoudi, S. (24 May 2023). Best Approaches for Customs Fraud Detection [Paper presentation]. Infortech Day. |
La fisca, L., Jennebauffe, C., Bruyneel, M., Ris, L., Lefebvre, L., Siebert, X., & Gosselin, B. (2023). Explainable AI for EEG Biomarkers Identification in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Severity Scoring Task. Proceedings IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER). Peer reviewed |
Ndjia njike, B. E., & Siebert, X. (2023). Nonparametric active learning for cost-sensitive classification. Arxiv. |
Englebert, A., Stassin, S., Nanfack, G., Mahmoudi, S., Siebert, X., Cornu, O., & De Vleeschouwer, C. (2023). Explaining through Transformer Input Sampling. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision. IEEE Xplore. doi:10.1109/ICCVW60793.2023.00088 Peer reviewed |
Stassin, S., Amel, O., Mahmoudi, S., & Siebert, X. (2023). Similarity versus Supervision: Best Approaches for HS Code Prediction. In ESANN 2023 proceedings (31st). Peer reviewed |
Amel, O., Stassin, S., Mahmoudi, S., & Siebert, X. (2023). Multimodal Approach for Harmonized System Code Prediction. In ESANN 2023 proceedings (31st). Peer reviewed |
Amel, O., Mahmoudi, S., Siebert, X., & Hadjila fethallah. (24 August 2022). Multimodal learning for action recognition and customs fraud detection [Poster presentation]. deep learning indaba 2022, Tunis, Tunisia. Editorial reviewed |
Amel, O., Mahmoudi, S., & Siebert, X. (28 July 2022). Multimodal learning for customs fraud detection and action recognition [Paper presentation]. Deeplearn summer school 2022. Editorial reviewed |
Amel, O., Mahmoudi, S., Siebert, X., & Stassin, S. (30 March 2022). Review of multimodal approaches [Paper presentation]. Infortech day on Data science, Mons, Belgium. |
Stassin, S.* , Amel, O., Mahmoudi, S., & Siebert, X. (30 March 2022). Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing for Customs Fraud Prediction [Paper presentation]. InforTech Day, Mons, Belgium. Editorial reviewed |
Ndjia Njike, B. E., & Siebert, X. (2022). Multi-class classification in nonparametric active learning. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 151, 7124–7162. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Denis, C., Hebiri, M., Ndjia Njike, B. E., & Siebert, X. (2022). Active learning algorithm through the lens of rejection arguments. arxiv. |
Sihag, G., Delcroix, V., Grislin-Le Strugeon, E., Siebert, X., & Piechowiak, S. (2021). Temporal Data Simulation based on a real data set for fall prevention [Paper presentation]. 10èmes Journées Francophones sur les Réseaux Bayésiens et les Modèles Graphiques Probabilistes, Porquerolles, France. |
De Handschutter, P., Gillis, N., & Siebert, X. (10 August 2021). A Survey on Deep Matrix Factorizations. Computer Science Review, 42. Peer reviewed |
Delcroix, V., Sihag, G., Grislin-Le Strugeon, E., Siebert, X., Piechowiak, S., & Puisieux, F. (25 May 2021). Prédiction des facteurs de risque de chute chez les personnes âgées à partir d'observations partielles à l'aide d'un réseau bayésien [Paper presentation]. Colloque francophone chute de la personne âgée, Valenciennes, France. |
Sihag, G., Delcroix, V., Grislin-Le Strugeon, E., Siebert, X., Piechowiak, S., Gaxatte, C., & Puisieux, F. (2021). Evaluation of risk factors for fall in elderly using Bayesian networks: A case study. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. doi:10.1016/j.cmpbup.2021.100035 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Giudice, F., WEBER, T., Lessage, X., Mahmoudi, S., Mahmoudi, S., & Siebert, X. (2020). Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for mammographic abnormalities detection and segmentation. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Ndjia Njike, B. E., & Siebert, X. (2020). Nonparametric adaptive active learning under local smoothness condition. arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.11077, 2021. |
De Handschutter, P., Gillis, N., Vandaele, A., & Siebert, X. (01 March 2020). Near-Convex Archetypal Analysis. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 27 (1), 81-85. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Ndjia Njike, B. E., & Siebert, X. (22 November 2019). Nonparametric adaptive active learning under local smoothness condition [Paper presentation]. Grascomp Doctoral Day (GDD'19), UNamur, Belgium. |
Ndjia Njike, B. E., & Siebert, X. (2019). K-NN active learning under local smoothness assumption. |
