Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
30 years in the Making. Belgium as a laboratory to implement professional PSI in a diversified government structure
Delizee, Anne; Bruwier; Nicolas; Rillof; Pascal
2023Multiplicity in public service interpreting and translation
Peer reviewed


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Bruwier_Delizée_Rillof_2023_PSIT IN BELGIUM - 30 YEARS IN THE MAKING - INDIALOG 4.pdf
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Keywords :
Public service interpreting; Training; Education; PSI in Belgium
Abstract :
[en] Since the emergence of PSI as a profession in Belgium in the 90s, it has been impacted by governance complexities. The stakeholders had to overcome different constraints, while pursuing a common goal: to professionalise PSI. Firstly, the reason why Belgium can be considered as playing a laboratory role in the broader quest for PSI professionalisation and recognition will briefly explained. Belgium’s linguistic diversity has led to a federal political system consisting of three regions. As they govern person-related matters, the regions autonomously legislate matters such as PSI (local term: social service interpreting). To address this great heterogeneity, a federal PSI platform of reflection – COFETIS – worked between 2004 and 2009 to structure the sector, combining forces between Flemish, Walloon and Brussels PSI providers. Progress was made in terms of professionalisation, but PSI could not be unified at national level and lack of funding led to the termination of COFETIS in 2009. Nevertheless, using Belgium's political and linguistic diversity as a basis for reflection, the first concept of a European PSI organisation to streamline PSI quality and lobbying saw the light of day during the COFETIS board meetings – a precursor to a later crucial development in PSI: the birth of ENPSIT. Secondly, the PSI legal situation in Brussels, Flanders and Wallonia will be described. In 2021, the parties involved in the French-speaking PSI services have submitted a joint request to the relevant authorities for competence-based recognition. In addition, the bilingual Region of Brussels-Capital is currently drafting a regional decree allowing access to the profession on the basis of identified competencies and training. In Flanders, a 2013 Integration Decree formalises a PSI training and certification program and introduces an official register for PS Interpreters. Thirdly, the fit-for-purpose training and certification process that has existed at university level in French-speaking Belgium since 2015 will be developed. It is currently covering four levels of training and specialisation, to enrol interpreters in a continuous training process. The content of the curricula is at university level, but the administrative mechanisms adopted make them accessible whatever the initial educational level and whatever the working language. Training and certification are therefore open to people of migrant backgrounds and to languages of lesser diffusion, to best meet the needs of the stakeholders in the field. In Flanders, a set training and certification program has been established in 2004, that today comprises an information session, a preselection test, two training modules, a certification test and post-certification training.
Disciplines :
Languages & linguistics
Author, co-author :
Delizee, Anne  ;  Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté de Traduction et d'Interprétation - Ecole d'Interprètes Internationaux > Service de Traduction spécialisée et Terminologie
Bruwier; Nicolas;  SeTIS Bruxelles
Rillof; Pascal;  Agentschap Integratie & Inburgering
Language :
Title :
30 years in the Making. Belgium as a laboratory to implement professional PSI in a diversified government structure
Publication date :
18 September 2023
Event name :
Multiplicity in public service interpreting and translation
Event organizer :
InDialog 4 / UGent-ENPSIT
Event place :
Gand, Belgium
Event date :
Audience :
Peer reviewed :
Peer reviewed
Development Goals :
10. Reduced inequalities
Research unit :
T211 - Post-Soviet Space and Slavic Countries
Research institute :
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since 18 September 2023


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