
Ho Hsi-Ming

Main Referenced Co-authors
BRIHAYE, Thomas  (3)
Geeraerts, Gilles (3)
Monmege, Benjamin (3)
Estiévenart, Morgane (1)
Milchior, Arthur (1)
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
CREMMI - Modélisation mathématique et informatique (3)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Electrical & electronics engineering (2)
Mathematics (1)

Publications (total 3)

The most downloaded
Brihaye, T., Geeraerts, G., Ho, H.-M., & Monmege, B. (2017). MightyL : A Compositional Translation from MITL to Timed Automata [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, Heidelberg, Germany.

The most cited

26 citations (Scopus®)

Brihaye, T., Geeraerts, G., Ho, H.-M., & Monmege, B. (2017). MightyL : A Compositional Translation from MITL to Timed Automata [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, Heidelberg, Germany.

Brihaye, T., Geeraerts, G., Ho, H.-M., Milchior, A., & Monmege, B. (2018). Efficient Algorithms and Tools for MITL Model-Checking and Synthesis [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, Melbourne, Australia.

Brihaye, T., Geeraerts, G., Ho, H.-M., & Monmege, B. (2017). MightyL : A Compositional Translation from MITL to Timed Automata [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, Heidelberg, Germany.

Brihaye, T., Estiévenart, M., Geeraerts, G., Ho, H.-M., Monmege, B., & Sznajder, N. (2016). Real-time Synthesis is Hard! Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Peer reviewed

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