Leplat, V., Gillis, N., Siebert, X., & Ang, M. S. (2019). Séparation aveugle de sources sonores par factorization en matrices positives avec pénalité sur le volume du dictionnaire. GRETSI. Peer reviewed |
Ndjia Njike, B. E., & Siebert, X. (2019). Nonparametric Active learning under local smoothness assumption [Paper presentation]. Conférence francophone sur l'apprentissage automatique, Toulouse, France. |
Ndjia Njike, B. E., & Siebert, X. (19 October 2018). Nonparametric active learning [Paper presentation]. Logic meets Learning, Umons, Belgium. |
Bellahdid, N., Siebert, X., & Abbas, M. (21 May 2018). Active learning classification strategies [Poster presentation]. 4th Algerian Congress of Mathematicians, Bourmedes, Algeria. |
Ndjia Njike, B. E., & Siebert, X. (02 February 2018). Risk bounds on statistical learning [Paper presentation]. 32nd Annual Conference of the Belgian Operational Research Society (ORBEL 32), Liège, Belgium. |
Bellahdid, N., Siebert, X., & Abbas, M. (01 February 2018). Comparison of active learning classification strategies [Paper presentation]. 32nd Annual Conference of the Belgian Operational Research Society (ORBEL 32), Liège, Belgium. |
Ndjia Njike, B. E., & Siebert, X. (07 March 2017). Apprentissage Statistique : Théorie et Applications [Poster presentation]. Huitième édition montoise du MdC : le Mardi des Chercheurs 2017, UMons, Belgique, 2017, Mons, Belgium. |
Bellahdid, N., Siebert, X., & Abbas, M. (21 January 2017). Active learning classification strategies [Paper presentation]. Journées Doctorales de Recherche Opérationnelle et Management, USTBH, Algeria. |
Siebert, X., Mélot, H., & Hulshof, C. (12 September 2016). Study of the robustness of descriptors for musical instruments classification [Poster presentation]. Belgian-Dutch Conference on Machine Learning, BeneLearn, Courtrai, Belgium. |
Slabchenko, O., Sydorenko, V., & Siebert, X. (15 August 2016). Development of models for imputation of data from social networks on the basis of an extended matrix of attributes. EasternEuropean Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4 (2), 82. Peer reviewed |
Hulshof, C., Siebert, X., & Mélot, H. (2016). NeoMI: a New Environment for the Organization of Musical Instruments [Paper presentation]. International Workshop on Folk Music Analysis, Dublin, Ireland. |
Gurrieri, M., Fortemps, P., & Siebert, X. (2014). Data Generation Techniques for Label Ranking [Paper presentation]. From Decision Aid to Preference Learning, Paris, France. |
Gurrieri, M., Siebert, X., Ait Taleb, N., Pirlot, M., & Fortemps, P. (2014). Data Generation Techniques for Label Ranking [Paper presentation]. From Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis to Preference Learning DA2PL 2014, Ecole Centrale Paris , France. |
Frisson, C., Dupont, S., Yvart, W., Riche, N., Siebert, X., & Dutoit, T. (2014). A Proximity Grid Optimization Method to Improve Audio Search for Sound Design [Paper presentation]. International Symposium/Conference on Music Information Retrieval, . |
Frisson, C., Dupont, S., Yvart, W., Riche, N., Siebert, X., & Dutoit, T. (2014). AudioMetro: Directing Search for Sound Designers Through Content-based Cues [Paper presentation]. Audio Mostly Conference, . doi:10.1145/2636879.2636880 |
Gurrieri, M., Fortemps, P., & Siebert, X. (2014). Reduction learning techniques for Label Ranking [Paper presentation]. 0th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Barcelona, Spain. |
Gurrieri, M., Fortemps, P., & Siebert, X. (2014). Alternative Decomposition Techniques for Label Ranking [Paper presentation]. 28th Conference on Quantitative Methods for Decision Making-ORBEL 2014, Mons , Belgium. |
Siebert, X. (2014). MediaCycle : A tool for interactive browsing of multimedia libraries [Paper presentation]. 28th Conference on Quantitative Methods for Decision Making-ORBEL 2014, Mons , Belgium. |
Gurrieri, M., Fortemps, P., & Siebert, X. (01 January 2014). Alternative Decomposition Techniques for Label Ranking. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 443 (2), 464-474. Peer reviewed |
Mancas, M., Dutoit, T., D'alessandro, N., Siebert, X., Gosselin, B., & Valderrama, C. (2013). Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment: 5th International ICST Conference, INTETAIN 2013 [Paper presentation]. 5th International ICST Conference, INTETAIN 2013, Mons, Belgium. |
Gurrieri, M., Fortemps, P., & Siebert, X. (2013). Label Ranking with Preference Intensity [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Data Analysis 2013, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
