
Mégret Alexandre

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté Polytechnique > Service de Métallurgie

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté Polytechnique > Service de Science des Matériaux

Main Referenced Co-authors
VITRY, Véronique  (46)
DELAUNOIS, Fabienne  (30)
YUNACTI, Muslum  (10)
Montagne, Alex (7)
Bonin, Luiza  (4)
Main Referenced Keywords
Cemented Carbide (4); Hardness (4); Recycled Powder (4); WC-Co (4); Cemented carbide (3);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
CRIM - Ingénierie des matériaux (33)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Materials science & engineering (47)
Chemistry (10)
Physics (8)
Mechanical engineering (3)
Education & instruction (2)

Publications (total 50)

The most downloaded
Equeter, L., Cools, A., Cultrera, L., Dupont, N., Fays, V., Giancola, K., Gillet, M., Glineur, C., Heyman, M., Invernizzi, S., Lucassen, L., Main, J., Mégret, A., Menet, Q., Mincheva, R., Pirson, F., Sobczak, F., Thiebault, F., Vachaudez, A., ... Vitry, V. (2024). Abstract book du Mardi des Chercheurs 2024. Abstract book du Mardi des Chercheurs.

The most cited

83 citations (Scopus®)

Vitry, V., Hastir, J., Mégret, A., Yazdani, S., Yunacti, M., & Bonin, L. (24 November 2021). Recent advances in electroless nickel‑boron coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology, 429.

Moreno Turiegano, L., Mégret, A., Paint, Y., Gonon, M. F., Vitry, V., & Olivier, M. (2025). Comparison of spark and soft regimes in the PEO process in terms of corrosion and wear performance of AZ31 alloy for biomedical applications. Materials Today Communications, 42, 111440. doi:10.1016/j.mtcomm.2024.111440
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Mégret, A., Delaunois, F., Vitry, V., Quenon, C., & Simon, S. (28 November 2024). Apport des analyses métallurgiques dans l'étude d'objets métalliques de la région de Mons [Paper presentation]. Journées d'Archéologie en Wallonie 2024.

Akbarzadeh, S., Klumpp, R. E., Mégret, A., Ölmez, V., Vitry, V., & Olivier, M. (30 October 2024). Breakthrough in aluminum protection: Electrochemical and wear insights into sol-gel sealed PEO-coated AA2024-T3 and AA2198-T851. Surface and Coatings Technology, 494, 131510. doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2024.131510
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Mégret, A., Prince, L., Vitry, V., & Delaunois, F. (2024). Corrosion and tribological characterizations of a recycled tungsten carbide powder. Euro PM2024 Congress Proceedings.
Peer reviewed

Delaunois, F., Mégret, A., & Vitry, V. (October 2024). Archeometrical Study of the Middle Ages artefacts found near Mons, Belgium [Paper presentation]. IMAT 2024, Cleveland, United States.

Leclef, A., Mégret, A., Vitry, V., Jules Renaud, Arnaud Tricoteaux, & Christelle Nivot. (2024). Carbon-doped FeMn binders for tungsten carbide. Euro PM2024 congress Proceedings.
Peer reviewed

Akbarzadeh, S., Klumpp, R. E., Mégret, A., Dupont Vedi, Vitry, V., & Olivier, M. (02 July 2024). Exploring sol-gel sealing capabilities for PEO-coated AA2024-T3 and AA2198-T851 aluminum alloys: Electrochemical and Wear investigations [Paper presentation]. Journées d'Electrochimie 2024.
Peer reviewed

Mégret, A., Vitry, V., & Delaunois, F. (2024). Failure Analysis of a Ball Milling Machine, Used for the Preparation of Cemented Carbide Composites. Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention. doi:10.1007/s11668-024-01947-1
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Equeter, L., Cools, A., Cultrera, L., Dupont, N., Fays, V., Giancola, K., Gillet, M., Glineur, C., Heyman, M., Invernizzi, S., Lucassen, L., Main, J., Mégret, A., Menet, Q., Mincheva, R., Pirson, F., Sobczak, F., Thiebault, F., Vachaudez, A., ... Vitry, V. (2024). Abstract book du Mardi des Chercheurs 2024. Abstract book du Mardi des Chercheurs.

Mégret, A., Quenon, C., Vitry, V., & Delaunois, F. (26 March 2024). Etude métallographique des objets métalliques retrouvés lors des fouilles du Château de Boussu en 2023 [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs 2024.

Leclef, A., Mégret, A., Vitry, V., & Tricoteaux, A. (26 March 2024). Green alternative binders for tungsten carbide [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs.

Leclef, A., & Mégret, A. (2024). Liants alternatifs au cobalt pour le carbure de tungstène [Paper presentation]. Show your PhD.

