Acoustic events; Acoustic nonlinearity; Atmospheric attenuation; High-frequency harmonics; Higher-frequency harmonics; Linearisation; Muzzle blast; Nonlinear behaviours; Risks assessments; State of the art; Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous); Acoustics and Ultrasonics
Abstract :
[en] Acoustic events exceeding a certain threshold of intensity cannot benefit from a linearization of the governing wave equation, posing an additional burden on the numerical modelling. Weak shock theory associates nonlinearity with the generation of high frequency harmonics that compensate for atmospheric attenuation. Overlooking the persistence of this phenomenon at large distances can lead to mispredictions in gun detection procedures, noise abatement protocols, and auditory risk assessment. The state-of-the-art mostly addresses aircraft jet noise, a stationary and largely random type of signal. The extension of such conclusions to muzzle blasts requires caution in considering their peculiar impulsive and broadband nature. A methodology based on the time and frequency analysis of an experimental dataset of eight calibres intends to find quantitative metrics linked to acoustic nonlinearity in outdoor muzzle blast propagation. Propagating three waveforms (SCAR-L 7.62 mm, Browning 9 mm, and Howitzer 105 mm) up to 300 [m] with the in-house numerical solver based on the nonlinear progressive wave equation, demonstrates that the propagation does not downgrade to truly linear.
Disciplines :
Civil engineering
Author, co-author :
Billot, Guido; Department of Mechanical Engineering, Royal Military Academy, Brussels, Belgium
Marinus, Benoît G ; Department of Mechanical Engineering, Royal Military Academy, Brussels, Belgium
Harri, Kristof; Department of Mechanical Engineering, Royal Military Academy, Brussels, Belgium
Moiny, Francis ; Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté Polytechnique > Service de Physique Générale
Language :
Title :
Evolution of acoustic nonlinearity in outdoor blast propagation from firearms: On the persistence of nonlinear behavior.
R500 - Institut des Sciences et du Management des Risques
Funders :
Royal Higher Institute for Defence
Funding text :
The present work was supported by the scientific research funding of the Royal Higher Institute for Defence under Grant No. MSP19/01 (MilSOund). The authors wish to thank and acknowledge the contribution of the Artillery Battalion of the Belgian Defence, which made the firing ranges accessible to us; the Material Evaluation Center of the Directorate General Material Resources; W. Deweerdt, M. Van Cauter, J. Grossen, J. Weckx and A. Vanhove of the Royal Military Academy for their support; the master interns who contributed to the measurement campaign and the post-processing: S. Deschutter from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium); and P. Aubret and S. Bénet from the École spéciale militaire de Saint-Cyr (France).The present work was supported by the scientific research funding of the Royal Higher Institute for Defence under Grant No. MSP19/01 (MilSOund). The authors wish to thank and acknowledge the contribution of the Artillery Battalion of the Belgian Defence, which made the firing ranges accessible to us; the Material Evaluation Center of the Directorate General Material Resources; W. Deweerdt, M. Van Cauter, J. Grossen, J. Weckx and A. Vanhove of the Royal Military Academy for their support; the master interns who contributed to the measurement campaign and the post-processing: S. Deschutter from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium); and P. Aubret and S. Bénet from the École spéciale militaire de Saint-Cyr (France).
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