Nguyen, P.-D., Nguyen, H.-T., Domingo, P., Vervisch, L., Mosca, G., Gazdallah, M., Lybaert, P., & Feldheim, V. (2022). Flameless combustion of low calorific value gases, experiments and simulations with advanced radiative heat transfer modeling. Physics of Fluids. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Gambale, A., Mosca, G., & Gremmo, S. (2019). Mesh generation for building aerodynamics: challenges, best practices and lessons learned [Paper presentation]. MASCOT2018 Conference, Rome, Italy. |
Gambale, A., Mosca, G., & Gremmo, S. (02 October 2018). Mesh generation for building aerodynamics: challanges, best practices and lessons learned [Paper presentation]. MASCOT2018 Conference, Rome, Italy. |
Mosca, G., Lupant, D., & Lybaert, P. (18 September 2017). Effect of increasing load on the MILD combustion of COG and its blend in a 30 kW furnace using low air preheating temperature. Energy Procedia, 120, 262-269. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.07.201 Peer reviewed |
Mosca, G., Lupant, D., & Lybaert, P. (2017). Effect of increasing load on the MILD combustion of COG and its blend with BFG in a 30 kW furnace using low air preheating temperature [Paper presentation]. 11th european conference on industrial furnaces and boilers (INFUB-11), Albufeira, Portugal. |
Mosca, G., & Lupant, D. (2016). AIE SIMULTWO: Simulation de la combustion sans flamme du syngas et adaptation du four de 30 kW. |
Mosca, G., & Lupant, D. (26 June 2016). In-furnace measurements of species and temperature during the MILD combustion of a COG/BFG blend on a 30 kW chamber [Paper presentation]. 38th IEA task Leaders Meeting, Ruka, Finland. |
Mosca, G., & Lupant, D. (19 May 2016). In-furnace measurements of MILD combustion of a blend from industrial by-products on a 30 kW chamber [Paper presentation]. 24th « Journées d'Etude » of the Belgian Section of the Combustion Institute, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. |
Mosca, G., & Lupant, D. (2015). AIE COMSYNBIO: Etude expérimentale et modélisation de la combustion diluée de syngaz et de biogaz. |
Fortunato, V., Mosca, G., Lupant, D., & Parente, A. (28 August 2015). Reduced NO Mechanisms Validation for a Coke Oven Gas Fed Flameless Furnace [Paper presentation]. 1st annual meeting of the SMARTCATs COST action, Thessaloniki, Greece. |
Mosca, G., & Lupant, D. (02 August 2015). Mild combustion of biogas on a 30 kW and 200 kW lab furnaces: scale effects and influence of the geometrical configuration [Paper presentation]. 37th IEA Combustion Task Leaders Meeting, St Andrews, United Kingdom. |
Nguyen, P. D., Ghazal, G., Gambale, A., Lupant, D., & Mosca, G. (2015). Combustion CFD of diluted combustion in pilot and industrial furnaces [Paper presentation]. 10th european conference on industrial furnaces and boilers (INFUB-10), Porto, Portugal. |
Mosca, G., Lupant, D., Gambale, A., & Lybaert, P. (2015). Diluted combustion of by-product gases on a 30kW lab-scale furnace: Effect of the Air preheating temperature [Paper presentation]. 10th european conference on industrial furnaces and boilers (INFUB-10), Porto, Portugal. |
Mosca, G. (2014). Experimental and numerical study on flameless combustion of low LHV fuels - Progress Report 2014 PHD. |
Mosca, G., & Lupant, D. (23 October 2014). Diluted combustion of Low Calorific, Alternative fuels on a 30 kW furnace [Poster presentation]. Journée des Jeunes Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium. |
Mosca, G., & Lupant, D. (09 October 2014). Diluted combustion of Low Calorific, Alternative fuels on a 30 kW furnace [Paper presentation]. IEA-SPW/Combustion Réunion de coordination annuelle, Mons, Belgium. |
Mosca, G., & Lupant, D. (2014). AIE BIO100FLAM: Equipement à combustion diluée pour des biogaz à faible pouvoir calorifique Visa n° 13/18703/TIHO. |
Mosca, G., & Lupant, D. (09 June 2014). Diluted combustion of Low Calorific, Alternative fuels on a 30 kW furnace [Paper presentation]. 36th IEA Task Leaders Meeting, Stavanger, Norway. |
Mosca, G., & Lupant, D. (27 May 2014). Diluted combustion of Low Calorific, Alternative fuels on a 30 kW furnace [Poster presentation]. Journée d'Études, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Mosca, G., & Lupant, D. (22 April 2014). Diluted combustion of Low Calorific, Alternative fuels on a 30 kW furnace [Poster presentation]. Joint Meeting of the French and Italian sections (IFRF), Pisa, Italy. |
Mosca, G. (2013). Experimental and numerical study on flameless combustion of low LHV fuels - Progress Report PHD. |
Mosca, G. (23 August 2013). Flameless Oxidation - Test Campaign 2012-2013 [Paper presentation]. IEA-SPW/Combustion Réunion de coordination annuelle, Liège, Belgium. |
Mosca, G., Lupant, D., & Gambale, A. (2013). AIE COMBUSTION ALTERNE: Equipement à combustion diluée pour des mélanges gazeux à faible pouvoir calorifique Visa n° 11/18910. |
Mosca, G., Lupant, D., Gambale, A., & Lybaert, P. (2013). Effect of the Air Preheating Temperature on Flameless Combustion of Low Calorific, Alternative Fuels [Paper presentation]. European Combustion Meeting, Lund, Sweden. |