Gurrieri, M., Siebert, X., & Fortemps, P. (2013). Label Ranking with Preference Intensity [Paper presentation]. 26th European Conference on Operational Research , EURO/INFORMS MMXIII, Rome, Italy. |
Gurrieri, M., Fortemps, P., & Siebert, X. (2013). Label Ranking with Intensity of Preference [Paper presentation]. 26th European Conference on Operational Research , EURO/INFORMS MMXIII, Rome, Italy. |
Borzee, F., Mousseau, V., Pirlot, M., Siebert, X., & Viappiani, P. (2013). Bayesian Recommendations and Utility Elicitation with Intensity of Preference Statements [Paper presentation]. 26th European Conference on Operational Research , EURO/INFORMS MMXIII, Rome, Italy. |
Gurrieri, M., Fortemps, P., & Siebert, X. (20 March 2013). Rule Based Label Ranking [Paper presentation]. Présentation de 45' pendant le WORKSHOP: UNCERTAINTY IN MACHINE LEARNING, Marburg, Germany. |
Frisson, C., Dupont, S., Moinet, A., Picard, C., Ravet, T., Siebert, X., & Dutoit, T. (2013). VideoCycle: user-friendly navigation by similarity in video databases [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the Multimedia Modeling Conference (MMM), Video Browser Showdown session, Huangshan, China. |
Frisson, C., Dupont, S., Moinet, A., Picard, C., Ravet, T., Dutoit, T., & Siebert, X. (07 January 2013). VideoCycle: User-Friendly Navigation by Similarity in Video Databases. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7733, 550-553. Peer reviewed |
Gurrieri, M., Siebert, X., Fortemps, P., Greco, S., & Slowinski, R. (24 November 2012). Label Ranking: A New Rule-Based Label Ranking Method. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 297, 613-623. Peer reviewed |
Gurrieri, M., Siebert, X., Fortemps, P., Slowinski, R., & Greco, S. (2012). Reduction from Label Ranking to Binary Classification [Paper presentation]. From Multiple Criteria Decision Aid to Preference Learning DA2PL 2012, Mons, Belgium. |
Pirlot, M., Gurrieri, M., & Siebert, X. (2012). DA2PL'2012: From Multiple Criteria Decision Aid to Preference Learning [Paper presentation]. From Multiple Criteria Decision Aid to Preference Learning DA2PL 2012, Mons, Belgium. |
Frisson, C., Dupont, S., Leroy, J., Moinet, A., Ravet, T., Siebert, X., & Dutoit, T. (2012). LoopJam: turning the dance floor into a collaborative instrumental map [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the 12th Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME'12), Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States - Michigan. |
Frisson, C., Dupont, S., Leroy, J., Moinet, A., Ravet, T., Siebert, X., & Dutoit, T. (2012). LoopJam : une Carte Musicale Collaborative sur la Piste de Danse [Paper presentation]. Actes des Journées d'Informatique Musicale (JIM 2012), Mons, Belgium. |
Mancas, M., De Beul, D., Riche, N., & Siebert, X. (2012). Human Attention Modelization and Data Reduction. In Video Compression. InTech. |
Dupont, S., Frisson, C., Leroy, J., Moinet, A., Ravet, T., Siebert, X., & Urbain, J. (2011). LoopJam [Paper presentation]. NEM 2011, Torino, Italy. |
Frisson, C., Dupont, S., Siebert, X., & Dutoit, T. (2011). Similarity in media content: digital art perspectives [Paper presentation]. ISEA 2011, Istanbul, Turkey. |
Frisson, C., Dupont, S., Leroy, J., Moinet, A., Ravet, T., & Siebert, X. (01 June 2011). LoopJam: a collaborative musical map on the dance floor. Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 4 (2), 37-40. |
Dupont, S., Frisson, C., Urbain, J., Mahmoudi, S., & Siebert, X. (01 March 2011). MEDIABLENDER : INTERACTIVE MULTIMEDIA SEGMENTATION. Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 4 (1), 1-6. |
Tardieu, D., Siebert, X., Mazzarino, B., Chessini Bose, R., Dubois, J., Dupont, S., Varni, G., & Visentin, A. (01 September 2010). Browsing a dance video collection: dance analysis and interface design. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, 4 (1), 37-46. |
Frisson, C., Dupont, S., Siebert, X., Tardieu, D., Dutoit, T., & Macq, B. (2010). DeviceCycle: rapid and reusable prototyping of gestural interfaces, applied to audio browsing by similarity [Paper presentation]. Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Sydney, Australia. |
Tardieu, D., Siebert, X., Mazzarino, B., & Blumenthal, B. (2010). An interactive installation for browsing a dance video database [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo, Singapore. |
Dupont, S., Frisson, C., Siebert, X., & Tardieu, D. (2010). Browsing sound and music librairies by similarity [Paper presentation]. 128th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, . |
