
Rocca François

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté Polytechnique > Service de Qualité, Accompagnement, Pédagogie

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté Polytechnique > Service Information, Signal et Intelligence artificielle

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté Polytechnique > Service CLICK

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté Polytechnique > Information, Signal et Intelligence artificielle

Main Referenced Co-authors
MANCAS, Matei  (15)
GOSSELIN, Bernard  (8)
Leroy, Julien  (7)
DUVIVIER, Valérie  (5)
DAVE, Madison  (4)
Main Referenced Keywords
Simulation-based training (2); Activity recognition and understanding (1); ARC Sim'Pro (1); Assistance tool (1); caméra ZED2 (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
CRTI - Centre de Recherche en Technologie de l'Information (3)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Computer science (9)
Library & information sciences (8)
Education & instruction (7)
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (5)
Physics (3)

Publications (total 28)

The most downloaded
Rocca, F., Mancas, M., & Gosselin, B. (2014). Head Pose Estimation by Perspective-n-Point Solution Based on 2D Markerless Face Tracking. In Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment. Reidsma, Dennis.

The most cited

12 citations (Scopus®)

Leroy, J., Rocca, F., Mancas, M., & Gosselin, B. (2013). Second screen interaction: an approach to infer TV watcher's interest using 3D head pose estimation [Paper presentation]. LiME, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Duvivier, V., Rocca, F., Kinart, A., Dave, M., Mancas, M., Gosselin, B., Van daele, A., Derobertmasure, A., & Demeuse, M. (28 August 2024). Simulating and Supporting Pre-Service Teachers' Activities in Professional Training Presentation of the ARC Sim’Pro project [Poster presentation]. 22ème édition triennale du Congrès International de l'Association Ergonomique, Jeju, South Korea.

Duvivier, V., Rocca, F., Kinart, A., Derobertmasure, A., & Demeuse, M. (27 August 2024). Technology and trainer support in simulation. The case of Arc Sim'Pro and the use of ZED2 cameras for detailed participant monitoring [Paper presentation]. 22ème édition triennale du Congrès International de l'Association Ergonomique, Jeju, South Korea.
Peer reviewed

Housni, S., Kumps, A., Rocca, F., Temperman, G., & De Lièvre, B. (06 March 2024). Codobot: un dispositif soutenant les élèves dans l'apprentissage des concepts de base en programmation. Qu’en disent les enseignants lors de la découverte du jeu? Evaluer: Journal International de Recherche en Education et Formation, 9 (1), 29-51.
Peer reviewed

Mancas, M., Rocca, F., Dubois, L.-A., & Derobertmasure, A. (2024). L’intelligence artificielle au service de la formation professionnelle basée sur la simulation. In N. Loye & N. Duroisin (Eds.), Evaluation, Apprentissage et Numérique (pp. 219-252). Bruxelles, Belgium: Peter Lang Éditions Scientifiques Internationales.
Editorial reviewed

Duvivier, V., Dave, M., Kinart, A., & Rocca, F. (27 November 2023). Présentation du projet ARC Sim'Pro et des travaux de recherche en cours [Paper presentation]. Séminaire sur la simulation à visée de Formation.

Rocca, F., Dave, M., Duvivier, V., Van Daele, A., Demeuse, M., Derobertmasure, A., Mancas, M., & Gosselin, B. (2023). Designing an Assistance Tool for Analyzing and Modeling Trainer Activity in Professional Training Through Simulation. Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences (IMX ’23). doi:10.1145/3573381.3596475
Peer reviewed

Duvivier, V., Dave, M., Rocca, F., Demeuse, M., & Merchez, F. (2023). Les cafés de l'INAS - épisode 13 "La formation professionnelle par la simulation".

Rocca, F. (10 January 2023). ARC Sim'Pro : La technologie au service du formateur [Paper presentation]. Seminaire INAS.

Rocca, F. (September 2022). ARC-Sim’Pro : analyse et modélisation des comportements lors de formations : Présentations des outils utilisés dans le projet [Poster presentation]. Mardi des chercheurs 2022, Mons, Belgium.

Rocca, F., Nihoul, B., Blanckaert, A., Ceccotti, L., Dibattista, L., Ponsard, C., & Feron, T. (2021). Être un facilitateur efficace : Qu'est-ce qu'un bon facilitateur ? Son rôle a-t-il évolué suite à la pandémie de 2019 ? La distance et le travail de co-innovation en ligne ont-ils eu un impact sur sa façon de travailler ?

Rocca, F. (30 March 2021). Codobot : le robot ludique qui aide les enfants à l'apprentissage des concepts de base en programmation [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs 2021, Valenciennes, France.

