Article (Scientific journals)
Epibiotic associations with the deep-sea pycnogonid Nymphon hirtipes Bell, 1855 as a source of biodiversity
Wambreuse, Noé; Hamel, Jean-François; Mercier, Annie
2021In Deep-Sea Research. Part I, Oceanographic Research Papers, 178, p. 103660
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi


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Wambreuse et al. (2022) Epiobitic associations with the deep-sea pycnogonid Nymphon hirtipes Bell, 1855 as a source of biodiversity.pdf
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Keywords :
Biogenic substrate; Epibionts; Epizoans; Micro-epibiont; Sea spider; Symbiosis; Benthic communities; Biogenic substrates; Cnidaria; Deep sea; Epibiont; Foraminifers; Sea spiders; Oceanography; Aquatic Science
Abstract :
[en] Among arthropods, pycnogonids are generally considered of minor ecological significance in marine ecosystems. However, the fact that they can host a wide diversity and high abundance of epibiotic organisms suggests that their role in benthic communities may be underestimated. The present study characterized the diversity, dynamics and role of the epibiotic community associated with deep-sea pycnogonids (Nymphon hirtipes). Despite their small size, they hosted a mean of 62 macro-organisms belonging to at least 26 species from 11 different phyla. Foraminifera was the dominant phylum while other phyla, such as Bryozoa, Cnidaria (Hydrozoa), Porifera and Brachiopoda were common. The macro-epibiont burden varied from 1 to 235 organisms per pycnogonid; it was consistent across depths and locations but fluctuated as a function of sex and of the reproductive state in males. Specifically, most colonized individuals were females, which are larger and thus offer more surface for epibionts. Among males, burdens peaked in those carrying larvae. Maximum epibiont burden and coverage was correlated with the cessation of grooming at the beginning of the breeding period. Micro-epibionts consisted of bacterial mats covering most body parts. Several epibionts were estimated to have negative effects on their host (e.g. increasing drag, preventing mating, decreasing limb mobility and impeding feeding). However, because this species dies after reproducing, epibiosis may be considered as a positive trade-off since it may provide food to the mobile juveniles living on the male for several months. Furthermore, epibionts could be used as camouflage during this period. N. hirtipes has been identified as a common component of the benthofauna in the deep sea of the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, and the present study indicates that it displays the greatest diversity and burden of associates ever reported among pycnogonids.
Disciplines :
Aquatic sciences & oceanology
Author, co-author :
Wambreuse, Noé  ;  Department of Ocean Sciences, Memorial University, St. John's (Newfoundland and Labrador), Canada
Hamel, Jean-François ;  Society for the Exploration and Valuing of the Environment, St. Philips (Newfoundland and Labrador), Canada
Mercier, Annie ;  Department of Ocean Sciences, Memorial University, St. John's (Newfoundland and Labrador), Canada
Language :
Title :
Epibiotic associations with the deep-sea pycnogonid Nymphon hirtipes Bell, 1855 as a source of biodiversity
Alternative titles :
[fr] Associations épibiontiques avec le pycnogonide d'eaux profondes Nymphon hirtipes Bell, 1855 comme source de biodiversité
Publication date :
December 2021
Journal title :
Deep-Sea Research. Part I, Oceanographic Research Papers
Publisher :
Elsevier Ltd
Volume :
Pages :
Peer reviewed :
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Research unit :
Biology of Marine Organisms and Biomimetics
Research institute :
Research Institute for Biosciences
Funding text :
We would like to thank Guillaume Caulier for collections in 2018 and for precious advice during the study; Sara Jobson and Heather Penney for collections in 2019, as well as for their help during the laboratory work; the crew of the CCGS Teleost and DFO staff for assistance during the research surveys; Luc Ector for providing bibliographic support and help with identification of diatoms; and the Laboratory of Marine Organism Biology and Biomimetics (University of Mons) for allowing us to use their scanning electron microscope. We also thank two anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments. This research was supported by a FAME grant from the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles to NW and by grants to AM from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Canada Foundation for Innovation.We would like to thank Guillaume Caulier for collections in 2018 and for precious advice during the study; Sara Jobson and Heather Penney for collections in 2019, as well as for their help during the laboratory work; the crew of the CCGS Teleost and DFO staff for assistance during the research surveys; Luc Ector for providing bibliographic support and help with identification of diatoms; and the Laboratory of Marine Organism Biology and Biomimetics (University of Mons) for allowing us to use their scanning electron microscope. We also thank two anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments. This research was supported by a FAME grant from the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles to NW and by grants to AM from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Canada Foundation for Innovation.
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