Working paper (E-prints, Working papers and Research blog)
Emergence et professionnalisation de l'interprétation communautaire en Belgique francophone. Working Paper 02/2015 HumanOrg, 56 pages
Delizee, Anne


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Interprétation communautaire en Bekgique francophone_Delizée_humanOrg Working Paper 2015-02.pdf
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Abstract :
[en] The landscape of Community interpreting has evolved quite rapidly since the 1990s. In this paper, we look at its beginnings and its structuration in the French-speaking part of Belgium and compare the two coexisting professions, that of interpreter in social settings and that of intercultural mediator in health care. Practices are analyzed using seven relevant criteria and are then contrasted with the situation in the rest of the EU. In view of the results, we conclude that the French-speaking part of Belgium can be considered as an example of good practice with regards to its degree of professionalization in the field of Community interpreting
Disciplines :
Languages & linguistics
Author, co-author :
Delizee, Anne  ;  Université de Mons > Faculté de Traduction et d'Interprétation - Ecole d'Interprètes Internationaux > Traduction spécialisée et Terminologie
Language :
Title :
Emergence et professionnalisation de l'interprétation communautaire en Belgique francophone. Working Paper 02/2015 HumanOrg, 56 pages
Publication date :
15 May 2015
Number of pages :
Research unit :
T204 - Traduction spécialisée et Terminologie
Research institute :
R250 - Institut de recherche pour le Développement sociétal et territorial
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since 16 May 2015


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