Rocca, F., De Deken, P.-H., Bandrabur, A., & Mancas, M. (2018). Enter the ROBiGAME: Serious game for stroke patients with upper limbs rehabilitation [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the 10th International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces - eNTERFACE'15, Mons, Belgium.

Temperman, G., Rocca, F., & De Lièvre, B. (10 January 2018). Orange robotique [Paper presentation]. Ecole numérique : présentation des projets Tandem, Namur, Belgium.

Heins, S., Dehem, S., Montedoro, V., Rocca, F., De Deken, P.-H., Edwards, M., Dehez, B., Mancas, M., Stoquart, G., & Lejeune, T. (2017). Robotic-assisted serious game for motor and cognitive post-stroke rehabilitation [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health, Perth, Australia.

Rocca, F., De Deken, P.-H., Grisard, F., Mancas, M., & Gosselin, B. (2015). Real-Time Marker-Less Implicit Behavior Tracking for User Profiling in a TV Context. casa 2015 : 28th international conference on computer animation and social agents 2015 - Proceedings Short Papers (ISBN: 978-981-09-4946-4 ).
Peer reviewed

Rocca, F., Mancas, M., Grisard, F., Leroy, J., Ravet, T., & Gosselin, B. (2015). Head pose estimation & TV Context: current technology. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Frisson, C., Riche, N., Coutrot, A., Delestage, C.-A., Dupont, S., Ferhat, O., Guyade, N., Mahmoudi, S., Mancas, M., Mital, P. K., Ech aniz, A. P., Rocca, F., Rochette, A., & Yvart, W. (2014). Auracle: how are salient cues situated in audiovisual content? The 10th International Summer Workshop on Multimedia Interfaces.

Rocca, F. (2014). When TV meets the Web: towards personalised digital media. In Semantic Multimedia Analysis and Processing. CRC Press.

Tsatsou, D., Mancas, M., Kuchar, J., Nixon, L., Vacura, M., Leroy, J., Rocca, F., & Mezaris, V. (2014). When TV meets the Web: towards personalised digital media. In Semantic Multimedia Analysis and Processing. CRC Press.

Rocca, F., Mancas, M., & Gosselin, B. (2014). Head Pose Estimation by Perspective-n-Point Solution Based on 2D Markerless Face Tracking. In Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment. Reidsma, Dennis.

Frisson, C., Rocca, F., Dupont, S., Dutoit, T., Grobet, D., Giot, R., El Brouzi, M., Bouaziz, S., Yvart, W., & Leleu-Merviel, S. (2014). Tangible Needle, Digital Haystack: Tangible Interfaces for Reusing Media Content Organized by Similarity [Paper presentation]. Tangible and Embedded Interaction, . doi:10.1145/2540930.2540983

Mancas, M., Rocca, F., Grisard, F., Tsatsou, D., Kliegr, T., Kuchar, J., & Stein, D. (2014). Contextualisation solution and implementation: Deliverable D4.6 FP7 project LinkedTV.

Sabato, C., Giraudet, A., Delattre, V., Desnos, Y., Frisson, C., Giot, R., Yvart, W., Rocca, F., Dupont, S., Vandem Bemden, G., Leleu-Merviel, S., & Dutoit, T. (10 January 2014). Scenarizing CADastre Exquisse: A Crossover between Snoezeling in Hospitals/Domes, and Authoring/Experiencing Soundful Comic Strips. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8326, 22-33. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-04117-9_3
Peer reviewed

Leroy, J., Rocca, F., & Gosselin, B. (2013). Proxemics Measurement During Social Anxiety Disorder Therapy Using a RGBD Sensors Network [Paper presentation]. MICCAI 2013 workshop on Bio-Imaging and Visualization for Patient-Customized Simulations, Nagoya, Japan.

Leroy, J., Rocca, F., Mancas, M., & Gosselin, B. (2013). 3D Head Pose Estimation for TV Setups. In Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment. Springer.

Leroy, J., Rocca, F., Mancas, M., & Gosselin, B. (2013). Second screen interaction: an approach to infer TV watcher's interest using 3D head pose estimation [Paper presentation]. LiME, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Leroy, J., Rocca, F., Mancas, M., Ben Madhkour, R., Grisard, F., Kliegr, T., Kuchar, J., Vit, J., Pirner, I., & Zimmermann, P. (2013). KINterestTV-Towards Non-invasive Measure of User Interest While Watching TV. In Innovative and Creative Developments in Multimodal Interaction Systems. Springer.

Zajega, F., Mancas, M., Ben Madhkour, R., Leroy, J., Riche, N., Rocca, F., Dutoit, T., & Yves, R. (07 November 2012). KinAct: the attentive social game demonstration [Paper presentation]. Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Daejeon, South Korea.

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