Mégret, A., Vitry, V., & Delaunois, F. (06 February 2024). Study Of Niobium Carbide As Grain Growth Inhibitor In Cemented Tungsten Carbides [Poster presentation]. 18th European Inter-Regional Conference on Ceramics.
Peer reviewed

Mégret, A. (2023). Recyclability of cemented carbide powder: optimisation of milling and sintering parameters [Doctoral thesis, UMONS - Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Mégret, A., Rodriguez, P., Broeckmann, C., Vitry, V., & Delaunois, F. (2023). Influence of the amount of recycled cemented carbide powder on the mechanical properties of WC-Co parts sintered by unconventional technologies. Euro PM2023 Congress Proceedings.
Peer reviewed

Yazdani, S., Zgorzelak, S., Mégret, A., & Vitry, V. (04 July 2023). Wear Behavior of Ni/Nanodiamond Nanocomposites Electrodeposition Coating [Paper presentation]. Thermec'2023.

Stanciu, V. I., Mégret, A., Vitry, V., & Delaunois, F. (28 June 2023). Investigation about the possibility to make cemented carbide structures by reactive sintering [Paper presentation]. Workshop for Multi-Functional Materials: from Synthesis to Applications, Valencienne, France.

Mégret, A., Vitry, V., & Delaunois, F. (07 June 2023). Substitution du cobalt par un alliage nickel-bore dans les carbures cémentés [Paper presentation]. La Métallurgie: quel avenir!, Grenoble, France.

Mégret, A., Prince, L., Olivier, M.-G., & Vitry, V. (16 February 2023). Tribo- and Tribocorrosion Properties of Magnesium AZ31 Alloy. Coatings, 13 (2), 448. doi:10.3390/coatings13020448
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Mégret, A., Vitry, V., & Delaunois, F. (February 2023). The effect of boron-doped cobalt additions on mechanical properties of a recycled WC-Co powder. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 111, 106098. doi:10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2022.106098
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Vitry, V.* , Mégret, A., Khalid, H. A., Staia, M. H., Montagne, A., & Yunacti, M.*. (20 December 2022). Selection of New Heat Treatment Conditions for Novel Electroless Nickel-Boron Deposits and Characterization of Heat-Treated Coatings. Coatings, 13 (1), 1. doi:10.3390/coatings13010001
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Mégret, A., Vitry, V., & Delaunois, F. (26 October 2022). Etudes thermodynamique et mécanique de nouveaux liants pour les carbures de tungstène [Paper presentation]. Matériaux 2022, Lille, France.
Editorial reviewed

Yunacti, M., Mégret, A., Montagne, A., & Vitry, V. (October 2022). Effets des traitements thermiques sur les propriétés mécaniques et tribologiques de revêtements chimiques nickel-bore innovants [Paper presentation]. Matériaux 2022, Lille, France.

Vitry, V., Papanaoum, M., Mégret, A., & Delaunois, F. (13 September 2022). Even failure analysts can blow things up, it seems [Paper presentation]. IMAT 2022, New Orleans, United States - Louisiana.

Delaunois, F., Mégret, A., & Vitry, V. (13 September 2022). Teaching good practices in Failure Analysis to students to help them react efficiently to damage in their professional career [Paper presentation]. IMAT2022, New Orleans, United States.
Editorial reviewed

Mégret, A., Leclef, A., Vitry, V., & Delaunois, F. (06 September 2022). Thermodynamic and mechanical investigations of novel binders for cemented carbides [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs 2022 (MdC2022), Mons, Belgium.

Mégret, A., Vitry, V., & Delaunois, F. (2022). The effect of boron-doped cobalt additions on mechanical properties of a recycled WC-Co powder. Proceeding of 20th Plansee Seminar.

Mégret, A., Vitry, V., & Delaunois, F. (01 April 2022). High-energy ball milling of WC-10Co: Effect of the milling medium and speed on the mechanical properties. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 104. doi:10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2021.105774
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Delaunois, F., Stanciu, V. I., Mégret, A., & Sinnaeve, M. (March 2022). Oxidation and wear behavior of high-speed steel and semi-high-speed steel used in hot strip mill. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 119 (1-2), 677-689. doi:10.1007/s00170-021-08031-0
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Vitry, V., Hastir, J., Mégret, A., Yazdani, S., Yunacti, M., & Bonin, L. (24 November 2021). Recent advances in electroless nickel‑boron coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology, 429.
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Yunacti, M., Vitry, V., Mégret, A., Montagne, A., & Staia, M. H. (2021). Characterization of Electroless Nickel-Boron Deposit from Optimized Stabilizer-Free Bath. Coatings.
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Yunacti, M.* , Vitry, V., Mégret, A., & Montagne, A. (23 September 2021). Effect of heat treatment on a novel tin-stabilized electroless nickel-boron coating [Paper presentation]. Virtual Eurocorr, Virtual, Hungary.

