Gambale, A., Mosca, G., & Gremmo, S. (2019). Mesh generation for building aerodynamics: challenges, best practices and lessons learned [Paper presentation]. MASCOT2018 Conference, Rome, Italy. |
Gambale, A., Mosca, G., & Gremmo, S. (02 October 2018). Mesh generation for building aerodynamics: challanges, best practices and lessons learned [Paper presentation]. MASCOT2018 Conference, Rome, Italy. |
Mosca, G., Lupant, D., & Gambale, A. (2013). AIE COMBUSTION ALTERNE: Equipement à combustion diluée pour des mélanges gazeux à faible pouvoir calorifique Visa n° 11/18910. |
Mosca, G., Lupant, D., Gambale, A., & Lybaert, P. (2013). Effect of the Air Preheating Temperature on Flameless Combustion of Low Calorific, Alternative Fuels [Paper presentation]. European Combustion Meeting, Lund, Sweden. |
Gambale, A., Lupant, D., & Lybaert, P. (2012). Application of chemiluminescence imaging of OH-radical to flameless combustion of hydrogen containing, low-calorific gases [Paper presentation]. 7th International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Palermo, Italy. |
Gambale, A., Parente, A., Lupant, D., & Lybaert, P. (09 September 2012). NOx prediction in computational fluid dynamics simulation of flameless combustion [Paper presentation]. The 9th EuroMech Fluid Mechanics Conference, Rome, Italy. |
Gambale, A., Lupant, D., & Lybaert, P. (11 June 2012). Flameless combustion of hydrogen containing, low-calorific gases on a laboratory-scale furnace [Poster presentation]. 17è congrès des membres de l'International Flame REsearch Foundation, Paris, France. |
Gambale, A., Lupant, D., Pesenti, B., & Lybaert, P. (2012). Experimental investigation on flameless combustion of Coke Oven Gas [Paper presentation]. 11th International Conference on Combustion and Energy Utilization, Coimbra, Portugal. |
Gambale, A., & Lupant, D. (2011). Equipement à combustion diluée pour des mélanges gazeux à faible pouvoir calorifique (Visa n° 10/39834/POLA) : Accord d'exécution 'Energy Conservation and Emissions Reduction in Combustion' de l'Agence Internationale de l'Energie. |
Gambale, A., Lupant, D., Pesenti, B., & Lybaert, P. (15 September 2011). Experimental and numerical investigation of flameless combustion of low calorific value gases for the iron and steel industry [Poster presentation]. Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Cagliari, Italy. |