Article (Scientific journals)
Mapping the dependency of crops on pollinators in Belgium
Jacquemin, Floriane; Violle, C; Rasmont, Pierre et al.
2017In One Ecosystem, 2
Peer reviewed


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Abstract :
[en] Background Because of their pollinating activity, insect pollinators provide an ecosystem service that is essential to ecosystems and our economy. A large majority of the flowering plants we consume depends on it. In turn, the decline in pollinators observed for the last decades in Belgium as in many other European countries threatens agriculture and human well-being. New information Here we evaluate the pollination service at a country-wide scale through the estimated value of the contribution of insect pollination to the production used for human consumption in Belgium using crop dependency ratios. We then mapped the vulnerability of crops in the face of pollinator decline at the provincial level. We show that the part of plant production for human food that we can attribute to the action of insect pollinators represents a value of about 251.6 million euros in 2010 in Belgium. As a result, 11.1 % of total value of Belgian plant production (in terms of fruit quantity and quality) depend on pollinators.
Research center :
BIOSYS - Biosys
Disciplines :
Phytobiology (plant sciences, forestry, mycology...)
Earth sciences & physical geography
Animal psychology, ethology & psychobiology
Author, co-author :
Jacquemin, Floriane
Violle, C
Rasmont, Pierre ;  Université de Mons > Faculté des Sciences > Service de Zoologie
Dufrene, Marc
Language :
Title :
Mapping the dependency of crops on pollinators in Belgium
Publication date :
26 July 2017
Journal title :
One Ecosystem
Publisher :
Pensoft, Sofia, Bulgaria
Volume :
Peer reviewed :
Peer reviewed
Research unit :
S869 - Zoologie
Research institute :
R100 - Institut des Biosciences
Available on ORBi UMONS :
since 23 February 2018


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