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Pre-service teachers' conceptions on explicit, socioconstructivist and transmissive approaches to teaching and learning in French Speaking Belgium
Gravé, Chloé; Bocquillon, Marie; Friant, Nathanaël et al.
2020In Studies on Quality Teachers and Quality Initial Teacher Education


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Keywords :
[en] pedagogical conceptions; [en] socioconstructivist approach; [en] pre-service teachers; [en] transmissive approach; [en] explicit teaching
Abstract :
[en] Building upon Wanlin and Crahay this research aims at identifying the conceptions of pre-service teachers on transmissive, socioconstructivist and explicit approaches. While Wanlin and Crahay designed a questionnaire measuring the extent to which pre-service teachers embraced the transmissive and/or socioconstructivist approach, we hypothesise that explicit teaching is a distinct dimension of the model that needs to be apprehended by specific items and that may be embraced by some pre-service teachers. We designed a questionnaire including these new items on explicit teaching in addition to Wanlin and Crahay's items and administered it to 563 pre-service primary and secondary teachers in six training institutions in French-speaking Belgium. Our results do not support our starting hypothesis. Further focusing on transmissive and socioconstructivist conceptions in our respondents, our analyses show that the socioconstructivist conception is widely shared but do not systematically oppose a transmissive conception. We found evidence of effects related to institution, year of study and type of training on these conceptions.
Disciplines :
Education & instruction
Author, co-author :
Gravé, Chloé
Bocquillon, Marie ;  Université de Mons > Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l'Education > Service de Méthodologie et formation
Friant, Nathanaël ;  Université de Mons > Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l'Education > Service de Méthodologie et formation
Demeuse, Marc  ;  Université de Mons > Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l'Education > Service de Méthodologie et formation
Language :
Title :
Pre-service teachers' conceptions on explicit, socioconstructivist and transmissive approaches to teaching and learning in French Speaking Belgium
Publication date :
01 December 2020
Main work title :
Studies on Quality Teachers and Quality Initial Teacher Education
Publisher :
Foundation for the Development of the Education System
Pages :
Research unit :
P316 - Méthodologie et formation
Research institute :
R150 - Institut de Recherche sur les Systèmes Complexes
R250 - Institut de recherche pour le Développement sociétal et territorial
Available on ORBi UMONS :
since 01 December 2020


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