
Belarbi Mohammed Amin

Main Referenced Co-authors
MAHMOUDI, Sidi  (19)
MAHMOUDI, Saïd  (17)
Belalem, Ghalem (12)
EL ADOUI, Mohammed  (4)
DEBAUCHE, Olivier  (2)
Main Referenced Keywords
Cloud computing (1); GPU (1); Heterogeneous architectures (1); HPC, AI, Multimedia (1); Image and video processing (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
CRTI - Centre de Recherche en Technologie de l'Information (12)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Electrical & electronics engineering (20)
Radiology, nuclear medicine & imaging (9)
Computer science (8)

Publications (total 24)

The most downloaded
Mahmoudi, S., & Belarbi, M. A. (2018). Towards a Smart Selection of Cloud Resources for Multimedia Big Data Computing. In 3rd NESUS Winter School and PhD Symposium on Data Science and Heterogeneous Computing. COST IC 1305.

The most cited

40 citations (OpenAlex)

Belarbi, M. A., Mahmoudi, S., & Belalem, G. (01 October 2017). PCA as Dimensionality Reduction for Large-Scale Image Retrieval Systems. International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence, 8 (4), 45-58. doi:10.4018/IJACI.2017100104

Cools, A., Belarbi, M. A., & MAHMOUDI, S. (2025). CAReNet: A Promising AI Architecture for Low Data Regime Mixing Convolutions and Attention. In Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-78698-3_3
Peer reviewed

Laabassi, K., Belarbi, M. A., Mahmoudi, S., Mahmoudi, S., & Ferhat, K. (01 March 2021). Wheat varieties identification based on a deep learning approach. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences, 20 (5), 281-289.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Mahmoudi, S., Belarbi, M. A., Mahmoudi, S., Belalem, G., & Manneback, P. (21 February 2020). Multimedia processing using deep learning technologies, high-performance computing cloud resources, and Big Data volumes. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 32 (17). doi:10.1002/cpe.5699
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Mahmoudi, S., Belarbi, M. A., Dadi, E. W., Mahmoudi, S., & Benjelloun, M. (2019). Cloud-Based Image Retrieval Using GPU Platforms. Computers.
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Belarbi, M. A., Mahmoudi, S., Mahmoudi, S., & Belalem, G. (20 May 2019). Dimensionality Reduction in Large Scale Image Databases [Poster presentation]. Infortech Day, Mons, Belgium.

Belarbi, M. A., Mahmoudi, S., Mahmoudi, S., & Belalem, G. (2019). A New Parallel and Distributed Approach for Large Scale Images Retrieval. Lecture Notes in Network and Systems. Intelligent Technologies and Robotics.
Peer reviewed

Mahmoudi, S., Belarbi, M. A., & Manneback, P. (2019). Towards a Smart Exploitation of GPUs for Low Energy Motion Estimation Using Full HD and 4K Videos. Lecture Notes in Network and Systems. Intelligent Technologies and Robotics.
Peer reviewed

Mahmoudi, S., Belarbi, M. A., El Adoui, M., Larhmam, M., & Lecron, F. (2018). Real Time Web-based Toolbox for Computer Vision. Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts.
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Debauche, O., Mahmoudi, S., Belarbi, M. A., El Adoui, M., & Mahmoudi, S. (2018). Internet of Things: learning and practices: Application to Smart Home [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and Networking (CommNet'18), Marrakech, Morocco. doi:10.1109/COMMNET.2018.8360247

Mahmoudi, S., Belarbi, M. A., Ammar, M., Abbou, A., & Mahmoudi, S. (2018). GPU-Low-Energy Tracking of the Left Ventricle in the Cloud. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Peer reviewed

Mahmoudi, S., & Belarbi, M. A. (01 March 2018). Multimedia Indexation using Deep Learning in Big Data (MIDL) [Paper presentation]. eNTERFACE'18: eNTERFACE Summer Workshops, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Mahmoudi, S., & Belarbi, M. A. (2018). Towards a Smart Selection of Cloud Resources for Multimedia Big Data Computing. In 3rd NESUS Winter School and PhD Symposium on Data Science and Heterogeneous Computing. COST IC 1305.

Belarbi, M. A., Mahmoudi, S., Mahmoudi, S., & Belalem, G. (2018). CBIR in cloud with large scale images. In 3rd NESUS Winter School and PhD Symposium on Data Science and Heterogeneous Computing. COST IC 1305.

Belarbi, M. A., Mahmoudi, S., Belalem, G., & Mahmoudi, S. (2017). Web-based Multimedia Research and Indexation for Big Data Databases [Paper presentation]. CloudTech 2017 : The 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications, Rabat, Morocco.

Belarbi, M. A., Mahmoudi, S., & Belalem, G. (01 October 2017). PCA as Dimensionality Reduction for Large-Scale Image Retrieval Systems. International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence, 8 (4), 45-58. doi:10.4018/IJACI.2017100104
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Mahmoudi, S., Belarbi, M. A., Mahmoudi, S., & Belalem, G. (2017). Towards a Smart Selection of Resources in the Cloud for Low-energy Multimedia Processing. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Mahmoudi, S., Debauche, O., El Adoui, M., & Belarbi, M. A. (2017). L'Internet des Objets met la lumière dans tous ses états. Polytech News (2017).

Mahmoudi, S., El Adoui, M., Belarbi, M. A., Larhmam, M., & Lecron, F. (2017). Cloud-based Platform for Computer Vision Applications [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Smart Digital Environment (ICSDE'17), Rabat, Morocco.

Belarbi, M. A., Mahmoudi, S., Mahmoudi, S., & Belalem, G. (07 March 2017). Dimensionality Reduction in Large Scale Image Databases [Poster presentation]. Huitième édition montoise du MdC : le Mardi des Chercheurs 2017, UMons, Belgique, 2017, Mons, Belgium.

Mahmoudi, S., & Belarbi, M. A. (24 February 2017). Cloud-based High Performance Multimedia Processing [Paper presentation]. Second NESUS Winter School & PhD Symposium 2017, .

Belarbi, M. A., Mahmoudi, S., Mahmoudi, S., & Belalem, G. (01 February 2017). Dimensionality Reduction in Large Scale Image [Paper presentation]. Second NESUS Winter School & PhD Symposium 2017, .

Belarbi, M. A., Mahmoudi, S., & Belalem, G. (2016). Indexing videos by key frames [Paper presentation]. The Dutch-Belgian DataBase Day, Mons, Belgium.

Belarbi, M. A., Mahmoudi, S., & Belalem, G. (2016). Indexing Video by the Content. Advances in Soft Computing.
Peer reviewed

Belarbi, M. A., Belalem, G., & Mahmoudi, S. (2015). Research and automatic video indexing by content [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Multimedia Information processing, Mascara, Algeria.

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