New host-parasitoid association and the Trojan horse strategy adopted by the cuckoo wasp Elampus bidens with two vectors of Flavescence Dorée: Scaphoideus titanus and Orientus ishidae
Bocca, Federico M.; Picciau, Luca; Rosa, Paoloet al.
parasitisation rate; invasive species; larvae development; integrated pest management; biological control
Disciplines :
Entomology & pest control
Author, co-author :
Bocca, Federico M.
Picciau, Luca
Rosa, Paolo ; Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté des Sciences > Service de Zoologie
Wood, Thomas James ; Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté des Sciences > Service de Zoologie
Caprio, Enrico
Niehuis, Oliver
Alma, Alberto
Language :
Title :
New host-parasitoid association and the Trojan horse strategy adopted by the cuckoo wasp Elampus bidens with two vectors of Flavescence Dorée: Scaphoideus titanus and Orientus ishidae
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