Tardieu, D., Siebert, X., Mazzarino, B., & Blumenthal, B. (01 April 2010). An interactive installation for browsing an dance video database [Paper presentation]. Le Fresnoy, Studio National des Arts Contemporains, Tourcoing, Tourcoing, France. |
Chufan, E., Prigge, S., Siebert, X., Eipper, B., Mains, R., & Amzel, L. (2010). Differential reactivity between two copper sites in peptidylglycine alpha-hydroxylating monooxygenase (PHM). Journal of the American Chemical Society. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Siebert, X., Dupont, S., Frisson, C., & Tardieu, D. (2009). MultiMediaCycle: consolidating the hyforge framework towards improved scalability and usability [Paper presentation]. QPSR of the numediart research program, . |
Tardieu, D., Dubois, J., Chessini Bose, R., Dupont, S., Mazzarino, B., Hidot, S., Moinet, A., Siebert, X., Varni, G., & Visentin, A. (01 September 2009). Video Navigation Tool: Application to browsing a database of dancers' performances. Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 2 (3), 85-90. |
Tardieu, D., Chessini Bose, R., Dubois, J., Dupont, S., Hidot, S., Mazzarino, B., Siebert, X., Varni, G., & Visentin, A. (2009). Video Navigation Tool: Application to browsing a database of dancers performances [Paper presentation]. 5th International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces - eNTERFACE'09, Genova, Italy. |
Siebert, X., & Navaza, J. (01 July 2009). Urox 2.0: an interactive tool for fitting atomic models into electron microscopy reconstructions. Acta Crystallographica. Section D, Biological Crystallography, 65, 651-658. doi:10.1107/S0907444909008671 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Dupont, S., Dubuisson, T., Mills, J., Moinet, A., Siebert, X., Tardieu, D., & Urbain, J. (26 June 2009). LaughterCycle. Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 2 (2), 23-32. |
Siebert, X., Dupont, S., Fortemps, P., & Tardieu, D. (01 March 2009). MediaCycle: browsing and performing with sound and image libraries. Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 2 (1). |
Frisson, C., Reboursière, L., Filatriau, J.-J., Todoroff, T., & Siebert, X. (01 March 2009). Behavioral Installations : emergent audiovisual installations influencd by visitor's behaviours. Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 2 (5). |
Mancas, M., Bagein, M., Guichard, N., Hidot, S., Machy, C., Mahmoudi, S., & Siebert, X. (01 December 2008). Project # 4.3 : augmented virtual studio. Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 1 (4), 147-155. |
Siebert, X., & Navaza, J. (26 June 2008). UROX, an interactive tool for fitting atomic models into low-resolution maps [Paper presentation]. New algorithms in macromolecular crystallography and Electron Microscopy, Leiden, Netherlands. |
Libersou, S., Siebert, X., Ouldali, M., Estrozi, L., Navaza, J., Charpilienne, A., Garnier, P., Poncet, D., & Lepault, J. (26 June 2008). Geometry mismatches within the concentric layers of rotavirus particles : a potential regulatory switch of the rotavirus transcription activity. Journal of Virology, 82 (6), 2844-52. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Gutsche, I., Vujicic-Žagar, A., Siebert, X., Servant, P., Vannier, F., Castaing, B., Gallet, B., Heulin, T., de Groot, A., Sommer, S., & Serre, L. (2008). Complex oligomeric structure of DdrA : a protein required for the extreme radiotolerance of Deinococcus. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Trapani, S., Siebert, X., & Navaza, J. (26 June 2007). The concept of resolution in the domain of rotations. Acta Crystallographica. Section A, Foundations of Crystallography, 63 (2), 126-130. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Amzel, L. M., Siebert, X., Armstrong, A., & Pabon, G. (26 June 2005). Thermodynamic Calculations in biological systems. Biophysical Chemistry, 117, 239-254. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Siebert, X., Eipper, B., Mains, R., Prigge, S., Blackburn, N., & Amzel, L. M. (26 June 2005). The catalytic copper of PHM also plays a critical structural role. Biophysical Journal, 89 (5), 3312-3319. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Siebert, X., & Amzel, L. M. (26 June 2004). Loss of translational entropy in molecular associations. Proteins, 54 (1), 104-115. Peer reviewed |
Siebert, X., & Hummer, G. (26 June 2002). Hydrophobicity maps of the N-peptide coiled coil of HIV-1 gp41. Biochemistry, 41 (9), 2956-2961. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |