
Dominicus Virginie

Main Referenced Co-authors
BRUYNINCKX, Marielle  (2)
CAUCHIE, Dimitri  (2)
DUTRIEUX, Mélanie  (2)
Main Referenced Keywords
General Earth and Planetary Sciences (1); General Environmental Science (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Sociology & social sciences (2)

Publications (total 2)

Bruyninckx, M., Dutrieux, M., Cauchie, D., & Dominicus, V. (10 April 2014). Supporting the wives of imprisoned husbands: a psychosocial approach of the needs and difficulties [Paper presentation]. Global Social Sciences Conference, Hong Kong, China.

Bruyninckx, M., Dutrieux, M., Cauchie, D., & Dominicus, V. (05 April 2014). Supporting the Wives of Imprisoned Husbands: a Psychosocial Approach of the Needs and Difficulties [Paper presentation]. Global Social Sciences Conference 'Social Development Confronting Global Challenges: Action, Policy, Planning and Social Work Intervention', Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR China.

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