Keywords :
Embedded systems; Extended Kalman filter; FPGA; Pose estimation; Quaternion; Stewart platform; Inertial measurement unit; Low-cost sensors; Short periods; Simple geometries; Six degrees of freedom; Stewart platforms; Software; Control and Systems Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering; Artificial Intelligence; Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Abstract :
[en] This paper proposes a formulation of quaternion-based Extended Kalman Filter pose estimation for six degrees of freedom systems embedded in an FPGA with commercial processors. Our approach uses the fusion of a camera and an inertial measurement unit to estimate simultaneously the position and the orientation of the system of interest. In addition, a Stewart platform is used to validate and evaluate the estimated pose. Although this work considers the use of common low-cost sensors and the use of markers with simple geometry, the results show excellent performance of the developed filter, being able to estimate the pose and orientation with an error below 8.14 mm and 0.63o̱, respectively. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the approach has also been evaluated, showing that the filter is able to converge quickly when the markers are retrieved after a loss of camera data for a short period of time.
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