[en] Industrial concerns arise regarding the significant cost of cutting tools in machining process. In particular, their
improper replacement policy can lead either to scraps, or to early tool replacements, which would waste fine tools. ISO
3685 provides the flank wear end-of-life criterion. Flank wear is also the nominal type of wear for longest tool lifetimes
in optimal cutting conditions. Its consequences include bad surface roughness and dimensional discrepancies. In order to
aid the replacement decision process, several tool condition monitoring techniques are suggested. Force signals were
shown in the literature to be strongly linked with tools flank wear. It can therefore be assumed that force signals are
highly relevant for monitoring the condition of cutting tools and providing decision-aid information in the framework of
their maintenance and replacement. The objective of this work is to correlate tools flank wear with numerically computed
force signals. The present work uses a Finite Element Model with a Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian approach. The
geometry of the tool is changed for different runs of the model, in order to obtain results that are specific to a certain level
of wear. The model is assessed by comparison with experimental data gathered earlier on fresh tools. Using the model at
constant cutting parameters, force signals under different tool wear states are computed and provide force signals for each
studied tool geometry. These signals are qualitatively compared with relevant data from the literature. At this point, no
quantitative comparison could be performed on worn tools because the reviewed literature failed to provide similar
studies in this material, either numerical or experimental. Therefore, further development of this work should include
experimental campaigns aiming at collecting cutting forces signals and assessing the numerical results that were achieved
through this work