Delaunois, F., Mégret, A., & Vitry, V. (13 September 2021). Interest in advanced microscopy for the failure analysis of metallic components [Paper presentation]. Internatinal Materials, Applications & Technologies IMAT2021, Saint Louis, Missouri, United States.

Delaunois, F., Mégret, A., & Vitry, V. (23 June 2021). Failure analysis of metallic components due to improper materials and fabrication method [Paper presentation]. ICEAF VI : Conference of Engineering Against Failure, Virtual, Greece.

Yunacti, M., Mégret, A., Montagne, A., & Vitry, V. (11 June 2021). Corrosion resistance of electroless NiB coatings synthesized in a bath free of stabilizing agent [Paper presentation]. International Metallurgy and Materials congress, Istanbul/Virtual, Turkey.

Vitry, V., Bonin, L., Yunacti, M., Mégret, A., & Delaunois, F. (01 June 2021). Electroless nickel boron coatings, can it replace hard chrome? [Paper presentation]. Thermec'2021, Graz, Austria.

Mégret, A., Sibille, T., Vitry, V., & Delaunois, F. (30 March 2021). Study of the stability of electroless cobalt boron baths - E-WC project [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs 2021, Valenciennes, France.

Yunacti, M., Vitry, V., Mégret, A., & Montagne, A. (30 March 2021). Selection of the reducing agent concentration in a stabilizer free electroless nickel boron deposit bath [Paper presentation]. Mardi des chercheurs, Valenciennes, France.

Mégret, A., Vitry, V., & Delaunois, F. (17 March 2021). Study of the Processing of a Recycled WC-Co Powder: Can It Compete with Conventional WC-Co Powders? Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy, 7, 448-458.
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Yunacti, M., Mégret, A., Montagne, A., & Vitry, V. (07 September 2020). Development and characterization of electroless NiB coatings in a bath free of stabilizing agent [Paper presentation]. Virtual Eurocorr2020, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Vitry, V., Bonin, L., Yunacti, M., Mégret, A., & Delaunois, F. (07 March 2020). Electroless nickel-boron coatings, can it replace hard chrome? [Paper presentation]. SIXTH ASIAN CONFERENCE ON HEAT TREAT AND SURFACE ENGINEERING, Chennai, India.

Mégret, A., Vitry, V., & Delaunois, F. (2019). Impact of the Amount of Recycled Cemented Carbide Powder on the Sintering Behavior of WC-Co Parts. Euro PM2019 Congress Proceedings.
Peer reviewed

Vitry, V., Mégret, A., & Bonin, L. (29 June 2019). Characterization and heat treatment of purely binary nickel-boron alloys deposited by electroless plating [Paper presentation]. SMT33, Naples, Italy.

Mégret, A., Vitry, V., & Delaunois, F. (13 March 2019). Effect of the addition of doped-cobalt on the properties of recycled tungsten carbide powder sintered by SPS [Paper presentation]. Electric Field Enhanced Processing of Advanced Materials II: Complexities and Opportunities.

Dupont, N., Papier, S., Cenci, J., Culot, S., Demarbaix, A., Descamps, F., Delcoucq, L., De Smet, I., Devalckeneer, A., Equeter, L., Guyot, C., Hambye, S., Jandrain, T., Leveque, M., Mégret, A., Monaco, C., Quenon, A., Quinten, J., Rosolen, G., ... Wattier, M.-L. (2019). Mardi des Chercheurs 2019 - Abstract book [Paper presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.

Mégret, A., Vitry, V., & Delaunois, F. (05 March 2019). Study of the sinterability of a recycled tungsten carbide powder [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs 2019 (MdC2019), Mons, Belgium.

Mégret, A., Thuault, A., Broeckmann, C., Sistla, S. K., Vitry, V., & Delaunois, F. (21 November 2018). Frittage des carbures de tungstène-cobalt recyclés [Paper presentation]. Matériaux 2018, Strasbourg, France.

Mégret, A., Stanciu, V. I., Thuault, A., Broeckmann, C., Sistla, S. K., Vitry, V., & Delaunois, F. (2018). Unconventional Sintering of a Commercial Cemented WC-6Co Hardmetal. Euro PM2018 Congress Proceedings.
Peer reviewed

Mégret, A., Stanciu, V. I., Thuault, A., Vitry, V., & Delaunois, F. (19 June 2018). Microwave sintering of cemented tungsten-cobalt carbides [Poster presentation]. International Symposium on Inorganic and Environmental Materials, Gent, Belgium. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.32962.89287

Mégret, A., Vitry, V., & Delaunois, F. (27 March 2018). Unconventional sintering of cemented WC-Co carbides [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs 2018, Valenciennes, France. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.31795.94242

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