Ghesquiere, L., & Troughton, F. (13 December 2024). What a subtitle! A contrastive and parallel study of English, French and Dutch exclamatives using OpenSubtitles 2018 data [Paper presentation]. BAAHE 2024: (Trans)Portable: English in the world, Brussels, Belgium. Peer reviewed |
Troughton, F., & Ghesquiere, L. (30 May 2024). What a change! On the exclamative and its translation [Paper presentation]. 10th International Conference on Intercultural Pragmatics and Communication (INPRA), Pisa, Italy. Peer reviewed |
Troughton, F. (20 July 2023). Projected Meaning in English and French: The Embedded Exclamative [Paper presentation]. 10th International Contrastive Linguistics Conference, Mannheim, Germany. Peer reviewed |
Troughton, F. (2023). Quelle traduction ! A study of the translation of French quel and English what exclamatives in political discourse. Meta: Journal des Traducteurs, 68 (2), 245-264. Peer reviewed |
Troughton, F., & Ghesquiere, L. (02 December 2022). I never realized how controversial it was: On the embedded exclamative [Paper presentation]. BAAHE Conference 2022: Undercurrents: Challenging the Mainstream. Peer reviewed |
Delneste, S., Gillet, M., Hayette, M., Kazmierczak, L., Marion, J., Stilmant, N., & Troughton, F. (2022). Les doctorants vous parlent de la recherche (vulgarisation du doctorat auprès des étudiants de BAB2 de la FTI-EII). |
Troughton, F. (10 September 2021). How Revealing! The Embedded Exclamative in Translation [Paper presentation]. Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (6th edition), Bertinoro, Italy. |
Ghesquiere, L., & Troughton, F. (2021). What a Change! A Diachronic Study of Exclamative what Constructions. Journal of English Linguistics. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Gravet, C., Fauvaux, T., Costa, B., GUILLERMO DOTHAS, J. M., Rondou, K., Bouallagui, F., Hiramatsu, N., HENN, C., Kajdanski, J.-M., Caruso, G., Eriksen, M., Ogbourne, K., Menounou, A., Balandina, D., Hou, G., Zhang, G., Troughton, F., & Gravet, C. (Ed.). (2019). Marie Delcourt, 'Thierry'. Nouvelle. Texte original et traductions en néerlandais, allemand, picard, anglais, italien, espagnol, grec, danois, russe, chinois, japonais et arabe. UMONS Travaux & documents. |
Troughton, F. (30 November 2018). Quelle intensité! A study of the translation of French and English exclamatives using quel and what [Paper presentation]. BAAHE 2018 Conference 'Intensity', Mons, Belgium. |
Troughton, F. (12 September 2018). Quelle traduction! A study of translation of the English exclamative clause into French [Poster presentation]. Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (5th edition), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. |
Ghesquiere, L., & Troughton, F. (28 August 2018). What a change: A diachronic study of exclamative 'what' constructions [Paper presentation]. 20th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. |
Troughton, F. (16 May 2018). A categorisation of the English exclamative clause and its translation into French [Poster presentation]. Journée des Doctorants ED 3bis 'Langues, Lettres et Traductologie', Namur, Belgium. |
Troughton, F., & Ghesquiere, L. (24 May 2017). What a transformation! On what's development from identity to degree [Paper presentation]. ICAME 38 (International Computer Archive for Modern and Medieval English 38), Prague, Czechia. |